to excel
B R YA N T ’ S G R E AT E ST ST R E N G T H I S T H E AT T E N T I O N I T PAYS TO E AC H ST U D E N T For more than a century and a half, Bryant University has inspired excellence. We empower students to ask Why? What if? and Why not? to think that anything is possible, that no idea is too big, and that unique paths often lead to the richest rewards. Our student-centered approach is at the heart of everything we do. At Bryant, you’ll belong to a close- knit and collegial community with an atmosphere of purpose. Your professors are committed to your success and will help you reach your fullest potential.
TOP RANKED “Bryant is a school with a rising reputation...turning heads in college rankings.” “50 Best Colleges That Add the Most Value” - Money’s 2017-2018 Best Colleges U.S. News & World Report ranks Bryant 10th in our category, Regional Universities (North)
Bryant’s approach prepares you for both professional success and personal fulfillment. Inspired to excel, you’ll achieve more than you ever thought possible.
100% 13:1 27
average class size
student to faculty ratio
of classes taught by faculty
F R OM YO U R F I R ST DAY O N CA M P U S , B R YA N T D E L I V E R S A N I N T E G R AT E D C U R R I C U L U M T H AT I S N AT I O N A L LY R E CO G N I Z E D F O R I N N OVAT I O N At Bryant, you’ll combine the best of both worlds by completing either a major in business and a complementary minor in the liberal arts, or a major in the arts and sciences and a minor in business. You’ll discover your passion – and figure out how to turn it into meaningful life’s work. Our faculty, whose expertise is sought after around
“Bryant University’s idea is truly path-breaking, and just what society needs,” uniquely blending business and the arts and sciences in a real-world context that is perfect for preparing leaders.” Internationally renown economist Jeffrey D. Sachs, Ph. D. Columbia University
the globe, will engage you in ways that educate the whole person and bring their field-tested experience into the classroom. You’ll work with an industry executive in one course and gain real-world experience through service learning in the next. Your Bryant education will help you see the big picture and understand how all the pieces fit together.
of Bryant’s academic facilities are purpose-built to enhance teaching and learning. Our Academic Innovation Center advances critical thinking, collaboration, communication, and creative problem-solving.
Our First-Year Gateway, introduces key ideas regarding character, leadership, art, culture, and business. IDEA (Innovation and Design Experience for All), our immersive design-thinking program, provides a unique forum for experiential learning about creative problem solving and the innovation process.
Bryant’s exceptional faculty engage students with hands-on learning through: • practicum experiences • social entrepreneurship • consulting opportunities • competitions • business simulations
Alexandra Aubron ’19 MAJORS: International Business: Global Supply Chain Management and Applied Analytics HOMETOWN: Herouville, France INSPIRED TO EXCEL: Current Position: International Graduate rotational development program, Prysmian Inc. “If you want to achieve big things, you have to be challenged,” says Alexandra Aubron ’19. “I knew I wouldn’t just be ticking boxes at Bryant. I was getting the whole experience.” For Aubron, who loves to travel and explore new ideas, the International Business Program was a perfect fit. “Professor Andres Ramirez, Ph.D., who directs the International Business Program, told us that IB was a challenging program, and that we would have great support throughout our four years here as well,” she says. The real-world experience she gained from her coursework, including practicum courses where she developed real solutions for international companies, gave her an edge in launching her career. “Being able to apply what we’ve been learning in the classroom and see what we’re capable of means a lot.”
perspective B R YA N T ’ S I N T E R N AT I O N A L F O C U S W I L L E X PA N D YO U R WO R L D Your Bryant experience will help you become a true citizen of the world. You’ll build confidence, embrace exciting new opportunities, and develop the global perspective and intercultural knowledge you’ll need to succeed. Extensive study abroad and travel opportunities, combined with globally-oriented coursework and intercultural events, will help you understand the dynamic intersections of different cultures and ideas. You’ll learn to challenge assumptions, explore diverse perspectives, and develop creative solutions in an ever-changing world.
B RYA N T Z H U H A I International experience and cultural understanding are key aspects of a Bryant education. Four years ago, Bryant opened Bryant Zhuhai, a cornerstone of our international approach. Located in Zhuhai, China, directly across the bay from Hong Kong, this unique program with Beijing Institute of Technology Zhuhai educates both U.S. and Chinese students. The groundbreaking Bryant Zhuhai program is designed to provide Bryant students with the global perspective that is essential for success in today’s international business world.
50% of Bryant students study abroad
37% of Bryant students take advantage of the Sophomore International Experience
locations where Bryant students can study around the world
Sarina Resnick ‘18 MAJORS: Marketing, Information Systems HOMETOWN: Scituate, RI INSPIRED TO EXCEL: Current position: Software engineer at Compass IT To truly understand something, Sarina Resnick ’18 says, you have to be able to see it from a variety of angles. “It’s like looking at a cube,” she notes. “There are a lot of different sides, but it’s all the same cube.”
B R YA N T ’ S P U R P O S E F U L A N D CO L L E G I A L CA M P U S L I F E I S D E S I G N E D TO E N H A N C E YO U R L E A R N I N G E X P E R I E N C E From the moment you set foot on the Bryant campus, you’ll feel the difference. Student life here is purposeful, engaging, and inspiring. It’s the best environment to bring out the best in you. More than 80 percent of Bryant’s students live on campus, where
At Bryant, Resnick’s curiosity led her to pursue diverse course of study incorporating subjects such as marketing, information systems, and philosophy. A driven student, her penchant for exploring new ideas was nurtured by programs and professors that encouraged her to ask big questions.
they enjoy a dynamic 24/7 learning
As President of Bryant’s Gamers Club, a member of several of the University’s performance groups, and the founder of the Bryant Philosophers, she created spaces that encourage community and the sharing of ideas. “It’s important to me to help build communities that people are comfortable in,” she says.
Our 22 Division I varsity sports teams inspire Bulldog pride and
environment. Through more than 100 student organizations, including academic clubs, community service groups, club sports teams, and cultural organizations, you’ll form lifelong bonds with classmates and enhance your ability to lead and collaborate. bring the community together throughout the school year.
of first-year students live on campus
38/49 Bryant’s students come from 38 states and represent 49 countries
NCAA Division I varsity teams contribute to an unmatched school spirit and sense of community
clubs and organizations provide opportunities to get involved and learn by doing
MAKING A Amber Thomas ’18 MAJORS: Biology, Applied Psychology MINOR: Human Resource Management HOMETOWN: Rochester, NY
YO U R B R YA N T E X P E R I E N C E W I L L H E L P YO U G R OW AS A P E R S O N A N D AS A L E A D E R To make an impact in the real world, you have to
INSPIRED TO EXCEL: Invested mentors and internships prepared a talented biologist to make a difference by helping others. “I want to use my problemsolving skills to help people,” says Amber Thomas ’18. “That’s why I want to pursue neuropsychology. The more I learn, the more I love it.” Bryant’s student-centered faculty advisors, including Professor Joseph Trunzo, Ph.D., the head of the Applied Psychology department helped her make that possible. “Professor Trunzo, has been my advocate from the start,” says Thomas. “He’s helped me choose courses and find professional contacts, and research experiences.” Those experiences included the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellow (SURF) Program, a capstone project, conducted with the guidance of a faculty sponsor, that investigated the relationship between emotion regulation and post-concussion depression, and a neuropsychology internship. All of this helped prepare Thomas for her job as a Research Assistant at Spalding Medical Hospital, one of the largest rehabilitation facilities in the U.S.
be ready for the real world. At Bryant, you’ll not only learn important theories and ideas, you’ll understand how to apply them in ways that make an impact. You’ll examine how policies and business plans affect real people, and the role you can play in ensuring the best outcome. Our innovative approach to teaching and learning challenges assumptions, hones your critical reasoning ability, and helps you develop the insight to understand – and solve – big problems. Collaborative and experiential learning are hallmarks of a Bryant education. Group projects, practicum experiences, social entrepreneurship, academic competitions, business simulations, and internships are just a few of the ways you’ll expand your knowledge and skillset and prepare to make a difference in the world.
of Bryant students participate in at least one service learning project
BRYANT’S MISSION is to educate and inspire students to discover their passion and become innovative leaders with character around the world.
In the Management 200: Principles and Practices course, which is a required class for all sophomores, students work with non-profit organizations to put the skills and theories they’ve learned to work helping others.
Andrew Pham ‘18 MAJORS: Accounting, Applied Analytics HOMETOWN: Quincy, MA INSPIRED TO EXCEL: Current Position: Tax Associate at PwC
B R YA N T ’ S G R A D U AT E S A R E I N H I G H D E M A N D At Bryant, you’ll learn how to manage projects, work in teams, and creatively solve problems – skills that will give you an important edge in the job market. You’ll be able to take your talents and interests and turn them
Graduating a semester early, Andy Pham ’18 was looking for a place to continue his education. The choice, he says, was easy.
into a career you’ll love.
“I love Bryant,” says Pham, who will be starting as a Tax Associate at PwC in January after completing his Master of Professional Accountancy. “This school has gotten me so far, and helped me grow as an adult, as a professional, and as a person.”
career skills and make invaluable connections. Through
The nationally recognized programs of Bryant’s Amica Center for Career Education will help you develop lifelong Bryant’s international alumni network, you’ll be able to find a mentor who can give you personalized advice from first-hand experience – no matter your field or location. As you create your path to success, you will also cultivate the qualities of character required for effective, ethical
Pham’s professors “took the time to sit down with me and help me really nail down the concepts,” he says. They also recommended him for key internships at Dunkin’ Brands and John Hancock Investments. “It’s not enough to be able to read the data. You need to develop the critical thinking abilities to question it, and the storytelling skills to be able to explain it to others,” says Pham.
leadership. Put all of that together, and you’ll understand why Bryant graduates are so highly sought after by employers.
$60,000 400
companies and organizations participate in recruiting Bryant students
Bryant’s Amica Center offers • An extensive recruiting program • Four career fairs and other networking events • Mentoring and job shadowing opportunities • Internship connections • Career development workshops • Personalized advice on choosing a major or a career • Interview practice • A database of companies that hire Bryant graduates
Median starting salary
99% of students in the Class of 2018 were employed or enrolled in grad school within 6 months
alumni create a powerful professional network
MA JORS + Shane Vyskocil ’19 MAJORS:
Economics: Public Policy track, and Politics and Law MINOR:
With 195 major/minor combinations available at Bryant, the possibilities are endless.
You’ll study subjects that fascinate you, combine them in unique ways, and prepare for
Current position: Economic Associate at Regional Economic Models Inc. “A good education is about more than learning facts. It’s about learning the best ways to solve problems and being able to apply that to all sorts of different scenarios,” Shane Vyskocil ’19 notes. Coursework in economics, politics and law, and finance gave him flexibility and allowed him to see things from different viewpoints. He also benefitted from studying under professors such as Edi Tebaldi, Ph.D. whose extensive experience includes working on economic development for the World Bank. As a senior, Vyskocil secured a position as an incoming Economic Associate at Regional Economic Models Inc. The job, he says, is a perfect fit. “I want to do something that has an impact, and public policy directly affects so many people,” says Vyskocil. “It’s something I’ll feel good about doing.”
a career that you’ll love. Combine finance and economics to work for the U.S. Treasury. Study communication and marketing to become a strategist at Google. Take courses in technology and entrepreneurship so that you can develop innovative new products for your own business startup. An academic advisor will help you explore all your academic options and create the path that’s right for you.
100% of Bryant students complete a major and a minor
complete multiple majors, concentrations, or minors
12 12
AC A D E M I C E XC E L L E N C E Here are just a few of the subjects you can study at Bryant: C O L L E G E O F B U S I N E SS Accounting Information Systems Data Science Digital Marketing Entrepreneurship Finance Financial Services Global Supply Chain Management International Business Management: Human Resources Management Leadership and Innovation Team Project Management Marketing
C O L L E G E O F A R TS AND SCIENCES Actuarial Mathematics Biology Chinese Communication Economics Environmental Science Global Studies History Literary and Cultural Studies Mathematics and Statistics Politics and Law Psychology Sociology Spanish
For a full list of academic programs, and to see where your Bryant education can take you, visit
“ Companies including General Dynamics Corp. and Target Corp pluck Bryant students for job interviews and internships.” The Wall Street Journal
B RYA N T ST U D E N TS I N T E R N at organizations including: Amica Insurance BBC Worldwide Boston Celtics Dell Deloitte LLP EMC Fannie Mae Federal Reserve Board of Governors Fidelity Investments FM Global Hasbro KPMG PricewaterhouseCoopers Raytheon Company Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation SIRIUS Satellite Radio Turner Broadcasting Systems
C L ASS O F 2023 P R O F I L E
3.41 average GPA
1216 Class Rank
TOP 29%
B RYA N T G R A D U AT E S are employed by businesses and organizations around the world including: Citizens Financial Group CVS Health Fidelity Investments Fox News Channel/Business Network Hanna Hartford Investment Management Company Hasbro Internal Revenue Service Liberty Mutual MetLife NBC Sports Group Pfizer PricewaterhouseCoopers Oracle Raytheon Company Swarovski North America SpaceX Textron, Inc. The TJX Companies, Inc.
B RYA N T A LU M N I make significant contributions to organizations around the world. To name just a few: David Beirne ’85, Partner, X10 Capital Nanette Buziak ’93, Head of Equities Trading, Voya Investment Management Robert Calabro ’88, Partner, PwC Sharon Garavel ’85, Managing Director, Operations Executive, JPMorgan Chase Frank Hauck ’81, President for Global Markets, Dell Technologies Diane Kazarian ’83, Greater Toronto Area Managing Partner; National Leader, Banking and Capital Markets; PwC Canada Brenda Galgano ’91, Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, Perdue Farms
TO P R A N K E D Overall #10 Regional University (North) – U.S. News & World Report 2019 #7 Best Undergraduate Teaching – U.S. News & World Report 2019 #18 Bloomberg Businessweek employer survey America’s top 50 entrepreneurial colleges – Forbes Academic Programs College Factual 2019 #3 in Marketing #3 in International Business #4 in Accounting #8 in Management #8 in Entrepreneurial Studies #9 in Applied Mathematics #11 in Human Resources Management #12 in Finance/Financial Management Return on Investment/Value •One of the nation’s top 50 “Most Transformative Colleges” •No. 15 for “earnings premium of graduates over peers” •A “Best Value” for educational quality
H OW TO A P P LY We’re looking for applicants with strong academic preparation and who are eager to tackle challenges. Students admitted to Bryant also participated in extracurricular activities and submitted strong letters of recommendation. We know that students come to us with a diversity of strengths. That’s why we offer admission interviews and test-optional alternatives. Show us how you shine and share your big plans. If you’ll thrive in a learning environment that places a priority on innovation and collaboration, we can’t wait to meet you. You can start your application by using the Common Application, which requires you to create a log-in and password, allowing you to save and add to your application as needed before you are ready to submit it to Bryant. The Common Application is available at
W H AT I T TA K E S Admission requirements T ranscript- minimum of 16 units with the following courses required: •4 years of English; 4 years of college preparatory math, including a year beyond Algebra II; •2 years of history or social sciences; •2 years of lab science •2 years of a foreign language Class rank/GPA, counselor recommendation, and most current senior grades Standardized Test Optional (for more information, visit T est of English as a foreign language (TOEFL) score: 80 International English Language Testing System (IELTS) score: 6.5 (waived for students who have demonstrated English proficiency)
Bryant’s innovative curriculum, purposeful student life programs, and award-winning career education center ensure that your education investment will hold its value. TUITION AND FEES Estimated costs for the 2019-2020 academic year: • Tuition and fees: $44,498 (includes a personal laptop computer) • Residence (includes 14 meals per week): $15,705 •Student fees: $829 FINANCIAL AID Required form: FAFSA FAFSA available October 1 • Freshmen- Preferred filing date same as admission application • Transfer- Preferred filing date is April 1 Scholarships, need-based grants, loans, and work-study awards are all available.
September Take charge of your application materials. Reach out to those you’ve asked for recommendations and provide them with deadlines. Work on your admission essays.
October 1 First day the FAFSA is available for Sept. 2019 enrollment
October 19 Attend Bryant’s Fall Open House.
October and November Experience Bryant firsthand this fall; join us for A Day with Class.
October 26 Join us for Bryant 101 (also held Nov. 9 and Nov. 11).
November Bryant admission is Test Optional, but, if standardized test scores will be part of your application, order and send the official ACT or SAT scores to us.
November 1 Application deadline for Early Decision 1
November 15 Application deadline for Early Action
December Schedule an optional interview. An interview provides an opportunity to ask questions and tell us why you’d be a great fit at Bryant.
For the upcoming academic year, Bryant will offer approximately $16 million to incoming students alone in institutional grants and merit scholarship.
January Confirm that all materials have been received by Bryant.
January 15 Application deadline for Early Decision 2
February 1 Application deadline for Regular Decision
February, March, and April Experience Bryant firsthand; join us for A Day with Class.
March As you look for your admission decision, keep your grades up.
April Bryant offers several events to welcome admitted students into our community.
May 1 National Deposit Deadline
visit Learn more about Bryant’s studentcentered community and programs. Please join us for a student-guided campus tour and attend an information session presented by a member of the admission team.
Bryant University 1150 Douglas Pike Smithfield, RI 02917-1284
Office of Admission 401.232.6100 800.622.7001 FAX: 401.232.6741
Office of Financial Aid 401.232.6020 800. 248.4036 Fax: 401.232.6293
Monday – Friday • 10:15 a.m. information session followed by 11:00 a.m. campus tour • 1:15 p.m. information session followed by 2:00 p.m. campus tour • 9:00 a.m. campus tour and information session is also available most weekdays
Saturday • 9:00 a.m. campus tour and information session
New York
• 10:15 a.m. information session followed by 11:00 a.m. campus tour Tours depart from the Academic Innovation Center.
Washington, DC
INTERVIEWS We offer interviews for high school students and transfer students from 9:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m., by appointment, Monday – Friday. To schedule an interview, please call 800.622.7001. CONTACT US For more information on campus visits and events, as well as directions to campus, visit
To take a virtual tour of campus, visit