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WADAH PERPUSTAKAAN bruneilibraryassociation.wordpress.com


Sept 2011

ISSN 1609-4271



Jubli Perak 1986-2011 Silver Jubilee

SILVER JUBILEE TASK FORCE MEETINGS The committee met on 15 August 2011 and 23 August 2011 at ITB Library

Wadah Perpustakaan Bil.37 (Sept 2011)



The BLA Committee on Training and Certification met on 11 Aug 2011 to discuss the proposed new Diploma in Information science. It was chaired by Nellie DPH Sunny, BLA President cum Chair of NPAC on Library, Information Science Education. It was attended by Dyg Hjh Pusparaini (Secretary), Aw Hj Abdullah, Pg Hj Mohd Shahminan, Abu Hasrah, and Awg Hj Sahari.

BRUNEI DARUSSALAM PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS Compiled by Nellie Sunny Name Arbitration Association of Brunei Darussalam

Association of Travel Agents Brunei (ATAB) Est.11 March 1982

Biology Association of Brunei Darussalam (PBioBD) Est.2000

Brunei Association of Hotels (BAH)

Brunei Darussalam Association of Medical Laboratory Scientists (BAMLS) Est. 1999 Brunei Association for Science Education (BASE) Est.4 Aug 1997

Contact PO BOX 354 BS 8670 Bandar Seri Begawan Brunei Darussalam Tel: 2423 871 Fax: 2423 870 P.O.Box 485 Gadong Post Office Gadong BE3978 email.info@bruneitravelagents.org www.bruneitravelagents.org C/O Biology Department Faculty of Science Universiti Brunei Darussalam Jalan Tungku Link Berakas BE1410 Tel: 2463001~1373 Fax:2461502 email.zohrah.sulaiman@gmail.com Pbiobd.blogspot.com P.O.Box. 2033, Main Post Office Bandar Seri Begawan BS8674 Tel.2342026 Fax.2342027 Email.bahsecretariat@gmail.com c/o Dept of Laboratory Services RIPAS Hospital Bandar Seri Begawan BA1710 STEP Centre Simpang 125 Jalan Muara Bandar Seri Begawan BB4713 Tel. 2335960

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From page 2 Brunei Association of Banks (BAB)

Brunei Darussalam Association of Food Science and Technology Est 2 Aug 2005 Brunei Association of Surveyors, Engineers and Architects, Engineers and Surveyors (PUJA)= Pertubuhan Ukur, Jurutera dan Arkitek NBD Est.31 January 1984 Brunei Darussalam Astronomical Society Est 6 January 2003

Brunei Darussalam Institute of Chemistry Est 18 December 1977 as Brunei Darussalam Chemical Society

Brunei Darussalam Computer Society (PKBD) Est.1983 Brunei Darussalam Institute of Certified Public Accountants (BICPA) Est.1987

Brunei Darussalam Library Association (BLA) Est.11 March 1986

Brunei Darussalam Nurses Association (PENJURU) Est. 1984

Brunei Darussalam Special Education Association=Persatuan Pendidikan Khas (FITRAH) EST.1994

c/o Baiduri Bank Berhad Block A, Unit 1, 1st Floor, Kiarong Complex Lebuhraya Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Gadong BE 1318 Tel.2455444/2268304 Fax:245 5222 Email: andrew@baiduri.com C/O Agriculture and Agrifood Department Bandar Seri Begawan BB3510 Email.bdafst@gmail.com Email.bdafst@yahoo.com www.puja-brunei.org

Astronomy Unit, Control Division, Survey Department. Bandar Seri Begawan. BB3510. Email.pabd@bruneiastronomy.org www.bruneiastronomy.org c/o Department of Chemistry Faculty of Science Universiti Brunei Darussalam Jalan Tungku Link Gadong BE1410 Tel: 2463001~1340 Fax:2461502 email.bic@bruneichemistry.net Email.bic.brunei@gmail.com http://bruneichemistry.net Www.pkbd.org.bn P.o. Box.30, Gadong Post Office, Gadong BE3978 Tel.2233945 Fax.2454946 Email.bicpa@brunet.bn www.bicpabrunei.com c/o Class 64 Library SOASC, Jalan Tengah, Bandar Seri Begawan BS8411 www.bruneilibraryassociation.wordpress.com email.Pobox.bla@gmail.com c/o No.6, Jalan 31,Spg.47, Perpindahan Lambak Kanan, Berakas BC2915 Tel.2242424-560 Fax.2421962 Email.Julani.latip@yahoo.co.uk Email.jlatip@hotmail.com c/o Special Education Unit Ministry of Education Spg.373-18, Jalan Pasar Baharu Gadong BE1310 Brunei Darussalam Tel. 2446553 Fax. 2446551

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TALC 2011 Conference by Dyg Hjh Pusparaini Hj Thani Library Officer, Institut Teknologi Brunei

"Connections: the road ahead" is the theme for the Australasian TAFE Library Conference and explored on the contemporary issues facing TAFE libraries in the 2nd decade of the millennium along the twin themes of: * State differences and a national TAFE library direction * Specific issues facing the TAFE library sector, for example Higher Education and consortia/collaboration. The conference took place from the 28 – 29 July 2011 at the Angliss Conference Centre in Melbourne and held every two years. It was organised by the VATL which is ‘The Victorian Association of TAFE Libraries’ (VATL) is a network of TAFE Institute Libraries which provides expert advice, products and services to its members and clients to improve the overall quality of vocational education and training. It has as its members the library staff of each TAFE Institute library, and of each Post Secondary Institution with a TAFE responsibility. It was previously known as the Victorian Association of TAFE Institute Librarians (VATL) and prior to that, its name was the Victorian Association of TAFE College Librarians (VATCL). VATCL was established in 1972, and celebrated its 200th meeting in 1998.

Angliss Conference Centre - Venue

Registration – First Day

With the committee members An icebreaker session and other fun activities organised. At each tea break, two brief product presentations from the exhibitors were done at about 5 minutes each. On the first day, 2 library tours were arranged to William Angliss Institute Learning Resource Centre, RMIT Library Go to page 5

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From page 4 (Swanston Street Campus) and Victoria University Library. There was a Q &A Panel Discussion on the second day to wrap up the conference. Questions from participants were collected over the two days. These questions were then projected and discussed with the selected panels. Icebreaker Session


Speakers and Presentations In total there were 20 speakers, mainly from Australia. There was 1 keynote speaker and 2 foreign speakers from the USA and Vietnam. Interestingly, one foreign speaker, Mr Marshall Breeding, Director for Innovative Technology and Research, Vanderbilt University Library and Founder and editor, Library Technology Guides presented through a live feed from the USA. His topic was on ‘Looking forward: new generation resource discovery and library automation platforms’. Personally this was my first experience in a teleconferencing session during a conference. The only hiccup was the delayed start of the presentation due to some technological issues. Offical Opening & Keynote Speaker by Sue Hutley ALIA Executive Director

Marshall breeding – Live feed from USA

Overview The conference was an eye opener as career development. It provides interesting insights on issues such as: 1. Networking and collaboration § Fellow librarians in terms of sharing of ideas from each other’s experience. § Libraries – the visit was suitable as a way of learning the kinds of services provided in other University Libraries. Also learnt that it is possible to have a staff attachment arrangement especially with RMIT Library. § Exhibitors – was able to talk to the vendors personally and inquire about their products and services for libraries. Made some contacts with Emerald, Ex-Libris, I-Group, VEA Videos, Ebscohost etc. Go to page 7

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From page 3

Brunei Counseling Association (PERKAB)

Brunei English Language Teachers Association (BELTA) Est april 1973 as Brunei Association of Teachers of English as a foreign language. Renamed BELTA in April 2004 Brunei Freight Forwarders Association (BRUFA)

Brunei Historical Society (PASEBAR) Est. 8 February 1984

Brunei Malay Teachers Association=Persekutuan Guru-Guru Melayu Brunei (PGGMB) Est. Brunei Medical Association

Brunei Nature Society

Brunei Translators Association Est.1983 Consumer Association Brunei Darussalam (CAB) Est 24 February 2001 Darusy syifa Warrafahah=Persatuan Perubatan Islam dan Kebajikan Est. 24 July 2007

Geographical Association Brunei Darussalam Est.1990

Institution of Engineering and Technology Brunei Darussalam (IET) Est 1997

c/o Academic Group Convener Psychological Studies and Human Development SHBIE, Universiti Brunei Darussalam Jalan Tungku Link, Gadong BE1410 Perkab.blogspot.com c/o Ministry of Education Bandar Seri Begawan BB3510 Email.beltasec@brudirect.com bruneibelta.blogspot.com st

No.10, 1 floor, Block C, Sufri Shopping Complex, Seri Complex Bandar Seri Begawan BA1712 Tel.2242401 Fax.2220896 c/o Academy of Brunei Studies Universiti Brunei Darussalam Jalan Tungku Link Gadong BE1410 Tel: 2463001~1725 Fax:2461518 PO Box 2230 Main Post Office Bandar Seri Begawan BS8674 Tel. 2652910 Fax. 2652911 P.O.Box 481,Mail Processing Centre Berakas, BB3577 email.Brunei.medical.association@gmail.com email.bruneimedics@gmail.com www.bruneimedics.org P.O.Box. 2241, Main Post Office Bandar Seri Begawan BS8574 bruneinaturesociety.org email.Brunei_nature_society@hotmail.com fatma2000@hotmail.com terjemahbrunei.blogspot.com Consumer.association.brunei@groups. facebook.com Rumah Darusy syifa Warrafahah Lot. 17451, Unit A,Spg.184-41-30, Kg Manggis, Jalan Madang Berakas BC3715 Hp. 7160807 Darussyifa-warrafahah.org Secretariat c/o Department of Geography Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences Universiti Brunei Darussalam Jalan Tungku Link Gadong BE1410 Tel.2461528 Fax.2461528 P.O.Box 122, Anggerek Desa Post Office, Berakas BB3713 email.ietbic@gmail.com www.theiet.org.bn

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From page 6 Law Society of Brunei Darussalam Est. 23 July 2007

Panaga Natural History Society

Reading and Literacy Association Brunei Darussalam=Persatuan Pembacaan dan Literasi (PPL) Est.28 Aug 1993 Royal Brunei Flying Club

Sawmillers Association of Brunei Darussalam

Shipping Agents Association of Brunei Darussalam (SAABD)

Young Entrepreneurs Association Brunei (YEAB) Est.21 June 2000

P.o.Box.66, Seri Complex Post Office Bandar Seri Begawan BA1779 Email.secretary@bruneilawsociety.org bruneilawsociety.wordpress.com c/o Brunei Shell Petroleum Company Seria, Belait KB3534 Pnhsbrunei.blogspot.com PO Box 501 Mail Processing Centre Berakas BB3577

P.O. Box.311. Mail Processing Centre Berakas . BB 3577 Tel.2344224. Fax.2344224 P.O.Box. 311. Seri Complex Post Office, Bandar Seri Begawan BA1779 Fax.2431060 No.10 1stFloor, Block J, Abdul Razak Complex, Gadong, BE3519 Tel.2421457 Fax.2421453 P.O.Box. 476, Main Post Office, Bandar Seri Begawan BS8670 c/o Cedar Management Services, 179, Kg Kumbang Pasang Bandar Seri Begawan BA1511 Tel.2230506/10 Fax.2230499 Email.yeabrunei@gmail.com

From page 5 2. Library Trends & Technology Trends § Information Literacy programmes conducted by Learning Resource Centre of the Institution – the Library and CCTL. § Library sits with Student Learning Services and Learning Technologies/Flexible Learning units, Learning Hub/Commons, with IT helpdesk services § Information Commons Technology – what is happening now ü Wireless ü Mobile technologies ü Creation and use of online teaching materials ü Preparing students ü Integrating social software ü Learning Technologies Unit - This new team, which includes the Digital Librarian and Assistant Librarian (Digital), is responsible for the support of online learning environments such as Moodle, Primo, Repository, and the identification and trialling of emerging technologies. ü 2010 has seen the development of a Library Blog, Facebook page, internal staff wiki and experimentation with software for creating subject pages”.

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PURSUING FURTHER STUDIES BLA wishes every success in their studies to the following ILM graduates: Dyg Sarina ILM03 (LDP) and Dyg Amalina ILM06 (private) who left earlier this year and are currently in Australia pursuing a 2 year Advanced Diploma in Information and Library Studies at Canberra Institute of Technology. Dyg Rabiatul ILM06 who is studying HND in Information Systems at Institut Teknologi Brunei Dyg Norliha Mohd Din ILM06 (govt) who is studying BSc Information and Library Studies at Aberystwyth University Dyg Zuriani ILM06 (govt) pursuing a 2 year Advanced Diploma in Information and Library Studies at Canberra Institute of Technology in Feb 2012.

HAPPENINGS 19 Jul 2011

2 Aug 2011

The Prime Minister's Office (PMO) released details of the new tertiary level education allowance which will be extended to all citizens and residents working in the private sector. The allowance would be given to Employees Trust Fund's (TAP) members, whose children are studying at accredited private tertiary institutions at the certificate, pre-diploma, diploma, higher diploma and degree levels in the country. Ministry of Defence will have a new JAMAAT building and a new Pentadbiran Bolkiah building by November this year costing BND3m on a one acre site. JAPEM organised a Projek Memeduli Warga Emas at Muara Beach Majlis Ramah Mesra and Junjung Ziarah Bersama Rakyat in Brunei Muara District Conclusion of 65 times recital of the Al-Quran by 1,040 readers at Istana Nurul Iman th 300 athletes took part in the 5 Pre National Sports Meet ITB offers 22 programmes for 2011/2012 academic year Knowledge Convention th Sovereign’s Parade for 5 intake of Officer Cadets th Defence Academy of RBAF to get its own campus under 9 National Development Plan DST new brand identity launched From 1 Aug 2011, TelBru charges 1% administrative charges on all unpaid telephone bills and outstanding balances In a continuous effort in combating money laundering and terrorism financing activities, with effect from 1 Aug, every person moving into or out of Brunei Darussalam, Physical Currency and Bearer Negotiable Instruments with total value exceeding BND15,000 (or its equivalent in a foreign currency) is required to declare / report such amount to the officers of the Royal Customs and Excise Department upon arrival or officers of Immigration and National Registration Department upon departure st 1 day of Ramadan 1432

18 Aug 2011

Nuzul Al-Quran

22 Jul 2011 23 Jul 2011 24 Jul 2011 25 July 2011 25 Jul 2011 25 Jul 2011 26-28 Jul 2011 28 July 2011 28 July 2011 29 July 2011 1 Aug 2011 1 Aug 2011


All materials are copyrighted and any form of reproduction is not permitted without the permission of the publisher. WADAH PERPUSTAKAAN is published by Š Brunei Darussalam Library Association, c/o Class 64 Library, SOASC, Jalan Tengah (Gate 7), Bandar Seri Begawan BS8411. email:pobox.bla@gmail.com. Editor: Nellie Dato Paduka Haji Sunny. Photo credits. Nellie, Hjh Pusparaini Layout: Nooralizah Mohamad and Nurul Fajrina Kamaluddin

Wadah Perpustakaan Bil.37 (Sept 2011)


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