Bryant Magazine - Winter 2011

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WIN T E R 2 011

A B r y a n t U n i v e r s i t y Re s o u r c e f o r P r o f e s s i o n a l S u c c e s s

Mentorship The Experience Exchange n e w v e n t u r e c o m p et i t i o n

201787.FC.indd 1

w o m e n ’ s f i e l d h o c k e y p l ay- o f f r u n

mba is lauded

1/28/11 9:02 AM

january 2011, Volume 18, Number 1


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P r esi dent’s M essage

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John Castellucci David Cranshaw ’08 MBA Catherine Memory Janet Proulx Jason Sullivan Stasia B. Walmsley


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th e f eeli ng is m utual Bryant alumni and faculty discuss why mentoring is important and what makes it work.

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Bryant Magazine Bryant University Box 2 1150 Douglas Pike Smithfield, RI 02917-1284

th e b ryant n et wor k Ingrained in the Bryant culture, mentorship allows younger alumni to connect with the generations who came before.


Spotlight on: Stu dents Senior Daniel DiMugno ’11 is awarded the prestigious Actuary of TomorrowStuart A. Robertson Memorial Scholarship.

Spotlight on: Alu m n i Alumni Leadership Weekend, including the inaugural Alumni New Venture Competition, is slated for March 25-26.

401-232-6040 or 877-353-5667





Spotlight on: Camp us Vice President for Academic Affairs José-Marie Griffiths, Ph.D., is appointed to the National Technical Information Service advisory board.

Spotlight on: Ath letics Women’s field hockey is the first team in school history to qualify for Division I postseason play.

Class Notes

Rita Colburn Donna Harris Tina Senecal ’95, ’08 MBA

Spotlight on: Facu lt y The expertise of Amber Day, Ph.D, and the late Marsha Pripstein Posusney, Ph.D., is showcased in new books.



Karen Maguire



ama zi ng am ica Bryant’s award-winning career center positions students for success in a difficult job market.


Cl ass Notes


i n m emor iam

Bryant’s College of Business is accredited by AACSB International — The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, which recognizes those institutions that meet its rigorous standards of excellence.

Bryant (USPS 462-970) (ISSN 1935-7036) is published four times a year in winter, spring, summer, and fall for the Bryant University community. Publication offices are located in the Office of University Advancement, Bryant University, 1150 Douglas Pike, Smithfield, RI 02917-1284. Periodicals postage paid at Providence, RI, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Bryant Magazine, Bryant University, 1150 Douglas Pike, Smithfield, RI, 02917-1284.

201787.IFC.P01.indd 2


touch poi nts Three relationships that started at Bryant have gone on to span the years and the miles.

CORRECTION Jeffrey L. Doppelt ’73 is First Vice PresidentInvestments/Financial Advisor at Merrill Lynch. In the fall 2010 issue of Bryant, Doppelt’s title was incorrect.

1/28/11 9:10 AM

P r esi dent’s M essage

F ew great achie vements in life, no matter how e x traor dinary the in di v i dua l , are solo acts. Even the most gifted leaders benefit from mentors who offer guidance and perspective. In his recently published and highly acclaimed Talent Masters: Why Smart People Put People Before Numbers, author Bill Conaty ’67 writes that enlightened executives understand that “building talent will be their legacy.” Mentors provide an objective outlook, share valuable insights, pinpoint strengths and weaknesses, offer seasoned advice on weathering the inevitable storms, and help you realize your goals and full potential. I’ve been fortunate to have a number of mentors over the years. Since seventh grade, my former coach, teacher, and principal, Nick Campitelli, has consistently encouraged me to strive to better myself. As a Navy ensign and again as a U.S. Congressman, senior leaders helped show me the ropes, alert me to pitfalls, and reveal for me pivotal steps to advance. I am grateful that during my tenure at Bryant I’ve been mentored by four exceptional chairmen of our Board of Trustees: Jack Wolfe ’99H; Jack Callahan ’56, ’05H; Tom Taylor ’63, ’98H ; and now Mike Fisher ’67, as well as many others on the Board. One of the most valuable benefits of a Bryant education is access to the tremendous power of the Bryant network, which connects our students with thousands of role models who embody The Character of Success. I know this personally as many of them have helped me during these years as President. Alumni continue to reap the benefits of this dynamic network through personal and professional connections that last a lifetime. In this issue of Bryant we explore the many facets of mentorship. As you will see, our alumni, faculty, and staff have encouraged alumni to pursue their dreams, opened doors for them, and helped them advance their careers in significant ways. As University President, I am committed to providing our students with every possible competitive advantage; the support and strength we can offer collectively is unparalleled. If you are interested in mentoring a Bryant student or recent graduate, our Office of Alumni Relations and Amica Center for Career Education offer a number of ways for you to get involved. Sincerely,

Ronald K. Machtley President







8:49 AM

m ichael f i sh er ’67 Retired Managing Director, Barclays Global Investors

M e ntori ng Why Mentoring Is Important, and What Makes It Work by john castellucci

“Find somebody who gets excited about listening to what young people are up to.” m i c h a e l f i s h e r ’6 7


Bryant winter




ny way you look at it, James P. Bergeron ’92 is a success. Just 39, he has a ton of experience acquiring and operating businesses, among them, First To File, the San Francisco Bay area document management software company of which he is chairman and CEO. But in 1995, Bergeron was a guy badly in need of career advice. On the fast track at Bankers Trust, which had placed him in a management training program and posted him to Sydney, Australia—one of the 10 most livable cities in the world, according to The Economist —he was torn between sticking with Bankers Trust or leaving the company to pursue a Harvard MBA .



8:28 PM

“In mentoring . . . you’re really getting to know the person.” ja m e s p . b e r g e r o n ’92 Chairman and CEO, First To File

m at t e r s So Bergeron did what a lot of up-andcoming young professionals do: He called his mentor. In theory, mentorship seems simple. An experienced older person takes a younger person under his or her wing and provides the guidance that helps the fledging businessman or businesswoman pursue a successful career. In practice, mentoring is tricky. Consider who Bergeron called when he couldn’t decide whether to keep his job or quit to go to business school: Michael Fisher ’67, the Bankers Trust executive who had helped Bergeron to get the interview that landed him an entry-level position at Bankers Trust. The two had met at Bryant in the early nineties, when Bergeron was student

body president and Fisher, now chairman of the Bryant Board of Trustees, had just joined the board. Though Bergeron was seeking a job in operations and Fisher was in marketing—at the time he was chief marketing officer for Bankers Trust’s investment management group—“I was able to get him in the door,” Fisher recalls. As it happened, the executive in charge of Bankers Trust’s worldwide recruiting not only belonged to the same health club Fisher did, he also had the locker next to Fisher’s. “Why do you guys spend all your time recruiting in the Ivy League?” Fisher recalls asking the man. “Why don’t you develop a roster of employees from good quality, smaller schools like Bryant?”

Fisher says he knew Bergeron well enough to know he would be an asset to Bankers Trust. So what was Fisher’s reaction when, three years after being hired, Bergeron called long-distance from Australia to say he was thinking of leaving the company? He wrote Bergeron a letter of recommendation to Harvard. Bergeron went on to earn his Harvard M BA in 1997. “James would have succeeded no matter what he did. He had success written all over him,” Fisher says. The anecdote illustrates how mentoring between a senior executive and a junior employee can sometimes work to the disadvantage of a company. It suggests one of the many reasons why, as a 2006

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8:28 PM

“Nurturing talent can enable a company to meet challenges and grow.” b i l l c o n at y ’ 6 7 Author and Retired Senior Vice President of Human Resources, GE

Wall Street Journal headline put it, “Today’s Bosses Find Mentoring Isn’t Worth the Time and Risks.” A professor quoted in the column accompanying the headline characterized that attitude as “penny wise and pound foolish.” Jeffrey Pfeffer, professor of organizational behavior at the Stanford Graduate School of Business said, “Maybe the lack of time for training won’t affect performance today or next week but it will further down the road, when you need a new generation of leaders.” Businesses may be taking Pfeffer’s message to heart. In the global marketplace, where companies rise and fall on the talent of their employees, mentoring has regained some of the luster it lost four years ago, when the economy was booming and The Wall Street Journal reported that managers felt they didn’t have time to mentor employees.


Bryant winter



If I Were You, I’d Quit

“You’ve no doubt noticed… that making money has gotten harder,” Bryant Trustee Bill Conaty ’67 writes in The Talent Masters: Why Smart Leaders Put People Before Numbers, the just-published book he co-authored with Ram Charan. “It will remain so for the imaginable future,” Conaty and Charan write. “Talent will be the big differentiator between companies that succeed and those that don’t.” Together with Sharon Garavel ’85, a General Electric company officer and Operations & Lean Six Sigma Leader of GE Capital, Americas, Conaty advocated for hiring Bryant graduates at GE, a company renowned for cultivating talented executives. Former senior vice president of human resources at GE , he teamed up with Charan, a highly sought-after business adviser, to write The Talent Masters, which describes how nurturing talent can enable a company to meet challenges and grow. In one particularly telling anecdote, Conaty describes a session conducted by then GE CEO Jack Welch for aspiring

young future executives at GE ’s famed Crotonville (NY) Learning Center. One of the participants continued to complain about how bad things were in his business and how his boss was a Neanderthal about innovation and risk-taking. He expected Welch to inquire about his boss and fix the situation immediately. “You know what I would do if I was you?” Welch asked the man. “I’d quit . . . I want leaders who feel empowered to change the environment versus feeling like helpless victims.” Welch wanted leaders, not managers, Conaty writes—people “who could put their own near-term interests on hold for the good of the company.” Mentoring has an important role to play in the development of such leadership, according to Conaty, but it doesn’t work very well if it’s forced on the mentor or protégé. “My experience has been that informal mentoring is more effective than formal mentoring since it develops as a more natural act, as opposed to a forced marriage. We all tend to learn more from those we admire and want to emulate.” At General Electric, both formal and informal mentoring programs exist. Special emphasis is placed on employees viewed as having “high-potential” for additional mentoring to accelerate their growth in the company. Writing Your Own Obituary In Wickford, RI , Russell R. Shippee ’71

has made a business of helping others. Shippee is a published author and motivational speaker who distributes an Internet newsletter called Shipp’s Log (, coaches, and mentors. Most of his clients are business people. “I remind people that they are not their business, they are the captain of their life. I enable and inspire them to live the life they desire. We replace limiting beliefs with positive beliefs, knowing we can go, do, and be what we truly desire.” While running the family insurance agency that his great-grandfather, Elmer



9:34 AM

th e f eeli ng is m utual

William Shippee, established in 1897, the younger Shippee found his personal satisfaction came from helping clients with business and life issues, not from selling insurance. The catalyst to eventually sell his business came in a dream. “I’m in the casket and the minister is up in the pulpit in the local church that I attend. And he’s saying, ‘He was a great insurance agent.’ And I’m in the casket yelling, ‘Hey! I’m not dead. And I don’t want to be known as a great insurance agent. There’s a lot more in life for me to do.’” In 1997, he sold the E.W. Shippee & Sons insurance company and continued to coach and mentor business people. He does this by having them write their obituaries. Often they find they are not satisfied with them. Then they write a bucket list of what they’d truly like to

“I saw somebody that I could absolutely mentor.” m i n dy c i m m i n o ’8 8 Owner and President, Mentor Planning & Consulting, Inc.

do in life personally, professionally, and for the community. “This list helps to establish a roadmap of a life potentially well-lived, satisfying, and a worthy adventure. It also provides the balance between the business life and personal life,” Shippee says. Her Résumé Jumped Out

“I remind people that they are not their business, they are the captain of their life.” R u s s e l l R . S h i p p e e ’ 71 Author and Motivational Speaker

For Mindy Cimmino ’88, owner and president of Mentor Planning & Consulting, Inc., in Franklin, MA , the mentoring process is a lot more intuitive. When Cimmino was struck by something “Bryant-like” in the résumé of a young woman who applied for a job at her event planning company, Cimmino hired the young woman despite her lack of experience and structured a program to develop her career. “I was hiring an executive assistant/ personal assistant in 2008 and I got hundreds of résumés,” says Cimmino. The one that Leanne Hazen ’08 submitted jumped out at her, Cimmino says, because Hazen was about to graduate from Bryant and “she put in a catchy little sentence showing me she had researched the company.” Hazen, who majored in applied psychology at Bryant, had no experience in the event-planning business, and virtually Bryant winter






9:35 AM

th e f eeli ng is m utual

no work experience. Cimmino initially passed over her, but she thought about her frequently over the following months and sent Hazen an e-mail encouraging her to keep in touch after graduation. Months passed. Hazen took a job in retail. Initially, she overlooked the e-mail. As soon as she read it, she got back in touch. “I didn’t know what I had for her, but I saw somebody that I could absolutely mentor,” says Cimmino. She created a role that’s allowed Hazen to learn the business from the ground up by rotating within meeting and event planning. Two years later, Hazen has had a number of demonstrated successes and is on a management track in the company. How to Bottle It

Clearly, something clicked between Hazen and Cimmino, the way it did between Fisher and Bergeron. The latter kept in touch even as Bergeron, who lives in Atherton, CA , was busy buying and running companies, and Fisher,

now retired and living in Tucson, AZ , was traveling all over the world as managing director for Barclays Global Investors, working in iShares, its exchange-traded funds business. “People talk about networking, right? And many times it’s very one-way — someone picking up the phone and wanting something,” Bergeron says. “I think in mentoring it’s really very different because you’re really getting to know the person,” Bergeron says. “Mike knows my wife, he knows my kids.” They have kept in touch socially, Fisher has invested in California-based First To File, the document management software company Bergeron acquired in 2008 and now operates as chairman and CEO. Bergeron is one of a half-dozen young people Fisher has mentored. The others include two Barclays employees; a recent graduate of the University of California, Berkeley; and a young woman Fisher advised to enroll in Bryant after he and his wife discovered her working for

the company that Bryant uses to cater campus events. How do you bottle what he does? How do you take Mike Fisher’s love of mentoring and make it available on a wide-scale basis? “It probably starts with finding people who enjoy dialogue,” Fisher says. “If you can find somebody who enjoys being around younger people and is not only willing to share insights, but gets excited about listening to what young people are up to, then you have the right atmosphere for give-and-take.” In other words, for the mentorprotégé relationship to work, it helps if the feeling is mutual: “With all of these young people over the years,” Fisher reflects, “it’s always been a situation where, frankly, I’ve received as much as whatever they might have gotten out of it.” John Castellucci wrote “The Eternal Verities” in the summer 2010 issue of Bryant. He is a freelance writer based in Cranston, RI.

Mentoring for the Good of Many, Rather than the Good of a Few The traditional mentor not only promotes the career of a protégé

“Rather, for the transformational leader-in-training, career develop-

but may also protect that person, making certain that nothing

ment means at a minimum learning to shake the ladder and, in

happens to hurt the protégé’s career.

all likelihood, figuring out ways to change ladders in mid-ascent.”

But in this era of fast-paced change and global competition,

a protégé’s credibility in a world where competition is the name of

Bryant Associate Professor of Management Lynda St. Clair, Ph.D.,

the game?

and Professor of Psychology Ronald Deluga, Ed.D., say mentoring

St. Clair and Deluga write that organizations and their leaders

should be retooled to produce leaders capable of transforming

are at a crossroads: “Global competition combined with high

companies to face the challenges that lie ahead.

shareholder expectations for performance can result in enormous

In a paper they co-authored in 2006, St. Clair and Deluga argued


But isn’t it possible that being self-sacrificing could undermine

traditional mentoring may not be enough. In times like these,

pressure to take shortcuts and hide problems. At the same time,

that such leaders can be developed through “transformational mentor-

social norms and regulatory constraints are calling for more honesty,

ing,” which encourages people to engage in self-sacrifice and risk taking.

integrity, and openness in the corporate world.”

“From a transformational mentoring approach, career develop-

Under the circumstances, St. Clair and Deluga concluded, it

ment for the protégé no longer means seeking refuge in a comfort-

may be time for the kind of mentoring that subordinates personal

able and steady climb up the organizational ladder,” they wrote.

self-interest for the greater good.

Bryant winter





8:29 PM

j. s t e v e n c o w e n ’ 6 9 Owner, Cowen & Associates

th e bryant


Mentorship in Action Across Generations of Alumni

b y c at h e r i n e m e m o r y

201787.P07-11.indd 7

1/11/11 1:58 PM


th e b ryant n et wor k

It often begins casually with a handshake— that transformational relationship called mentorship. It takes many forms. At Bryant University, a combination of factors, including small classes and an emphasis on engaged learning, fosters mentorship. Ingrained in the Bryant culture, generations of alumni continue to develop mentoring relationships with younger graduates, long after they’ve taken off their caps and gowns. And when it flourishes, mentorship becomes a continuing collaboration that changes careers and lives. Andrew D. Goldberg ’02 interned at Goldman Sachs and got a job offer there in August 2001, just before his senior year. His last internship meeting took place at Windows on the World at the top of the World Trade Center in New York City. The terrorist attacks of 9/11 occurred just a few weeks later. Goldman Sachs was forced, along with many other firms, to rescind some offers, including Goldberg’s. “After interning in New York, I was desperate to be there,” he says. “But that was a tough time to be looking for a job, especially in Manhattan.” Goldberg attended an alumni networking function at Bryant the following spring, a result of his involvement with the National Alumni Council. What he remembers is: “There were lots of students, and lots of alumni, and lots of handshaking.” One of the hands he shook was that of Richard Carriere ’82, a first vice president and Providence-based financial advisor with Morgan Stanley Smith Barney. After the event, Carriere was impressed enough with Goldberg to pass along his résumé to J.P. Morgan’s Rhode Island representative, one of


Bryant winter



e i l e e n h ay e s ’ 0 7 Business Development Manager Contravisory Investment Management

the many asset managers catering to financial advisors like Carriere. This exchange resulted in a phone call from J.P. Morgan Asset Management to Goldberg, seemingly out of the blue, requesting an interview. “It was really exciting,” says Goldberg. “I had no idea how it happened, but I did some digging and months later found out it was thanks to Richard Carriere.” Now a vice president and U.S. market strategist based in New York, Goldberg is in his ninth year working for J.P. Morgan. Says Carriere, “I may have opened a door and sold his background at Bryant, but he worked really hard to get to where he’s at.” Before launching his own career as a financial advisor, Carriere worked as an executive recruiter for 12 years. “I really value networking,” he explains. “Understanding people and making referrals. I continue to do that now for my clients and people I respect.” Carriere’s first career was in public accounting. Several years after graduation, he met Professor of Accounting Michael Lynch, J.D., for breakfast to discuss career options in executive search. “He encouraged me, and I can look back and identify that as the

moment that changed my career,” says Carriere. Like Carriere, Goldberg also stays in touch with his former professors. “I still reach out to folks like Professor Laurie Bates when I need to understand something about the economy,” he says. Goldberg credits involvement in student organizations and group projects in his classes with helping him hone his networking skills. He also fondly remembers a President’s Speaker Series lecture given by the founder of on the importance of networking. “Bryant fosters that networking instinct,” says Goldberg. “It starts in the classroom.” Since their first handshake 10 years ago, Goldberg and Carriere have become partners in mentorship, touching base once or twice a year. Coincidentally, Goldberg’s client base consists of financial advisors, and since Carriere is a top financial advisor in Rhode Island, he continues to be a professional resource, or “barometer,” for Goldberg. However, both agree their relationship now is mostly centered on helping other Bryant alumni find great professional opportunities. “Richard remains a significant figure in my life,” says Goldberg. “He represents a lot to me—it’s not just him and me, it’s alumni helping students. It proves why



10:19 PM

“There’s no better way to increase the value of our degrees than by giving back to the Bryant network.”

we should never discount Bryant against an Ivy League school, because when it comes to the power of the alumni network, we get it done for each other.” Cross Country Connection

Four days into her first internship, Eileen Hayes ’07 knew the insurance field was not for her. At 7 a.m. on the fifth day she went online to the Bryant Career Connection and found a desirable internship at Advisors Asset Management (AAM ) near her hometown on Long Island. She had a successful phone interview within an hour, quit her insurance job at 8:30 a.m., and happily headed to her new internship at AAM . A few days later, across the country in San Diego, J. Steven Cowen ’69, owner of Cowen & Associates, a financial planning and asset management firm, followed up to find out who the new Bryant intern was at AAM . One of AAM ’s customers, Cowen had encouraged the company to work with Bryant’s Amica Center for Career Education to find good interns. “I considered Steven a mentor the first day he called me at AAM and introduced

himself,” says Hayes. Although they hadn’t met yet, he offered to provide guidance and support. Hayes was AAM ’s first Bryant intern, but she would not be the last. Most of the interns in its New York office hail from Bryant. Hayes took a full-time job at the firm after graduation, and, two years later, moved to Massachusetts to work for Contravisory Investment Management. She and Cowen continue to stay in touch by phone and e-mail, talking about both investment and career opportunities. To date they have met in person only three times, either on campus or at business events in Boston. “Over the years [my contact with Cowen] has turned into a mutual, intellectual conversation,” Hayes says. Cowen agrees: “It’s not just a one-way street—the feedback Bryant graduates give and the questions they ask make me think.”

Before founding his own firm, Cowen worked for United Technologies Corp. for 17 years, concluding his career there as a vice president of finance. UTC took him to Florida and California. As Cowen built his career, his involvement with

a n d r e w D. g o l d b e r g ’02 Vice President, Market Strategist J.P. Morgan Funds

Bryant waned. “I always rationalized that when I retired I’d give back to Bryant,” he says. But 10 years ago, he visited the campus and was impressed by the facilities and the students. “I realized that my contacts would go away once I retired, so I shouldn’t wait to start participating and helping Bryant,” says Cowen, who was recognized with the Nelson J. Gulski Alumni Service Award in 2009. In addition to helping AAM ’s interns from Bryant, Cowen serves on the advisory board of the student-managed Archway Investment Fund and occasionally speaks to Bryant classes. Following Cowen’s advice, Hayes wasted no time getting involved with Bryant as an alumna. She served as chair of the New York Regional Alumni Network and now chairs the Massachusetts Regional Alumni Network. “My goal is to foster alumni connections,” explains Hayes. “There’s no better way to increase the value of our degrees than by giving back to the Bryant network. It’s the foundation of our education, so it’s important to stick with it.”

r i c h a r d c a r r i e r e ’ 82 c f p ® First Vice President, Financial Advisor Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC * Member SIPC

*One Citizens Plaza, Suite 600, Providence, R I 02903, 401-276-5967



e il een h ayes ’07

Bryant winter




10:19 PM

Cross-Cultural Connection

r i c h a r d G l a s s , P h . D. Professor of Computer Information Systems

s at h i a v a n e e v e e r a m o ot h o o ’ 0 9 Graduate Student, University of Iowa

A Professorial Perspective

me want to enter a master’s program and go for my Ph.D. afterward,” says Veeramoothoo. Glass helped her research graduate programs, weighing the pros and cons of each. Veeramoothoo was accepted to the actuarial science program at the University of Iowa, and has since changed to the master’s degree in statistics program, planning to take the actuarial exams on her own and pursue a Ph.D. During her first semester in Iowa, Glass continued to advise Veeramoothoo as she rewrote her thesis for publication. “I was happy that my Bryant professors would respond to my e-mails and phone calls after I left Bryant,” reflects Veeramoothoo. “When I called, they would always take the time to talk with me.” Her paper was accepted for publication in the Journal of International Business and Economics, and Bryant supported Veeramoothoo’s trip to present it at the International Academy of Business and Economics ( IABE ) in Las Vegas, NV. This summer, Veeramoothoo and Glass plan to begin work on a second research paper together, using more advanced techniques to project the future of worker remittances. Veeramoothoo has already decided that she would like to work at a close-knit institution like Bryant after she earns her Ph.D. “It’s because of my experience with my Bryant professors; they were always there, always helping,” she says.

Oceans away from her home in Mauritius, a small island country off the coast of Madagascar, Sathiavanee Veeramoothoo ’09 turned to her professors for guidance and support. A member of the Honors Program, she was one of 10 students in Managing Information Resources, a course taught by Professor Richard Glass, Ph.D. “Anytime I went to talk to him, he was very responsive,” says Veeramoothoo. When it came time to select her honors thesis advisers, Glass, along with Assistant Professor of Economics Ramesh Mohan, Ph.D., were at the top of the list. “They definitely served as mentors,” she says. In Glass’s opinion, “a mentor has the capacity to understand the student and [knows] where to offer the best input and support.” Veeramoothoo worked

with Mohan, her primary thesis adviser, to identify a topic — macroeconomic determinants of worker remittances for Latin American and Caribbean countries. Glass provided feedback and editorial advice as she wrote and revised her thesis. After her thesis presentation at Bryant, Glass asked Veeramoothoo if she would like to submit a paper based on the thesis to a scholarly journal. “Her eyes lit up,” remembers Glass. “It was a revelation to her—she realized that she was ready for higher levels.” “The great experience I had with my Honors Thesis was part of what made


Bryant winter



The executives arrived on campus by helicopter. Adam Francis ’03 was impressed. Bryant University President Ronald K. Machtley’s office had asked Francis to lead a group of executives from AIG , the largest insurance company in the world, on a tour of the AIG -funded C.V. Starr Financial Markets Center. Kristian Moor ’81, president and CEO of Chartis, AIG ’s largest subsidiary, and a member of Bryant’s Board of Trustees, was equally impressed with his tour guide. “Even just giving a tour, Adam was passionate about it,” explains Moor. “He was able to speak about the impact of the Center on the school, not just himself.” Francis also conversed a little with the AIG representatives in Mandarin—fortuitous given that AIG was founded in China in 1919 by the Financial Markets Center’s namesake, American entrepreneur C.V. Starr. In 2003, Francis stood out on campus as the only finance major—indeed the only student at the time—with a Chinese minor. In support of Francis’s passion for China and the Chinese language, Hong Yang, Ph.D., professor of science and technology and now the Dr. Charles J. Smiley chair for the Confucius Institute at Bryant, obtained private language tutoring for him. When Francis arranged to spend a semester of his junior year in China studying Mandarin, Yang found him a home with the family of a college classmate who works for an American company in Beijing. “I always thought the best way to learn was to live with a native speaker,” explains Yang. “This is what I did when I first came to the United States many years ago.” By the spring of his senior year, when he led that AIG group on a tour, Francis already had several solid job prospects. Although they had just met, Moor jumped to quickly formulate another plan for Francis. “I told him, ‘Don’t do anything before [AIG ] gets a chance to talk to you,’” recalls Moor. “We’re going to change your career.”

kr Pre



10:20 PM

“When it comes to the power of the alumni network, we get it done for each other.”

AIG called Francis a few days after the tour, offering a train ticket to New York for a series of interviews. “I would have ridden my bicycle there if I’d had to,” Francis says. “I knew I wanted to go into a big organization, with the potential to work abroad.”

Says Moor, “Adam is a dedicated, hard worker. We were lucky to hire him.” After just nine months at AIG , Francis achieved his dream of being dispatched to China. He thought it would be a four-month assignment, but six and a half years later he has put down roots in

k r i s t i a n m o o r ’8 1 President and CEO, Chartis

When Bryant’s Sophomore International Experience students pass through Shanghai, a visit to Chartis is now a highlight of the itinerary. Taking a break from his corporate responsibilities, Francis serves once again as the passionate tour guide, this time for Bryant students. And he and Professor Yang always get together as well. “The relationship has grown from student/ faculty to more of a collegial relationship,” says Yang. “I define mentoring as any relationship you have with someone who has

opportunity and a great source of encouragement. He’s also helped me build my larger network of mentors within the company.” Chartis has 40,000 employees in the United States, and Bryant alumni within the company have a way of seeking Moor out. “There’s a bond there,” Moor says. “Whenever I meet a Bryant alum, I will have time for him or her.”

a da m f r a n c i s ’0 3 Regional Vice President of Greater China, Chartis International, a wholly owned subsidiary of AIG

Shanghai. As company regional vice president of Greater China, Francis now oversees divisions in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and mainland China focused on the distribution of consumer insurance products. Even half a world apart, Francis and Moor stay in touch. “I keep Kris up to speed on what I’m doing, and I pick his brain from time to time,“ says Francis. Whenever he visits the home office in New York, Francis makes every effort to see Moor.

an dr ew D. goldb erg ’02

h o n g ya n g , P h.D. Professor of Science and Technology, and the Dr. Charles J. Smiley Chair for the Confucius Institute at Bryant

more experience than you, in an area that’s relevant to your development,” says Francis. Both Yang and Moor certainly fit within this category. “I take an interest in his career,”

says Moor. “I think I just give Adam confidence when I tell him he’s doing the right thing.”

“He is always willing to meet with me,” adds Francis. “The tidbits I get from Kris are invaluable, every time we speak. He has been the catalyst for my

Catherine Memory wrote “Paying it Forward by Giving Back” in the fall 2010 issue of Bryant. She is freelance writer based in Needham, MA.

Bryant winter






3:29 PM

Amazing AM I CA

Bryant’s World-Class

by janet proulx


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ith a struggling economy and high unemployment rates, overall corporate recruiting of college seniors has declined, requiring students to engage in more comprehensive, informed, and proactive job search strategies. Some soon-to-be graduates may already be contemplating the very real possibility of moving back home while they consider next steps. Bucking the trend, Bryant students are uniquely poised to succeed in today’s job market. They are encouraged to gain a competitive edge by beginning their preparation well before senior year. The nationally recognized Amica Center for Career Education, under the leadership of Director Judith Clare, is a strategic career choice. Students start with Career Planning 101, a four-week, noncredit course that encourages them to examine their values and explore careers of interest. Alumni job shadowing, networking nights, internships, and myriad skillbuilding programs and workshops help students develop exceptional poise and lifelong career skills. Cutting-edge resources include a Facebook® fan page with timely updates and career tips, as well as Web-based podcasts, tutorials, and online workshops. Career Explorer, an innovative career mapping tool created by LinkedIn and PwC, helps students gain valuable insight into careers of interest, while the newest tool, Interview Stream, offers a Web-based interview practice system. “Bryant continues to report highly positive outcome data regarding employment and/or enrollment in graduate study,” says Kathy Clarkin, manager of corporate recruiting for the Amica Center.

The University’s stellar statistics speak for themselves: • 96 to 98.5% of graduates are employed or enrolled in graduate school within six months of Commencement (Classes from 2005 to 2009). • $50,160 is the mean first-year compensation for graduates of the Class of 2010. • 350+ companies take part in the Corporate Recruiting Program each year. • Bryant graduates are enrolled in graduate and law schools including: Brown, Duke, Georgetown, Harvard, Rutgers, and Simmons.

Career preparation with a plan

Bryant has put into place purposeful career preparation programs based on years of experience and always in response to emerging marketplace trends. Students who take advantage of these programs begin to see how the pieces fit together to form a comprehensive plan. In addition to solid recruiting programs, seniors can participate in “Job Search Power Sessions” that cover

Career Center the latest job-search techniques — from developing their “career brand” and “e-pitch” to effectively using LinkedIn to leverage the networking power of accomplished alumni who have substantial real-world experience. Bryant students also follow the tradition of most alumni, taking networking to new heights and seizing every opportunity to seek and draw upon advice, expand their lists of contacts, and differentiate themselves from the competition. Luke Bornheimer ’10, an associate technical account specialist at Google in California, credits Clarkin with providing the spark to pursue his passion for technology. “She advised and encouraged me to increase my efforts and commit to seeking an opportunity with Google,” he says. When Bornheimer landed his first interview, he turned to Trustee Professor of Management Michael Roberto, D.B.A., who suggested books to read and offered great advice and support for interviewing with a company that rates as the second hardest company to interview for. A 2010 summer internship with the legendary Boston Celtics required some critical advance work for Brittany Glenn ’11. She started working through the application process with the Amica Center in 2009 and asked the center staff to critique her résumé more than five times until she was satisfied. She also attended a workshop titled “Secrets to Successful Interviewing.” When Glenn got the call, she was completely prepared to interview with the well-established franchise. The first day of her internship just happened to coincide with Game Four of the Eastern Conference Finals in the NBA playoffs, and Boston was leading the playoffs 3-0 against Orlando.

Bryant students are uniquely poised to succeed in today ’s job market.

“Having the opportunity to be on the court for the Boston Celtics pregame introduction was seriously unbelievable,” she says. In his junior year, Christopher Lussier ’10 began to research companies and discovered Aldi—the German discount grocery juggernaut—during the Annual Spring Career Fair hosted by the Amica Center. Lussier applied for the position of district manager trainee the following year and competed against nearly 40 other students for the job, surviving three rounds of interviews. “I was the lucky one to get the offer,” he says. “No other companies were offering that much responsibility and recognition at such an

interview process by giving me tips that helped me to differentiate myself,” says Madill. “I did not need to interview again because Target views an internship as one giant interview. After seeing how you perform, they know if you will be a good fit for the company.” Recruiters are impressed

early stage.” Lussier, who speaks fluent Spanish, hopes to work abroad. There’s a lot to be said about receiving a job offer in your junior year. Jenna Madill ’10 didn’t have to stress out about interviews and finding that perfect blue suit. She was offered a full-time position at the end of her summer internship at retail giant Target, entering a management program in its “Business College” following graduation. “The Amica Center staff prepared me for the internship

According to Clarkin, employers who recruit at Bryant for interns and full-time talent consistently remark about the preparedness, professionalism, leadership, team orientation, and real-world experience that make Bryant candidates highly attractive. “Within the last two years, we have hired more than 20 students from Bryant and are always impressed by how well prepared they are to succeed in the real world,” says Marianne Monte, vice president for human resources at The Hanover Insurance Group, Worcester, MA . “Bryant runs a top-notch, best-in-class career center,” adds Associate Actuary Jon Zapolski from Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts.

Janet Proulx is a writer/copyeditor in the Office of University Relations at Bryant.

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1/10/11 9:54 AM

r o b e r ta “B e r ta” h y s e l l

To u c h p

Enduring relationships that take root

“I made it a point to meet every student the day that he or she arrived on campus.” r o b e r ta “ B e r ta” h y s e l l Retired Director of the Intercultural Center

The story is a common one among Bryant alumni. They look back at their years at Bryant and praise inspiring professors, powerful alumni, or motivating administrators for making a difference in their lives. In many cases, these relationships continue well after Commencement. Through the years, the lines blur between mentor and protégé, and a mutual respect and admiration is built. Here are three stories of relationships initiated at Bryant that reach far beyond its walls. A life well shared

On the occasion of her 74th birthday, Roberta “Berta” Hysell turned on her computer and logged on to Facebook®. What she saw made her smile; her “wall” was filled with birthday wishes. Clicking


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over to her e-mail, she found more of the same. Shahiran Jaafar ’94 was in touch from Malaysia. Karemie Williams ’94 reached out from Australia. Stateside, LaTricia Russell ’92 and Stacey Payne ’92 sent their best. For these, and many other Bryant alumni, Hysell is family. She began her career at the college in 1977. Her charge was to recruit students of color and to establish programs for enrolled multicultural students. Through the years, she created an impressive student-run tutoring program and made a name for Bryant at college fairs that targeted previously underserved populations. Though she was resolutely building a tradition of multiculturalism at Bryant, her immediate concern at the time



9:38 AM

j o s é b. g o n z a l e z ’ 8 9 , P h . D .

h p o i nts


b y s ta s i a B. w a l m s l e y

at Bryant span the years and the miles. was mentoring the students under her guidance. “I made it a point to meet every student the day that he or she arrived on campus,” Hysell recalls. One such student was José B. Gonzalez ’89. He first met Hysell during a college fair near his inner-city high school in New London, CT. “He was very focused,” Hysell remembers quite clearly. “He didn’t make excuses and he didn’t take excuses.” Gonzalez matriculated at Bryant and quickly excelled, both academically and as a leader. Eventually, the Salvadorean immigrant, who hadn’t learned to speak English until he was eight years old, became the lead coordinator of Hysell’s Tutor Mentoring Program. The pair met weekly to discuss the

program, and whatever else might be on Gonzalez’s mind. “She took the time to sit and listen,” he says. “She was always there, and that is no small thing.” Gonzalez went on to get a master’s degree from Brown University and a Ph.D. from the University of Rhode Island. Today he is a professor of English at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy and was named 2009 Outstanding Latino Faculty of the Year by the American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education. Throughout his life and career, Gonzalez has often turned to Hysell: “Berta continued to be a mentor after Bryant. For many decisions, I leaned on her.” Three years ago, Bryant’s Intercultural Center celebrated its 30th

“She took the time to sit and listen. She was always there, and that is no small thing.”

j o s é b. g o n z a l e z ’ 89, P h . D . Professor of English U.S. Coast Guard Academy

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8:31 PM

touch poi nts

anniversary. The program included a tribute to Hysell by former students. One after another, they spoke about her kindness, empowerment, and caring. Gonzalez took the podium and read: She had been there with my friends and me Those times when degrees of separation Had tripped us, making us miss steps That led to missteps on ladders and stairs And led to cold stares from people Who skimmed our stories. I’d go on to attend that college Where Berta moved behind walls At night and met with students like me During the day, listening to our Once Upon a Times, There were times when she’d hear About how our skins had been smudged, And she’d take out an eraser And rub out whatever she could.* Hysell is touched and honored to have made a difference in the lives of Gonzalez and others. “All these relationships have made my life so full. This is what people don’t understand about mentoring: it might take time, but it gives back so much,” she says. Today, Hysell continues to help students as a mentor at the University

e r n e s t a. a l m o n t e ’78, ’85 m st, ’09h

of Virginia’s School of Medicine. She has also served as a life coach for adults who were changing careers or retiring. A technique she picked up from Gonzalez as a student tutor was often part of her repertoire during those sessions. “He used to say to people who were afraid to try something new: ‘Don’t you find that limiting?’ I think that is just great!” Hysell says. “Maybe students learned something from me, but it doesn’t compare to how much they taught me in life.” Like Cicero’s return to Rome

“Everything I’ve achieved is just an opportunity to pay it forward.” er n e s t a. a l m o n t e ’78, ’85 mst, ’09h Partner, DiSanto, Priest & Co.


Bryant winter




Whether it is a much-anticipated promotion or that perfect job offer, exciting moments of professional success often lead to reflection. And for many, a certain someone will come to mind— someone who has been a source of encouragement, someone who has pointed them in the right direction. For Jon J. Lambiras ’96 that someone is Ernest A. Almonte ’78, ’85 MST, ’09H . Lambiras’s young career is already filled with success stories. He graduated cum laude from Bryant in 1996 with a B.S. in accounting, and later from Pepperdine University School of Law. Today he is a lawyer with Berger & Montague, P.C.,

a top-rated Philadelphia, PA-based legal firm. He has published several articles about white-collar crime, and he has commented on class-action issues for publications such as The Washington Post. Lambiras has also led continuing professional education seminars on a variety of class action topics. At each milestone, with each accomplishment, Lambiras recalls Almonte’s influence, and reaches out to say thank you. “Back in college, he was always there to lend an ear to my questions,” Lambiras says. “His unique insights and advice helped me to find what I really loved about accounting.” Almonte fondly remembers Lambiras as a student. “I was an adjunct professor at the time and the adviser to Jon’s fraternity,” Almonte says. “I always took an interest in helping the next generation of Bryant students, so I offered him an internship.” At the time, Almonte was the Auditor General for the State of Rhode Island and welcomed Lambiras into the fold. The opportunity opened Lambiras’s eyes to the varied facets of the auditing field. “Ernie was very involved with a group called the Association of Certified

* Excerpt from José B. Gonzalez’s Dark Cinderella, recently published in the Quercus Review.


8:48 PM

Taking the call

j o n j. l a m b i r a s ’96

Fraud Examiners,” recalls Lambiras. “The more he told me about it, the more I was interested.” A new path opened for Lambiras, and he knew it was what he wanted to do. Today he is a member of that organization, like his mentor before him, and writes articles for its publications. His experience with that group piqued his interest in legal aspects of fraud, leading him to law school. “More than anything, Ernie taught me about respect,” he says. “I was just an intern in his office, but every time I went to see him, he’d stand up and shake my hand. I’ll never forget the way that made me feel.” Almonte, who served on the Bryant Board of Trustees from 1993 to 2002 and received an Honorary Doctorate from the University in 2009, believes that alumni have a duty to help Bryant students. He equates it to Cicero’s return to Rome to share what he had learned from the storied Greek philosophers. “Everything I’ve achieved is just an opportunity to pay it forward,” Almonte says. Indeed, he lives a life worth emulating. He served Rhode Island as Auditor General from 1994 to 2010, performing billion-dollar performance audits and

overseeing the financial health of municipalities and quasi-public agencies for the state. The recipient of many awards, Almonte was named one of the Top 100 Most Influential People in the Accounting Profession by Accounting Today in 2005 and 2008. He is past chairman of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, where he instituted the organization’s first mentoring program. Almonte recently returned to private practice as a partner at DiSanto, Priest & Co., in Warwick, RI, and, like Lambiras, often takes the time to reflect on those who helped him launch his career. He credits fellow alumni Henry Saccoccia ’64, John “Jack” Renza Jr. ’70, and former Bryant professor Mickey Perlow, for giving him a strong foundation, teaching him to “do the right things for the right reasons”— and in the case of Saccoccia and Renza, for giving him his first job. “I’ll never forget what they did for me, and I want to do the same for others,” Almonte says. “I can’t imagine anything greater than repaying them by passing on the legacy of contributing to another person’s success.”

Frank Bingham ’61, ’72 MBA , Ed.D., was fishing in the middle of New Hampshire’s Lake Sunapee when his cell phone rang. Bingham, who was on a break from his work as a professor of marketing at Bryant, glanced at the number on the phone. When he saw that it was his former student, Deric Peterson ’97, he answered without hesitation. “When I hear from Deric, everything stops,” Bingham says. Peterson first met his future mentor when he walked into Bingham’s class 17 years ago. “From day one I was struck by his maturity,” Bingham recalls. “He was inquisitive, very forward about asking questions, and so sincere.” The pair developed a rapport that has lasted long after Peterson’s four years at Bryant. “I took every class Frank Bingham offered,” Peterson says. So, when his favorite professor asked Peterson about his major, he admitted he didn’t know what he wanted to be. “But Frank said, ‘I know. You are going to be in sales,’” Peterson recalls. Bingham’s prediction was dead on. After a short stint at Danka Office Imaging, Peterson took a job at Lexmark International. For 11 years, he took on multiple roles and responsibilities in the United States, culminating in a

“More than anything, Ernie taught me about respect.” j o n j. l a m b i r a s ’96 Lawyer, Berger & Montague, P.C.

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8:31 PM

“I want to help students be better— I know I picked that up from Frank.” d e r i c p e t e r s o n ’97 Director of Global Sales, The TROY Group

position as district manager for the New England region. At each step, he would turn to Bingham for advice. “Two weeks into my first job, I was feeling unsure about a career in sales and talked to Frank about it. I told him, ‘I don’t know if I can do this,’ and he said, ‘Deric, you don’t understand what you are capable of. Don’t waste your talent.’ I’ll never forget that moment,” Peterson says. “The thing about Deric is that he is a very good listener. He takes things to heart, thinks things through, and then will go and do it,” Bingham says. The guidance Bingham has passed on through the years is based on his own impressive résumé. He’s worked for Textron, Uniroyal, and Southern Cross Industries (Atlanta), and owned several businesses, including a large Hallmark


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“He was inquisitive, very forward about asking questions, and so sincere.”

f r a n k b i n g h a m ’61, ’72 MBA , E d.D. Professor Emeritus of Marketing

retail/wholesale business in New England and a successful Florida real estate development firm. He is also a recognized expert in business-to-business marketing management and industrial sales training, and has written or co-authored five books and more than 75 articles. Sharing these varied experiences is invaluable to students. It is a tradition that Bingham has passed on to Peterson, who has provided real-world insights to dozens of Bryant marketing students through the years. “I love coming back to talk to Frank’s classes. I want to help students be better, I want people to be great—I know I picked that up from Frank,” Peterson says. “I tell them that their professor is an incredible resource. I tell them, ‘Because of this man, I am who I am today.’”

A few months ago, Peterson accepted a position as the director of global sales with a secure print solutions provider, The TROY Group. It gives him the chance to expand his purview internationally. “When I look at the arc of what I want to do in my career, it was the next logical step,” Peterson says. Of course, Bingham was one of the first to hear. “It is tremendously satisfying to me to see the things that Deric has done in such a short time in his career. Reflected in him, I see my own struggles and experiences,” says Bingham. “We share an admiration for each other, a mutual respect that is very deep.”

Stasia B. Walmsley is a writer/editor in the Office of University Relations at Bryant.



8:31 PM

b rya n t u n i v e rs i t y h o n o r s the b rya n t l e a d e r s h i p c o u n c i l

c h a m p i o n s for P h i l a n t h r o p y the BRYANT LEADErship Council

Throughout our nation’s history, great colleges and universities have depended on generous financial support from within their leadership communities. Today, private philanthropy helps bridge the gap between what families can afford and the full cost of a quality education. Retaining top faculty, building and maintaining inspiring facilities, and staying at the forefront of technological innovation all require the philanthropic partnership of our alumni, parents, and friends. On October 8, Bryant University recognized exceptional leadership at a special gala celebration. Our distinguished award recipients were: David M. Beirne ’85 Outstanding Alumnus 2010 Susan and William Pappas P’11 Outstanding Parents 2010 PwC Outstanding Friend 2010 Visit to read the citations for our honorees and to see how you can become involved.




9:26 PM

Around and about

Spotlight on: Faculty Faculty research benefits Bryant students as they study complex theory in the context of real-world practice.

FACULTY SHARE EXPERTISE IN NEW BOOKS Amber Day, Ph.D., assistant professor of performance studies in the Department of English and Cultural Studies, is the author of the upcoming Satire and Dissent: Interventions in Contemporary Political Debate. The book examines the prominence of satire in current-day political discourse. Day’s research looks at satirical documentaries, ironic activism, and parodic news shows, such as The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. Day asserts that these types of satire provide audiences with a sense of community and purpose notably lacking from organized politics in the 21st century. Her research prompted interviews by numerous national news outlets, including The New York Times and Los Angeles Times, during the recent midterm elections. Read her comments at Another book with politics as its central theme, Politics & Society in the Contemporary Middle East,


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Amber Day, Ph.D.

was recently made available by Lynne Reinner Publishers. The work is the culmination of a project organized by the late Marsha Pripstein Posusney, Ph.D., professor of political

science in the Department of History and Social Sciences. The edited volume draws upon the talents of leading scholars in Middle Eastern studies. It is winning rave reviews as an insightful overview and an analysis that provides a wealth of information, encouraging comparative, critical thinking.

Saeed Roohani, D.B.A.

Tom Chandler, M.F.A.

TEN YEARS OF XBRL Last fall, experts in eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL), the computer language that enables companies to make their financial data interactive, gathered at Bryant University for the 10th Bryant University XBRL Conference. At the event, Saeed Roohani, D.B.A., professor of accounting and organizer of the conference, and other attendees discussed how far XBRL has come and what lies ahead. The benefit of XBRL, Roohani explains, is that it makes it easy for everyone to read, understand, and compare financial statements. As he recently told the Providence Business News, there are approximately 1,400 U.S. companies in the process of implementing XBRL, and XBRL tax returns are mandated in China, Israel, Japan, Korea, Spain—and soon will be in the United Kingdom. What’s more, XBRL is in use or being considered in the areas of sustainability, statistics, and healthcare. Roohani is proud that Bryant has been at the forefront of this paradigm shift. “After 10 years, our XBRL Educational Resource Center has become internationally known as a forum to discuss new things about XBRL and

business reporting,” he says. Access the resource center online at POETRY READING AT THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Tom Chandler, M.F.A., professor of creative writing and Poet Laureate Emeritus of Rhode Island, was a guest of The Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., in October. Chandler participated in a poetry reading called a “Rhode Island Sampler,” part of the library’s Poetry at Noon program. He was joined by the national champion of the Poetry Out Loud competition (a Providence, RI, native), as well as Lisa Starr, the state’s current Poet Laureate. Chandler read “The Water Moccasin,” “My Father, Carving,” and “This Story,” as well as “Six Billion People,” which is among several of Chandler’s poems that have been read by Garrison Keillor on National Public Radio. Chandler teaches in Bryant’s Department of English and Cultural Studies, and is the founder and editor of the Bryant Literary Review, an international journal of contemporary fiction and poetry. His fifth book of poems, Toy Firing Squad, was published in 2008.



8:15 PM

faculty attend confucius institute conference

LENOVO CASE STUDY: TECHNOLOGY IN THE FIELD For the past year, professors in the Department of Science and Technology at Bryant have tested Lenovo’s X61 tablet computers in different experiential learning situations. Their feedback has helped Lenovo to specifically tailor technology to the University’s needs, and has allowed students to make the most of this valuable tool while conducting research in the field. In one such project, students of Dan McNally, Ph.D., associate professor and chair of the science and technology department, are using ThinkPad tablet PCs

to examine erosion and sea-level rise, develop environmental renovation projects, study forestry coverage and development around Narragansett Bay, and gain an understanding of subsurface contamination in the area. Details about this technologyfacilitated research and results of the Bryant/Lenovo partnership are now available in a study by Lenovo. The company hopes to use the case study as a model for its work with other educational institutions. Read the full story in the Bryant newsroom at, keyword: Lenovo.

Professor of Science and Technology Hong Yang, Ph.D., the Dr. Charles J. Smiley Chair for the Confucius Institute at Bryant (pictured left), and Vice President for Academic Affairs José-Marie Griffiths, Ph.D. (pictured right), traveled to China in December, representing Bryant at the worldwide Confucius Institute Conference in Beijing. Professor Yang also traveled to China in October with Bryant President Ronald K. Machtley.

To read more about Bryant faculty, visit

gregg lee carter: a pioneer of sociology student data analysis To say that Professor Gregg Lee Carter, Ph.D., wrote the book on

rate real data from the General Social Survey, census vital statistics

played a key role in the develop-

“doing” sociology is no exaggeration.

reports, and FBI crime summaries.

ment of the Bachelor of Arts in

His textbook, Doing Sociology with

For instance, students can analyze

Sociology, which was introduced in

Student CHIP: Data Happy!, hit the

the incidence of violent crime in

2006. He earned his M.A., M.Phil.,

market in 1993 and is now in its fifth

inner cities versus the same data

and Ph.D. degrees in sociology at Columbia University.

discoveries since 1983. He also

edition. In this workbook, students

from rural America. They can also

are introduced to easy-to-use statis-

change and add variables and

tical software that gets them involved

create tables and graphs to illustrate

is in the process of updating his

in the analysis of real sociological

their findings. “It helps me to bring

acclaimed Guns in American

data. “It is the best method to teach

sociology alive by linking course

Society: An Encyclopedia of History,

advanced 400-level classes. “The

the art of causal analysis in an honest

work and the work of research

Politics, Culture and the Law, with

kind of research I’m doing on guns

and simple way,” says Carter, who

sociologists,” Carter says.

a new edition to be published later

and violence greatly helps students

this year. He feels that his research

understand these issues,” he says.

uses the text’s computer exercises

The long-time chair of the

The author of 21 books, Carter

Department of History and Social

benefits students in his courses,

“I am able to bring this research into

He explains that the benefit of

Sciences has been teaching Bryant

whether they are engaged in

the classroom to help them make

CHIP exercises is that they incorpo-

students to empirically ground their

beginner CHIP exercises or more

sense of the world around them.”

with his first-year sociology students.

Bryant winter






10:35 AM

Around and about

Spotlight on: Campus National recognition and exciting events are the shared experiences of a close-knit Bryant community.

BRYANT MBA ONE OF NATION’S BEST Bryant University’s Graduate School of Business MBA is among the nation’s best, according to The Princeton Review’s 2011 edition of The Best 300 Business Schools. Bryant students surveyed for the book applauded the faculty’s passion and enthusiasm. Students also valued the diversity of their classmates’ professional backgrounds that, according to one student, “bring an added element to the class.” One of the students referred to Bryant as “the bestvalue MBA in New England outside of Cambridge/Boston.” In the two-page profile, the editors praise the school’s distinctive cohort MBA program initiated in 2006, in which students move through the part-time program as a cohesive group. Several Bryant MBA students say the cohort program promotes “better interaction and deeper relationships” with their classmates. The Graduate School’s new full-time, one-year MBA program, which produced its first graduating class in 2010, was also cited for


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providing an education that offers Students engage with a member of the African community in Rhode Island at the Fourth Annual African Studies Workshop. “real-world exposure.” “I am pleased that The Princeton and guests are extremely interested Review surveys confirm what our FOURTH ANNUAL AFRICAN in learning from one another,” students and alumni tell us directly: STUDIES WORKSHOP says Perullo. “The students learn Bryant’s innovative programs and For the fourth consecutive year, new ways of interpreting and outstanding faculty produce grad- Alex Perullo, Ph.D., associate understanding the African contiuates who are taught to achieve professor of English and cultural nent, while guests gain insight more than they thought possible,” studies, organized an African about many of the misconcepsaid Carol DeMoranville, Ph.D., Studies Workshop that encourinterim dean of the Graduate ages an exchange of information tions about their countries.” The African Studies Workshop School of Business and professor and culture between students is funded by Bryant University of marketing. and members of Rhode Island’s with support from the African In addition to the MBA, Bryant’s African community. The Alliance of Rhode Island and the graduate school, which is accred- November event brought Providence Public Library. Each ited by AACSB International— together doctors, scholars, and year the program selects a new The Association to Advance community leaders to discuss Collegiate Schools of Business, health issues confronting African theme to foster dialogue among university students, New England offers a Master of Science in people living both in the United communities, and Africans living Taxation and a Master of Profes- States and in Africa. in the United States. sional Accountancy. “For healthcare systems to work, there needs to be a forum and a sense of knowledge about the meaning of health and heritage among various populations,” Perullo says. “The workshop is a means to gain better insight into African knowledge concerning health and wellness.” This event is part of a course taught by Perullo, which includes student-initiated research and active intellectual dialogue with members of the Rhode Island African community. “The students Alex Perullo, Ph.D. Carol DeMoranville, Ph.D.



9:44 AM

GRIFFITHS NAMED TO NATIONAL ADVISORY BOARD U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke has appointed JoséMarie Griffiths, Ph.D., vice president for academic affairs, to a three-year term on the advisory board of the National Technical Information Service (NTIS). NTIS helps the Department of Commerce promote the nation’s economic growth by providing access to information that stimulates innovation and discovery. It is the largest central resource for government-funded scientific, technical, engineering, and business-related information. The advisory board is charged with reviewing general NTIS policies and reporting its findings to Locke, as well as the NTIS director. This is the second time Griffiths, an acclaimed policy expert, researcher, and administrator, has been appointed to the advisory board. She has also served on the National Science Board in 2006 as a President George W. Bush appointee. She previously held two presidential appointments, one to the President’s Information Technology Advisory Committee and the other to the U.S. National Commission on Libraries and Information Science. Griffiths joined Bryant in June of 2010.

José-Marie Griffiths, Ph.D.

A grant from China’s Office of Chinese Language Council International, known as Hanban, supports language and culture classes for young learners in Rhode Island.

Rhode Island CONFUCIUS CLASSROOMS ADDED Last fall, the Confucius Institute at Bryant University launched two new satellite classrooms in Lincoln, RI, one at Lincoln High School and the other at Northern Elementary School. Lincoln follows Smithfield, RI, to become the second school district in the state to offer a space dedicated to fostering understanding of Chinese culture and language. Hong Yang, Ph.D., the founder and director of Bryant’s Confucius Institute, was integral in establishing the Rhode Island-based satellite classrooms. “Each Confucius Classroom has its own curriculum, which we help facilitate,” says Yang, who is also a professor of science and technology at Bryant and the Dr. Charles J. Smiley Chair for the Confucius Institute. The classrooms are made possible by a five-year, $500,000 grant from China’s Office of Chinese Language Council International, known as Hanban. This grant also supports language and culture classes held on the

Bryant campus for young learners and adults. The goal of all programs is to give students the opportunity to succeed in an increasingly competitive global marketplace, says Yang. To learn more about the Confucius Institute at Bryant and opportunities for young learners of Chinese, visit www.

look at the campaign process in action. The debate, which was sponsored by the League of Women Voters of Rhode Island and hosted by Bryant, was the second visit to campus in as many weeks for Rhode Island State Treasurer and gubernatorial candidate Frank Caprio. Invited by the studentrun Finance and Accounting Associations and the Legal Studies Society, Caprio spoke about the workings of state government, the state’s reaction to the economic crisis, and his policy ideas for economic growth in Rhode Island. Providence Mayor and congressional candidate David Cicilline also took time away from the campaign trail to speak to Bryant students. He discussed the challenges he faced as mayor in Professor Judy McDonnell’s sociology class. To add to the political discourse, the Department of History and Social Sciences, the Department of Communication, and the student-run Communication Society co-sponsored an event that used classic films, including Robert Redford’s Academy Award-winning The Candidate, to explore campaign dynamics. When the election was over, the Bryant community had many

LEARNING FROM THE MIDTERM ELECTIONS The fall midterm elections had the country buzzing with anticipation and speculation, and the Bryant campus was no exception. Several events provided students with an up-close look at American politics and elections. Less than a week before Rhode Islanders cast their votes on Election Day, seven candidates vying to be the state’s governor, including the ultimate winner Lincoln Chafee, participated in a debate on campus that was broadcast by CSPAN. The event provided many political science and communication students Congressman-elect David Cicilline (D-RI) in the audience with a real-time was invited to campus by Jose Batista ’11.

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9:45 AM

Around and about

Spotlight on: Campus (continued)

celebrating the holiday season

questions about the direction of the country. To help answer them, the Department of History and Social Sciences sponsored a panel discussion titled “What Happened and Why? Making Sense of the 2010 Congressional Elections.” Richard Holtzman, Ph.D., assistant professor of political science, moderated a panel of students for this popular and lively discussion. To read more about these and other campus events, go to the Bryant Spotlights section of


IT INITIATIVES GAIN NATIONAL RECOGNITION Bryant’s green computing initiatives have saved the University money and energy, becoming a national model for educational institutions. The November/ December 2010 edition of EdTech Magazine features Bryant’s scalable modular data center in two articles, “Blades of Glory” and “Trailblazing on a Budget.” Arthur Gloster, vice president for information services, and Richard Siedzik, director of computer and telecommunication services, are recognized in the articles as the visionaries behind the University’s

efforts to increase efficiency and transform Bryant’s data center. Access to the full stories, as well as other information about Bryant’s green data center, is available in the Bryant newsroom at

Father Robert L. Marciano

Maura Coughlin, Ph.D.

Bryant winter



Each December, the Center for Student Involvement and the Student Alumni Association host a Bryant tradition— The Festival of Lights. This year, the campus community celebrated the beginning of the holiday season with a nondenominational service in the Koffler Rotunda, a candle-light procession, and a reception that featured food, music, and activities. In November, the Center for Student Involvement hosted a campus-wide Thanksgiving food basket drive to benefit the Capital City Community Centers and the East Bay Food Pantry.

EXPLORING FAITH AND ACADEMIA The Ronald K. and Kati C. Machtley Interfaith Center plays a key role in the life of Bryant students. The Machtley Interfaith Center also enriches the intellectual life of the University community. In addition to film screenings and guest speakers, the center is hosting a new series, “Ongoing Dialogue: Worlds of Academia & Faith.” The program promotes dialogue about religious themes, questions, values, and phenomena in the context of an academic milieu. The series also offers faculty members the opportunity to share their work and intellectual pursuits with the Bryant community. For

example, the first event was a talk by Assistant Professor of English and Cultural Studies Maura Coughlin, Ph.D., who presented her recent research about visual representations of women’s rituals of piety and mourning in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Programs at the Machtley Interfaith Center are often open to alumni. Recently appointed Catholic Chaplain Father Robert L. Marciano joins Jewish Chaplain Rabbi Navah Levine and Protestant Chaplain the Rev. Philip Devens in leading several services open to people of all faiths. Visit the Campus Events section of the Bryant Web site for details.



9:10 PM

power pLeNAry SeSSIoN: Women’s Health: Mind/Body Wellness Alice D. Domar, ph.D.


The Bulldogs beat the University at Albany-SUNY at the Parents and Family Weekend football matchup.

A FRIGHTENINGLY FUN PARENTS AND FAMILY WEEKEND Families, friends, and students were treated to a taste of Halloween during the University’s annual Parents and Family Weekend. A spirited football game in which the Bulldogs

bested the Great Danes of the University at Albany-SUNY , was followed by Halloweenthemed events and speakers. The weekend culminated in a presentation by renowned paranormal investigator Lorraine Warren.




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Around and about

Spotlight on: Athletics After another successful fall sports season, the Bryant Bulldogs look forward to continuing their winning ways in the spring. WOMEN’s BASKETBALL RANKED EIGHTh The women’s basketball team was selected to finish eighth in the Northeast Conference (NEC) for the 2010-11 season, according to a preseason poll by league coaches. Under the direction of 20-year coach Mary Burke, the Bulldogs posted a 10-8 conference record last season, only their second year competing in Division I. This season, the Bulldogs will play 13 home games as they enter their third year of the mandatory fouryear transitional period to become an official NCAA Division I program. This is a rebuilding year, with three returning starters joining

Meredith Soper ’12


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an impressive rookie class. Leading the way for the Bulldogs is senior Siamone Bennett (Newburgh, NY), who had a team-high 38 blocks last season, and averaged 10.3 points and 6.3 rebounds per game. The team also returns a pair of sophomore starters in Meredith Soper (Winthrop, MA), who was named to the 2009-10 NEC All-Rookie team, and Danielle Douglas (Silver Spring, MD). The duo returns to the backcourt this season after gaining significant playing time during their rookie campaigns. “Right now we have players who are working very hard, are com-

Danielle Douglas ’12

mitted to being successful, and are putting in the energy to make our program move forward,” says Burke. “All of the freshmen have stepped in and are ready to meet the challenges of the season.” For the basketball team’s schedule and up-to-date standings, go to FIELD HOCKEY MAKES NEC PLAYOFFS For the first time in Bryant history, the University’s field hockey team Brittany Glenn ’11 (right) entered Division I postseason play in the Northeast Conference (NEC) semifinals in November. the other). In 2009, the Bulldogs The Bulldogs clinched the third finished tied for fourth in the conference standings. seed in the NEC after winning In their semifinal bout, the seven of its last nine games, Bulldogs fell to the second exceeding a preseason coaches’ poll ranking of fourth in the con- seeded Monmouth team, 4-1. Despite outshooting the Hawks, ference. Although most Bulldog teams will not qualify to compete 12 to 11, and controlling much of the second-half possession on in Division I playoffs until 2012, coach Shaunessy Saucier’s squad offense, the Bryant team couldn’t force the ball past a strong is one of two athletic programs Monmouth defense to overcome fast-tracked for full Division I an early deficit. membership (men’s lacrosse is

Siamone Bennett ’11



8:17 PM

This year’s historic team included a trio of All-Northeast Conference selections, earning the program’s first-ever first team all-conference recognition. Senior Brittany Glenn (Easthampton, MA) and juniors Courtney Landi (Kingston, NY) and Katherine Andrusin (North Andover, MA) were named to the all-conference second team, posting the most all-league picks for the Bulldogs since Bryant joined the Division I ranks. Glenn and sophomore Chiedza Mawema (Harare, Zimbabwe) tallied another Bryant first when the pair were named to the 2010 Northeast Conference AllTournament Team.

Cecil Gresham ’11

MEN’S BASKETBALL READY FOR 2010-11 SEASON Looking at the talent returning to the Bryant men’s basketball team from last season, and how much they gain from an impressive incoming rookie class, head coach Tim O’Shea knows the monumental turnaround his team is capable of this season. “From a talent standpoint, we make a significant jump forward,

and we hope to really make some inroads in terms of win-loss percentage this year, especially within the NEC ,” says O’Shea. A large part of that talent jump comes from the return of fifthyear senior Cecil Gresham ’11 (Bloomfield, CT), who appeared in just eight games last season before being sidelined with an injury. A 1,000-point scorer who has averaged nearly 13 points per game since his sophomore season, Gresham rejoins the starting lineup as a proven and reliable offensive weapon for the Black & Gold. Also playing for the Bulldogs is 2009-10 NEC All-Rookie Team selection and leading scorer Vlad Kondratyev ’13 (Nikolayev, Ukraine). Last summer he participated in the FIBA U20 European Championships representing Ukraine, and was picked 13th on Sports Illustrated’s ( list of top-20 NCAA players at the tournament. Stepping onto the court as Bulldogs for the first time this season are five talented rookies, as well as redshirt freshman Alex Herzing (Lynchburg, VA) and highly touted sophomore point guard Frankie Dobbs (Berea, OH ), who sat out last season due to NCAA transfer rules. Alex Francis (Harlem, NY) and Australian native Corey Maynard (Adelaide, Australia) highlight the rookie class and have the potential to put up top numbers at their positions. The NEC will televise 22 men’s basketball conference matchups in 2010-11, including a pair of Bryant contests on Wednesday, February 9, and Saturday, February 19. For more information about the schedule and standings, go to

The 1966-67 Bryant Men’s Baskeball team winners of the Naismith Conference Championship

THE LEGACY OF THE 1966-67 DREAM TEAM As the Bulldogs embark on their third year competing at the NCAA Division I level, the storied 1966-67 Bryant men’s basketball team stands as a reminder of past successes. With 22 wins, the team held the Bryant record for most basketball victories in one season. Their streak was not broken until a 25-win season in 2004-05. One of the best small-college teams in the nation, they won the Naismith Conference Championship and advanced to the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics District 32 National Tournament. At the helm during these successes was head coach Tom Duffy. In his four years at Bryant (1964-1968), Duffy compiled a 70-22 record. The .760 victory percentage makes him the most successful basketball coach in Bryant history. In 1967, Words Unlimited, the Rhode Island Association of Sportswriters and Sportscasters, named Duffy the Rhode Island Coach of the Year

—the first time a Bryant coach had received the coveted honor. Duffy led a scrappy squad that included Edward “Ted” Alsup ’67, Jose Alvarez ’69, Anthony “Tony” DeQuattro ’67, Joseph Goddard ’69, Donald Gray ’70, Ronald Hoyt ’70, John McVeigh ’68, Richard Pettee ’68, Thomas Smile ’68, James “Jim” Squadrito ’68, Peter “Sticks” Sullivan ’68, George Yates ’70, and Edward McManus ’69, as well as managers Michael Fisher ’67 and Maurice Clare ’66. Providence Journal columnist Bill Reynolds wrote on the occasion of the team’s 2007 induction into the Bryant Athletics Hall of Fame that they were “a roster full of kids who got the chance to find a second act. A roster full of kids who found a slice of local fame they never could have envisioned.” To watch the 2010-11 Bulldogs carry on in the tradition of the 1966-67 team, access live game-day video at

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Around and about

Spotlight on: students Opportunities to explore individual interests in and out of the classroom prepare Bryant students for a lifetime of success and fulfillment. HONORS EXPERIENCE IN NYC It isn’t unusual for students to review a business’s case study as part of a 400-level course. But one of the things that sets a Bryant education apart is a visit to that company’s operations hub as well. Students in a senior honors class had this opportunity as part of the Fourth Annual New York City Experience sponsored by the Bryant Honors Program. Twentyfour members of the program got a behind-the-scenes look at

JetBlue’s Operations Center at JFK Airport during the excursion. The group also visited the headquarters of Nickelodeon and the Times Square location of Toys“R”Us. They took in the Broadway hit Promises, Promises and visited the King Tut exhibit. The trip, which was organized by Associate Professor of Computer Information Systems and Honors Program Coordinator Kenneth Sousa, Ph.D., included a New Yorkbased Bryant alumni reception

hosted by Nicholas Bohnsack ’00, operating partner and sector strategist at Strategas Research Partners. “Classroom learning can only take you so far,” says Thomas Pagliarini ’11 (North Providence, RI ). “Bryant goes above and beyond to help students build up their classroom studies with hands-on learning.” Courtney Bernard ’13

(Uxbridge, MA) believes the Honors Program is providing her the skills she’ll need to excel in the future. “In addition to programs like the NYC Experience, professors integrate real-world applications to enrich students’ understanding of the concepts we talk about in class and read in the textbooks,” she says. Read more at honorsNYC2010.

LINKEDIN ® CAREER MAPPING Bryant has been chosen as one of only 60 schools nationwide to offer students Career Explorer, an innovative career-mapping tool created through a partnership between LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional network, and PwC, one of the largest U.S. employers of college graduates. This new tool is a Web-based resource that enables students to chart potential career paths, build professional networks, and gather valuable insights into careers of interest. Students can also use it to search for salary information. Career Explorer is just one of the many resources offered to Bryant students as they engage in the process of identifying their passion, selecting a career path, and finding their first job. “The wider you cast your net, the better your chance to find a position,” says Judith Clare, director of Bryant’s Amica Center for Career Education. “The goal is to network, learn about different opportunities, and see what is interesting to you.” Bryant students continue to enjoy an excellent job placement rate despite the country’s continuing economic challenges: 96 to 98.5 percent of graduates from the classes of 2005-2009 were employed or enrolled in graduate school within six months of Commencement. (Read more on pg. 12.)

For the third time in four years, Bryant’s chapter of the national Collegiate Entrepreneurs’ Organization captured the title of Best Student Chapter in the country. Read the full story at Honors Program members gather in Times Square during the annual New York City Experience.


Bryant winter


2011 Class Gift donors sign a campaign banner.

2011 CLASS GIFT KICKOFF From her first day as a student at Bryant, senior Emily Murphy ’s goal focused on earning a degree and developing the skills to excel in her future career. Along the way, the Quincy, MA, native developed friendships and built

networks that have made for an unforgettable college experience. As a way to give back to Bryant, she is serving as a co-chair of the Senior Class Gift Campaign “Celebrating Our Bryant Spirit.” At the Class Gift Campaign fall kickoff event, Murphy and her peers raised more than $14,500, and unveiled three gift ideas, one of which will be chosen in February. The Class Gift of 2010 raised $41,000 and achieved a 55 percent participation rate. The Class of 2011’s goal is to raise $40,000 with a 50 percent participation rate. “Our experiences here have shaped the people that we are today,” says Murphy. “My four years at Bryant have been the best four years of my life so far, and I can’t walk away without saying thank you.”

students hear from fed chairman ben bernanke

Thirty-nine Bryant students studying finance and economics, accompanied by a group of faculty members, attended a question-and-answer session with Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke (pictured left) held in Providence last fall. The meeting was sponsored by the Rhode Island Public Expenditure Council (RIPEC). Bryant University President Ronald K. Machtley (pictured right), who is also president of RIPEC, introduced Bernanke, noting that the students in attendance had the unique opportunity “to have a class taught by the foremost economist in the country.”


strong record of service to the

Providence, RI, meal site for under-

DiMugno’s team placed third in the

University, good evidence of involve-

privileged adults and children.

nation in the 2nd Annual Actuarial

ment with the community, and out-

Case Competition sponsored by

standing progress on the actuarial

include combining what he has

DiMugno’s plans for the future

Travelers Insurance, he was excited

exams. We are confident that Daniel

learned in his major program of

to be part of such an amazing

will have a strong actuarial career,”

study with the skills and understand-

experience. Little did he know that

said Stuart A. Robertson Scholarship

ing he gained in courses for his envi-

it was just the first milestone he’d

representative Bill Hogan.

ronmental science minor. Drawn by

celebrate in 2010.

The award recognizes and

the opportunity to learn about the

encourages the academic achieve-

effect people have on the planet,

the senior, who hails from South

ments of undergraduate students

DiMugno took a course while study-

Windsor, CT, was awarded the

pursuing careers in actuarial science.

ing abroad in England that explored

Actuary of Tomorrow - Stuart A.

In addition to his academic accom-

different uses of alternative energy.

Robertson Memorial Scholarship by

plishments, DiMugno is a master

“It is more than a career path,” says

The Actuarial Foundation of

peer tutor in Bryant’s Academic

DiMugno. “It could alter my way of

Schamburg, IL. DiMugno, a member

Center for Excellence and has served

thinking and allow me to genuinely

of the Bryant Honors Program and

as an intern with the Lincoln

understand what we can do to help

the Class of 2011, is the sole recipi-

Financial Group and TicketNetwork.

save the earth.” One day he hopes to

ent of the $7,500 scholarship.

He is also active in the community as

combine his actuarial math acumen

a volunteer for the American Cancer

with his love of environmental science

Society and McAuley House, a

to help evaluate environmental risks.

At the start of the fall semester,

“Daniel’s application provided an outstanding academic record, a

Bryant winter






8:17 PM

Around and about

Spotlight on: Alumni Bryant alumni take advantage of a variety of opportunities to get together, whether for professional development, to travel abroad, or just to gather for food, fun, and good conversation. (Left to right) President Ronald K. Machtley, Frank Stasiowski ’75, David Olney ’82, Peni Garber ’85, Philip Graham ’88, and Trustee Professor of Management Michael Roberto, D.B.A., at the The Downtown Harvard Club in Boston.

FALL 2010 EVENT HIGHLIGHTS The fall of 2010 may have been Bryant’s busiest season yet for exciting alumni events across the country—and around the world. Regional Alumni Network gatherings included a private

tour and wine tasting at Sakonnet Vineyards in Little Compton, RI; a tour of California wine country with a special stop at Steele Winery, where alumnus William Bishop ’78 is national sales manager; and a wine and dinner pairing at

Gran Gusto in Cambridge, MA, orchestrated by Vicente Pina ’88, owner of Vin de Vin Wine Tasting and Collecting Consultants. Alumni also came together to root for Bryant’s athletic teams on campus, at the Bulldog’s

alumni travel to italy

A diverse group of more than 40 Bryant alumni of all ages explored the Amalfi Coast during the University’s first alumni excursion to Italy. The group also visited Pompeii, the Isle of Capri, and Rome, and enjoyed a dinner there hosted by Andrea Tidei ’96. Coming Bryant alumni trips include a tour of Spain. Visit for more information.


Bryant winter



Reunion@Homecoming win over Sacred Heart, and throughout the country at Central Connecticut State University, Kent State University, and the University of Michigan. One of the most popular events was “The Bryant C-Suite: Executive Advice for Aspiring Leaders” at The Downtown Harvard Club in Boston, MA. Trustee Professor of Management Michael Roberto, D.B.A., a published author and dynamic speaker, moderated a panel discussion about lessons for emerging leaders and the role of chief executives in a turbulent economy. During the holiday season, at what has become an annual gathering, the Massachusetts Regional Network volunteered at Cradles to Crayons in North Quincy, MA, to package everyday supplies for children from lowincome or homeless families. This is just a sample of the many events coordinated by the Office of Alumni Relations, and planning for 2011 is well under way. Log on to alumni for a list of activities.



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ALUMNI LEADERSHIP WEEKEND, MARCH 25-26 The campus will be buzzing with excitement during the last weekend in March as alumni return for an annual tradition—Bryant Alumni Leadership Weekend. Activities begin on Friday, March 25, with a kickoff luncheon and presentations by the finalists in the University’s first Alumni New Venture competition, who were chosen from among dozens of entries submitted late last year. The contest was designed by the Office of Alumni Relations, the Department of Management, and the Entrepreneurship Program to spotlight alumni enterprises and support promising new ventures. A $10,000 cash prize will be awarded to the winning entry. The day will culminate with a dinner and recognition of several alumni and a faculty member with the annual Alumni Achievement Awards. The New Venture competition winner will also be announced at the dinner. Events continue on Saturday, March 26, with a series of interactive workshops and a keynote presentation by celebrity chef and restaurateur Ken Oringer ‘87. The owner of six highly acclaimed Boston eateries, Oringer is an Iron Chef champion (vs. Cat Cora) and the recipient of the James Beard Award for the Best Chef in the Northeast. For a full slate of activities, or to register for Alumni Leadership Weekend 2011, visit alumnievents.


NATIONAL MEDIA ATTENTION FOR ALUMNUS’ BOOK Bryant Trustee Bill Conaty ‘67 was a guest on CNBC’s “Squawk Box” to discuss his new book, The Talent Masters. In it, Conaty, retired senior vice president of human resources at GE, and co-author Ram Charan, describe how nurturing talent can enable a company to meet challenges and grow. A review in The Wall Street Journal says The Talent Masters “offers a valuable window into the skills of talent development.” A link to the WSJ article is available at newsroom.

Visitors to the newly redesigned Bryant alumni Web site (www.bryant. edu/alumni ) will enjoy quick links to coming events, frequently asked questions, and career resources, as well as easy access to the University’s social media sites such as LinkedIn® and Facebook®. The updated site was recently featured in a Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) Webinar after ranking second in an informal CASE survey of alumni Web sites.

student-named interlink opens

For a class with Marketing Lecturer Jean K. Murray (far right), Justin Andrews ’10 (center) was part of a team of students who won a contest to name Rhode Island’s intermodal transportation facility. “Interlink” opened last fall. Murray and Andrews, who is now with Mediapeel Marketing, were joined at the opening by (left to right) Professor of Marketing Keith Murray, Ph.D.; Patti Goldstein, vice president of public affairs & air service marketing for Rhode Island Airport Corporation (RIAC); and Rebecca Pazienza Bromberg, RIAC community affairs manager.

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9:46 AM



Class Notes is a great place to share news about professional and educational accomplishments and other special events in your life. Keep Bryant University informed of your latest endeavors by submitting information online through the Class Notes page at You can also send an e-mail to alumni @ or call (877) 353-5667. 1952 HAROLD LAVALLEY, founder of LaValley Building Supply, Inc., was recognized by the National Retail Lumber Association for outstanding contributions to the lumber industry, at its annual regional meeting in Portsmouth, NH. He and his wife, Geraldine, opened the first LaValley Building Supply in Newport, NH, in 1962. Their start-up venture now includes locations and businesses throughout New Hampshire and Vermont. 1967 GORDON GOODWIN of Marion, MA, president since 1979 of his family-owned Cape Cod Shipbuilding Co. in Wareham, MA, recently told that the sputtering economy has taken a toll on boat building. In years past, his yard built more than 100 boats a year. Now they’re building between 20 and 30 a year, though service and repair work keeps the yard busy. The company produces 19 different boats, from dinghies to overnighters.

1968 JOHN MAHONEY, owner of Mahoney’s Pub and business development director of Advanced Cleaning and Restoration Education, won a six-way primary in September and continued that winning streak in November to succeed the incumbent state representative from the 13th Worcester, MA, district. 1973 GEORGE KELLEY III, has stepped down as chief of police in Pawtucket, RI, a post he held for 12 years. Kelley served the force for 36 years in both patrol and investigative roles. He also was president of the Rhode Island Police Chiefs Association and the New England Police Chiefs Association, and a member of the International Association of Chiefs of Police, the Rhode Island Commissioned Police Officers, and the URI Criminalistics Association. His successor as Pawtucket’s chief is another Bryant alumnus, Paul King ’85.

1975 KEVIN SMITH of Fairborn, OH, won the Ohio Academic Advising Association’s Advising Excellence Award, which was presented at the association’s annual conference in Columbus, OH. 1976 CRAIG BOGAR received his doctorate of sports management from the United States Sports Academy in Daphne, AL, where he serves as dean of student services and is on the faculty. JOHN ENRIGHT, a retired Rhode Island National Guard Brigadier General, lost a primary bid for the House of Representatives seat from District 61, representing Pawtucket, RI. 1977 LOIS WIMS, Ph.D., has been named dean of the School of Social and Behavioral Sciences at Mercy College, Dobbs Ferry, NY. She has more than 27 years of experience in higher education and law enforcement, having begun her career as the first female officer in Central Falls, RI. She had been associate dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of South Alabama since 2002.

PETER FOGARTY ’82, ’92 MST of Smithfield, RI,

comes from a Bryant family. His mother worked at Bryant enabling him to earn his undergraduate degree tuition-free. When she became ill during his first year and was unable to work, he thought his college education might be in jeopardy. But there was no need to worry—Bryant honored the tuition remission agreement through graduation. Then and there Fogarty made a commitment to give back to Bryant in the future. “They extended an arm to me, so I certainly saw the benefit of being able to do that for somebody else,” he says. Fogarty is a senior partner and managing


Bryant winter



1980 MICHAEL FORTIN ’85 MBA of Exeter, RI, a senior operations manager in Citizens Bank’s Anti-Money-Laundering Operations Department, has been promoted to senior vice president. He joined the company in 2008. ROBERT SKURKA MBA of Seekonk, MA, has been appointed a vice president of commercial lending at Bristol County Savings Bank, headquartered in Taunton, MA. Working out of the bank’s Pawtucket, RI, office, he will serve businesses in Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts. Skurka has more than 25 years of commercial lending and real estate lending experience. 1981 BRENDA BAGINSKI and her husband, Joe, were recently profiled in The Providence Journal as serial entrepreneurs. They have started five businesses in 20 years, including Professional Ambulance, a medicaltransport business they run with the help of their two adult children. Over the years, the Baginskis, of Providence, RI, got into the costume-jewelry business, operated a check-cashing business, sold cell phones at a kiosk in Providence Place mall, ran a mortgage business, and started the ambulance service.

director for New England operations of the national forensic accounting/CPA firm Hagen Streiff Newton & Oshiro. Over the years, he and his wife, Lori, have contributed to the President’s Scholarship Fund and the annual President’s Cup Golf Tournament. Recently, they began supporting an annual scholarship for an accounting major from Rhode Island, as well. “I can’t think of too many places where you could invest your dollars and be guaranteed a return,” says Fogarty.“I can see where the dollars are going and hope that the recipient will become somebody who gives back to Bryant.”



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1982 STEVEN PEETERS, who joined regional property/casualty insurance carrier Main Street America in February 2010 to lead its commercial lines business, has been promoted to senior vice president and will head the product operations unit in addition to commercial lines. He is based at corporate headquarters in Jacksonville, FL. 1983 MICHAEL LINDGREN joined Cambridge Savings Bank, Cambridge, MA, as senior vice president, commercial real estate lending. He has 24 years of lending experience, most recently as director/national head of multifamily property financing at Deutsche Bank Berkshire Mortgage. DONNA MCGOWAN of Warwick, RI, has been named executive director of the Alzheimer’s Association’s Rhode Island chapter. She has more than 30 years of experience in both the nonprofit and for-profit sectors and previously served as executive director of the Rhode Island Scholarship Alliance and as division president of Textron Financial Corp. JAMES NABER MST has been named chief audit executive at Wilmington Trust, Wilmington, DE. He has more than 30 years of financial, management, and regulatory consulting experience in the banking and financial services sector, most recently at Accume Partners, where he was a banking practice leader and managing director of the firm’s New England region. JAMES SMART, a U.S. Navy captain, assumed command of Naval Support Activity (NSA) Mechanicsburg, NSA Philadelphia, and the Philadelphia Navy Yard Annex in September. NSA is charged with logistically supporting the Navy and Marine Corps across the globe. Before reporting to NSA Mechanicsburg, PA, Smart was stationed in Singapore and acted as the assistant chief of staff for logistics, Commander Task Force 73, responsible for logistics plans, policy, and execution in support of U.S. Naval Forces operating in the 7th Fleet.

1984 JOSEPH LEWIS MBA, the managing director of BlueLevel Technologies Inc., Rock Falls, IL, who has 35 years of experience in process measurement and control instrumentation, wrote an article titled “The Problem with Measuring Levels” published Aug. 18, 2010, on CHERYL MILLER has joined Citizens Bank as assistant vice president and business banking officer for the Worcester, MA, area. She will help local businesses with account management and borrowing. Miller previously worked as a financial advisor for Strategic Financial Partners. JAMES ROBERTS of Wellesley, MA, has been named compliance officer for Needham Bank in Needham, MA. He is responsible for ensuring that the bank complies with all banking regulations. Prior to this post, he was a compliance manager with ICS Compliance. JOHN TELLINI was unsuccessful in a primary bid for a seat on the Pawtucket, RI, School Committee. 1985 DAVID FRISINA of Cranston, RI, director of operational risk management for Citizens Bank, has been promoted to senior vice president. He has been with Citizens since 1988 in a number of roles, including senior business systems manager, senior risk manager, and director of portfolio credit risk management. ROBERT GRAY is chief operating officer of Paradigm Sample™, a global sample company. He has more than 25 years of experience delivering large-scale global market research studies, and building and managing call centers and database operations teams across the globe. PAUL KING, a Pawtucket, RI, police major, has been named police chief. King is a 28-year veteran of the department and the son of former chief Ted King. As chief, he succeeds Bryant alumnus, George Kelley III ’73.

DENISE LOVETT has been hired as business manager at Portland Radio Group in South Portland, ME, a regional market of Saga Communications, Inc. in Grosse Pointe Farms, MI. ANN NAGLE of North Kingstown, RI, has been appointed Washington Trust vice president, trust officer of the wealth management area’s new Group Insurance Trust Division. Nagle, who has more than 35 years of fiduciary and insurance experience, joined Washington Trust from BankNewport in Middletown, RI, where she served as vice president and manager, group insurance trusts. MARIO SOLARI has joined the accounting firm of Whittlesey & Hadley, PC as a partner in its financial institutions practice. Since 1993 Solari had been with PricewaterhouseCoopers in Hartford, CT, most recently as managing director. JOYCE SULESKI of Shelton, CT, has joined Barnum Financial Group as a financial services representative. Prior to joining the firm, she served as the benefits director for Ultra Electronics, Inc. SHAUNNA M. VARIN of Warwick, RI, is a manager at DiSanto, Priest & Co. She joined the firm in 2005 as a staff accountant and was promoted to senior accountant in 2007. 1986 MARIA LEONARD of Lincoln, RI, has been promoted to head of audit for Citizens Financial Group and RBS Americas. An executive vice president, she is responsible for internal audit activities related to Citizens Financial Group and RBS Global Banking and Markets throughout the Americas. 1987 JAMES LORING of Hopkinton, MA, has been named chief financial officer of Amica Mutual Insurance Company, Lincoln, RI. Loring was formerly senior vice president and chief financial officer at Savings Bank Life Insurance of Massachusetts (SBLI) in Woburn, MA. He has more than 20 years of experience in the insurance industry. He was recently

selected by the Center for Collaborative Leadership at the University of Massachusetts Boston to participate as a fellow in its 2010 Emerging Leaders Program, an executive training program for professionals in the Greater Boston area. DAVID PRUDENCIO, vice president of the Ferrilli Information Group, has been recognized by Cambridge, MA, Who’s Who for demonstrating dedication, leadership, and excellence in communication. At Ferrilli, he is responsible for overseeing business development and administration, managing projects, and assessing and enhancing administration processes in institutions by implementing technology. 1988 DAVID BISSAILLON of Adams, MA, vice president at the Coakley, Pierpan, Dolan & Collins Insurance Agency, finished second in a three-way Democratic primary race for the Massachusetts House of Representatives seat for the 1st Berkshire District. RUTH OBENAUF has been hired for the newly created position of shipper/traffic manager by Primary Flow Signal, Inc. The Cranston, RI-based company is a leader in the design, manufacture, and application of differential producer flow metering equipment and accessories for measuring liquid, gas, and steam flow. Obenauf is responsible for handling all outgoing and incoming traffic, and all the necessary compliance and paperwork for domestic and international shipments. 1990 KATHLEEN CHARBONNEAU of Portsmouth, RI, has been promoted to vice president of community relations and public relations at BankNewport. Charbonneau began her career at BankNewport in 2000, most recently serving as assistant vice president of community relations and public relations. She is responsible for the bank’s community and philanthropic programs, media relations, and special events for bank customers and employees.

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1:11 PM



JOSEPH CICIONE III of Coventry, RI, has been elected to the board of directors of Homefront Health Care, a nonprofit that provides care of the chronically ill in Rhode Island. Cicione currently serves as the president and CEO of Blackstone Valley Federal Credit Union. DENISE DIANA of Manchester, CT, has been appointed vice president, retirement plans mid-market, to lead the new sales and marketing initiatives for The Hartford Financial Services Group. She will create a team of middle-market specialists to support financial advisors, Registered Investment Advisors, and consultants, and identify mid-market development opportunities. Diana has 20 years of experience in the insurance industry, most recently at Transamerica, where she was vice president of business development. MARK SMALL MBA of Somerset, MA, is a blues guitarist whose recent performances have included opening for blues guitar giant Jimmy Thackery and being featured at Showcase Live in Foxboro, MA, with a lineup of blues dignitaries including Shorty Bullips, Muddy Waters Jr., James Montgomery, and Elmore James Jr. Small has released two CDs on the local label Whaling City Sound, Mark T. Small in 2006 and Screamin’ and Cryin’ the Blues in 2009. The latter made it to No. 19 on the National Living Blues Chart. SHARON TRASK of Greene, RI, has been promoted to vice president, market manager for Webster Bank’s 14 branches in Rhode Island and southeastern Connecticut. She joined Webster in 2009 as vice president, branch manager of its Pontiac Avenue branch in Cranston, RI. Prior to joining Webster, she was employed by Citizens Bank for 19 years, serving the Cranston and Providence, RI, markets.


Bryant winter



1994 CHERYL SENERCHIA MBA of East Greenwich, RI, a senior vice president in Citizens Financial Group’s Corporate Affairs Group, has been promoted to director of community investment. She is responsible for developing the strategy for local delivery of the Citizens Community Investment Program, and also manages the reporting and analytics relating to the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) in 12 states. She has been with Citizens for more than 20 years, previously serving as director of CRA administration in the Regulatory Risk Department. 1995 JESSICA CASALE of West Warwick, RI, has been promoted to senior vice president at Citizens Bank. A senior finance director in the Commercial Banking Finance Department, she manages financial reporting for the Global Markets Group and consolidated financial reporting for the Commercial Banking Group. Casale joined Citizens in 2002 as a financial analyst. EDWARD COPPINGER of West Roxbury, MA, a mortgage loan officer, recently won election to the Massachusetts House of Representatives from the 10th Suffolk District, serving West Roxbury, Brookline, and Roslindale. His father was a state representative in the 1960s. DONALD FOX MBA of Burrillville, RI, was featured in a Providence Sunday Journal column about life on the campaign trail with first-time political candidates. Fox, who owns Alashan Cashmere Co. with his wife, is a Republican, identified in the piece as part of a bumper crop of candidates running at least in part because of national and statewide issues and trends such as the sour economy and Tea Party activism. On Election Day, Fox’s bid for a seat in the state House of Representatives fell short.

PAUL PEZZA recently opened a new location of Pezza Law, P.C., in Fall River, MA. MECHELE SCOTT MBA of Coventry, RI, a senior finance director in Citizens Bank’s Consumer Finance Division, has been appointed to vice president. She is responsible for the review of financial results for the bank’s Home Lending Solutions Department. 1996 DANIEL GUILBERT of Simsbury, CT, has joined Symetra Life Insurance Company as executive vice president, heading the Retirement Division. He is responsible for all annuity, 403(b), and structured settlement products; oversees the Retirement Services and Income Annuities departments; and leads the division’s strategy work, product design and innovation, product marketing, market research, service, and operations. Guilbert most recently served as chief risk officer for Aviva North America. Symetra Life Insurance Company is a subsidiary of Bellevue, WA-based Symetra Financial Corporation, a diversified financial services company. AMY E. LANDRY, of the Androscoggin Valley Council of Governments, has been named the business development specialist working on behalf of the Office of Business Development, part of the Maine Department of Economic and Community Development. 1999 VALERIE (AROLD) DWYER of Kingston, NY, was recognized with a Forty under 40 Award, presented by the Southern Dutchess County Chamber of Commerce. Recipients were chosen for achievement, vision, leadership, and community involvement from a pool of young professionals in New York’s Hudson Valley region. After various corporate positions, in 2004 Dwyer joined her family’s highway construction business. She was named president in 2007. Dwyer volunteers as a director and treasurer for Ulster Greene ARC, and as a member of the Ulster County

planning board and the Alliance for Balanced Growth Committee for the Ulster County Development Corporation. HEATHER HARTMAN MBA, director of IS technical services for Providence, RI-based Care New England, has received a 2010 “Ones to Watch” award from CIO magazine and the CIO executive council. This honor is presented to 25 rising stars in the field of information technology who bring leadership, innovation, and value to their organization, and are primed to become future chief information officers (CIO). All “Ones to Watch” honorees are nominated or endorsed by a practicing CIO. ROGER RUE MBA has been appointed global supply chain specialist by C&M Corporation in Wauregan, CT, a vertically integrated manufacturer of bulk cable, coil cords, and cable assemblies. He brings more than 17 years in international sourcing, qualification, and procurement, with extensive on-the-ground experience in Asia, India, Europe, and Mexico. He previously worked at Guill Tool and Engineering in Warwick, RI, where he served as purchasing manager. He received his BS/BA in Finance from Bryant in 1989. LEIGH ANN (LAFLESH) SHEEHAN of Smithtown, NY, was recently promoted to chief underwriting officer of the Specialty Accident & Health Division of OneBeacon Insurance. 2000 DAVID GRECO of North Haven, CT, has joined Barnum Financial Group as a financial services representative. Most recently, Greco was the president and CEO of SalesPreneur, earning more than 20 performance awards, including President’s Club, MVP , and the distinguished American Marketing Association of Excellence Award. Barnum Financial Group, an office of MetLife, is headquartered in Shelton, CT.



9:47 AM

2001 KENNETH MARSHALL, JR. of Bristol, RI, a general manager for Donovan and Sons, a plumbing and heating company in Middletown, RI, abandoned a bid to run as an Independent for the District 1 seat in the U.S. House of Representatives, after a late start. Instead, the long-time Town Council member focused on winning reelection to that board. TILAK VERMA MBA of Pawtucket, RI, has earned board certification in sleep medicine from the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM). A physician, he joined the Landmark Medical Staff in 1981 and also holds board certification in internal medicine, pulmonary diseases, and critical care from the ABIM, as well as board certification from the American Board of Sleep Medicine. 2004 CHRIS A. HORVATH of Cumberland, RI, Web support services manager in Citizens Bank’s Technology Services Department, has been promoted to vice president. He manages technical infrastructure teams that support many of the bank’s company-wide, Web-facing customer applications. 2005 IAN KAHANOWITZ MST, manager of tax audits in Citizens Bank’s corporate-tax department, has been promoted to vice president in the Smithfield, RI, office. JOSH LONGSTAFF of Portland, ME, was recently hired as a video coordinator for player personnel by the Oklahoma City Thunder, a member of the National Basketball League’s Western Conference’s Northwest Division. He is breaking down films to assist with scouting, player trades, college draft picks, and free agent signings. At Bryant, Longstaff was an all-state guard for the Bulldogs. He went on to coach high school varsity basketball, and worked in sales with Idexx Laboratories.

PATRICK MCGROUTY of Watervliet, NY, has been sworn in as a firefighter with the Watervliet Fire Department. His badge was pinned on by his father, a retired firefighter. 2006 ROBERT LEONARD MIS of Warwick, RI, solution architect in Citizens Bank’s Solution Design Services Department, has been promoted to vice president. He leads a team that designs and delivers strategic technology solutions for the bank’s commercial, finance, risk, legal, and human resources business divisions. He received his undergraduate degree in Computer Information Systems from Bryant in 2001. KATIE MCINTOSH has been named senior accountant at DiSanto, Priest & Co. in Warwick, RI. She joined the firm as a staff accountant in 2007. She is a member of the Rhode Island Society of Certified Public Accountants and is involved in the Bentley Foundation, the charitable arm of DiSanto, Priest & Co. 2007 KELLY RICHARDS of Charlton, MA, has been hired by the Worcester and Athol-based CPA firm P.L. Jones & Associates PC as a staff accountant. She will handle audits, reviews, and tax returns. Previously, she was a staff accountant at Larson Allen LLP. KEVAN RILEY MBA, ’09 MIS of Smithfield, RI, an audit manager in the Citizens Bank’s Group Internal Audit Department, has been promoted to vice president. He joined Citizens in 2005 as a staff auditor. Prior to joining Citizens, Riley was a network analyst at Sperian Protection. 2008 ERIC ANDERSON MBA has been promoted to CEO of Enviro-Clean Inc., a company that specializes in fire and water damage restoration and mold remediation. He succeeds his father, and will oversee the restoration division, national emergency-response team, and the mold-remediation and air-quality products divisions.

CHRISTOPHER BUCCI has been promoted to senior accountant at DiSanto, Priest & Co. in Warwick, RI. He joined the firm as a staff accountant in 2008. He is a member of the Rhode Island Society of Certified Public Accountants. JOSEPH COTILLETTA, a secondyear law student at Penn State, interned in one of the country’s largest District Attorney’s offices in New York City this summer. He negotiated plea offers, interviewed complainants and police officers, and compiled cases on defendants. He also successfully convicted a defendant based on a plea offer he arranged. JOHN TREVOR HAMBRIGHT has been promoted to associate director of admissions at Adelphi University on Long Island, NY. MATTHEW “MATT” WILSON of Darien, CT, is co-founder of, a Web site dedicated to providing young entrepreneurs with tools and resources. Using social media to create buzz online, Under30CEO has been mentioned in publications such as Entrepreneur and Reuters. Wilson said he began helping others build their brands through the digital marketing firm Shadow Concepts LLC. He was a finalist for Alister and Paine’s Young Entrepreneur of the Year in 2010 and has been the keynote speaker for groups of more than 1,000 people. 2009 KRISTEN COLLINS has been promoted to senior assistant director of admissions at Adelphi University on Long Island, NY.

ANTHONY “A.J.” MESSINA, one of Bryant’s first graduates with a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science, is now an analytical laboratory technician for Luca Technologies, in Denver, CO. He prepares samples captured from locations in Wyoming and Colorado, and uses gas chromatography instruments to analyze for the presence of methane in the samples, followed by data analysis and technical reports on his findings. PATRICK WALCEK has accepted a position with the Boston Celtics as account executive, specializing in full season tickets, and half season and mini-plan packages of a minimum of five games. 2010 MICHAEL ADAMS of Richmond, VT, has been selected by Vermont Business Magazine as one of its 2010 Rising Stars. KAITLIN MANTER has been hired as a staff accountant at Eunis & Associates CPA Inc., in Warwick, RI. She was an intern at Eunis & Associates in 2009. She is now enrolled in the Masters of Professional Accountancy program at Bryant. JASON STANKIEWICZ is vice president for sales and marketing with Advanced Industrial Solutions of Augusta, ME, whose work on military protection, including portable, protective steel storage containers used as sleeping quarters, was recently highlighted in a story in the Kennebec Journal.

STEPHANIE GERRY MBA recently was named director of undergraduate programs for the College of Business Administration at the University of Texas at El Paso. She previously was a lecturer and adviser at the college. She also was a community relations staff member to the governor of Rhode Island, a paralegal intern, a public relations associate, and assistant to the president emeritus of Bryant’s Institute for Family Enterprise.

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1:11 PM

In Memoriam

































March 13, 2009

September 22, 2010 August 15, 2010 August 4, 2010

September 22, 2010 July 31, 2010

October 11, 2010 July 25, 2008

October 2, 2010 May 20, 2010 July 7, 2007

June 1, 2010

September 28, 2010 January 24, 2010

December 14, 2007 August 24, 2010

September 23, 2010


April 18, 2008

March 1, 2010 May 21, 2010

September 27, 2010


August 1, 2010

September 18, 2010 October 13, 2010 August 13, 2010 August 7, 2006

October 14, 2010 May 11, 2008 July 14, 2010

August 26, 2010 August 10, 2010 August 21, 2010


April 4, 2007


October 4, 2010


October 4, 2010


June 25, 2009


May 8, 2010


August 13, 2009

FACULTY MEMORIAL FRANCES (O’KEEFFE) MAHAN-NOTO, Ph.D., died at her home in Bellerose, New York, on September 13, 2010. She was 84. Mahan-Noto was a faculty member at Bryant from 1974-1982, serving as an assistant professor of education. She later specialized in corporate tax investigations for the Manhattan office of the U.S. Treasury Department. She had served her country in the WAVES (Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service), a World War I -era division of the U.S. Navy that consisted entirely of women.

July 31, 2010

September 8, 2010



February 10, 2009

August 7, 2010



September 8, 2010

May 23, 2010


Bryant winter

June 3, 2010

October 7, 2010



October 18, 2010


October 7, 2010



August 16, 2010


October 7, 2010

September 29, 2010























Russell C. Cotnoir, Sr. ’66






June 29, 2010

April 13, 2009 May 26, 2010

September 29, 2010 August 15, 2010 October 3, 2010

October 16, 2010

September 26, 2010 September 21, 2010 August 30, 2010 March 3, 2010

October 24, 2010 July 5, 2010

September 3, 2010

September 26, 2010 October 21, 2010

February 26, 2008 August 16, 2010

January 30, 2008

September 11, 2010 October 12, 2010 October 12, 2010

September 2, 2010

September 16, 2010 October 8, 2009 October 8, 2010

August 22, 2010

November 9, 2010


March 29, 2003


August 7, 2010


October 20, 2009

COR R ECTION William B. Sweeney, Ph.D., was an alumnus of Clark University. His alma mater was listed incorrectly in the last issue of Bryant. Sweeney was also the recipient of Bryant’s Distinguished Faculty Member Award in 1992 and 1995.



8:18 PM

make good financial sense —something you honed at Bryant.

a charitable gift annuity is a wonderful way to make a gift to Bryant and receive a guaranteed income stream during these uncertain economic times. Consider establishing a charitable gift annuity to: Provide regular, fixed payments that offer you income for your lifetime Name up to two income beneficiaries (i.e., a husband and wife) Transfer cash or marketable securities to Bryant in exchange for a guaranteed income Realize rates that are higher than CDs and money market accounts Take an immediate charitable income tax deduction Receive a portion of each payment tax-free Enjoy favorable capital gains treatment, if funded with appreciated securities Become a member of Bryant’s legacy society, The 1863 Society, when you establish a charitable gift annuity. You will have the satisfaction of knowing that your gift will assist Bryant University in the future. Contact Deborah Guthrie, Executive Director of Development, at (401) 232-6805 or (877) 353-5667 or for a sample, no obligation, illustration. Gift annuities may not be available in some states. Minimum age requirements apply.

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Bryant University 1150 Douglas Pike Smithfield, RI 02917-1284

In a tradition that began shortly after Bryant’s move from Providence to Smithfield, RI, the Bryant community recently joined together for the 34th Annual Festival of Lights. The celebration of holidays from around the world included a candlelight procession that began in the Koffler Rotunda (pictured), and ended with a celebratory tree and menorah lighting at the Machtley Interfaith Center.

201787.BC_IBC.indd 2

1/28/11 9:07 AM

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