Issue 15, Vol 142, The Brunswickan

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Green Matters // why the brunswickan went tabloid >> PAgE 7 Volume 142 · Issue 15 • January 7, 2009

brunswickan canada’s oldest official student publication.

the money issue.

Andrew Meade / The Brunswickan

It’s no secret that life costs a lot of money – and so does university. In this issue, the Brunswickan explores the ups and downs of the almighty dollar.

Where our precious tuition dollars go $ Sarah Ratchford The Brunswickan

It’s no secret that tuition is costly. Coupled with additional fees for the Student Union, campus media, facilities improvement, technology and a health and dental plan, the total cost of fees at UNB is $6070 for the average student in 2009. It doesn’t stop here either – books are virtually a mandatory purchase, and for some, like science students, the price of textbooks can climb to $1,000 per year.

While other fees are broken down and explained, many students are left questioning where that big, bulky tuition fee is going. The answer is not so complex as one may think, however. Tuition fees go straight into the university’s operating budget, says VP Finance and Corporate Services Dan Murray. The operations budget is comprised of “all of the operations of the university for each campus day to day, such as teaching, libraries, scholarships, and student services,” Murray explains. All of those things are paid for by the operating budget, which, this year, is $161 million. “Students pay for 34 per cent of the operating budget,” Murray says, which means that $55 million stems

from students’ tuition. “One of every three dollars in the operating budget is paid for by students,” Murray simplifies. He goes on to outline exactly what this budget pays for in comparison with other universities. “About 57 per cent goes to instruction,” he says. This category includes faculty salaries, technical positions, and supplies, among others. The Canadian average is on par with UNB, Murray says, at 56 to 57 per cent. About 12.4 per cent of the university’s operating budget is spent on utilities, electricity, and maintenance. This is in comparison with the 11 per cent national average. Murray cites the age of UNB as a main factor for its slightly higher

expenditure. Acquisition of library books, electronics, and library staff must also be paid for; the “library” category eats up 6.3 per cent of the operating budget. 9.5 per cent takes care of central IT, administration, HR Finance and the President’s office. The Canadian average is 10 per cent. The remaining 5.6 per cent is dedicated to student services, which include scholarships, the Health Centre, campus recreation, and the like. Not all students are treated alike when it comes



2 • Jan. 7, 2009 • Issue 15 • Volume 142

Leslie Bruce lives on through scholarship Sarah Ratchford The Brunswickan

Leslie Bruce was an active environmentalist and volunteer, and after the UNB student’s untimely death two years ago, her friends and family started a scholarship fund in her name. In a great show of support, more than 300 donors created the scholarship. The award has just been presented for the first time to fourth year Renaissance College student Andrea Norlund. In a statement released by the university, Norlund is described as being an incredibly active environmentalist, having worked on conservation projects in Ecuador, where she worked at a tree nursery, as well as working in an organic garden and helping to prepare organic coffee. Norlund also volunteers at the Stan Cassidy Centre in Fredericton. On Dec. 7, 2006 Bruce was struck by a tow truck while crossing the highway behind the Aitken Centre. She was 26. Bruce’s father Mike calls Norlund “a very well qualified individual. Hopefully future recipients will be as well qualified.” He says that her lifestyle very much matches that of his daughter. Bruce’smemorialscholarshipisavailable to full-time students at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. Recipients can hail from any discipline. Also, students from either UNB campus—Fredericton or Saint John— can apply. The award is valued at $5,000 annually. Eligibility is based on environmental leadership. Bruce herself was extremely active in both local and worldwide environmental pursuits, participating in a variety of activities. In 2002, she organized

Submitted to the Brunswickan

Andrea Norlund (centre), the first recipient of the Leslie E. Bruce Environmental Scholarship is congratulated by Leslie’s father, Michael Bruce, and his partner Anne Musgrave. Norlund is a fourth year student at Renaissance College. a coast-to-coast cycling trip which taught participants of the dangers of greenhouse gases. Her father explains that the cyclists were accompanied by a bus that ran on vegetable oil. “They got that bloody bus from coast to coast,” he chuckles. She also traveled to Seattle to join World Trade Organization protesters, and to Britain, where she learned to build straw bale homes. She also went to Australia to gain first-hand experience of the ways in which people lived off the land. “She was on a mission on each one of


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those trips,” says her father. In a recent press release issued by UNB, President John McLaughlin stated his feelings about the scholarship: “It’s very moving to see Leslie’s scholarship benefit another young woman who works so hard and gives generously of her time to improve the environment and our community,” he says. “IhopethatitissomecomforttoLeslie’s

family to know that this scholarship will continue to benefit many generations of students who demonstrate their interest and enthusiasm for protecting the world environment.” At the time of Bruce’s death, the environmentalist was a co-owner of a 150 acre sustainable organic farm and green school at Tabusintac, N.B. In 2005, she returned to school to obtain an education

degree, with which she had planned to teach young people about the important task of sustaining our environment. Mr. Bruce calls Leslie’s scholarship a way of “carrying her wishes forward in the body of someone else.” Although the scholarship has already been established, donations to the Leslie E. Bruce Environmental Scholarship are still graciously accepted.


Jan. 7, 2009 • Issue 15 • Volume 142• 3

Andrew Meade / The Brunswickan

Textbooks are a costly part of student life. If you were smart with your money last fall, maybe you can afford them this semester. If not, read on.

Setting the budget for student life Although it can be tempting to get carried away in living one’s life to the fullest during the university years, it pays to be smart with your money


Hilary Paige Smith The Brunswickan

Today’s students shell out thousands of dollars on living, eating, and staying entertained. This, paired with the cost of a university education, equals a potentially massive debt load. Banks, as well as the Canadian and

New Brunswick governments, provide students with financial assistance. Support from banks can include bank loans and lines of credit. Daniel Monid, a Financial Services Manager with the Bank of Montreal and UNB graduate, highlights some of the merits of a student line of credit. The Bank of Montreal’s student line of credit program includes benefits directed at young adults like lower interest rates and interest-only payments during the years of schooling and the year following that ensure that students are not paying back more than they are financially able per month. “It really allows you to establish yourself and because you are a student, we understand that and we are trying to help you get your education,” says Monid. Despite the benefits that the student line of credit offers, Monid encourages students to look for government

assistance before taking one out. Lines of credit can be difficult for students to obtain while they are only working part time and don’t have years of establishing credit and making money to back it up. “Because you have a student line of credit, it becomes very easy to spend that money. It’s almost free money at the time. You don’t realize how long it takes to pay that money back,” Monid says. He says students that have a line of credit with four per cent interest shouldn’t think of a $100 purchase at its retail value, but should be including the interest rate in their purchases. “Always price stuff up and say ‘Is it worth it? Do I really want to pay that extra bit of money for it?’ That’s a quick way to do it in your head while you’re purchasing.” Some students of today’s information age are concerned with procuring the

latest technology as quickly as possible. Students risk hundreds of dollars in fees from the cellular mobility providers by breaking from contracts and getting premature upgrades for the latest phones. Robin Hebb, a first year student, says, “I think that people spend too much money on clothing and electronics. They want the latest and greatest things to be ahead of everybody else and pay no attention to the cost.” The majority of students with jobs are working at a part time, minimum wage level throughout the year. For students living in residence, a lot of their paychecks contribute to “spending money” for extra groceries, clothing and nights out with friends. Students living off campus run a higher risk of over-spending because their money is doled out monthly, instead of in two lump sums. Students looking to better manage

their money should set a weekly limit on spending money for themselves and take that much cash out at the beginning of the week. This has you spending tangible money instead of what can seem like limitless plastic. Any money left over each week should go towards a special purchase or towards a vacation. Also, buying gift cards for the grocery store ensures that you don’t overstock that month by buying only what you know you need. Monid says that an essential part of handling your finances as a student is being knowledgeable about banking and credit. He advises all students to take a trip to their bank and ask questions about subjects that are unclear to better understand the value of money. Monid says, “When it comes to budgeting, it’s a juggling act between needs and wants. You’ve got to live a little, but you also have to live smartly.”

It’s no secret: Students love to spend $

Andrew McMonagle The Uniter

WINNIPEG (CUP) – Today’s student spends money on food, alcohol, and technology, continuously accruing debt in the process, according to a recent study. Students seem to have more money today than 20 years ago, but even with rising tuition costs, students find many ways to spend their money

outside school. According to a survey conducted by Statistics Canada, the average Canadian student spends an average of $5,400 during the academic year on miscellaneous non-educational items, like transportation, food, and entertainment. “This back-to-school season we sold nearly 200 laptop computers,” said Lucas Penner, manager of Powerland Computers at the University of Winnipeg. About 95 per cent of these computers were Apple brand, at the average cost of about $1,200 each. About half of the Canadian

graduating undergraduate class of 2000 had incurred government debt, Statistics Canada found. The average debt was $19,500, with 14 per cent accruing a debt of more than $25,000. “I spend money on travelling, buying movies and DVDs,” said Lucas Debien, 20, an international student at the University of Winnipeg. “I spend around $400 on movies per month, and I like to go to nice restaurants too. My parents support me.” “I spend more money on alcohol than on food,” said Amanda

the brunswickan.

Lievana, a second-year arts student. “I have two jobs and am in debt. I have a savings account so I put a lot of money away, about equal to what I spend on food and booze.” But, not all students shop the same. “What I’ve noticed in comparing my behaviour with younger students is that I’m more than willing to spend money on books and downloads,” said mature student Richard Stecenko, 59. “I’ve bought several books that were just casually mentioned in class. In talking to my classmates, they seemed surprised that I would willingly part with

money for this.” “I spend less money on entertainment now, but that’s mainly a sign of slowing down as you get older,” he said. “When I was the age of my classmates [now], I would go out every day of the weekend.” Some are more frugal than others. “My friends and I go out a lot and drink coffee for long periods,” said Dmytro Yamchuck, 19, a secondyear biopsychology student. “I eat out a couple of times a week, but university is great because if you stay on campus there are lots of free things.”

story meetings are wednesdays at 12:30 in SUB room 35. want to write or shoot for the bruns? drop by and we’ll set you up – and even guide you along the way.

4 • Jan. 7, 2009 • Issue 15 • Volume 142

Picking priorities: part time vs. party time


Sarah Ratchford The Brunswickan

Getting a part-time job can seem like a daunting task, especially for the university student whose time is largely monopolized by socializing and classes. However, it is possible to find a part-time job that is enjoyable as well as financially beneficial. Anne Soucy, Manager of UNB’s Student Employment Service, has many tips and tricks for the part-time job hunter. One of the best ways to obtain a part-time job, she says, is through the university’s Work-Study program. Criteria for the program include at least a 2.0 GPA, as well as a certain level of financial need. Soucy says, however, that that particular component is “nothing to worry about.” “It’s a great opportunity,” she says. Work study students are paid $10 per hour, plus vacation pay. “Students will work on campus for 10 hours per week,” Soucy says. She says the program is a good chance for career exploration. For example, if an engineering student has interest in business, he or she may complete a work study in the business department.

Aside from the work study program, there are many other avenues one can take to get a job. Soucy suggests following your interests—if you like sports and being active, apply at the gym, she suggests. Jobs are available from time to time in lifeguarding or the front desk. Also, various faculties have research grants, and some have jobs available. Check with your professor to see if positions need to be filled. Jobs are also available through the library, Sodexo, cleaning services, and the Aitken Centre. “There are lots of jobs you don’t think about,” Soucy says. She mentions the SEED program, applications for which are now available through the Employment Centre at Neville Homestead or at the SUB. For off-campus job hunters, Soucy cites a good resume as the ultimate tool. She says a good resume will have “lots of white space and be easy to read.” She also suggests tailoring resumes to fit the job, offering only relevant information. “Find the key points of the job description and plan your resume around that,” she says. The bottom line of job hunting is this: “be investigative and see what’s out there,” she says. Also, don’t be afraid of networking: “everybody knows someone,” says Soucy.

brunswickannews Smoked out: Tobacco power walls banned

Andrew Meade / The Brunswickan

Dan Bungay is an employee of the university’s SUB store. He says the new ban on tobacco “power wall” displays, part of a Tobacco Sales Act amendment, will not stop longtime smokers from smoking.

Josh O’Kane

The Brunswickan

The once colourful back wall of the Campus Convenience Shoppe in the SUB is now a sea of grey. An amendment to New Brunswick’s Tobacco Sales Act last spring came into force on Jan. 1, 2009, which prohibits the display of or advertisement regarding tobacco products in retail stores. This has left some convenience stores with tobacco “power walls” behind their cash register – including the Campus Convenience Shoppe – looking quite different. “I don’t think it’s going to stop people from buying cigarettes,” says Diane Storey, manager of the Campus Convenience Shoppe. Dan Bungay, a cashier at the Shoppe, says that long-time smokers aren’t really affected because they still know what they want. “I don’t think it really alters anyone’s addiction,” says Bungay. “Most questions that we get are from people that don’t smoke all the time. People know that (the tobacco products are) there, regardless, so they won’t have any effects in the long run. “I don’t think it will affect sales.”

Bungay says that for store employees, it can be more of a hassle. “Employees that aren’t familiar with tobacco products will have to look through all the slots all the time,” says Bungay. “It’s kind of ridiculous from the worker’s perspective. “As far as people coming in here, I don’t think they have any qualms, as long as the prices are the same,” he continues. “I don’t think the visibility factor will play much part.” Kenneth Maybee, President and CEO of the Lung Association of New Brunswick, says that the ban on power walls is a victory for the association, which has been fighting for the ban for four years. “It’s a powerful step in the right direction,” says Maybee. Power walls have been used by tobacco companies to draw in smokers for far too long, says the association’s president. Removing power walls, he says, removes the temptations given to those susceptible to start or trying to quit. “We believe that power walls are one of the most important aspects of tobacco control… these are huge displays of tobacco products. You have children and people trying to quit

smoking seeing it. It’s in your face all of the time,” he says. “We know a large number of people want to quit smoking and that people realize tobacco will kill you. We know that anyone who smokes for any period of time will get acute bronchitis and emphysema, following with early death. This will go a long way toward our constant vigil of reducing the power of tobacco companies on Canadian citizens. It’s been a long battle.” Store manager Storey, however, believes it’s a hindrance to tobacco vendors in the province. “I think it’s an unnecessary thing, an expense stores didn’t need.” She also thinks the mysterious coverings appearing over power walls across the province won’t help either. “What you can’t have is what you want,” says Storey. Maybee dismisses such claims as a fabrication of the tobacco industry. “Studies have clearly demonstrated that the discontinuation of power walls will reduce tobacco consumption. These are detailed surveys that were done.” The New Brunswick Lung Association’s next goal, says Maybee, is to prevent smoking in cars with children under the age of 19.

Tuition funds one-third of UNB operating budget FROM TUITION PAGE 1

to the payment of tuition. The average undergraduate fee for tuition is $5,482, says Murray. For Engineering students, the number rises to $6,482. Members of the faculty of Law pay an average of $9,032. Further, international students face a supplementary cost of $6,009. “The university’s grant from the

Administration 9.5%

government doesn’t include funding for international students, so we have to charge them,” Murray explains. He says this is “pretty common across Canada.” In explanation of rising tuition costs, Murray explains that “each year the cost of operating the university goes up.” This, he says, is due to rising energy costs, increasing of salaries, even the cost of library books. “There’s a cost increase that

Student Services 5.6%

the university is exposed to every year. You need to recover that.” Tuition costs for the next academic year are as yet undetermined. The budget, too is uncertain, says Murray. He says he hopes things will go similarly to this past year, in which there was a tuition freeze in New Brunswick, and the government gave New Brunswick universities a 7 per cent increase in return for doing so.


Library 6.3%

Maintenance & Utilities 12.4%

Instruction 57%


Jan. 7, 2009 • Issue 15 • Volume 142• 5

Managing your bank book like a grown-up


Josh O’Kane The Brunswickan As you take the step into university, a variety of new challenges present themselves on a daily basis. Alongside the pressure of classes comes the pressure of managing your finances. Money doesn’t grow on trees, as many students have found out over their first semester away from home. Without keeping an eye on the bank book, the first step into grown-up life can be a costly one. There are, however, steps students can take to keep their bankbooks in check. Colette Delaney, senior vicepresident of guaranteed investment certificates, deposits and payments for CIBC, breaks down the steps to money management for students. “The three keys to managing your money at school are establishing your goals, setting a budget, and making the most of what you have by looking for ways to save money where you can,” she said. Establishing a budget is one step of the process, she says, but you need to stick to it in order to make it work. “When you are setting your budget, it’s important to include everything and be realistic. That means budgeting for the costs of entertainment and your social life in addition to necessities like rent, food, and so on.” According to a 2008 study by Forrester Research, close to 40 per cent of students ages 18-25 don’t feel they are properly informed about personal financial products – versus 25 per cent of all Canadians. The research also suggests that only 47 per cent of students aged 18-25 keep careful track of their finances. “Tracking your spending is

Andrew Meade / The Brunswickan

For many students, money may not be as abundant as in the above photo. However, with proper management of one’s bankbook, finances need not be as painful as they seem. important to ensuring that you’re on track,” said Delaney. “A great way to do this is to check your account history [via online banking] or read your statement every month and compare what you are spending against your monthly income.” “If you are over budget, it’s better to find out in the fall so you can make adjustments,” she added. The bigger an issue money

becomes, she says, the more likely it can distract students from their studies. “Money problems can distract students from getting the most out of their education, which is why it’s so important for students to have a plan in place to help them take charge of their financial goals before they start the school year,” said Delaney. Successful money management

includes such simple steps as identifying short and long-term goals and using only your bank’s brand personal banking machines to avoid unnecessary fees. Establishing good credit by paying off credit cards monthly is also important. “Do a little homework to determine where you stand financially before you start classes, and what you need to do to walk out of your last

exam in the spring in great financial shape,” said Delaney. “Having your finances in order allows you to stay focused on your studies and get more out of your student experience, knowing that you have a plan in place and are building a foundation for the future.” This story first appeared as a special feature of the Canadian University Press frosh supplement.

Finding fabulous, functional, frugal furniture $ Sarah Ratchford The Brunswickan

It is no secret that some of the nicest furniture out there happens to be very expensive, and particularly unattainable for students, whose money is betrothed to pay tuition. However, if you are a student who is about to move out of residence or mommy and daddy’s house, there is no need to feel doomed to a dull apartment. It is perfectly possible to have a beautiful abode on a strict budget. The first trick of the trade is to check out family leftovers. Mom might be remodeling soon and willing to donate some items, and Gran’s basement is probably overflowing with one-of-a-kind antiques. Before you purchase a single thing, make a list of everything you need and call all of your relatives. You’ll probably find at least half of the items you’re looking for. Third year biology student Sarah Wilkin has certainly learned this lesson. “I got my furniture from neighbours and relatives,” she says. Wilkin and her roommates couldn’t find a couch, so they purchased one on Kijiji for a good price. Other than

that, she says, “we got everything else pretty much for free. In reality, you probably know someone who wants to get rid of an old table or couch that’s been collecting dust in the basement.” Ben Day, a third year Arts student at UNB, says the same thing. When asked how he obtained his furnishings, he offers the witty response, “I didn’t get any furniture. We got it from our parents.” He and his roommates were given furniture from family and friends for the most part. If the family fails you, scour local garage sales. One person’s junk is truly another person’s treasure. Also, don’t be afraid to get creative. If someone is selling a coffee table for $10 and it’s an ugly colour, buy it anyway. Check out your parents’ garage for some paint to spruce it up, or go out and buy a can if there is none available. Paint is also a great, cost-effective trick to liven up the walls of your place. If your apartment lacks character, paint your bedroom your favourite colour. Be sure to check with the landlord first though—usually painting is allowed as long as the original colour is restored upon termination of the lease. Customizing the look of a space makes it really belong to the person

who lives there. This idea brings us to our next trick, which is thrift and antique shops. Thrift shops are veritable treasure troves for wellpriced and yet unique items. They’re also a great way to score a retro look— think interesting geometric kitchen chairs and kitschy teapots. When it comes to university kitchens, the key is in avoiding snobbishness. Dollar stores sell salad bowls, utensils, carrot graters, wine glasses, and more for, you guessed it, a dollar! When it comes to furnishing a university apartment, take the old and make it new again. Not only is this technique friendly on the wallet, it also puts to use the three R’s: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. You’ll be improving both your karma and your savings account.


Some furniture is expensive, and some furniture looks like this. It’s not hard to find a happy medium.


6 • Jan. 7, 2009 • Issue 15 • Volume 142

How to escape your cellphone contract $ Amy Minsky The Concordian

MONTREAL (CUP) – We will all endure a handful of hardships throughout our lifetime, but it’s almost certain that nothing will be harder than trying to get out of a cellphone contract. Companies get your attention with fun advertisements and fancy new handsets at discounted prices. Then they suck you into two and three-year contracts. Lots of students have a hard time committing to anything for three weeks, let alone three years. Whether you’ve had your phone for a few weeks, months, or more, you’ve probably thought about getting out of your contract at least once. The straightforward way out of a contract is basically allowing the provider sticking their hands far, far into your pockets. Fido and Bell Aliant charge the greater of $20 per month left on your

contract or $100, to a maximum of $400 for early termination of a contract. Comparatively, Rogers is a little better; they charge $20 per month remaining, to a maximum of $200. Here’s the good news: there are cheap ways out, if you have some time on your hands. Here are a few: –Watch out for changes to the service agreement. A provider reserves the right to change the service agreement (the contract) at any time. Even if a change is advantageous (e.g. extra text or picture messages), it is contestable – nobody is obliged to accept changes to a contract. The provider might be sneaky though. The changes can be cited in fine print on the bill, via a text message from the company, or on one of those shiny inserts that everybody throws away without looking at. If a Bell, Fido, or Rogers subscriber “does not accept” the changes they have 30 days to end the contract. You’ll probably have to speak to a manager if you try to break your contract this way. Be sure you tell the

representative you’re speaking with that the changes are having a negative effect. Some providers require written notice received before 30 days have passed. Check the terms and conditions of your provider so they don’t take you by surprise. –Play dead; providers will cancel a contract if you die. Be sure the company doesn’t ask for a death certificate, though (Fido doesn’t). But faking your own death might have consequences down the road. You definitely have an easy out if the contract is under the name of someone who has recently died. –Go online. It’s true; the Internet has everything – even a way to get you out of your contract. There’s a service online that arranges “cell swap” between you and someone else who’s equally disappointed with their plan. First you enter the details of your current contract. Then you indicate the minutes, cost, and length of your ideal plan. The information goes through a database and finds a match. There’s no fee until the swap is complete.

Andrew Meade / The Brunswickan

Many people who get sucked into signing a cell phone contract live to regret it. There are, however, some ways to escape. Something to consider: if you hate your current contract, there’s a good chance you’ll hate another. Cellphone companies invest hundreds of dollars in each customer through advertising and free handsets. Getting the customer to

sign a 36-month contract is a way of ensuring they make their money back. As with most major companies, it’s in their best interest to keep you satisfied. Complaining and threatening might at least get you an upgrade.

The skinny on credit


Sandy Klowak The Uniter

WINNEPEG (CUP) – Online schemes aside, paying bills on time just may be the simplest way to hike up one’s credit rating. “There’s so many students out there that don’t know [how it works],” said Julie Friesen, a financial services representative with CIBC in Winnipeg, Manitoba. It’s simple, Friesen explained: as long as minimum payments on loans of any kind are kept up, you’ll maintain good credit. If payments are neglected, your credit rating lowers, increasing interest rates on future financial endeavours, like car loans and mortgages. “When you borrow, pay back and don’t overextend yourself,” said Michael Lofquist, marketing and communications manager at Equifax Consumer Services Canada. Equifax is one of three main creditreporting agencies in Canada. These agencies collect credit info from lenders like banks, credit card, and mortgage companies, then sell it back to those same organizations when clients apply for loans. Lofquist says credit ratings are based on a points system that rates your credit history on a scale of 300-900, taking into account payment history, amounts owed, length of credit history, new credit, and types of credit used. If you rate 650 or higher, banks will consider you for loans. Canadians’ personal debt is growing at an alarming rate, says Lofquist. As of March 31, 2008, Canadians’ outstanding non-mortgage debt stood at $376 billion – 208 per cent higher than 10 years ago. For unmanageable debt, Myron Knodel, director of tax and estate planning at Investors Group in Winnipeg, recommends loan consolidation. Speaking to a bank and arranging to pay off all your debt to one organization can reduce interest rates and give one a

clearer sense of their owing. As a last resort, some might be tempted to file for bankruptcy. “It is necessary in some cases,” said Knodel. “A vehicle for getting out of an otherwise hopeless situation.” He warned that though bankruptcy usually means a clean financial slate, students filing within seven years of graduation will not have their Canada Student Loans debt wiped out. In addition, bankruptcy plummets your credit score for five to seven years, depending on the agency. Interest rates on any loans during this time will be very high if you manage to obtain one at all, Knodel says. Though the consequences of debt seem daunting, a credit card may be a necessary evil to build your score. “Having no credit history at all is bad credit history,” said CIBC’s Friesen. Getting a credit card and paying it off regularly is the best plan for your future, she says. Minimum payments sit around $10 to $15, depending on the card. “That would be three visits to Starbucks,” said Friesen, adding that if you can afford coffee, you can afford your payments. “There’s no magic to it; there’s no rocket science,” said Equifax’s Lofquist. “Live within your means and that’s how you keep your credit report strong.” Finance tips for students: 1. Understand finances: Keep track of credit card and loan records, as well as credit reports. 2. Watch for danger signs: Keep up with minimum debt payments to avoid negative credit reports. 3. Create a spending plan: Plan a monthly budget incorporating debt payments and leisure activities. 4. Prepare for emergencies: Save enough to cover expenses for two to three months just in case. 5. Consider consolidating: Paying to one source can make debts more manageable.


Jan 7, 2009 • Issue 15 • Volume 142 • 7

The inevitable future, embraced From the Editor


Josh O’Kane When I took the job of Editor-in-Chief of the Brunswickan, I knew I was in for a year of change. It’s no secret that print media is dying in the age of the internet, but with thousands of layoffs in North America alone last year, it’s become clear that the current economic climate is not favoring print news either. There are two ways to react to this problem. The first is to hold strong to the newsprint tradition and eventually go down with the ship. The other, in a more Darwinian vein, is to adapt to the new environment in the best way possible. The Brunswickan’s reaction is in front of you right now. Whether you are holding the new tabloid version of the Bruns or reading it on, you are looking at the inevitable future of the Brunswickan. As the editor of Canada’s oldest official student publication, it’s hard to let go of tradition – but it’s better to embrace the inevitable than be stubborn about it. Until December, the Bruns was one of two remaining broadsheet newspapers in the Canadian University Press. It was something we were stubbornly proud of, and we clung to it like a childhood toy that served no function in adult life other than to take up space in the corner of the room. This year, we’ve already implemented a functional website – something that had been missing for five years at the Bruns – to adapt to the future of written-word news. In the face of the current economy, however, it has become clear that we also need to adjust what we print as well. Admittedly, I knew that this would be the last year the Brunswickan stayed


Tony von Richter

In the last part of 2008 the media was seemingly dominated by talk of the economy, what was happening to it, what was going to happen to it, and why it crashed. Every newspaper or broadcast was focused on the world’s economic woes. With all of the coverage, no one really took a look at how this economic

Editorial Board

Editor-in-Chief • Josh O’Kane Managing • Tony von Richter News • Sarah Ratchford Arts • Doug Estey Sports • Mitchell Bernard Photo • Andrew Meade Copy • Dan Hagerman Production • Christian Hapgood Online • Dave Evans Staff Advertising Sales Rep • Bill Traer Delivery • Dan Gallagher Contributors Ashley Bursey, Chris Cameron, Alison Clack, Josh Fleck, Nick Howard, Brandon McNeil, Nick Ouellette & Hilary Paige Smith. The Brunswickan relies primarily on a volunteer base to produce its issues every week. Volunteers can drop by room 35 of the SUB at any time to find out how they can get involved. About Us The Brunswickan, in its 142nd year of publication, is Canada’s Oldest Official Student Publication.

Andrew Meade / The Brunswickan

The new format of the Brunswickan, now printed on tabloid-sized paper with fewer copies to be distributed, will generate less waste and be easier to sneak into class. a broadsheet newspaper. Campus Plus, our national advertising agency, has been coaxing us to convert to tabloid for years, our printing costs were rising, and advertisement sales were declining. We knew we could only hold down the fort for one more year. Projected ad sales for this print volume looked dismal in September – but by the time we reached December, numbers hadn’t even come close to the projected marks. It became clear then that costs needed to be cut in the face of lackluster ad sales. Interestingly enough, this came at roughly the same time as our Annual General Meeting, where it was decided that the Bruns would examine options to become more environmentally friendly. Questions of circulation and readership arose, and a committee was struck to see what options the Bruns could take for a greener future.

The desire for a greener Brunswickan turned out to be fulfilled much more quickly than we or the committee thought. Despite a careful, conservative budget ready for any emergency, it was clear that major costs needed to be cut by the end of December. Tony von Richter, our Managing Editor, ran the numbers, and a cut to our circulation and size was the only way to recoup our losses without financially burdening future editorial boards. The Brunswickan has thus gone from a broadsheet paper with a circulation of 10,000 to a tabloid that will drop to 6,000 by the end of January. While this does serve as a small blow to the Bruns – at 10,000, we were in the running for the largest independent weekly newspaper in New Brunswick – it was inevitable. The Brunswickan has chosen to embrace this inevitability

rather than fight it. Let’s face it: it’s no secret that hundreds of copies of each broadsheet Bruns issue have sat in stacks unread each week. Campus Plus always told us that this was nothing, and they claimed that 2-3 people read each copy to compensate for the unread ones. They then claimed that it was important to stay above 10,000 copies to sell more ads. We’ve given up on that excuse. The new Brunswickan means we’re continuing to prepare for the future of print journalism, whatever should happen next. It also means less paper wasted and a smaller impact on the environment. Thanks, economy. You’re welcome, mother nature. Josh O’Kane is Editor-in-Chief of the Brunswickan. He can be reached at

Bringing the economic crisis home Mugwump

the brunswickan

crisis would affect students – hence this week’s money focused issue of the Bruns. Since most of the coverage to date has focused on large-scale issues like the financial and auto industry bailouts, it’s easy to think that none of it applies to us and that our lives will continue on untouched by the economy. In some ways that’s true. Few of us have homes facing foreclosure or have families that we can no longer support due to losing our jobs, so the immediate impact of the economic downturn is somewhat lost on us. Look a little closer though and it’s clear that everything has been affected by the events of the past few months, even here at UNB. The university announced before the break that they would continue the same level of scholarship funding

next year, despite receiving no money from the fund that is usually used to pay for them. The university should be commended for maintaining the scholarship funding, but that money has to come from somewhere and I think that it’s going to come from the operating budget. Should those funds come out of operating budgets there’s a good chance that students could begin to notice some changes around campus. Since I’m not privy to exactly how UNB’s budget works, it’s unclear what form those changes could take, but it would be foolish to think that UNB’s funding issues won’t affect the students in some way. It’s not just UNB’s finances that we should be concerned with however, as what about the students planning on graduating in May, what kind of job

market will they be trying to break in to? And what about returning students looking for work in the summer? If companies are having financial problems, the easiest salaries to cut would be from the positions that change each summer. How many students will be unable to return to school in the fall because they couldn’t earn enough money for tuition? While it’s easy to think that this economic crisis doesn’t really affect us, or that it won’t until we try and head out into the “real world,” it’s not true. This crisis affects us all right now in one way or another. The publication that you’re holding is proof of that. Tony von Richter is the Managing Editor of The Brunswickan. Feel free to contact him at

We are an autonomous student newspaper owned and operated by Brunswickan Publishing Inc., a non-profit, independent body. We are a founding member of the Canadian University Press, and love it so. We are also members of U-Wire, a media exchange of university media throughout North America. We publish weekly during the academic year with a circulation of 10,000. Letters Must be submitted by e-mail including your name, letters with pseudonymns will not be printed. Letters must be 400 words at maximum. Deadline for letters is Friday at 5 p.m. before each issue. Editorial Policy While we endeavour to provide an open forum for a variety of viewpoints and ideas, we may refuse any submission considered by the editorial board to be racist, sexist, libellous, or in any way discriminatory. The opinions and views expressed in this newspaper are those of the individual writers, and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Brunswickan, its Editorial Board, or its Board of Directors. All editorial content appearing in The Brunswickan is the property of Brunswickan Publishing Inc. Stories, photographs, and artwork contained herein cannot be reproduced without the express, written permission of the Editor-in-Chief. 21 Pacey Drive, SUB Suite 35 Fredericton, NB, E3B 5A3 main office • (506) 447-3388 advertising • (506) 452-6099 fax • (506) 453-5073 email •

send your letters to the editor by friday at 5 p.m. to maximum 400 words, please.


8 • Jan. 7, 2009 • Issue 15 • Volume 142

Put your money where your mouth is Rousing the Rabbles


Nick Ouellette

Thirteen days from now, Barack Obama will begin his term as the 44th President of the United States. As we approach Inauguration Day, I am reminded of the themes of the American election campaign that spanned two calendar years and that reawakened a political spirit in our neighbours to the south. A popular slogan of the Obama team was “Change you can believe in,” but without being too audacious, I submit that the idea of hope seems far more relevant to realities here at

home in New Brunswick. Spem reduxit. “Hope restored.” Let us consider our provincial motto in the context of the state of our post-secondary education system. 2008 was a tumultuous year for our universities and community colleges. It began as doubt still lingered as to the future of UNB and other institutions in the wake of a provincial commission report the likes and scope of which had not been seen since the 1960s. It saw the government establish a working group to review the report’s recommendations and release a much anticipated action plan in response to the working group’s thoughts. And the year ended with the appointment of a new provincial person to manage the file. But can Donald Arsenault, the new Minister of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour restore hope to our post-secondary education system? The government has spent two

years touting plans to create a student-focused system but today, students find little solace in what has been revealed and introduced. As 2009 begins, the Minister must address at three priorities that have eluded the Liberal government since it took office in 2006: funding, funding, and funding. Without a real solution to the money issues at play in university and community college educations, a fundamental and possibly fatal flaw will continue to exist in our system. I know that this seems like a horse that has been beaten time and again, but ignoring the issue, which is all the government has been doing of late, will not make it go away. Time does not heal student debt. And so I wonder: where is the money? The government has promised to address, among other things, two key problems in particular: funding for students and the crumbling state of infrastructure in our universities

and community colleges. The so-called student-focused system still retains what is merely an adoption of the old funding model that consists primarily of student loans and insufficient grants to universities. This only pushes students further into insufferable debt loads and squeezes monies out of faculties and departments that they desperately need to hire quality instructors and offer innovative programs. Meanwhile, the government presented its capital budget last month, which was its first opportunity to come through on its commitment to offer universities help to repair their aging buildings. Unfortunately, universities were left in the cold, again, so UNB’s deferred maintenance costs, which exceed $100 million and have forced yet another $175 annual fee on our students above and beyond the already high cost of tuition, will continue to weaken the financial

position of the university. Where will it end? It is time for the government to put its money where its mouth is and come through on these two pressing matters. The provincial operating budget will be released in the coming months, and I hope to see some resolution of these long standing files. Minister Arsenault has a fresh slate, and accomplishing something meaningful on this file will begin to restore the broken trust that students have in this government. Failing to do so will only further deteriorate the little hope that is now left for New Brunswick students. Nick Ouellette is a third year law student who has served on the UNB Board of Governors, the Student Union Council, and other university and student bodies. He is currently completing his second term as a UNB Senator for Fredericton and is the Don of Neville/Jones House, one of UNB’s residences.

letters to the editor. Dear Editor, A cell phone captured the killing of 15-year-old Alexandros Grigoropoulos in the district of Exarcheia, Athens on Dec. 6, 2008. Witnesses claim that the boy had been shot in the chest after a verbal dispute with a police officer on the street. Within hours, thousands crowded into the streets, setting fires to banks, ministries, and anything that appeared to them to symbolize the apparatuses of power that have for so long held their neighborhoods captive. The challenge that we face is one of recognizing the lines of connection that pass from Athens—the birthplace (and perhaps the death) of democracy—to Fredericton. As I pass through our campus halls I read graffiti begging me to take advantage of an opportunity: “see the fires in Athens.” What is it about the riots in Athens that have captured the imaginations of radicals, anti-authoritarians, and critical students all over the world? The fires continue to burn in Athens. Students continue to occupy their campus halls, the mayor’s office and media stations, sending the rest of a world a strong message against Capitalism and the State: “[We offer] a revolt of the gift against the sovereignty of money.” Their gift to the world is one of opportunity. “The dominant ideology perceives the capitalist model to be insurmountable, natural, eternal” confessed the students who have occupied the Economics University of Athens, but they have witnessed the gift of hope in the “the theory and practice of the oppressed [which] come together in a materially effective cosmology.” From New York to Berlin, solidarity actions and demonstrations prove the value of this gift: this is not Obama’s brand of hope, this is real hope from the people. The ideology of today claims that defeating capitalism and the State would be impossible. I reflect on this each time I pass by and read the Graffiti at the St. Thomas University bus terminal: “Be Realistic, Demand the Impossible” – this is precisely what the Greeks would have us remember. It would be far too easy to dismiss the actions in Greece and across the world as violence, plain and simple. The real challenge would be to support the popular struggle against State violence and capitalist accumulation as the fight against oppression that we all face wherever we find ourselves situated. The employees of Agios Dimitios explained their situation in no uncertain terms: “We are in a civil war: with the fascists, the bankers, the State, and the media wishing to see an obedient society.” Indeed, the struggle is reminiscent of the events of May, 1968 when students shook up the De Gaulle government in France, causing one of the most promising and imaginative resistances against the State in history. Today the Athenians respond with graffiti: “Fuck 1968: Fight Now!” In Athens, as the windows of banks shatter into a thousand dreams, we find ourselves dead in the middle of something significant. The task for us is to recognize that their struggle is our struggle; whether or not we share these radical imaginations depends upon the extent to which we accept that Alexandros’ death was our death and that the oppression of an other contributes to, and in fact is, the oppression of our selves. The Graffiti on campus tells a story. It keeps many of us warm on the cold days of January. Let’s all keep warm near the fire in Athens. Sincerely, Duane Rousselle


Jan. 7, 2009 • Issue 13 • Volume 142 • 9

Examining our unexamined tradition of governance The Opinionator Nick Howard

Perhaps we’ve all had enough, but I am never one to shy away from a final flog of a well-ridden horse. The Governor General’s arguably sensible move to prorogue the Canadian parliament’s first session has done what it was supposed to: cool fiery political passions. The weather has certainly helped and hopefully the politicians of this country will attend the parliament’s reopening on Jan. 26 with more rationality than we witnessed in November and December of 2008. Speculation flies around the blogosphere and every Canadian massmedia outlet about the future of Canadian politics in the still fledgling year of 2009. Quite frankly, this seems even more useless to me than the usual scriptural masturbation offered by political writers; it is the results we will have to deal with, and what will be, will be. Have patience, relax and reflect on what has come before. There is much to think about, and that is where I for one, prefer to spend my energies. Tradition can be useful. It can be comforting and it can bring people together. Unexamined, though, tradition can run rampant and quickly become irrational – many times promoting power structures which weren’t equitable or

sustainable in the first place. A perfect example of this is the status of women in Canadian society. We continue to struggle to create structures that offer equal rights and freedoms to the fairer sex. Another such example is the Canadian political system. We did not create our own system, we inherited it. Our political system is, in other words, one very large, very complex British tradition. Though there are some important differences, our provinces, for example, the federal electoral system is due for a thorough examination by the people who must live with it: Canadians. We were never given the chance to create our own political arena, and the complexity of a political system makes the “one size fits all” motto a scary thought indeed. It is clear that Canadians are unsure what to do with the current system as the possibility of yet another election looms on the horizon. The election of a minority government speaks clearly to me of Canadian distaste for current politics. At this critical time Canadians need to examine their political system, not just accept the system we have inherited. Relative to the definition of an ideal democracy, where the people have a voice in all of the decision making processes of their federal government, the Canadian system isn’t as democratic as it may seem. For one, we use referendum as a method of decision making far more rarely than the Americans and many other democracies. Perhaps most importantly we don’t elect our leader, at least not directly. The Canadian prime minister is a powerful individual, and in some

Andrew Meade / The Brunswickan

The Canadian Prime Minister is a powerful individual – who is not directly elected. Canada’s current Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, is pictured above at a campaign stop in Fredericton on Oct. 13, 2008, a day before he was re-elected. aspects close to omnipotent, such as in regards to foreign policy. Whether this is something that needs to change is up to Canadians, but election reform needs to be considered. So there it is. It is useless to guess about the future; rather we should learn what we can from the past. Canadians need to examine their political system at the most fundamental of levels. Blind

acceptance is not befitting of a country comprised of intelligent, compassionate, and passionate people. Canadians seem to be more diverse and egalitarian than their political system lets on, so perhaps it is time for politicians to reflect that. Where any changes might lead us I have no idea; that speculation is as useless as any. I only know that our powers of critical thought seem to be

suspended around Canadian politics, and no matter what comes of it some critical examination of our political system would surely be healthy. The Opinionator is a weekly opinion column by UNB student Nick Howard, presenting a no-holds barred approach to current events or anything that smacks of unquestioned perspective. He can be reached at


Jan. 7, 2009 • Issue 13 • Volume 142 • 11

iewpoint V

The old$ man rant

the brunswickan.

an opinion by Dave Evans

Question: If money were no object. what would you do?

“Travel.” Hilary Creamer

“Pay back UNB then buy a baseball team.” Josh Fleck

“Travel.” Meaghan Underhill

“Pay off my student loan.” Phil Anderson

“Replace my hip with an indestructable bionic one.” Ragnar Oborn

“Buy condos.” Stephanie Ervin

“Buy a Caribbean island and start a selfsufficent society.” Tyler Feeney

“I would get insurance on this sweet moustache.” Christian Hapgood


he current financial crisis has impacted many people in countries the world over. State economies are going bankrupt, companies are laying off employees and individuals are reducing their spending. Because I’m obviously very popular and people value the crap that comes out of my mouth, I’m constantly asked how I’m handling the recession. Simply put, I’m loving it. Stupid people think it’s the end of the world and are selling off their unwanted crap for pennies on the dollar; retail stores are afraid they’ll lose money so they’re going all sale-horny, and I get to reap the benefits. Unlike most idiots, I pick up a book from time to time, so I fully understand the economy will be back to normal sooner than we think. It’s called business-cycle theory; look it up. I guess, however, that maybe the current situation is a bit worse than normal. Of course, I blame the Americans. Bunch of dolts down there decided it was smart to loan money to people who would never pay it back. I’m all for the capitalist mode of awesomeness, but this time it went a bit too far. In fact, it makes no business sense at all, which reinforces one of my theories: a secret, left-wing hippie Illuminati of sorts has taken over our biggest corporations. By collapsing the economy, they’ll drive gas prices up, making people use their cars less; those same people won’t be able to afford electricity anymore, or fancy clothes made by the same poor kids who make my shoes. Before long, everyone will be eating granola, hugging trees and having afternoon tea with beavers. Oh, the hippies may have thought they’ve won the first blow, but I’m onto them. Mark my words, 2009 will be the year of my foot up their ass. The only shadow government allowed to tell people what to think would consist of me and a cabal of fictional characters including Superman. That’s right, you try to save some frogs, you get heat vision all up in your ass. So, long story short, don’t buy into this recession crap. Find some sales, buy loads of useless crap and fight the longhair threat. If you don’t, well, you may as well just eat granola and change your name to Starshine. Dave Evans is Online Editor of the Brunswickan. He can be reached at


Jan. 7, 2009 • Issue 15 • Volume 142 •12

Fredericton’s local talent to grace ECMAs Alison Clack The Brunswickan

You can take the ECMAs out of Fredericton, but you can’t take Fredericton out of the ECMAs. The annual awards ceremony that showcases talented, up-and-coming and established East Coast artists has made its way to Corner Brook, N. L. this year. It attempts to honour musicians who further East Coast music and those who work behind the scenes to promote a strong Atlantic music industry. While the location changes each year, its format remains much the same. The conference includes information sessions and workshops about dozens of topics pertaining to the music industry, an awards ceremony to honour East Coast artists (or other talented artists who have lived in the East Coast for the past year), and several showcase concerts for a number of talented East coast musicians. One of these talented musicians is Fredericton native David Myles. Myles is up for three separate ECMAs which include Folk Recording of the Year, Male Artist of the Year, and Entertainer of the Year. Being nominated for so many awards hasn’t gone to Myles’s head. “It’s always really exciting because it’s something that’s been decided by your peers. The people in the association are your peers so it’s always really exciting to be thought of in high regard by those people. “It’s something that, on the one hand, I don’t try to take too too seriously in case I do not get nominated, but at the same time when you do it’s an exciting thing. You have to celebrate it for sure,” says Myles. While Myles says he would be happy to win in any of the categories he is nominated for, he does have a slight preference for one of them. “I’m hoping to win at least one of them. Obviously Entertainer of the


Fredericton native David Myles has made big waves in the East Coast music scene this year, grabbing three nominations for the 2009 ECMAs. Year is the most high profile of them; I was really excited to be nominated in that. I’m in really good company [in that category]. I think ultimately I think of myself as an entertainer so it was really cool to be nominated for that,” says Myles. While he was excited for his award Myles did let it slip that he was even more excited for the number of New Brunswick artists featured this year. “I’m pumped that there’s so many other New Brunswick artists that are nominated this year; it’s something that New Brunswick should take note of. It is a great year for New Brunswick artists, especially Fredericton. There’s a lot to be excited about for New Brunswickers,” says Myles. And there are a great deal of New Brunswick artists, not to mention

Fredericton artists, featured in the ECMAs show this year. These showcase concerts will be featuring some local bands: Fredericton favourites Grand Theft Bus and The Olympic Symphonium. In addition to playing a showcase concert, Grand Theft Bus has also been nominated for Alternative album of the year along with Forward Music family member, Sleepless Nights. Another Fredericton group who has been nominated for an award is children’s musical group Scotty and the Stars. Scotty and the Stars have been nominated this year for Children’s Recording of the Year – an award that Scotty, or Scott Sampson as he’s normally known as, is excited about. “I’m really excited about it and

excited to go down to Corner Brook. There’s some amazing talent on the East Coast and it’s really great to be a part of that talent. It means a lot to us and we’ve worked really hard for it,” says Sampson. The band has worked hard for it. The band, which is made up of the duo Scott Sampson and Andy Cotter, have toured a great deal over the past two years and released a CD, available on iTunes and at Westminster Books, this past fall. Sampson hopes that the nomination will help them branch out to do more shows across Canada. “We’re just trying to get as many shows as we can and promote the album as much as we possibly can; this is a good step in the right direction,” says Sampson.

Fredericton’s musicians aren’t the only ones being acknowledged at this year’s ECMAs; the Playhouse has been nominated for venue of the year. While this isn’t a new honour – the Playhouse has earned the nomination in previous ECMA awards ceremonies being the recipient of the award in 2006 and 2007 – the Playhouse is excited to try and earn the title again. While the ECMAs have moved on from their stint in Fredericton last year, the Fredericton music scene continues to play an important role in East Coast music. The awards are voted on by professionals in the music industry from around Atlantic Canada. The conference and awards ceremony will be held in Corner Brook, N.L. from Feb. 26 to Mar. 1.

Gallery Connexion struggles to find funding, new home


Doug Estey The Brunswickan

After the loss of their comfortable, subsidized location in the downtown Fredericton area due to flooding last year, the artist-run Gallery Connexion is still without a home. “It’s thrown a huge curve into our financial budgeting,” says Meredith Snider, executive director of the gallery. “Trying to find a place to rent downtown at current retail value has

been a big challenge.” A downtown location is important for the gallery to continue its role as a community-driven centre for independent artists in the city. Snider points out that finding a home isn’t the only problem that Gallery Connexion is faced with. “Other things that are prevalent to our current financial situation are the recent developments with our economy and the cut funding in some national programs.” Moving forward into 2009, Gallery Connexion has some important milestones to achieve in order to get back to business. Meanwhile, the Beaverbrook Art Gallery has been hosting shows for the artist-run group. “Our short term goal has been to find alternate locations for our shows.

We need to find a suitable interim space. We’re also hoping to continue to build our relationship with the community, which is why we want a downtown space. “You can do a lot with the community on a very small budget. Years ago, we used to have up to fifteen shows a year. We’re now running four shows a year, so we have to find other corners to cut.” Snider wants to encourage more students to get involved with Gallery Connexion. “We really don’t have a lot of student memberships, and that’s something else that we’re looking to increase over the next year.” For more information about Gallery Connexion, visit www.

Doug Estey / The Brunswickan

Meredith Snider, the executive director of Gallery Connexion, has been searching for a new home of the gallery since last spring.



Hagerman’s wealthy horoscopes

Aries (March21st - April 19th)


You may be feeling the hit of the economy this week, dear Aries. The economy will personally come to your door and attempt to beat you senseless. Defend yourself by throwing lots of money at it! Your lucky Abba song is Money, Money, Money.

Your wallet will be lighter than usual this week, dear Taurus. You won’t notice this because you have less money in your wallet this week, but rather because your wallet will now be made out of plastic wrap. Sweet! Your lucky Dire Straits song is Money for Nothing.

Gemini (May 21st - June 21st)

Had an emotional trauma this week, dear Gemini? Need to buy some comfort food or cheap entertainment? Instead of splurging at the nearest convenience store, try convincing your friends to buy you and dance for their entertainment! Your lucky TV show is The Price is Right.

$ $

You may need to keep those hole-filled socks around just a little bit longer, dear Cancer. Not only will this save you money, but you’ll also be introducing a new fashion trend for winter: holes in everything! Your lucky singer is Johnny Cash.

Leo (July 23rd - August 22nd)

You may need to decrease your “bling budget” this week, dear Leo. Thankfully, you can still get lots of shiny things for cheap if you buy some gold spray paint and break into a metal scrapyard. Just tell the guards that you need the metal for a school project and you’re safe! Your lucky bank heist movie is Ocean’s Eleven.

Virgo (August 23rd - September 22nd)

You may need to find a new source of income this week, dear Virgo. Not that the old sources of income weren’t good, but selling clay statues of yourself is much classier! Your “lucky” Ja Rule song is Bitch Better Have My Money.

Libra (September 23rd - October 23rd)

You’ll have less money to rent or buy movies this week, dear Libra, so consider piracy instead. Not the downloading kind, mind you, the high seas kind. Plunderin’ booty will both make you money and keep you entertained! Your lucky coin is the U.S. Double Eagle.

Scorpio (October 24th - November 22nd)


You’ve been eating out too much lately, dear Scorpio. Instead of dining out on expensive things like ostrich eggs and giraffes, instead consider eating nothing but lettuce and KoolAid. Your lucky song sung by Burl Ives is Silver and Gold.

Sagittarius (November 23rd - December 21st)

Tighter budgets might mean less trips to the gym as of late, dear Sagittarius. Not to worry, though, as you can also work out without spending money by doing lots of walking, random in-class crunches/push-ups, and cafeteria jumping jacks. Your lucky job is farming gold in MMORPGs.

Capricorn (December 22nd - January 20th)


Unless you got new clothes or money over the holidays, dear Capricorn, you may have to create your own clothing. Buy several rolls of duct tape, some felt markers, and a kitten. Don’t ask about the kitten. Your lucky silver is gold-plated.

Aquarius (January 21st - February 18th)

Cell phone bills will be the bane of your existence this week, dear Aquarius. They will be as expensive as they usually are, however these ones will also have all of your secrets written on them. They know everything. Christian Hapgood’s lucky Production Editor moustache is worth a million dollars and isn’t insured yet, which means it could be your lucky moustache.

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Pisces (February 19th - March 20th)


Girl Talk actually likes the music he samples Madeline Coleman

Taurus (April 20th - May 20th)

Cancer (June 22nd- July 22nd)

Jan. 7, 2009 • Issue 15 • Volume 142 • 13

The stock market will be hard to look at this week, dear Pisces. However, the one market that you can always count on is the meat market. Just invest all of your money in meat. And meatlike things. Your lucky dollar sign is actually a euro sign.

The Link

MONTREAL (CUP) – Former biomedical engineer Gregg Gillis, whose Jazz Fest ’07 show has become the stuff of YouTube legend, never thought he’d give up his day job for music. Since releasing his 2006’s Night Ripper, Girl Talk (Gillis’ stage name) has been raking in critical acclaim. Every Girl Talk song is a frenetic pop music tapestry, weaving samples from artists as disparate as GZA, Nirvana, and Dexy’s Midnight Runners into music that practically drags you onto the dance floor. Gillis cemented his rep with this year’s Feed the Animals. Haven’t heard it? No worries – it’s offered up on the Girl Talk website for the gorgeous price of “pay as you can.” If you decide to download gratis, be prepared to answer for your thrift. You’ll be faced with a poll asking why, with possible answers ranging from: “I might donate later” to “I do not like Girl Talk.” “There was seriously a large chunk of people who said, ‘I do not like Girl Talk,’ which I thought was great,” said Gillis, on the phone from Nashville. He professed not to be a big downloader

himself, something that is hard to believe considering the huge breadth of samples woven into Feed the Animals. The great thing about Girl Talk is Gillis’ sincere appreciation of everything pop. Gillis overcomes many media pundits’ assumptions about recent generations’ irony obsession by disagreeing with the idea that “any music is more credible than any other.” Is it possible for the hip and discerning to openly enjoy Top 40 offerings alongside the so-called cooler genres of old school hip-hop and early ‘90s grunge? If Gillis has anything to do with it, absolutely. “I think that’s the guilty pleasure system,” he said of the perceived inability to enjoy mainstream music sans irony. “That’s not really the level I’m at.” The discernable Avril Lavigne and Eminem samples in Girl Talk’s musical alchemy mean one thing – Gillis actually likes their music. He reasoned that he won’t spend time sampling songs he’s not into because there are so many songs he could have chosen. His sincerity was exemplified when asked what pop music he’s been into lately. He cited the new Busta Rhymes song, Britney Spears’ ‘Womanizer,’ and Beyonce’s new song, ‘Single Ladies,’ which he called “phenomenal.”


14 • Jan. 7 2009 • Issue 15 • Volume 142

Warming up to winter fashion Renaissance College offers a warm welcome for international students

Alison Clack The Brunswickan

The conditions of a Canadian winter are hard enough to deal with when you’re born here. However, the conditions of a Canadian winter when you’re used to warm, sunny beaches are almost unbearable. The new winter term brings dozens of new, international students to UNB. The group responsible for introducing these new students into Canadian culture and welcoming them to UNB is the International

Student Advisor’s Office. This office is a small operation compared to the international students’ offices in other universities; there is only one student advisor for all of the international students attending UNB. The ISAO won’t be alone in its efforts to welcome the new students this year. Renaissance College has promised that each of its students who are going on their international internships this summer will spend at least 10 hours each to help the office. A couple of these Renaissance College students took it upon themselves to help organize a winter clothing fashion show and information session to welcome new international students to UNB. “We wanted to take on this event to help the international coordinator, Kathryn Gates. She is only one person, and she has sole responsibility for integrating and informing all the international students when they arrive at UNB. She came to the students at Renaissance College

looking for some help with certain projects that she holds every year for the new international students who arrive at UNB,” says co-coordinator of the project, Nicki Jewett. Jewett believes that the event could be incredibly important for helping new international students to become part of UNB culture. “We decided that it was important to host this event so that we could help the international students’ transition into a new culture. We know that it won’t ease the reality shock completely, but it will show the new students that there are people they can go to if they need any information or help,” says Jewett. “This will be a social event where everyone can make new friends.” Jewett’s group’s project will culminate in a winter fashion show and information session in the beginning of January. “We are having a winter fashion and information session for the international students, also for anyone else who wants to come. In the fashion show we will feature

current student from UNB strutting all the necessary clothing that everyone needs for our freezing Canadian winters. “We hope this will help students better prepare themselves for the type of weather that we are bound get this year. After the fashion show we will give an information session describing weather conditions and terminology that might be unfamiliar to those who have never experienced winter weather. It will be a great time for everyone to mingle and chat over cups of steamy hot chocolate!” Says Jewett. Jewett emphasizes that the event isn’t only for the international students. Her group wants to have current UNB students come out and greet the incoming students to help make them feel more welcome and create a support network for the international students while they deal with new weather conditions and school work. “We invite everyone to come out on the evening of January 16th to watch the fashion show and

information session,” says Jewett. In addition to coming out to the event Jewett urges anyone that might have spare winter clothing to donate it to the cause. “In order to prepare for this event we are looking for winter clothing donations. A drop box for any donations will be available at Renaissance College on Charlotte Street,” says Jewett. The group is also looking for volunteers to be models in the fashion show. Anyone looking for more information on the event can check out its Facebook page or can contact Nicki Jewett at Three other Renaissance College students have created projects to help the international student advisor’s office with projects surrounding childcare and Canadian cuisine. The international student advisor’s office will be expanded this term with a new program co-ordinator, John Landau, joining the office to assist with social and cultural programs until the end of April.

the bruns. if you don’t volunteer, our editors will fail out of school. please volunteer. 447.3388 / SUB room 35


Jan. 7, 2009 • Issue 15 • Volume 142 • 15

Social media meet-ups in NB Doug Estey The Brunswickan

The internet provides us with a number of alternatives to work around the barriers of conventional communication, providing an entirely new wave of information for us to tap in to in ways that we have only begun to realize. With platforms like social networks, instant messaging, blogging, and microblogging becoming increasingly important parts of our lives, it’s often easy to overlook their usefulness from an alternate perspective. Lisa Rousseau, co-founder of Third Tuesday social meet-ups in New Brunswick, is positively excited about the effects of modern social media. “We used to be very city-centric. Social media has changed all of that.” The events are typically held on the

third Tuesday of every month, rotating between Fredericton, Saint John, and Moncton to increase its accessibility to keeners around the province. “It’s a great way for people to learn about social media. Because we’re such a diverse group, there a lot of areas and angles covered: everything from emerging trends, tools, and how to use them. We focus on how to apply these technologies from the perspectives of entrepreneurs, artists, and business oriented individuals alike.” A broad range of social technologies are represented and discussed at Third Tuesday meet-ups. Members learn how to deploy services like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn as tools to explore their personal and professional brands. Social media professionals are often featured as guest speakers, including well-known pioneers like Chris Brogran (www.chrisbrogan. com) who appeared via teleconference at the last meet-up in Fredericton. The idea originated a year ago from a similar effort in the United States that quickly adapted and spread from Seattle to major Canadian centres like

In it to win it Pop Tart Ashley Bursey

I have a dirty little secret. A few years ago, purely out of curiosity, I signed myself up for an online dating website. I filled out the profile, wrote a concise (yet witty) biography, and uploaded a recent headshot of myself for website’s database of eligible singles. It didn’t occur to me that perhaps my peers or officemates might double-click and scroll through; it was more of a social experiment than anything else. Needless to say, I got a handful of junky emails from potential “suitors” (read: creeps) and deleted my account a few months later, having exhausted the social experiment as much as I wanted to – did I really think I was going to run out and date the first fella who sent me an e-pick-up-line, anyway? For me, the buck stopped there. But not always – I’ve seen the eHarmony commercials with “justmarried” couples touting the benefits of online partnership; the Lavalife ads with starry-eyed lovers (actors?) holding hands as they stroll down a promenade in a picturesque town somewhere. It all seems so pat that you can’t help but applaud the convenience of online dating. Yes, you can point and click your way through prospective suitors instead of wasting time on dating. Yes, you can personalize your profile to attract just the sort of guy or gal you’re aiming to snag. And yes, you can toss messages from the “lesslikelies” without the harsh reality of having to sit through your brisket and side salad on some moderate-to-

classy-enough-to-impress-withoutbreaking-the-bank first date. So there are a few upsides. But then there’s the other extreme. I found her clicking through my Yahoo mail a few days ago. Her name? Neenah Pickett. Her goal? Find a man and get married in 52 weeks. And her medium? The Internet, of course. Neenah recently launched a website, www.52weeks2findhim. com. She made it her New Year’s resolution to track down Mr. Right within a year, and has created her own personal dating site with a single purpose: to get him and wed him. There’s a collection of vaguelyattractive pictures, a revamped life history, even a discussion board so you can chat amongst yourselves about just how desperate a plea this is – it’s a glorified biography. There’s dating websites – and then there’s Neenah. It’s an online version of the Bachelorette, except this time around the suitors don’t get to live in a swank mansion with daily champagne toasts and romantic getaway dates. Instead, it’s down to voracious emails (first come, first serve!) in a bidding war to wed the ultimate strategist. In fact, Neenah has already taken the site to TV in a hyped-up attempt to garner publicity. She’s gotten her friends to post glowing reviews about her, and gives folks a daily blog about her exploits. But instead of clever editing and splashy, soapopera sequences, she’s just a single 40-something with a bad stylist. While I’m impressed by her getup-and-go, I wonder why she hasn’t decided to go the “traditional” route of the era – sign up for one of the regular ol’ dating websites. Shouldn’t that be similarly effective? And I wish her luck, but I can’t help but think maybe Neenah should rename her website. 52 Weeks to Get My 15 Minutes might be more appropriate, since that’s probably all her desperate website is going to do. Ashley Bursey is a former Arts Editor of the Brunswickan and a graduate of STU Journalism.

Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver – and now Atlantic Canada. “I knew I wanted to start something up that brings people together. I really wanted to have that in-person connection,” says Rousseau. After discussions with social media professionals like radian6’s David Alston, she was able to quickly bring Third Tuesdays to New Brunswick through the help of a legion of volunteers and support. Third Tuesday has been hosted everywhere from Studio 700 in Moncton to radian6’s new office in Fredericton. “We try to have it in a place with a moderate mix great food, drink, and socializing.” Rousseau’s goal is to turn Third Tuesday into a social launchpad to pull different people together for various reasons. The next Third Tuesday social media meet-up is slated for late February in Saint John. For more details, you can follow the group on Twitter @ ThirdTuesdayNB, on Facebook, or on the web at

John Gunn / Submitted

David Alston (left) prepares for a pastThird Tuesday NB event at Happinez Wine Bar in Saint John.


Jan. 7, 2009 • Issue 15 • Volume 142 • 16

Reds claim Pete Kelly Cup Title UNB defeats top-ranked Boston College of the NCAA in shoot-out to claim the annual hockey challenge

Brandon MacNeil The Brunswickan

The defending NCAA national champions Boston College Eagles were in town to take part in the Pete Kelly Challenge, an annual mini-tournament hosted by UNB. On Saturday, after defeating the Eagles 5-3 in the first game of the series, the Reds appeared tired at the start the game. Eagles’ captain, Brock Bradford, placed one passed Yeomans less than four minutes into the game, to put Boston College on the board first. Despite a shaky start, UNB slowly got back in their groove, and virtually controlled the second half of the period Kevin Henderson tied the game three minutes into the second period, when he fired home a rebound off a Luke Gallant bullet from the point. Boston College then retook lead halfway through the period, when they slipped one passed UNB netminder Travis Fullerton, who replaced Yeomans before the beginning of the second period. UNB newcomer Luke Lynes

Andrew Meade / The Brunswickan

After defeating Boston College on Friday night, UNB dropped the Saturday night affair to the Eagles 4-2. However, in a shoot-out to determine the tournament champion, UNB prevailed over the top-ranked NCAA squad. notched UNB’s second goal in the third period, but it wasn’t enough as the Eagles held on for the remainder of the game and finished with a 4-2 victory. Because each team tallied a win each, it was decided that a shootout would take place to decide the winner of the Pete Kelly Challenge. With UNB shooting first, shootout specialist Justin DaCosta began by using his patented deke, which we’ve seen on numerous occasions, to beat the Boston College keeper. The first Eagles shooter streaked

in and wired one high glove side. However, Fullerton denied him with a flashy glove stop. Kyle Bailey took the second shot of the shootout for the Reds and made no mistake. He picked up a burst of speed over the blue line and fired the puck off the crossbar and in. To seal the shootout, and the Pete Kelly Cup, Fullerton once again stopped the Eagles shooter, as he read the play perfectly and made a nice pad stop. UNB coach Gardiner MacDougall was pleased with him team play over the weekend. He noted that playing a team

such as Boston College allows UNB to adequately prepare for their journey ahead. “Their game is very similar to ours. They play with an upbeat tempo, they fore-check hard, they are very physical, and they have great transition and speed. This weekend is a great building block for our hockey club with the AUS schedule starting next week.” Meanwhile, Boston College head coach Jerry York praised the city of Fredericton for its kind hospitality. “It was a great weekend of hockey,” said York. “The fans were treated to two

great games, exactly what we expected. We greatly appreciate the support the city of Fredericton has shown us, and we’re looking forward to associating with the University of New Brunswick again in the future.” The weekend marked the first games for the two newcomers to UNB Varsity Reds line-up. Luke Lynes (Rochester Hill, MI), and Justin McCutcheon (Ithaca, NY) joined the Reds over the Christmas break, adding depth to the UNB squad who are poised to take another run at the AUS championship this March.

Women’s Volleyball go 2-1 in Florida Josh Fleck The Brunswickan

Sandy Chase / The Brunswickan

After a sunny vacation in Florida, finishing fifth in an invitational tournament, the UNB Varsity Reds will be back in AUS action this Sunday when they host UdeM. Game time is set for 1 p.m. at the L.B. Gym.

It was a great holiday vacation for the UNB women’s volleyball team – on and off the court. UNB finished in fifth place in an invitational, besides spending part of their holiday break soaking up some rays on the sunny beaches of Innisbrook, Florida. The Reds were taking part in the Innisbrook Resort Invitational, held during the final days of December. Joining UNB at the tournament was Calgary (3) , Manitoba (4), Brandon (7) , McGill (10), as well as Acadia, Western, and UBC Okanagan. To kick off the tournament, UNB was in tough, facing a top-ranked squad from Brandon. Although putting forth a strong effort late in the match, UNB fell to Brandon in straight sets (18-25, 23-25, 23-25).

the brunswickan.

The loss came despite great efforts from fourth-year left-side Erica Hay and first-year libero Monica Jones. “I thought the Brandon match looked exactly as most expected, ugly at times and okay at times,” said UNB head coach John Richard. “We had some chances late in sets two and three but had some ball control challenges, especially adjusting to using the International Mikasa volleyball we were using down here.” It wasn’t only the opposition that was giving the Reds trouble, but as Richard noted, it was the different type of ball that gave them the most trouble throughout the game. “They were really heavy so it felt different passing,” said third-year UNB middle, Candace Cuncannon. “You really needed to push the ball. As well, with serving, you really needed to give it your all.” The Reds faced off against UBC Okanagan in the second match of the tournament. With an extra day to settle into Florida living, UNB took it to UBC-O from the start, winning the first set 25-21. As the games went by it became more evident that the

ladies were becoming accustomed to the new balls, as serves became more precise and passes were on the mark. They went on to take the match 3-0 (25-21, 25-16, 25-23). In the final match of the tournament, UNB was pinned against the 10th ranked McGill squad in the fifth-place match. The Reds jumped quickly to the leads behind Jones and second-year middle Tanya Paulin. UNB took the first two sets 25-15, 25-16, before falling behind in set three. However, it didn’t take long for the ladies to turn a 6-3 deficit into an 8-7 lead, and an eventual 25-17 win, for a straight set victory (3-0) against McGill. The Reds will now have a few weeks to relax before swinging back into the AUS schedule. They will resume season play this Sunday when UdeM comes to town to take on the Reds at the L.B. Gym. Moncton is currently sitting atop the AUS standings with an 8-4 record. Meanwhile, the Reds, who are currently in a three-way tie for third place, will look to improve their 5-7 record and make headway in the standings. Game time on Sunday is set for 1 p.m.

questions? comments? drop us a line at 447.3388 or stop by SUB room 35.


Friday, January 9th Hockey ACA @ UNB 7:00 p.m. @ Aitken Centre Saturday, January 10th Women’s Basketball UNB @ DAL 1:00 p.m. Men’s Basketball UNB @ DAL 1:00 p.m. Men’s Volleyball MUN @ UNB 3:00 p.m. @ L.B. Gym Hockey DAL @ UNB 7:00 p.m. @ Aitken Centre Sunday, January 11th Men’s Volleyball MUN @ UNB 11:00 a.m. @ L.B. Gym Women’s Basketball UNB @ UPEI 1:00 p.m. Women’s Volleyball UdeM @ UNB 1:00 p.m. @ L.B. Gym Men’s Basketball UNB @ UPEI 3:00 p.m. Wednesday, January 14th Hockey UNB @ STU 7:00 p.m. Friday, January 16th Hockey UdeM @ UNB 7:00 p.m. @ Aitken Centre Men’s Volleyball UNB @ Laval 8:00 p.m. @ Laval Tournament Saturday, January 17th Men’s Volleyball UNB @ Sherbrooke 11:00 a.m. @ Laval Women’s Volleyball CBU @ UNB 1:00 p.m.@ L.B. Gym Women’s Basketball UNB @ ACA 6:00 p.m. Men’s Volleyball UNB @ U of Montreal 6:00 p.m. @ Laval Hockey UPEI @ UNB 7:00 p.m. @ Aitken Centre Men’s Basketball UNB @ ACA 8:00 p.m.

Cheering on the Varsity Reds Chris Cameron The Brunswickan

With the second half of the athletic calendar set to kick off this weekend, UNB fans are beginning to dust of the “Go UNB!” signs and make their way back to the Aitken Centre, which is set to be the scene for another thrilling semester worth of hockey. And you can rest assured that at least one group at UNB will be present to help rally the troops and send the hometown favourites back to the national championships. The Red Brigade is a group of students, including the Joy Kidd band Cry of Joy, whose main goal is to help foster a sense of school spirit at UNB. They do so by holding special events during home hockey games for UNB students to attend. Carl Burgess, a UNB graduate, is the both the leader and founder of the UNB Red Brigade. Upon his return to UNB for further studies, Burgess realized that the UNB fan base was in decline. He met with UNB hockey head coach Gardiner MacDougall to try to find ways to improve fan support and school spirit. Burgess and MacDougall turned to models in the NCAA, where college games sell out more often than not. The first ideas for improving fan support were to increase promotions by selling noisemakers, painting faces, and starting a sports band. Recently, support has grown within the UNB community. Besides the Joy Kidd house band, there has been support from other residences

Upcoming V-Reds Events

Jan. 7, 2009 • Issue 15 • Volume 142 • 17

Andrew Meade / The Brunswickan

Fans cheer in excitement during a UNB hockey match-up at the Aitken Centre. The UNB Red Brigade, a group set out out to increase student involvement at UNB hockey games, are seeking your support for the home team. by selling tickets to their residents. Sodexo is the Red Brigade’s main sponsor, aiding in promoting games to all the students that eat at the McConnell and DKT meal halls. Other sponsors and volunteers include the UNB Cheerleading squad, the AUC staff, and Tony’s Music Box. Although the group’s support has increased as of late, funding is still low. However, Burgess mentioned one specific need that they had to

deal with, which was the need for a stage for the band to play on. Instead of looking for help, they grabbed the bull by the horns and built a stage using their own time and money. Impressive results have been put forth by the Red Brigade in such a short time span. Most recently, during a home match against UdeM on Nov. 28, the Red Brigade created a banner, signed by all residents of Joy Kidd House, encouraging UNB to defeat Moncton. The banner was put

in the dressing room for the UNB players to view before the game. The high-energy, high-intensity affair saw UNB defeat UdeM 3-1 in the last home game before the Christmas break. The next Red Brigade game will be on Friday, Jan. 16, when Moncton comes back to town to take on the Reds. Anyone interested in learning more about the Red Brigade or how to help join in on the fun can contact Carl Burgess at


18 • Jan. 7, 2009 • Issue 15 • Volume 142

Risky move pays Sport’s great inequality big dividends


Tip of the Cap By Josh Fleck This week’s Tip of the Cap goes to Philadelphia Eagles’ cornerback, Asante Samuel. Samuel, who played his first five seasons with the New England Patriots, was an integral parts of a New England team that last season went 18-1, which included an upset in the Super Bowl to the New York Giants. In this past off-season, Samuel became a free agent and shocked the football world when he signed with the Philadelphia Eagles for $57 million over six years. It wasn’t the year length or the money that was shocking. It was his reason. “I just want a chance to be able to win and get back to the Super Bowl,” Samuel told the Associated Press last March. Many people just laughed that off, especially since he left a team that was near perfect and viewed as one of the best teams in football. Fast forward a few months - Samuel is now having the last laugh. His Eagles are in the playoffs, while the Patriots have to sit at home and watch. Despite the Patriots having a far superior record at 11-5, the Eagles snuck into the playoffs and now have a shot at making Samuel look like a genius for leaving the Pats and flying to the Eagles.


While the rest of the sports world is feeling the impact of the economic downfall, the New York Yankees decided to ring in the New Year by announcing three new additions to their roster, including Mark Teixeira for $180 million.

View from the Sidelines


Tony von Richter

$82.5 million. $161 million. $180 million. These numbers wouldn’t be out of place in the soon-to-be-released federal budget, but these millions of dollars aren’t for something like national defence or social welfare programs – instead, the money is for athletes. Oh, and not to help develop hundreds or thousands of athletes. No, those millions are for three athletes. The New York Yankees dipped into the free agency pool once again this season and committed that much money to pitchers A.J. Burnett, C.C. Sabathia, and first baseman Mark

Teixeira over the life of their contracts. The Yanks now have the four largest contracts in baseball and their 2009 payroll will be more than many of the lower spending teams combined. In what way is that fair or good for the sport? I understand that spending a tonne of money doesn’t automatically guarantee victory, but clearly the teams with the bigger budgets have a huge advantage over the less wealthy teams. Most leagues have taken steps to remedy this, but the spending in baseball is so out of control that only a handful of teams can reasonably expect to contend for a championship. This predictability may be good for betting for the fans of the wealthier teams, but it’s not good for the sport has a whole – especially over the long-term. As a fan, how long can you be expected to support a team that you know will never contend for a championship? That your team is condemned to play out its days as a sort of glorified farm team, existing only to develop players to be signed away by the Yankees or the Red Sox just as they hit their peak? People are always concerned about

teams and players having unfair advantages either due to performanceenhancing drugs or technologically superior equipment. But allowing some teams to vastly outspend others is also an unfair advantage, one that most leagues have already corrected. All too often now, SportsCentre sounds like a financial broadcast with seemingly endless discussion of contracts and signing bonuses. As a result, less of a focus is on what actually happens on the field. Hopefully someday soon baseball and other sports will figure out that for all their concern about steroids and other methods of cheating, they’ve built a much more powerful type of advantage into their own rules. Because of how much of it is at stake, money will always be something of a factor in the modern sports world. It just shouldn’t be a factor once the players hit the field. Tony von Richter is a former Sports Editor of The Brunswickan and is the current Sports Bureau Chief for Canadian University Press. Feel free to contact him at

Using your head to stay active Balls to the wall


Mitchell Bernard

Finding cost-efficient ways to stay active during an economic recession It’s getting old. It’s everywhere in the media nowadays. Somehow, every story has a “financial crisis” theme built into it. “How to knit your own shirt” since you can’t

afford a new one, or even “how to buy a television” without spending an arm and a leg. Everyone is feeling the tightening belt of the economy, and moreover, people are looking for cost-efficient methods to live. What about health and wellbeing in general? Can we afford it anymore? A study published in Journal of Extension reported that more respondents reported saving regularly for long-term financial goals than having written financial goals with a dollar cost. This opens the possibility that people are not aware of the costs of fitness, making this an easy over-estimate on their yearly budget. Let’s face it, gym memberships are pricy. Less discretionary funds means few people can afford to fork out the price for the pass, and there lies a need to find innovative ways to

stay active and healthy. There are ways to go about this. Workouts have been introduced that use body-weight only. As well, people have begun to stop driving to school or work, saving money on gas and getting active at the same time. The opportunities are endless – it just takes a little thought. So how do we contend with the economic downfall? How can we maintain our health and well-being, whilst saving a buck or two for the essentials? The key remains in creativity. If you have any tips or hints for readers, send me an e-mail at sports@ A list of ideas will be published in an upcoming issue of the Brunswickan. So get thinking, and get active. Mitchell Bernard is the Sports Editor of The Brunswickan.


Jan. 7, 2009 • Issue 15 • Volume 142 • 19


Despite a holiday break for students at UNB, the Varsity Reds squads were busy over the holidays, preparing for upcoming AUS league play. The following are the results from matches played by the five UNB teams in action over the break: Women’s Basketball

Men’s Basketball

Women’s Volleyball

Men’s Volleyball


Sunday, December 28 UNB - 57 U of Alberta - 75

Sunday, December 28 UNB - 52 McGill - 90

Sunday, December 28 UNB - 0 Brandon - 3

Friday, January 2 UNB - 2 Windsor - 3

Friday, January 2 UNB - 5 Boston College - 3

Monday, December 29 Carleton - 55 UNB - 53

Monday, December 29 UNB - 55 UQAM - 96

Monday, December 29 UBC - 0 UNB - 3

Saturday, January 3 UNB - 0 Ryerson - 3

Saturday, January 3 UNB - 2 Boston College - 4

Tuesday, December 30 UNB - 54 MacMaster - 82

Tuesday, December 30 UNB - 70 RMC - 48

Tuesday, December 30 UNB - 3 McGill - 0

Sunday, January 4 UNB - 1 Wilfred Laurier - 3 UNB - 1 Queen’s - 3

Athlete of the week Kevin Henderson Hockey BBA, 2nd Year Toronto, ON.

UNB Media Services

Reds forward Kevin Henderson was recently named UNB’s athlete of the week. This past weekend, Henderson notched a goal and an assist on Friday, followed by another goal on Saturday, helping UNB clinch the Pete Kelly Cup Challenge against the Boston College Eagles. Along with the athlete of the week honours, Henderson was named the Reds most improved player on the hockey squad for the first half of the season. Henderson contributed seven goals and assisted on 15 during the first half of the AUS schedule.

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