Ka‘ena - Makahā - Waiʻanae - Nānākuli - Mā‘ili - Ko Olina
OFFICE OF HAWAIIAN AFFAIRS (OHA) Trustees Selected Stacy Kealohalani Ferreira as new CEO CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR FAITHFUL STAFFER !! A veteran of the Legislature, Ms. Ferreira was the Budget Chief of the Senate Ways and Means Committee since 2019. She is also a former executive strategy consultant and division director of Extension Educational Services for Kamehameha Schools where she also served as the trust coordinator for the Charles Reed Bishop Trust. She holds a Master’s in Education and a bachelor’s in communication from UH Manoa.
Ms. Kealohalani was born and raised in Mililani and a graduate of Star of the Sea High School. She touts a mo’okuahau spanning 17 generations with familial ties to the Moloka‘i, O‘ahu, and Hawai‘i. We know her to be a dynamically ambitious Hawaiian which is what propelled her to the top, above the other 550 applicants to now lead OHA to new horizons. OHA trustees select Stacy Kealohalani Ferreira as new CEO - The Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA) Who is Stacy Ferreira? Meet the new CEO at the Office of Hawaiian Affairs | Hawai'i Public Radio (
LEADERSHIP MEETING TO DEAL WITH WESTSIDE CRIMINAL ACTIVITY In the wake of the recent stabbing of an 11yo boy in Makaha Elementary along with the youth-involved beach homicides and weapon threats between high schools, we felt it was definitely time to meet with all of the community leaders, stakeholders, and any and all government agencies to pull together and work on a plan to address these existential crises. We also needed to discuss the persistent issues which are top priorities, including the gaming rooms, park mismanagement, houselessness, & fireworks. We met at the Wai’anae Police Station with the heads of our State Law Enforcement Agencies including the HPD Chief of Police (Arthur J. Logan), State Attorney General (Anne E. Lopez), Mayor Rick Blangiardi, City & County of Honolulu Managing Director Michael Formby, DLNR, DOCARE, Sheriffs, as well as, City Prosecutor Steve Alm. We came up with concrete and tangible solutions. There’s broad agreement that we need to quickly allocate additional resources and to also engage in robust community policing to monitor and report the troubling & concerning elements in all of our neighborhoods in order to restore the peace and tranquility we all remember and still deserve.