Turning your event into a high-flying success
Turning your event into a high-flying success
Skyhall, a unique location offering an amazing view on aircraft and tarmac. The place to be for your conferences, exhibitions and premium events.
Our professional team will be at your service from set-up to your event.
6,100 m² on 2 floors 2,500 guests
Level -1: 2,900 m² 1,300 guests
Ground floor: 3,100 m² 1,200 guests -1 0
Possibility to create break-out rooms in Skyhall
Partnership with Sheraton for meeting rooms in front of Skyhall
(*) This plan is only an indication of the set-up possibilities. Furniture (chairs, tables,…) are not included in the price.
Services such as catering, audiovisual support, parking, cleaning, security and first aid are not included in the rental fee.
Please discover our preferred partners (click on the logo to access their website).
Parking agreements can be made in accordance to your needs by the Skyhall team.
(ex. 250 spots - 500€/day)
(max 23€/day, only effective use is invoiced)
Please find our list of high quality audiovisual suppliers.
For your catering needs, please contact one of our preferred partners.
Ambuce Rescue Team can offer first aid services and G4S is our long-time security services partner.
Vebego can gladly make you an offer for cleaning before and after your event.
For furniture rental such as chairs, tables, bars, decorations, please contact your partner of choice.
Do not hesitate to contact us!
How can we help you realise your premium event?
Please mail us at skyhall-events@brusselsairport.be or fill in the contact form on www.skyhall.be and the Skyhall team will answer your request as soon as possible.
Exploitatiezetel / Siège d’exploitation
Luchthaven Brussel Nationaal
Aéroport Bruxelles National BE-1930 Zaventem
T +32 (0)2 753 42 00
F +32 (0)2 753 42 50 www.brusselsairport.be
Maatschappelijke zetel / Siège social
BluePoint Brussels
A. Reyerslaan 80 / 80 Bld. A. Reyers BE-1030 Brussel / BE-1030 Bruxelles
Bankrekeningen / Comptes bancaires
BNP Parisbas Fortis: IBAN: BE04 2100 0526 5031
KBC: IBAN: BE41 4354 1072 0110
BTW/TVA BE 0890.082.292
RPR/RPM Brussel / Bruxelles
This document is not to be considered as an official offer. The use of the Skyhall is subject to the Specific Conditions and General Conditions of the Skyhall, and all documents and appendices referred to therein, including the Skyhall Manual. The use of the Skyhall is only confirmed upon signature by the User of the Specific Conditions.
V.U. Marielle Rogie / Maguy Papadopoulos • Brussels Airport Company n.v. Luchthaven Brussel Nationaal • BE-1930 Zaventem • November 2021