1 minute read


Melissa Catlett, Center Director

Jackie Knott, Assistant Director

Hours: Monday–Friday, 8–4

1513 N. Howe St., Ste. 1

Southport, NC 28461


Ann and Bill Brown of OKI and their family decided, rather than exchange Christmas gi s, they would shop together for items such as undergarments, Boost, and food items for our homebound. We thank you for such a wonderful gi !

Valen1nes were filled out with apprecia1on of support and considera1on for our Senior Center. They were sent to our legislators. All of your voices need to be heard!

Flags That Have Flown Over Southport

Just ask Peter Hyde! We are delighted he has agreed to share his interes1ng stories about our very own Southport.


That’s right, Olive has a new baby sister! Her name is Monkey Shines and she was a rescue from a li0er of 11 puppies. Olive is training her to be our assistant therapy dog. Tai chi will never be the same, Dean!

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