AAC Membership
Know someone interested in joining AAC? Easy! - www.bryant.edu/aac We’ll make them a member before you can say - “Go Bulldogs!” -
What Management Professors Crystal Jiang, Ph.D., and Dirk Primus, Ph.D., and Instructor Chris Ratcliffe have discovered about creativity and industry disruption is helping them prepare Bryant students to build what the future needs. The trio recently presented their research at the International Society of Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM) conference. Primus, working with Jiang, presented a study investigating the positive effects of using creative methods like model building on team dynamics.
Check it out!
Have you visited www.bryant.edu and admission.bryant.edu lately? Over the past six months, Bryant University has rolled out a new responsive web design for both the main website and admission microsite. The work represents extensive data analysis and review of Google analytics as well as feedback received from faculty, staff, and students — including a dedicated student focus group that worked with the digital marketing project team over the course of several months of strategy development and implementation. The upgrade also includes a virtual tour of our beautiful campus: www.youvisit.com/tour/bryant.
Alumni-Admission Connection The Character of Success Bryant University Office of Admission 1150 Douglas Pike Smithfield RI 02917
The Bryant Connection is published three times a year for the Alumni-Admission Connection members of Bryant University. Layout and design is done by Moana Tellbuescher ’20, Admission Event Assistant, and Mallory Rousseau ‘11, Assistant Director of Event Operations and Technology.
Phone: 401-232-6100 Toll Free: 800-622-7001 Please send comments on this newsletter to admission@bryant.edu the Managing Editor, Mallory Rousseau, at mrousse1@bryant.edu
Volume 18 Issue 1, Winter 2018 A Newsletter for Members of the Alumni-Admission Connection
Their research centered on information gathered from last year’s MBA boot camp where new students were led through the process of using creative methods, such as model building using Lego bricks and play dough, to design a conceptual business model that exploits the opportunities associated with urban transportation in the mega-cities of the 21st century. “We found that working in teams resulted in a positive impact on MBA students’ openness and creativity, as well as their contribution and commitment to their team, and the overall positive team climate,” Jiang notes. Prof. Primus headshot “We are wired to play,” explains Primus, “but as we get older, that instinct is suppressed and we lose that ability. When you work with your hands and get crafty, you have different kinds of ideas and revelations when you think about difficult problems.” In research conducted with Primus, Ratcliffe used the disruption of the television industry by cable television, as a case model in asking why industry leaders sometimes fail to see the threats from disruptive technologies, and under what conditions industry disruptors can conceal the threats that they pose.
Spring 2018 Admitted Student Volunteer Opportunities for aac members Based on feedback from prospective students and from you, we are looking to revamp our AAC Spring Phone Calling Campaign to Admitted Students! We would like to connect students and alums based on majors, industries of shared interest, activities/hobbies and hometowns rather than just students in your current area. Please go to the following link to enter in some information about yourself so we can connect you with a prospective student who has indicated they are interested in speaking with an alum. explore.bryant.edu/register/aacvolunteer2018
As each semester passes, we are more and more grateful for the continued assistance of our AAC members and how each of you helps create this wonderful community we are all so proud of. Some of the best testimonies from prospective students often include interactions with Bryant alumni, so for that we thank you!
These are important connections that may influence admitted students’ decisions to attend Bryant so we thank you and welcome your suggestions which can also be submitted via the link above. Thanks for your continued support!
This past fall was no exception and we’d like to personally thank the following AAC members who volunteered to represent Bryant at various college fairs across the country:
The Social Corner
The trio used the insights they’ve gained in developing Bryant’s new Strategic Management of Technological Innovation course, which helps undergraduate students develop strong conceptual foundations for understanding innovative and emergent technologies. The class will use case studies, hands-on learning, and guest lectures from innovators to foster an environment that inspires creativity. “I’m always thinking about innovation,” says Primus, “and how to get the best out of everyone. When we use different methods to teach it helps students build confidence and improves team interactions. They also learn some surprising things about themselves: new talents, new sides to themselves, new things they enjoy.” 4
What would we do without our talented and dedicated alumni helping to recruit future bulldogs to Bryant?
Delaney Carr ‘14 Veronica Eichmann ‘14 Katie Farrell ‘13 Anthony Franco ‘12 Emily Hatfield ‘15
Jessica Kline ‘14 Jim Magee ‘88 Pratik Parikh ‘10 Mitch Terk ‘09
In addition, for every Bryant 101 information session, we like to have an alumnus speak briefly about their Bryant experience and how it has influenced their career and life after Bryant. Last fall the following AAC members spoke to prospective students at each of these sessions:
Stephanie Calenda ‘04 Jessica Kline ‘14 Emily Murphy ‘11
SMITHFIELD, RI - Presenting Bryant University’s #2017bestnine. Thank you everyone - we couldn’t ask for a better community, and we’re eager to see where 2018 takes us.
Again, we would like to extend our deepest gratitude for representing Bryant not only at formal events, but also in your everyday lives when you let people know of Bryant’s positive role in your life and career.
AMBASSADOR ANGLES-SOPHOMORE INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE Thomas Behr -- During this winter break, I was afforded the opportunity to travel to China through the Bryant University Sophomore International Experience program. During our two-week journey, we visited four different cities in four completely different regions of the country including Beijing, Zhuhai, Yangshuo, and Shanghai. We got to visit different companies including Lenovo and Bowers and Wilkins, where we learned about the business culture and operating environment in China. Additionally, we had the opportunity to visit various landmarks and historical sites like the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, the Beijing Olympic Village, the Bryant Zhuhai campus, and The Bund in Shanghai. This experience has not only changed me as a person by pushing me out of my comfort zone, but has also given me an inside advantage for the future when working in a new culture in the business world.
Angelique Perrone -- Attending SIE Latin America was absolutely life changing. We had the amazing opportunity to meet with businesses of all sizes, which varied from a dairy corporation to a start-up incubator. When we were not meeting with industry experts, our time was spent exploring cities in Argentina and Chile. My two favorite moments were having a guided graffiti tour of Valparaíso and white water rafting through the Andes Mountains. Experiencing such a different culture than mine completely opened my eyes to the world around me, and I'll always remember the things I learned on this trip. Thanks to Bryant University for providing an awesome opportunity for learning, exploration, and growth.
Joseph Piccolo -- Participating in the SIE to Malaysia and Singapore over winter break was by far one of my best experiences at Bryant to date. Meeting with local divisions of international organizations like the United Nations Humanitarian Response Depot and the European Chamber of Commerce allowed for unique glimpses at operations that could not be seen here in the United States. Meeting people from cultures so different from those here at home gave us a newfound appreciation for the things we take for granted on an everyday basis, reteaching us lessons on the importance of giving to others and being accepting of everyone. Meeting new Bryant students and forming lasting bonds with them ensured that we will be able to relive our memories of exploring the cities, learning the cultures, and playing with the local wildlife for years to come. SIE Malaysia Singapore pushed me beyond my comfort zone to experience a whole new world, something that Bryant will always do exceptionally.
Guy Sarubbi -- This past January, I took part in SIE Italy. I had the opportunity to learn about Italian culture, arts, language, business and social customs. While in Italy, I was able to apply what I learned, and it made for an enjoyable experience! Being immersed in the Italian lifestyle and culture helped me gain appreciation for Italy and its people. I was able to make basic conversation with the Italian people, and learn how to navigate. Sightseeing was a highlight of the experience, as we visited the Colosseum in Rome, as well as the physically imposing cathedrals in Milan and Florence. In addition, we were able to visit the Vatican City and see the Sistine Chapel. I highly recommend taking part in this experience; I guarantee it will be lifechanging! 2
Archway Fund Expands to Include Fixed Income Track and Bloomberg Terminals Bryant University has appointed Kevin Maloney, Ph.D., as visiting professor to initiate a new fixed income offering within Bryant’s successful student-run Archway Investment Fund. Maloney is an accomplished scholar and finance industry executive with more than 35 years of teaching and corporate leadership experience.
Fixed income portfolio within the Archway Investment Fund
Building the fixed income offering within the Archway Investment Fund will enhance student marketability and job placement.
The AIF is an immersive, experiential two-semester course available to finance juniors and seniors who must undergo a rigorous application process to be accepted. In the Securities Analysis course in the fall, students study the markets, conducting indepth research and analysis in preparation for the live Portfolio Management course in the spring.
As tenured Professor of Finance and Economics at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College and visiting professor at University of Pennsylvania during the 1980s and 1990s, Maloney specialized in teaching fixed income and derivatives. He Professor Maloney published extensively in a number of academic and investment publications, including the topranked Journal of Finance. In 1995, Maloney left the academic world to embark on a 20-plus year career in the investment management industry. Most recently he served as Senior Managing Director and Co-Chief Investment Officer of the Hedge Fund Solutions Business at Gottex Fund Management, a global alternative investment firm. He has also held leadership positions at Putnam Investments in product design, financial engineering, and fixed income quantitative research.
The student-managed Archway Investment Fund (AIF), led by finance Professor Asli Ascioglu, was established in 2005 with a $200,000 cash investment, and it has grown to $1.2 million under management.
Professor Maloney is working with Professors Nigro and Ascioglu to expand the AIF by establishing a fixed income sequence to complement the successful equities portfolio. Fixed income assets include government bonds, corporate bonds, mortgages, asset-backed securities, closed-end funds, and exchange traded funds. He is currently teaching a 400-level fixed income course while preparing to launch the new AIF program in the fall. “Fixed income investments are a huge part of the global financial markets, larger than the equity market, in fact,” said Professor Nigro. “Some of our most successful finance alumni are in the fixed income market. It’s a skill set that will enhance student marketability and job placement.”
For the love of teaching
Bloomberg terminals: the tools of the trade
After a successful career in global finance, Maloney decided to return to the university setting. “I love to teach,” he said. “There is no better reward than when someone comes back and says they learned something that helped them be successful. It’s great to have financial success, but the best thing in life is the relationships—teaching and learning from other people.”
In addition to his teaching and program development duties, Maloney is working with faculty and students to incorporate the use of Bryant’s 12 new Bloomberg terminals into the finance curriculum. Bloomberg terminals are the industry standard for fixed income investment research, analysis, and management. Their capabilities also have broad applicability across the curriculum at Bryant including in areas such as finance, accounting, supply chain analysis, and economics.
“We are very happy to have Kevin here,” said Finance Department Chair Peter Nigro. “He was running about $7 billion in assets under management at Gottex and prior to that he was tenured at Dartmouth. He considered a number of offers but decided to come to Bryant.” Maloney said he was attracted to Bryant in part because he “witnessed the transformative impact the Bryant experience” had on his son Erik Maloney ‘16.
AMBASSADOR ANGLES-SOPHOMORE INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE Thomas Behr -- During this winter break, I was afforded the opportunity to travel to China through the Bryant University Sophomore International Experience program. During our two-week journey, we visited four different cities in four completely different regions of the country including Beijing, Zhuhai, Yangshuo, and Shanghai. We got to visit different companies including Lenovo and Bowers and Wilkins, where we learned about the business culture and operating environment in China. Additionally, we had the opportunity to visit various landmarks and historical sites like the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, the Beijing Olympic Village, the Bryant Zhuhai campus, and The Bund in Shanghai. This experience has not only changed me as a person by pushing me out of my comfort zone, but has also given me an inside advantage for the future when working in a new culture in the business world.
Angelique Perrone -- Attending SIE Latin America was absolutely life changing. We had the amazing opportunity to meet with businesses of all sizes, which varied from a dairy corporation to a start-up incubator. When we were not meeting with industry experts, our time was spent exploring cities in Argentina and Chile. My two favorite moments were having a guided graffiti tour of Valparaíso and white water rafting through the Andes Mountains. Experiencing such a different culture than mine completely opened my eyes to the world around me, and I'll always remember the things I learned on this trip. Thanks to Bryant University for providing an awesome opportunity for learning, exploration, and growth.
Joseph Piccolo -- Participating in the SIE to Malaysia and Singapore over winter break was by far one of my best experiences at Bryant to date. Meeting with local divisions of international organizations like the United Nations Humanitarian Response Depot and the European Chamber of Commerce allowed for unique glimpses at operations that could not be seen here in the United States. Meeting people from cultures so different from those here at home gave us a newfound appreciation for the things we take for granted on an everyday basis, reteaching us lessons on the importance of giving to others and being accepting of everyone. Meeting new Bryant students and forming lasting bonds with them ensured that we will be able to relive our memories of exploring the cities, learning the cultures, and playing with the local wildlife for years to come. SIE Malaysia Singapore pushed me beyond my comfort zone to experience a whole new world, something that Bryant will always do exceptionally.
Guy Sarubbi -- This past January, I took part in SIE Italy. I had the opportunity to learn about Italian culture, arts, language, business and social customs. While in Italy, I was able to apply what I learned, and it made for an enjoyable experience! Being immersed in the Italian lifestyle and culture helped me gain appreciation for Italy and its people. I was able to make basic conversation with the Italian people, and learn how to navigate. Sightseeing was a highlight of the experience, as we visited the Colosseum in Rome, as well as the physically imposing cathedrals in Milan and Florence. In addition, we were able to visit the Vatican City and see the Sistine Chapel. I highly recommend taking part in this experience; I guarantee it will be lifechanging! 2
Archway Fund Expands to Include Fixed Income Track and Bloomberg Terminals Bryant University has appointed Kevin Maloney, Ph.D., as visiting professor to initiate a new fixed income offering within Bryant’s successful student-run Archway Investment Fund. Maloney is an accomplished scholar and finance industry executive with more than 35 years of teaching and corporate leadership experience.
Fixed income portfolio within the Archway Investment Fund
Building the fixed income offering within the Archway Investment Fund will enhance student marketability and job placement.
The AIF is an immersive, experiential two-semester course available to finance juniors and seniors who must undergo a rigorous application process to be accepted. In the Securities Analysis course in the fall, students study the markets, conducting indepth research and analysis in preparation for the live Portfolio Management course in the spring.
As tenured Professor of Finance and Economics at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College and visiting professor at University of Pennsylvania during the 1980s and 1990s, Maloney specialized in teaching fixed income and derivatives. He Professor Maloney published extensively in a number of academic and investment publications, including the topranked Journal of Finance. In 1995, Maloney left the academic world to embark on a 20-plus year career in the investment management industry. Most recently he served as Senior Managing Director and Co-Chief Investment Officer of the Hedge Fund Solutions Business at Gottex Fund Management, a global alternative investment firm. He has also held leadership positions at Putnam Investments in product design, financial engineering, and fixed income quantitative research.
The student-managed Archway Investment Fund (AIF), led by finance Professor Asli Ascioglu, was established in 2005 with a $200,000 cash investment, and it has grown to $1.2 million under management.
Professor Maloney is working with Professors Nigro and Ascioglu to expand the AIF by establishing a fixed income sequence to complement the successful equities portfolio. Fixed income assets include government bonds, corporate bonds, mortgages, asset-backed securities, closed-end funds, and exchange traded funds. He is currently teaching a 400-level fixed income course while preparing to launch the new AIF program in the fall. “Fixed income investments are a huge part of the global financial markets, larger than the equity market, in fact,” said Professor Nigro. “Some of our most successful finance alumni are in the fixed income market. It’s a skill set that will enhance student marketability and job placement.”
For the love of teaching
Bloomberg terminals: the tools of the trade
After a successful career in global finance, Maloney decided to return to the university setting. “I love to teach,” he said. “There is no better reward than when someone comes back and says they learned something that helped them be successful. It’s great to have financial success, but the best thing in life is the relationships—teaching and learning from other people.”
In addition to his teaching and program development duties, Maloney is working with faculty and students to incorporate the use of Bryant’s 12 new Bloomberg terminals into the finance curriculum. Bloomberg terminals are the industry standard for fixed income investment research, analysis, and management. Their capabilities also have broad applicability across the curriculum at Bryant including in areas such as finance, accounting, supply chain analysis, and economics.
“We are very happy to have Kevin here,” said Finance Department Chair Peter Nigro. “He was running about $7 billion in assets under management at Gottex and prior to that he was tenured at Dartmouth. He considered a number of offers but decided to come to Bryant.” Maloney said he was attracted to Bryant in part because he “witnessed the transformative impact the Bryant experience” had on his son Erik Maloney ‘16.
AAC Membership
Know someone interested in joining AAC? Easy! - www.bryant.edu/aac We’ll make them a member before you can say - “Go Bulldogs!” -
What Management Professors Crystal Jiang, Ph.D., and Dirk Primus, Ph.D., and Instructor Chris Ratcliffe have discovered about creativity and industry disruption is helping them prepare Bryant students to build what the future needs. The trio recently presented their research at the International Society of Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM) conference. Primus, working with Jiang, presented a study investigating the positive effects of using creative methods like model building on team dynamics.
Check it out!
Have you visited www.bryant.edu and admission.bryant.edu lately? Over the past six months, Bryant University has rolled out a new responsive web design for both the main website and admission microsite. The work represents extensive data analysis and review of Google analytics as well as feedback received from faculty, staff, and students — including a dedicated student focus group that worked with the digital marketing project team over the course of several months of strategy development and implementation. The upgrade also includes a virtual tour of our beautiful campus: www.youvisit.com/tour/bryant.
Alumni-Admission Connection The Character of Success Bryant University Office of Admission 1150 Douglas Pike Smithfield RI 02917
The Bryant Connection is published three times a year for the Alumni-Admission Connection members of Bryant University. Layout and design is done by Moana Tellbuescher ’20, Admission Event Assistant, and Mallory Rousseau ‘11, Assistant Director of Event Operations and Technology.
Phone: 401-232-6100 Toll Free: 800-622-7001 Please send comments on this newsletter to admission@bryant.edu the Managing Editor, Mallory Rousseau, at mrousse1@bryant.edu
Volume 18 Issue 1, Winter 2018 A Newsletter for Members of the Alumni-Admission Connection
Their research centered on information gathered from last year’s MBA boot camp where new students were led through the process of using creative methods, such as model building using Lego bricks and play dough, to design a conceptual business model that exploits the opportunities associated with urban transportation in the mega-cities of the 21st century. “We found that working in teams resulted in a positive impact on MBA students’ openness and creativity, as well as their contribution and commitment to their team, and the overall positive team climate,” Jiang notes. Prof. Primus headshot “We are wired to play,” explains Primus, “but as we get older, that instinct is suppressed and we lose that ability. When you work with your hands and get crafty, you have different kinds of ideas and revelations when you think about difficult problems.” In research conducted with Primus, Ratcliffe used the disruption of the television industry by cable television, as a case model in asking why industry leaders sometimes fail to see the threats from disruptive technologies, and under what conditions industry disruptors can conceal the threats that they pose.
Spring 2018 Admitted Student Volunteer Opportunities for aac members Based on feedback from prospective students and from you, we are looking to revamp our AAC Spring Phone Calling Campaign to Admitted Students! We would like to connect students and alums based on majors, industries of shared interest, activities/hobbies and hometowns rather than just students in your current area. Please go to the following link to enter in some information about yourself so we can connect you with a prospective student who has indicated they are interested in speaking with an alum. explore.bryant.edu/register/aacvolunteer2018
As each semester passes, we are more and more grateful for the continued assistance of our AAC members and how each of you helps create this wonderful community we are all so proud of. Some of the best testimonies from prospective students often include interactions with Bryant alumni, so for that we thank you!
These are important connections that may influence admitted students’ decisions to attend Bryant so we thank you and welcome your suggestions which can also be submitted via the link above. Thanks for your continued support!
This past fall was no exception and we’d like to personally thank the following AAC members who volunteered to represent Bryant at various college fairs across the country:
The Social Corner
The trio used the insights they’ve gained in developing Bryant’s new Strategic Management of Technological Innovation course, which helps undergraduate students develop strong conceptual foundations for understanding innovative and emergent technologies. The class will use case studies, hands-on learning, and guest lectures from innovators to foster an environment that inspires creativity. “I’m always thinking about innovation,” says Primus, “and how to get the best out of everyone. When we use different methods to teach it helps students build confidence and improves team interactions. They also learn some surprising things about themselves: new talents, new sides to themselves, new things they enjoy.” 4
What would we do without our talented and dedicated alumni helping to recruit future bulldogs to Bryant?
Delaney Carr ‘14 Veronica Eichmann ‘14 Katie Farrell ‘13 Anthony Franco ‘12 Emily Hatfield ‘15
Jessica Kline ‘14 Jim Magee ‘88 Pratik Parikh ‘10 Mitch Terk ‘09
In addition, for every Bryant 101 information session, we like to have an alumnus speak briefly about their Bryant experience and how it has influenced their career and life after Bryant. Last fall the following AAC members spoke to prospective students at each of these sessions:
Stephanie Calenda ‘04 Jessica Kline ‘14 Emily Murphy ‘11
SMITHFIELD, RI - Presenting Bryant University’s #2017bestnine. Thank you everyone - we couldn’t ask for a better community, and we’re eager to see where 2018 takes us.
Again, we would like to extend our deepest gratitude for representing Bryant not only at formal events, but also in your everyday lives when you let people know of Bryant’s positive role in your life and career.