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What’s Your Favorite Spot On Campus?

My favorite spot on campus is the Bryant Pond. In between classes, I would expect a text from my Pond Sitting group chat because that’s one tradition my friends and I like to do when it’s a nice day out. The Bryant Pond is also a great place for student organizations to host events on the lawn, like having a bounce house during Spring Weekend 2022. - Kylie Truong

My favorite spot on campus is right by the pond at sunset. The picture does not do it justice!

-Megan Dignan

I love the Interfaith Center! It is a great peaceful place on campus!

- Erin Doruska

Being able to play at Conaty Park and creating memories with the people that I call my family. Thank you Bryant University Softball. -

Erica Barley

- Jaiyan Wadhwa

My favorite spot on campus is the Fisher Student Center. It is our campus living room! I love coming here to get something to eat, catch up with friends, and attend club meetings!

- Dana Jurgielewicz

My absolute favorite spot on campus is my little shop located in Koffler basement! Between producing custom clothing and merchandising and showcasing my work is something so special to me that I will remember forever. You will most likely catch me either jamming out in the shop or hard at work with the press!

- Emily Grossman

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