1 minute read
Holidays Done Southport Style
Over 150 of our Peepsters Par ed the Day Away!
Le to right: Even ge ng run over by a reindeer didn’t stop Beverly, Tammy and their Elves Amber and Kate from preparing a FEAST!
Now there is one Happy Man. We love you, Frank!

Happy, Happy— they see what Frank has!
Le to right:
Melissa and Bea just feel The Love!
You know these two: One is always smiling and listening, the other one, well, always listening while talking!

Our homebound BSRI family members were not forgo0en. These beau1ful floral arrangements were donated by The Southport Garden Club. We thank you!
So Many to Thank for Making this Holiday One to Remember:
• The wonderful music provided by Maxie and Steve
• Dona ons from so many of our par cipants
• Beverly, Tammie, Amber, and Kate prepared a magnificent meal with love
• Beau ful cakes for the Cake Walk donated by Mary Ellis and Skip BSL FP
• St. James Service Club made so many homebound very happy

• With open hearts, we thank you for being who you are. We are the richer for it!