2 minute read

Which Bryant Community Member Made A Meaningful Impact On You?

The Sales Program Director and Marketing Professor, Dr. Stefanie Boyer impacted my time at Bryant University. I took her Personal Selling’s course Fall 2021 and it changed my education experience my junior and senior year. Her sales course helped me build basic foundations on effectively and efficiently networking with both my peers, alumni, and employers that I desire to connect with. Dr. Boyer has helped me coach through a number of sales competitions throughout the years, and it was a privilege to travel to four different competitions with her because it was my first time traveling to Kennesaw, Georgia, as well as Tampa, Florida. I never thought I would have the opportunity to go to Walt Disney World with my Professor, and I was able to after I competed in the role-play competition at the International Collegiate Sales Competition (ICSC) in Orlando, Florida Fall 2022! If I had to redo my undergraduate year at Bryant again, I would have taken Dr. Boyer’s class earlier because it set me up for success!

- Kylie Truong

I want to thank Dr. Lori Coakley, Management Department.


Maggie Salmon

Thank you to ResLife, SEOP, the Student Ambassador Program, the Honors Program, and the AMICA Career Center for guiding me and making my entire college experience extremely memorable!

- Dana Jurgieliewicz

Mara Derdarian, Finance professor and head of the financial services department.

Mara is an amazing professor with a unique aptitude to help her students succeed both inside and outside the classroom. Without Mara, I would not be in the position I am to succeed upon graduating and will be forever thankful for her helpfulness throughout my college career.- Nicholas Santangelo

Thank you to:

Mary Anne Clarke

Jennifer Mier

Cindy Zdravkovic

Kirsten Hokeness

Susan Baran

Linda Barringer

Richard Holtzman

Valerie Carrigan

Valerie Leduc

Lori Coakley

Dennis Roderick

Allison Butler

Robert Massoud

Jeffrey Cabusao

- Patricia Adesanya

Thank you to Professors

Robert Massoud

Laurie Coakley

Maura Dowling

Mary Anne Clarke and Finance Advisor

Rebecca Senna

- Megan Dignan

Thank you especially to Professor Saslawski (IB Program Director), Professor Massoud (Management Department), Professor Coakley (Management Department), and Professor Perry (Foreign Language Department) ! - Courtney Dye

Thank you, Professor Rich Holtzman, from the Politics Law and Society department, for helping me discover my passion for political science. Thank you, Jess Raffaele, the Assistant Dean of Student Leadership and Experience, for being so dedicated in making sure we had the best experience possible from our first days in orientation until our last days during senior week! You are awesome! Thank you to Dr. Inge Lise Ameer, Vice President of Student Affairs, for making a huge impact on my life. Working with you during my time at Bryant was amazing, and you taught me valuable lessons on leadership that I will cherish for the rest of my life.

- Zach Zambarano

Thanks to Joanne Robertson for being my mom at school. Thanks for getting me lunch, I really needed it.- Jake Anderson

Thank you to:

David Ciliberto, Senior Lecturer of History and Social Sciences

Christopher Roethlein, Professor of Management

- Drew Arnold

Professor Nigro made a big impact on what I thought about banking and really opened my eyes to how the future of banking will be and to be more knowledgeable on what is going on in the world of finance as well. -

Ayman Fawaz

There were so many amazing people who made me the person I am today and have left such an impact on me and my career. A few include but are not limited to:

-Adam Rubin/Professor/Entrepreneurship

-Isil Yavuz/Proffesor/Entrepreneurship

-Madan Annavarjula/Dean of College of Business

-Robin Warde/Alumni Relations

-Samantha Laundry/Admissions

-Joanne Robertson/Post Office

-Barbara from Salmo of course!

- Emily Grossman

Thank you Professor Massoud for being the absolute best teacher I have ever had.

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