FALL 2019
for Bryant’s Bold Future
Bryant University's mission is to educate and inspire students to discover their passion and become innovative leaders with character around the world. FALL 2019, VOLUME 25, NUMBER 4 PUBLISHER
Bryant University Office of University Advancement David C. Wegrzyn ’86, P’23 Vice President for University Advancement
Leslie Bucci ’77 PROOFREADING
Claudette Piette Jean Plunkett
Elizabeth O’Neil
Jennifer Zevon
Karen Maguire P ’18
BizHelm Jennifer Zevon
Bryant’s distinctive brand is founded on the University’s four key pillars: Academic Excellence; Education of the Whole Person; Inspiring, Purposeful and Collegial Community; and Global and Diverse Perspectives.
40 PHILANTHROPY Gifts from generous alumni, parents, friends, faculty, staff, students, corporations, and foundations support
all aspects of the Bryant experience.
48 BULLDOG PRIDE Bryant’s highly competitive Division I athletics program is raising the University’s national profile while rallying the entire Bulldog community.
through a powerful network of 50,000
accomplished teachers, scholars, and
46 GLOBAL AND DIVERSE PERSPECTIVES Our students immerse themselves in a variety of academic and co-curricular programs that expand their global perspectives.
Meridian Printing East Greenwich, RI
Bryant Magazine Bryant University 1150 Douglas Pike, Box 2 Smithfield, RI 02917-1284 401.232.6120 BryantMagazine@bryant.edu
Follow Bryant on social media
BRYANT UNIVERSITY Twitter: @BryantUniv Facebook: BryantUniversity Instagram: BryantUniversity LinkedIn: school/bryant-university BRYANT ALUMNI Twitter: @BryantAlumni Facebook: BryantAlumni Instagram: Bryant_Alumni LinkedIn: Bryant University Alumni Association
Bryant alumni are making a difference in
Clarification Adjunct Professor Sarah E. Kruse, Ph.D., served as Poetry Editor for the 2018-2019 issue of The Bryant Literary Review. Her name was omitted from a caption noting the international magazine of poetry and fiction’s 20th anniversary published in the spring 2019 issue of Bryant magazine.
their fields and in their communities
Bryant’s innovative academic programs organizations and society.
alumni throughout the world.
44 INNOVATION anticipate the emerging needs of
Our collegial, student-centered community forges lifelong connections
Our distinguished faculty of
discover their passion.
Rita Colburn Donna Harris P ’03 Tina Senecal '95, '08 MBA
mentors educate and inspire students to
Victoria Arocho Bravo Charlie Delta Josh Backer Stew Milne Pam Murray Patrick O'Connor Glenn Osmundson David Silverman
2 Ascending to a New Level of Academic Excellence 10 Transforming the Bryant Experience 16 Inspired to Excel 22 Reimagining a Campus to Inspire Excellence 30 The Thrill of the Game 36 Taking on the World
Maria Caliri Sarah Garnsey Denise Kelley Nancy Kirsch Stephen Kostrzewa Alex Lippa Tina Senecal '95, '08 MBA Patricia S. Vieira
around the world.
Bryant (USPS 462-970) (ISSN 1935-7036) is published four times a year in winter, spring, summer, and fall for the Bryant University community. Publication offices are located in the Office of University Advancement, Bryant University, 1150 Douglas Pike, Smithfield, RI 02917-1284. Periodicals postage paid at Providence, RI, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Bryant Magazine, Bryant University, 1150 Douglas Pike, Smithfield, RI, 02917-1284.
Over the past 24 years, I’ve watched as Over the past 24 years, I’ve watched as Bryant has grown dramatically - in the Bryant has grown dramatically - in the number of students, faculty, and staff; number of students, faculty, and staff; in academic offerings and experiential in academic offerings and experiential opportunities; in facilities and campus size; opportunities; in facilities and campus size; in student life; in athletics and wellness; in student life; in athletics and wellness; in diversity and international programs; in diversity and international programs; and in its strong sense of community. and in its strong sense of community. I’ve had the privilege of serving as Bryant’s president for I’ve had privilege of serving asitBryant’s nearly a the quarter of a century, and has beenpresident a joy andfor nearly a quarter of a with century, and ittalented has been a joy and great honor to work Bryant’s faculty and great honor to work with Bryant’s talented faculty and staff while getting to know generations of students and
staff while getting know generations of students and alumni. Bryant has to changed the lives of tens of thousands alumni. Bryant has changed the lives of tens of thousands of students who, after graduation, have gone on to of studentssuccess who, after graduation, have gone on to exemplary in their professions and in life. And exemplary success in their professions and in life. And so it is that the University is making a crucial difference so it isworld. that the University is making a crucial difference in the in the world.
During these years, Bryant has evolved from a regional During these years, has evolved a regional business college to aBryant nationally ranked from university with a business college to a nationally ranked university strong reputation that extends around the world.with As a strong reputation thathave extends around the world. much as some things changed, however, ourAs core much as some things have changed, however, our core
INSPIRED TO EXCEL values as a learning community have remained steadfast. values as a learning remained steadfast. Our collective visioncommunity of Bryant ashave a unique institution with Our collective vision of Bryant as a unique institution a vital mission and enormous potential has never been with a vital mission and enormous potential has never stronger. been stronger. This fall, we celebrated the outstanding success of our This fall,capital we celebrated theExpanding outstanding historic campaign, the success World ofof our historic capital World of Opportunity: Thecampaign, Campaign Expanding for Bryant’sthe Bold Future.
Opportunity: forevery Bryant’s Bold Everywhere The you Campaign look, across facet of Future. Bryant, this Everywhere you look, across every facet of Bryant, this campaign has already had a transformational impact. campaign has already had a transformational impact.
We have raised $109 million, nearly triple the goal of This has only possible exceptional Bryant’s first been campaign andwith wellthe ahead of both leadership our of Bryant’s Board of Trustees and our Campaign Co-Chairs, original goal of $75 million and the stretch goal of $100 Bill Conaty ’67this andcampaign. Mike Fisher ’67, ’15H wellpossible as the million set for This has onlyasbeen dedication of our University Advancement team and with the exceptional leadership of Bryant’s Board of the
generosity of our more than 24,000 donorsTrustees and Campaign Co-Chairs, Billincluding Conaty ’67 and alumni, parents, friends, faculty, students, and staff. Mike Fisher ’67, ’15H, as well as the dedication of our We have raised $109 million, triple the goalofofmore University Advancement teamnearly and the generosity Bryant’s firstdonorscampaign and wellalumni, ahead of both our than 24,000 including parents, friends, original goal of $75 million theour stretch goal of $100 faculty, students, and staff. and When campaign ends on million set for this campaign. When our campaign ends December 31 of this year, we will be proud of all that we
on December 31 of this year, and we will be proud of all that have accomplished together excited for what the next we have accomplished together and excited for what the chapter of Bryant’s future holds in store. next chapter of Bryant’s future holds in store.
We’ve recently published a limited edition 30-year history We’ve recently published a limited edition of Bryant’s transformation from the 125th 30-year anniversary in retrospective of Bryant’s remarkable transformation. A 1989 to the present. This period includes my presidential digital copy is available online at bryant.edu, and years and those of my predecessor, Dr. William E. selected highlights of our shared journey are featured in Trueheart. A digital copy is available online at bryant.edu,
this of Bryant magazine. hope you will enjoy and issue selected highlights of our Ishared journey are featured reading these stories of Bryant’s phenomenal progress. in this issue of Bryant magazine. I hope you will enjoy reading these stories of Bryant’s phenomenal progress. Kati and I are extremely grateful for our time at Bryant. We as we theatfuture Katilove andthis I areinstitution, extremely and, grateful forlook our to time and our We departure this year’s 2020 Bryant. love thisafter institution, and,May as we look to the Commencement, we knowafter that all us, byMay working future and our departure thisofyear’s 2020 together, have created an exceptional foundation for Commencement, we know that all of us, by working
Bryant’s excellence and success. Soon, for the together,continued have created an exceptional foundation Board willcontinued select a strong successor will take the helm Bryant’s excellence and who success. Soon, the
and chart future course for Bryant. amtake incredibly Board will the select a strong successor who Iwill the helm proud of the legacy this new leader will inherit. and chart the future course for Bryant. I am incredibly proud of the legacy this new leader will inherit. Sincerely,
Ronald K. Machtley President
Ascending to a New Level of Academic Excellence
When Ronald K. Machtley assumed the presidency of Bryant College in 1996, he saw a bold future few could imagine. “As I looked at the history of Bryant since 1863,” said Machtley, “what we’ve done really well is enable our students to go out and be successful. And, it became clearer and clearer to me that if our students became great, then Bryant would become great. So it became our mission in 1996 to be a student-centered college, focused on excellence, to ensure that every student would achieve his or her personal best in life and in business.” With an infectious optimism and an engineer’s precision, Machtley, a U.S. Naval Academy-educated former U.S. Congressman, launched Bryant’s New Century Plan for Excellence and began to create a student-centered community oriented toward academic excellence and focused on teaching students what they need to learn to succeed.
“The New Century Plan for Excellence marked a very important cultural shift …. The board always had a financial orientation, but Ron’s emphasis on character and integrity, on the whole person, moved us to have an equally strong student orientation.” JACK WOLFE ’99H former chair of Bryant’s Board of Trustees
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An Optimistic Outsider Reimagines Higher Education Bryant’s seventh president “found a campus that did not match the ambitions of our institution,” recalls Board of Trustees Chair William J. Conaty ’67. “Though rich in intellectual vigor and institutional reputation, at that time Bryant lacked the physical resources — great facilities — to fulfill its mission to develop the mind, body, and spirit of each student.”
The decade before had seen a marked
The New Century Plan for Excellence
decline in the number of high school
called for new academic and athletic
graduates and a sudden decline in
facilities, cutting-edge technology,
young women enrolling in business
and more scholarships. Machtley
programs nationwide. At Bryant,
recruited a team of higher education
enrollment dropped from approxi-
veterans from within and beyond
mately 3,100 in 1986 to just over 2,100
Bryant, including J. Thomas Eakin,
students in 1996. Five empty dorms,
Ed.D., in student affairs, V.K. Unni,
staff layoffs, a predicted budget deficit
D.B.A., in academic affairs, and Roger
of $1.75 million, and a college commu-
Anderson, Ph.D., a former Bryant
nity worried about survival greeted
dean and Management professor who
became the president’s executive assistant. Their five-year plan
Student-Centered Focus Turned the Educational Model on its Ear
succeeded in three years.
With an outsider’s perspective about reinventing higher education, Machtley achieved a remarkable transformation of academic programs, facilities, technology, and campus life during his 24-year tenure, resulting in national recognition and an impressive climb in rankings. Bryant is now No. 7 (up from 24 in 2004) in the Regional Universities North category of the 2020 U.S. News & World Report College Rankings.
“Stealing someone else’s phrase Ron was not a breath of fresh air; he was a hurricane of fresh air. He got things done… creating the College of Arts and Sciences and all the different new academic programs – such as my Department of Psychology, which did not exist until 2001.” RON DELUGA, PH.D. Professor of Psychology
B R YAN T F A L L 20 19
Differentiating Bryant In 2001, the New Century Plan for Excellence and the Vision 2010 strategic plan called for Bryant to differentiate itself from competitor institutions with:
First-rate academic programs
A highly “personal touch” focused
that blended liberal arts and
on each student as an individual
business curriculums A strong focus on character
A clearly defined international
focus and strategy
Facilities and technology that would be second to none
To support those initiatives, the college launched its first comprehensive capital campaign, The Campaign for Bryant: It’s About Changing Lives. In three years, the campaign concluded, exceeding its goal, and raising more than $40 million for scholarships, new programs, and new facilities including the George E. Bello
“Changing from College to University was a way to let everyone know that Bryant has grown and evolved in significant areas. Bryant needed a name that reflected its brand.”
JOHN “JACK” CALLAHAN ’56, ’05H Chairman Emeritus, Board of Trustees
Bryant’s Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies program – established in 2014 – ranks No. 5 in New England and No. 74 nationally in U.S. News & World Report’s 2020 Best Graduate Schools. 6
Center for Information and Technology and the Koffler Center. The increased philanthropic support fueled Bryant’s growth strategy at a crucial time.
1100 1220 CLASS OF 1996
64% 28% CLASS OF 1996
B R YAN T F A L L 20 19
Expanding Beyond Business Recognizing the need to expand its
Bryant launched the Vision 2020
focus beyond business, Bryant created
plan in 2009, focusing on internation-
new academic programs and estab-
alization, program innovation, and
lished the College of Arts and Sciences
philanthropic development. A joint
in 2004. That same year, Bryant
program in Zhuhai, China, Bryant’s
College became Bryant University,
signature Innovation and Design
composed of two colleges: The College
Experience for all (IDEA) program,
of Business and the new College of Arts
and a new, awarding-winning first-
and Sciences. This change in identity,
year core curriculum were among the
a Vision 2010 goal, advanced Bryant as
plan’s accomplishments, as was the
an institution providing students with
launch of a historic $75 million capital
a world-class integration of business
campaign: Expanding the World of
and liberal arts education and made
Opportunity: The Campaign for Bryant’s
it more attractive to international
Bold Future.
students. The landmark campaign, which has surpassed $100 million, concludes at year’s end and is already making a profound difference in the academic standing of Bryant and its future students. It is increasing access to a Bryant education, building on teaching excellence, opening the door to a world of opportunity, and creating a campus for success. Bryant today is increasingly a university of choice for academically gifted students from around the world. At the University’s center is a worldclass community of scholars who
”Bryant has been bold in imagining the future, and our innovative programs prepare graduates to meet challenges head-on. We have undertaken key initiatives that have reinforced our foundation for a Bryant of greater strength in the future – a Bryant University that contributes significantly to the larger world through the leaders we produce.” RONALD K. MACHTLEY President
champion innovation and the best in teaching, integrating real-world experience with leading academic theory. That vision of Bryant’s bold future, clear only to Machtley in 1996, is Bryant University today.
2235 3788 1996 8
Established Bryant as Leading University
• Establishing the College of Business, and the College of Arts and Sciences, elevating a Rhode Island-bound business college into a nationally ranked University with a campus in China; • Making Bryant a first-choice school for academically gifted students around the world and doubling undergraduate applications, from approximately 3,900 in 2003 to more than 7,700 in 2019 - higher than any point in Bryant’s history; • Prestigious national rankings, including a U.S. News & World Report regional ranking jump from #24 to #7, with nationally ranked programs in International Business and Marketing;
• Establishing the School of Health Sciences and its first clinical program, the accredited Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies program; • Making global perspective an integral part of a Bryant education, and creating the unique Sophomore International Experience and a campus in Zhuhai, China; • Attracting faculty from prestigious institutions such as Columbia, Harvard, U.C. Berkeley, Yale, and Stanford;
• Increasing to 99 percent the number of students employed or in graduate school within six months of graduation. At $60,000 annually, the median first-year earnings for members of the Class of 2018 tops that of Bryant’s peers; • Redeveloping Bryant’s campus by adding almost 500,000-square-feet of academic, library, residence, and other facilities, with 20 new facilities including the awardwinning Quinlan/Brown Academic Innovation Center.
• Hiring 102 additional full-time faculty and staff to serve a full-time student population that grew from approximately 2,100 in 1996 to more than 3,450 undergraduates in 2019;
B R YAN T F A L L 20 19
TRANSFORMING THE BRYANT EXPERIENCE The Machtley years at Bryant began on a dark and stormy night. “Hurricane Eduardo hit the East Coast the day we moved into our residence here on campus,” recalls Kati C. Machtley, wife of President Ronald K. Machtley and Bryant’s first lady. “And we spent our first night at Bryant in sleeping bags with all the freshmen.”
A suitcase school, empty on weekends, transformed into a dynamic 24/7 campus experience
That night in 1996 began a 23-year Machtley tradition of Ron and Kati Machtley as engaged participants in nearly every aspect of student life from move-in day to academic and athletic competitions to cultural performances to dining at Salmo. Determined to make Bryant a thriving residential campus, President Machtley and his leadership team began working early in his tenure to turn around student life.
“We’ve seen a groundswell of students creating their own community service events… The increase in community service represents a big change over the years. Students are now very socially conscious and do a lot of social entrepreneurship.
24/7 Learning Environment With a vision of a student-centered community focused on excellence shared by trustees and other leaders, Machtley and Vice President for Student Affairs J. Thomas Eakin, Ed.D., in partnership with Vice President for Academic Affairs V.K. Unni, D.B.A., worked to: • Create a distinctive campus climate that supported the development of students’ intellectual, physical, and spiritual dimensions;
KATI MACHTLEY Director of the Bryant University Women’s Summit
• Build campus-life programs to engage students and develop personal effectiveness skills as well as qualities of character; • Establish effective student services programs; • Improve the quality of campus life; and • Expand student internships and enhance career and employment opportunities.
Diversity and Global Perspectives
Once a local business school, Bryant
In building this student-centered
now has students enrolled from 38
community, Eakin noted that his
states and 49 countries. And, like the
division worked closely with Academic
student population, the University’s
Affairs “to emphasize the education
programs have become more diverse
of the whole student by developing
and global.
the skills and qualities identified in
Eakin’s successor as Vice President
our students to do their personal
the strategic plan designed to prepare for Student Affairs, John Saddlemire, Ed.D., broadened Bryant’s definition of diversity beyond gender, culture, and ethnicity to include sexual orientation, geography, and socioeconomics. To support these efforts, Bryant established the PwC Center for Diversity and Inclusion, which
best in life and business.”
Extracurricular pursuits were augmented by co-curricular activities that extended learning beyond the classroom and helped students hone the problem-solving, teamwork, and leadership skills that set them apart.
comprises several programs that foster a supportive community. Bryant students also have many opportunities to grow as leaders and influence day-to-day student life. The campus organizations that attract and develop leaders range from Bryant Pride to the International Student Organization, from the Interfraternity Council to the Student Programming Board. Bryant offers more than 100 clubs and student-run organizations, from The Archway student newspaper and WJMF radio station to The Bryant Players and the Applied Analytics Club.
B R YAN T F A L L 20 19
Residential Community
Bryant’s dedication to being studentcentered is reflected in the expansion of its many campus services and programs designed to encourage the personal growth of each individual student and help ensure their wellbeing. Today, even students who live nearby and could easily commute usually choose to live on campus because they appreciate the many benefits and advantages. Many families view the financial commitment to live on campus as part of the investment in the overall educational experience.
Thrives in a 24/7 Learning Environment
• Reimagining student life with unique programs that integrate student life with academics, forging the distinct multidimensional Bryant Experience;
• Creating a campus climate that supports the development of the intellectual, physical, and spiritual dimensions of Bryant students;
• Providing students with co-curricular activities that extend learning beyond the classroom and provide opportunities to hone their teambuilding, time management, and leadership skills;
• Fostering greater cultural awareness through programs that are more diverse and global;
• Doubling undergraduate applications, from approximately 3,900 in 2003 to more than 7,700 from across the country and around the world in 2019 - higher than at any other point in Bryant history;
• Transforming a suitcase school, empty on weekends, into a thriving 24/7 campus experience with 94% of first-year students and more than 80% of all students living on campus. • Hiring 102 additional full-time staff and faculty to serve a full-time student population that grew from 2,174 in 1996 to 3,499 undergraduates in 2019.
+ 74% SINCE 1996
“ Bryant University has taught me strength, resilience, and passion…. It has taught me how to be adaptable, prepared, and well-rounded in all situations. It has taught me to find the strength and purpose in my voice.” ELANA WILLIAMS-LEONARD ’19
B R YAN T F A L L 20 19
The meaning, integrity, and enduring success of any great institution comes from its people—all of them: trustees, faculty, students, alumni, parents, staff, and friends.
TO EXCEL People here often speak of Bryant as
Homecoming, tradition is an expres-
“a family.” It’s a community in which
sion of Bryant’s sense of community.
people work together like a family –
One of the most enduring is the tradi-
with different skills, views, designated
tion of students not walking through
tasks, but with a common purpose of
the wrought-iron Archway gate until
helping each student learn, live, and
graduation. The legend is that if stu-
excel in a beautiful, safe, and inspiring
dents walk under the Archway before
graduation, they won’t graduate from Bryant.
While Bryant’s 3,788 graduate and undergraduate students come from
Through the years, President Machtley
38 states and from 49 countries, the
and his team have recruited and
campus has a “a friendly small town”
attracted more diverse faculty and
vibe because we share important
students, with greater numbers of
traits – kindness, curiosity, respect,
women, minorities, and international
and ambition.
students – a mix that more closely reflects the nation’s population. Some
From Convocation to Commencement,
of the early steps Bryant took to
Festival of Lights to Reunion@
achieve this strategic goal included
BR R YAN YAN T T F FA AL LL L 20 20 19 19 B
17 17
ACCOMPLISHED BRYANT ALUMNI belong to a powerful network that opens doors around the world.
of Bryant classes are
taught by faculty who are world-class teachers and mentors dedicated to student learning
The entire Bryant community is united by one mission: Educate and inspire students to discover their passion and become leaders with character around the world. reinvigoration of the Multicultural
Women's Summit
Student Union and the International
When Kati C. Machtley ’17H came to
Student Organization, celebrations of ethnic heritage months and International Education Week, and efforts boosting the Diversity Council of Champions. With a commitment to working toward inclusive excellence, these initiatives continue today. “Alumni,” says President Machtley, “are an institution’s pride, its proof of quality, its pledge to the future.”
Bryant 23 years ago, she learned that the institution had recognized the importance of educating women since its founding in 1863. Inspired, she collaborated with Bryant colleagues to establish the first Women’s Summit® in 1997. Since then, the sell-out conference she directs has inspired, educated, and empowered thousands of women – including Bryant students.
In 2016, Machtley and her husband, President Ronald K. Machtley, were honored by the Bryant University Board of Trustees for their two decades of distinguished service. The Board recognized the significant contributions of Mrs. Machtley in helping to create a special, close-knit campus community through personal engagement with students, faculty, and staff, and for her tireless participation in and support of students through campus activities. Those activities include
“As much as things have changed over the years, some important things have not changed, such as our shared values as a learning community, and our vision of Bryant as a unique institution with a vital mission.� RONALD K. MACHTLEY Bryant University President
B R YAN T F A L L 20 19
chairing the annual Interfaith Prayer
adviser for Big Sisters of Bryant and a
Breakfast, co-teaching innovative
member of Big Brothers Big Sisters of
curricular programs to first-year stu-
the Ocean State.
dents, and leading trips to Italy as part of the Sophomore International
Mrs. Machtley, to whom the University
Experience. She also helped to create
awarded an honorary Doctor of
the annual SHE (Student Herstory
Humane Letters in 2017, is organizing
Event) Conference and the Young
the 2020 Women’s Summit: Expand
Women’s Colloquium, and she is an
Your Vision!
94% of Bryant’s first-year students live on campus, in a transformative learning environment designed to forge deep connections that last a lifetime.
3,788 20
undergraduate and postgraduate students develop a global mindset and share perspectives from 38 states and 49 countries around the world
Instilled Commitment to Character The Bryant community has grown and flourished during President Machtley’s 24 years of service, building on a deep sense of pride and place that forges lifetime connections. • Enrollment has more than doubled and undergraduate applications have nearly quadrupled. Ron and Kati have had a profound impact on the lives of more than 15,000 graduates; • President Machtley has instilled a tradition of character and values, with Bryant students contributing their time and talents to help others. He adopted the The Character of Success tagline and made character an indelible part of the Bryant experience through readings, convocation speeches, and an award for recognized display of character;
• In 1997, Mrs. Kati C. Machtley ‘17H collaborated with colleagues to establish Bryant’s first annual Women’s Summit®, which has sold out every year and become one of the most highly regarded women’s empowerment programs of its kind in New England; • Bryant’s residential student population grew from 2,174 in 1996 to 3,499 undergraduates in 2019- supported by 102 additional full-time faculty and staff;
• 24,000 members of the Bryant community have expressed philanthropic support for Bryant’s future, participating in an historic capital campaign exceeding both its original goal of $75 million and its stretch goal of $100 million; • The Bryant degree has never had greater value or prestige; Bryant’s powerful network of 50,000+ accomplished alumni support the University while making a difference in organizations and communities around the world.
• Nearly 10 percent of alumni hold the title of CEO, COO, and/or CFO;
B R YAN T F A L L 20 19
“ WE SPENT A LOT OF TIME CONTEMPLATING: what are we doing here? What is our mission? We brainstormed about moving the cars out and creating an open space for students to relax and socialize. We wanted certain new buildings constructed around this open space, reflecting the mission of educating the whole person.”
When he arrived in 1996, the campus was largely the Bryant Center, a few residence halls, and the Unistructure, with the road stopping at its front door. “It looked like you were driving to an insurance company building,” recalls Machtley. “There were no trees and a swimming pool inside the Unistructure made the whole building smell like chlorine.” A believer in architecture’s power to transform a person’s experience, Machtley recalls, “I read a lot about the purpose of a college campus, and reflected on my time at the Naval Academy. … I read about the great institutions of our country, and what Thomas Jefferson considered when he was designing the University of Virginia.”
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THE TRANSFORMATIVE CENTERPIECE of Bryant’s First Capital Campaign In 1996, Machtley notes, “We had no money — we had not started a capital campaign. But I said to our Board that we’ve got to demonstrate that we are going to build something; that we have the confidence to build.” To make that happen, Machtley went to see George E. Bello ’58, ’96H, a top executive at Reliance Group Holdings, Inc. He told Bello that Gwathmey Siegel & Associates Architects, the world-renowned architects who designed additions to the New York Public Library and Frank Lloyd Wright’s Guggenheim Museum – and Bello’s own New York
+ 40%
office – had been selected to design
the Douglas ’69 and Judith Krupp
Bryant’s new library.
Library and the Heidi and Walter Stepan Grand Hall.
Bello, a friend of principal architect Charlie Gwathmey, who went on to
It was the first of many changes.
serve as a member of Bryant’s Board
Brian Britton, Bryant’s Building and
of Trustees, pledged the $5 million
Grounds superintendent for 40 years,
lead gift. “That was the biggest gift
recalls the New Century Plan for
we had, and it really gave us
Excellence strategic plan’s basic
confidence that we could build this
organizing principle for the campus
library,” Machtley recalls.
layout — an area for residence halls, another for academic buildings, and a
The George E. Bello Center for
third for athletics. Change not only
Information and Technology, the
involved constructing buildings and
crown jewel of Bryant’s first capital
grounds, but also developing roads,
campaign, was built to accommodate
parking, walkways, and a new
the evolving technology revolution.
Designed to support each student in the pursuit of knowledge, the development of character, and the achievement of success, it also houses
“ WE KNEW REVOLUTIONARY TECHNOLOGY WAS COMING, and we had started giving all the students laptops, so we didn’t want it to be just a library. We called it the George E. Bello Center for Information and Technology.” RONALD K. MACHTLEY President
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25 25
CREATING A CAMPUS That Inspire Those Who Live and Work Here Through the years, Machtley and his leadership team, with the support of the Board of Trustees, developed two more strategic plans that propelled Bryant to greatly expand facilities and improve the campus landscape.
The vision for Bryant’s physical transformation led to recasting a cluster of buildings into an intentional campus design that has transformed how students learn and live at Bryant.
44 57 1996
With the George E. Bello Center for Information and Technology and construction of the Elizabeth and Malcolm Chace Wellness and Athletic Center and the Ronald K. and Kati C. Machtley Interfaith Center in 2009, the arc of buildings at the campus center now fully symbolized the education of the whole person: mind, body, and spirit.
FACILITIES That Inspire through Excellence That kind of thoughtful planning is apparent not only in the grand design of the campus, but also in the small details. Nearly all of the new buildings feature expansive areas of glass, circular motifs, and Bryant’s signature Belden brick. World-class architects were engaged to design, bold purpose-built facilities.
“ The Academic Innovation Center is a CATALYST FOR TRANSFORMATIONAL EDUCATION, preparing students for success whether they seek to make their mark in the corporate world, in law, or in the arts and sciences.”
The construction of the Quinlan/ Brown Academic Innovation Center, made possible by a gift from Trustee Robert P. ’86 and Kathleen Brown P’18, was a pinnacle achievement in the transformation of the campus. The culmination of years of exploring, testing, and planning how best to
GLENN M. SULMASY, J.D., L.L.M. Provost and Chief Academic Officer
teach students the traits and skills of innovators, the award-winning building, which opened in September 2016, is redefining the future of higher education.
B R YAN T F A L L 20 19
In 2013, the reimagined and transformed Bryant Center was dedicated as the MIchael E. ‘67 and Karen L. Fisher Center in recognition of the couple’s decades -long generous support of Bryant and of Michael Fisher’s leadership including two terms as Chairman of Bryant’s Board of Trustess
AWARD-WINNING FACILITIES The George E. Bello Center for Information and Technology The Quinlan/Brown Academic Innovation Center The Ronald K. and Kati C. Machtley Interfaith Center The Bulldog Strength & Conditioning Center
“ WHEN VISITORS LOOK AROUND THE CAMPUS TODAY, appreciating the new buildings and beautiful grounds and the positive attitude of students and staff, they are admiring the results of the Machtley years. As an alumnus, I’m proud of Bryant, and so grateful that Ron came to us at the right time. He made bold changes on all fronts, and clearly for the better. Ron and Kati will be a tough act to follow.” DAVID M. BEIRNE ‘85 Bryant University Trustee
EVERY INCH OF BRYANT WORKS 24/7 in Support of the University’s Mission During the Machtley years, the University has built more than 500,000-square-feet of new facilities, and renovated nearly every existing facility. From classrooms to residence halls, the library to the playing fields, every inch of Bryant supports the University’s mission. Donors of gifts large and small supported the remarkable campus transformation through two capital campaigns that exceeded ambitious goals. And, as for the swimming pool that used to be in the Unistructure? “It took 45 truckloads of cement to fill it in,” Machtley notes. “And in that space, there is now an attractive, welcoming atrium.”
Has Been Transformed into a 24/7 Learning Environment
• Recasting a cluster of buildings into an intentional campus design that has transformed how students learn and live;
• Intentionally designing the Ronald K. and Kati C. Machtley Interfaith Center to welcome all faiths;
• Thoughtful planning that created a cohesive and beautiful campus featuring expansive areas of glass, circular motifs, and Bryant’s signature Belen brick;
• Erecting athletic facilities – Bulldog Strength & Conditioning Center, Conaty Park, Conaty Indoor Practice Facility, Sports Medicine and Training Center, and the Track and Turf complex – that ensure that Bryant’s student-athletes are ready to succeed in NCAA Division I competition;
• Engaging world-class architects to design bold, purpose-built facilities; • Building the George E. Bello Center for Information and Technology to accommodate the evolving technology revolution; • Constructing the Elizabeth and Malcolm Chace Wellness and Athletic Center to provide students with additional resources to support their physical and emotional well-being;
• Creating the state-of-the-art Physician Assistant Learning Center to support the School of Health Sciences’ first clinical program, the fully accredited MSPAS Physician Assistant program;
• Redeveloping Bryant’s campus by adding nearly 500,000-square-feet of academic, library, residence halls, athletic, and other facilities, with 20 new buildings including the award-winning Quinlan/Brown Academic Innovation Center and the Bulldog Strength & Conditioning facility. • Establishing a campus in Zhuhai, China; • Engaging thousands of alumni, faculty, administrators, trustees, staff, students, parents, and friends to support the remarkable campus transformation through capital campaigns that exceeded their ambitious goals.
B R YAN T F A L L 20 19
EARLY IN HIS PRESIDENCY, PRESIDENT RONALD K. MACHTLEY WANTED TO ADD A VARSITY FOOTBALL PROGRAM TO BRYANT’S SPORTS LINEUP. “We wanted to provide something that many students felt was lacking in their Bryant experience – a focus for campus life on autumn weekends and for their growing sense of pride, excitement, and involvement,” Machtley recalls. It required turning an empty field into an outdoor stadium. Invitations to the first varsity football game, to be held in 1999, were sent out to 36,000 alumni. A week before kick-off however, problems arose and it looked as if the new Bulldog Stadium would not be finished on time. “We were still sodding the fields and bolting together the stands, right up to the minute of the first home game,” recalls Brian Britton, who served as Bryant’s Building and Grounds Superintendent for 40 years. “We worked through the night.”
B R YAN T F A L L 20 19
“One of the most important parts of our strategic mission is the development of leaders. Our coaches are outstanding — not only in their knowledge of their sport, but in their ability to recruit student-athletes who are not just outstanding athletically and academically, but are leaders both on and off the field.” BILL SMITH Director of Athletics
125 252 1996
Success Beyond the Scoreboard
Moving to NCAA Divsion I Competition
That first game validated the
The transition to NCAA Division I
exceptional effort to ready the field.
started with an exploratory year
“We played Assumption and won 30
competing at the Division II level,
to 14,” Machtley remembers. “So
beginning the process that would
then we had T-shirts made that
culminate in Bryant becoming a full
said, “Undefeated since 1863.”
member of Division I in 2012-13.
While construction of the field
“It was during this exploratory
helped prepare Bryant for competition
year that the Northeast Conference
in the new century, expanding athlet-
(NEC), under the leadership of the
ics was always about more than the
late Brenda Weare, welcomed us as
numbers on a scoreboard.
the 11th member of the NEC,” Director of Athletics Bill Smith recalls. During
30% OF STUDENTS participate in varsity, intramural, and/or club sports.
From the start, Machtley’s bold
that Bryant teams were playing
leveraging athletics as part of a
Division I opponents.
tactical approach to increasing enrollment, enhancing student/ alumni life, and developing a brand for Bryant that would extend beyond New England.
the transition period, Smith notes
vision for Bryant’s future included
A Multifaceted Program Among the most important benefits of the multifaceted athletics program first envisioned by Machtley, his leadership team, and the trustees are:
with new facilities and fitness
students achieve more
programs, students are in
academically when they are
better health
physically active and energized
friendships are made through club
Bryant has become more widely
and intramural sports
and favorably known
athletic events generate pride and
teams and individual student-
bring community together
athletes continue to set records
GRIT AND DETERMINATION through athletic competition, students learn the qualities and skills of leadership and teamwork. And they learn how to fail, a critical factor for future success.
“Character drives our successes at Bryant. We want to make sure that our athletes are successful in the classroom, on campus, and on the field.� SHAUNESSY SAUCIER Field Hockey Coach 2008-2017 B R YAN T F A L L 20 19
Has Grown and Earned National Recognition
• Recruiting quality athletes who are exceptional students and who play to win; • Boldly moving to highly competitive NCAA Division I athletics, competing against some national champions including UConn, Syracuse, Ohio State, Brown, Duke, and Harvard; • Competing in the Northeast Conference increasing Bryant’s geographic visibility;
Academic Honor Roll
• Providing first-class athletic facilities including the Beirne Stadium Complex, Conaty Park, the award-winning Bulldog Strength & Conditioning facility, an Indoor Practice Facility, a new Sports Medicine and Training Center, and a new Track and Turf complex;
• Being the first school in NCAA history to win six spring championships; and • Establishing a trajectory of excellence that not only includes success on the playing fields, but academic success that surpasses DI peers.
• Winning the prestigious Northeast Conference Commissioner’s Cup in 2013-2014 and 2014-2015;
student body opportunities to
University student-athletes were
An Unprecedented Era in the History of Bryant Athletics
named to the Northeast Conference
In addition to adding athletic facilities
In the years following implementation
In spring 2019, a total of 132 Bryant
Spring Academic Honor Roll, capping a successful year in the classroom and the field of play for the Black & Gold. The Academic Honor Roll distinction is presented to student-athletes with a GPA of 3.2 or higher. Thirty-two student- athletes whose GPAs exceeded 3.75 were named to the Commissioner’s Honor Roll.
over the last 23 years, Bryant has
compete outside the NCAA.
of its strategic plans, Bryant’s nationally recognized programs, stunning
Today Bryant is home to 22 NCAA
coaches have helped attract top high
Division I varsity athletic teams and is a two-time winner of the Commissioner’s Cup, presented annually to the best overall athletics program in the Northeast Conference. student-athletes – 202 women and 336 men. The number of intramural and club sport programs has also
increased, providing the entire
increased the number of sports offered.
In 2018-19, there were 538 varsity
facilities, and roster of impressive school athletes from across the country and around the world. The results have been very positive: strong graduation rates, outstanding academic honors achieved by studentathletes, and a big boost to enrollment.
“There is no question that we are building something special here at Bryant University. We are creating a legacy that will last for many years to come.” MIKE PRESSLER Men’s Head Lacrosse Coach
B R YAN T F A L L 20 19
50% of students take advantage of a study abroad program
Study abroad students
16 334 1996
270 study abroad locations around the world
From the start of his term as Bryant’s new president, Ronald K. Machtley and his executive team recognized that global engagement was imperative for survival and success in an increasingly interconnected world. Engaging Bryant students in study abroad and recruiting more international students were also top priorities in Bryant’s strategic plan, Vision 2020: Expanding the World of Opportunity. By implementing this plan, Bryant made impressive progress. With the ambitious goal of turning a regional business college into an institution that could attract international students, international resources, and international recognition – collaboration was essential.
We must move out into the world, and learn language, learn culture, learn government policy, and market research, if we are to truly learn business skills for the future and truly succeed. RONALD K. MACHTLEY at his Sept. 21, 1996, Inaugural Ceremony
B R YAN T F A L L 20 19
Expanding Programs to Make Global Perspectives an Integral Part of the Bryant Experience Faculty, including international scholars, worked together to create new degree programs, designing inter-disciplinary courses, and going overseas to make new contacts and conduct research. Bryant focused on developing students’ global perspective – through internationally oriented coursework and intercultural programming on campus combined with study abroad opportunities. The institution also expanded on-campus resources for studying, and working with international businesses. In the years that followed, Bryant became a leader in international education. The groundbreaking International Business degree program, launched in 2004, now is ranked 3rd in the nation by College Factual/USA Today 2020. President Machtley and George H.W. Bush ’08H, the 41st President of the United States, discuss Bryant’s successful engagement with China. President Bush delivered the 2008 Commencement address and was awarded an Honorary degree.
An Innovative Model for Study Abroad Going beyond traditional study abroad programs, Bryant created the transformative Sophomore International Experience (SIE). This innovative model for study abroad introduces students to the cultural norms, history, language and art of a region during the semester before departing on a two-week facultyand staff-led trip. Through SIE, students not only experience another country’s culture, but also learn how businesses operate globally. Since its launch in 2007, the Sophomore International Experience program has taken more than 2,500 students to Spain, England, France, Germany, Italy, South Africa, Panama, Costa Rica, Ecuador, China, Singapore, Malaysia, and Japan. Building on that success, the University created the graduate Global Immersion Experience for MBA students in 2013.
“ All business is international. What happens in one part of the world affects what happens in another.” MADAN ANNAVARJULA, PH.D., Dean of the College of Business and Professor of International Business
Opening Bryant Zhuhai In 2015, Bryant opened a campus in China. Bryant Zhuhai, a joint venture with the Beijing Institute of Technology, offers a four-year program taught in English that mirrors Bryant’s rigorous Smithfield curriculum. It is the University’s most ambitious stand-alone international academic initiative, and only three other U.S. schools offer such a program. President Machtley awarded Bryant degrees to Bryant Zhuhai’s first graduating class in June 2019.
BRYANT HAS EARNED RECOGNITION As a Leader in International Education
• Elevating Bryant from a college to a University with the College of Business and a new College of Arts and Sciences, and attracting high-achieving students from around the world; • Making global perspective an integral part of a Bryant education; • Engaging faculty scholars who share their international experience and expertise with students;
• Creating the distinctive Sophomore International Experience, providing lifechanging global experiences for hundreds of students; • Opening the John H. Chafee Center for International Business; • Founding the U.S.-China Institute on campus, opening the Confucius Institute at Bryant, and entering into an educational partnership with the China University of Geosciences in Wuhan Province;
• Developing a rigorous, distinctive International Business degree program that requires students to study – and intern – abroad as well as engage as consultants with companies seeking international growth; • Establishing Bryant Zhuhai in China.
B R YAN T F A L L 20 19
Campaign Co-Chairs Michael E. Fisher ‘67, ‘15H and William J. Conaty ‘67 celebrate the successful capital campaign with President Ronald K. Machtley at the Rosecliff gala.
Campaign Celebrations Bring the Entire Bryant Community Together During Homecoming@Reunion Weekend As Bryant’s hugely successful capital
“When we launched this Capital Campaign just five years ago this Reunion weekend, we had some remarkable goals. And frankly, we have nailed them all.”
campaign, Expanding the World of Opportunity: The Campaign for Bryant’s Bold Future, completes its final quarter, $109 million has already been raised - nearly triple the goal of Bryant’s previous campaign and topping both the initial target of $75 million and the stretch goal of $100 million set for the current campaign.
A Million Reasons to Celebrate Big Hundreds of Bryant alumni and friends gathered during the University’s annual Reunion weekend, held September 27-28. Friday’s activities included campus tours highlighting the transformational impact of the campaign’s record philanthropy, an alumni welcome reception, and more. Members of the capital campaign’s top giving societies, with distinguished leadership from campaign co-chairs William J. Conaty ’67, Chair of the Bryant University Board of Trustees, and Michael E. Fisher ’67, ’15H, past chair of the board, were feted at a gala celebration held at Rosecliff Mansion in Newport, RI, on Friday evening. The festivities continued on Saturday, beginning with a celebratory “Pancakes, Professors, and Prosecco” breakfast. At the
David M. ’85 and Terry Beirne Stadium Complex, fans cheered the Bryant Bulldogs
“When we launched this Capital Campaign just five years ago this Reunion weekend,”
on against the Saint Francis Red Flash. The
he said, “we had some remarkable goals.
day ended with a champagne toast and a
And frankly, we have nailed them all.”
spectacular evening of music performed by five-time Grammy Award-nominated Roomful of Blues in the Elizabeth and Malcolm Chace Wellness and Athletic Center. President Ronald K. Machtley, in the 24th
In the history of our nation’s greatest universities, there are defining moments when key accomplishments and strategic innovations reached critical mass, combining to create a catalyst that
and final year of his visionary Bryant
redefined the future and set a new pace for
leadership, noted, “The generous support of
others to follow. For Bryant University, that
nearly 24,000 alumni, students, parents,
moment is now. Our capital campaign, set
faculty, staff, and friends has made
to conclude on December 31, 2019, will
Expanding the World of Opportunity: The
ensure that this institution thrives long into
Campaign for Bryant’s Bold Future the most
the future. Assure your part in this legacy
transformational philanthropic effort in
by making a gift now, even if you may
Bryant’s history.”
have already participated. Visit bryant.edu/ giving or call 877.353.5667 today.
GOAL ONE Increase Access to a Bryant Education:
Davis Educational Foundation Grant to Support Teaching Excellence and Innovation Bryant has secured a major capital
Campaign gifts have generated more than 100 new endowed and annual scholarships that are helping Bryant attract the largest and most highly qualified applicant pools in our history.
campaign gift to establish the Center for Teaching Excellence, a strategic initiative that will combine current professional development resources with new activities and programs to facilitate growth opportunities for all faculty. Funded by the
GOAL TWO Build on Teaching Excellence: Historic levels of philanthropy for
The grant will help the Center for Teaching Excellence to achieve the following goals:
Davis Educational Foundation, the Center will launch this fall.
• Support Bryant’s community of scholars, where faculty learn from and support one another; • Provide professional development
Established as a public charitable
programs that will foster the
foundation in 1985, the Davis Educational
University’s growing culture of
Foundation supports the undergraduate
people and programs have provided
programs of public and private, regionally
funding to enhance Bryant’s
accredited, baccalaureate degree granting
creativity and innovation across disciplines;
commitment to academic excellence,
colleges and universities throughout New
with resources for initiatives including
England. Elisabeth K. Davis and Stanton W.
creation of the John ’01H and Jeanne
Davis co-founded the foundation after Mr.
teaching excellence with clear
Rowe Professor of Data Science.
Davis’s retirement as chairman of Shaw’s
measures for success such as
Supermarkets, Inc.
GOAL THREE Open the Door to a World of Opportunity: Contributions to Bryant’s campaign have enriched programs that cultivate an international mindset and global perspective, one of the cornerstones of the exceptional Bryant education.
GOAL FOUR Create a Campus for Success: Gifts to Bryant’s campaign have redefined the student experience, creating vibrant spaces including the Quinlan/Brown Academic Innovation Center, Conaty Park and the William J. ’67 and Sue Conaty Indoor Athletic Center, the Michael E. ’67 and Karen Fisher Student Center, the Physician Assistant Learning Center, and the award-winning Bulldog Strength & Conditioning Center within the Beirne Stadium Complex.
• Identify and promote standards of
student engagement, collaboration
“In making this award, trustees praised the
with faculty and peers, and mastery
clear institutional commitment to
of subject matter;
supporting high quality teaching among new and experienced faculty,” said Edward MacKay, chair of the Davis Foundation’s Board of Trustees.” Provost and Chief Academic Officer Glenn Sulmasy, J.D., LL.M, will oversee the Center’s initiatives, ensuring institutional
• Assessment of performance outcomes, and opportunities for improvement that will ensure continuous growth and commitment to excellence.
support for all phases of grant activities.
Bryant recognizes the powerful impact
Ed Kairiss, Ph.D., director of Faculty
faculty can have on student learning
Development and Innovation, will serve
outcomes and on each other in creating an
as the Center’s Director. Kairiss works
environment that values and nurtures peer
closely with Bryant faculty across all areas
support. The Center for Teaching Excellence
of study in all aspects of their teaching
will support all disciplines in accessing
and scholarship.
comprehensive and cohesive resources that will advance Bryant’s educational mission.
“Bryant’s commitment to academic excellence has provided the environment for our world-class faculty to develop ground-breaking programs. The Davis grant builds upon Bryant’s tradition of academic success and innovation. We are gratified to receive this recognition and support, which allows us to expand investments in our faculty and opportunities for our students.” BRYANT UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT RONALD K. MACHTLEY
B R YAN T F A L L 20 19
Over the course of five days in San Francisco in October, Bryant’s Honors students explored companies, including Oracle, that shape our lives, and made invaluable connections with business leaders, faculty, alumni, and each other.
Digital Marketing responds to increasing marketplace demand
Bryant rises to No. 7 in U.S. News rankings
Continually evolving and innovating to meet the ever-changing
the U.S. News & World Report 2020 Best
Bryant jumped three spots to No. 7 in College rankings, Regional Universities
demands of the technology-driven marketplace, Bryant has
North category. The University is also
launched a full Digital Marketing concentration.
recognized as the No. 8 Most Innovative School, No. 3 Best College for Veterans, and No. 17 for Best Undergraduate
“Consistent with Bryant’s tradition of anticipating future trends, the Digital Marketing curriculum, with its strong analytical and experiential components, is designed to prepare students for success in this growing, multi-dimensional industry. We are pleased to add this program to our worldclass Marketing offerings.” Glenn Sulmasy, J.D., L.L.M. Provost and Chief Academic Officer
Teaching. Bryant’s International The University’s award-winning faculty
Business program is ranked as one of
helped develop the new concentration,
the best in the nation—No. 25 nationally.
drawing from the success of Bryant’s digital marketing courses.
“These rankings are the result of the
“Our goal is to help students understand
dedication of
how marketing theories and concepts can
world-class faculty
be amplified using digital tools. We seek to
in the College of
prepare leaders in digital marketing and
Business and the
have each student walk away with
College of Arts and
industry-recognized certifications and a
Sciences, the philanthropic support of
portfolio [of] client projects,” says
successful Bryant alumni around the
Sharmin Attaran, Ph.D., Associate
world, and inspired students who
Professor of Marketing and the Digital
embrace the opportunities that a Bryant
Marketing program’s lead faculty member.
education provides,” said Bryant University President Ronald K. Machtley.
Advancing excellence through Honors Program
Finance program offers students an edge with certifications
The Honors Program at Bryant creates an
Bryant’s Finance Program stands out among competitors for offering students the opportunity to
environment that sparks students’ curiosity
prepare for important certifications before they graduate—certifications that reflect the highest
and enhances their personal lives and
level of excellence and are the most respected designations in the finance and investment industry.
professional futures. “The Bryant Honors Program is at the core of the University’s drive for academic excellence,” says the
These certifications are:
program’s new Director Edinaldo Tebaldi,
The Certified Financial Planner (CFP®):
The Chartered Alternative Investment
Ph.D., Professor of Economics.
The standard of excellence for competent and
Analyst (CAIA®): An internationally
ethical financial planning. Bryant is one of
recognized finance credential that also
In addition to specially designed courses and
the few universities in New England offering
provides a network of more than 10,000
an Honors thesis project, the program offers
a CPF track for undergraduate students.
alternative investment leaders.
a range of co-curricular opportunities: an Honors Speaker Series; trips to innovation
The Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA®):
hubs and companies, including Google and
The world’s most respected and recognized
Oracle; networking with industry,
investment credential.
government, and nonprofit leaders; a community service component, and more. “Our Honors Program prepares our students to rise to the top of their professions and make a difference in their chosen fields, by exploring the curiosity that inspires
Committed to preparing its Finance students for successful careers, Financial Planning Program Director Mara Derderian, CFP, says Bryant incorporates elements from all three programs into the curriculum and helps students prepare for these exams while they complete their undergraduate degree.
them to achieve great things,” notes Bryant
Bryant’s world-class faculty enrich classroom learning with decades of real-world
University Provost and Chief Academic
experience and expertise in these certifications— and is just one reason why the Finance
Officer Glenn M. Sulmasy, J.D., LL.M.
Department is ranked No. 12 in the country by College Factual.
Students learn — and excel — in real-world academic competitions Throughout the academic year, Bryant
Michelle Chen ’19, a member of the team
students participating in intercollegiate
that won this year’s Institute of Business
academic competitions earned more than
Forecasting and Planning (IBF) Case
accolades for their successful performances
Competition, said: “It was cool to really put
— they also gained knowledge and valuable
all I learned in school into an actual
experience as problem-solvers.
competition, utilizing what I learned. To me,
In these competitions, part of the University’s applied learning experience, students apply knowledge gained in the classroom to develop creative solutions for real-world problems facing organizations During rigorous question-and-answer sessions, panels of judges—experienced professionals and renowned C-suite executives—evaluate their solutions. To compete requires a mastery of course concepts and theories, sharp time management, and spot-on presentation skills. In addition, students who compete report learning as much as possible, sparked by a competitive spirit and a drive to take on a challenge.
the main challenge of the case was actually trying to figure out the difference between planning and forecasting.” The competition focused on forecasting and sales and operations planning. Students had 3.5 hours to analyze processes and data and then provide solutions for a case presented by the
Gorvett shares research on driverless car safety How safe are driverless cars? And how safe do they need to be? Professor and Chair of the Mathematics Department Rick Gorvett, Ph.D., one of the nation’s top actuarial scientists and risk analytics experts, discussed these questions during an on-campus talk. He drew from his research as a member of The Automated Vehicles Task Force at the Casualty Actuary Society, specifically from their 2018
company Escalade Sports.
report and white paper titled
Trevor Hazelwood ’21, a Data Science major
Insurance Industry—A Pathway to
and member of the Bryant team that won
Safety: The Case for Collaboration.”
this year’s DataFest, said that event “was
His talk highlighted the critical role
an amazing opportunity. I learned so much
actuaries could play in ensuring the
being able to work with a real data set and
safety and adequate pricing of
apply the skills I have learned over the past
driverless cars and insurance
couple years to a real issue.” Teams had 48 hours to analyze a large data set to understand how fatigue impacts player performance, which lacks a definitive measure.
“Automated Vehicles and the
policies—and the need for an interdisciplinary approach to the issue of driverless car safety.
B R YAN T F A L L 20 19
Abigail Enck ’20 spent the summer in the lab with Professor Christopher Reid, Ph.D., researching cell signaling and communication in zooplankton, an important part of the ocean food chain. “Research like this is a great opportunity to learn,” Enck says, “and to be part of something bigger than yourself.”
Making new discoveries, learning timeless lessons Bryant students had an invaluable
it’s a chance to make a difference while still
foundation in research ethics. “We need to
opportunity to hone their skills by
a college student. “To know that you’re
look at what the data actually tells us, not
conducting research under the guidance
actually adding something new to the
just what we think it tells us or what we
of Associate Professor of Science and
research is kind of incredible and it inspires
think it should say,” explains Reid.
Technology Christopher Reid, Ph.D.,
you to do more in the future,” she says.
through the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) program. The students advanced their field, gained vital experience, and learned firsthand about the
Their work in the lab, funded by RI-INBRE,
“The most important thing I’ve learned through working in the lab is to always be
also helps the students develop crucial
asking questions, both about what we’re
critical thinking abilities and a strong
doing and about what it means,” says Michael Pepin ’21, who is studying protein
scientific process.
stability for potential antibiotic applications. “Is the data we’re gathering what we expected
“The idea that you could discover something that can change people’s lives is pretty amazing.”
it to be and, if not, why not?” That means following their results down unexpected paths. “When something doesn’t work the way we thought it would,
that can actually tell us more than if it had,” says Reid. “Being wrong is a completely
“The textbooks make it look like everything
legitimate outcome – it’s something like 95
in science is pretty much already done,”
percent of science. Then the question is
notes Reid, the lab’s principal investigator.
‘What do you do next?’”
“This experience gives them an idea of what
Each new discovery is built on the ones
science actually is and how much there is left to discover.” For Caroline Williams ’22, who is examining the active forms of antibiotics and is considering a career as a researcher,
Through opportunities such as the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) program, Bryant students embrace new ideas, change their way of thinking, and make their mark on the world.
preceding it, says Pepin. “I think the work we’re doing is definitely important,” he says, “and I hope that the research we’ve done this summer can help other researchers doing similar work in the future.”
Virtual sales practice prepares students for real success Associate Professor
With RNMKRS, students role-play the sales
of Marketing and
process while an artificially intelligent bot
to ‘Quit’ or ‘Play Again,’” she says. “The
Director of the
listens, adapts, and responds in real time.
students are not hitting ‘Quit’ – they’re playing over, and over, and over again.”
Over the course of the virtual sales meeting,
RNMKR gives feedback about what they can
Sales Competition,
tweak or improve to perfect their pitch. At
Stefanie Boyer, Ph.D.
its conclusion, they are scored on their
is known for her
communication skills and performance, and
innovative approach to teaching and sales training, which emphasizes adaptability, empathy, and innovative technology as key elements of success. Now, with the RNMKRS (pronounced Rainmaker) app she’s helped to develop, Boyer’s introduced a new way for her students to prepare for the future.
are provided with detailed feedback. It’s a great way to build empathy and hone
Introduction to Literary Studies class taught by Ryan Marnane, Ph.D., creative assignments, augmented by Bryant’s new Data Visualization Lab, empowered students to examine literature, journalism, and the future in new and exciting ways.
Competition, hosted annually by Bryant. “The sales program is extremely hands on
episode of the Bryant Faculty Spotlight
by doing,” says Madison Gifford ’19, now a
podcast. It’s also a lot of fun. “As soon as
Senior Business Account Executive at Comcast.
into our lives, notions of information
possibility? In the
such as the Northeast Intercollegiate Sales
and we’re very lucky in that aspect because
literacy will change as well,” he says.
any place, and any
other experiential learning opportunities
sales is really something you have to learn
classroom had no
explore any time,
offered by RNMKRS is complemented by
your sales skills in a safe, judgment-free
What if a boundaries and
The opportunity to practice sales techniques
environment, Boyer noted in a recent
Exploring the future of literature and storytelling
students could
the roleplay is complete, it asks if you want
Bryant collaborates with PC and RIC on nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer grant
His course used VR in a variety of ways. The students explored a fully-immersive
A $288,300 grant from the National
adaptation of George Saunders’ novel
Science Foundation (NSF) will help pay
Lincoln in the Bardo, and studied how works
for a nuclear magnetic resonance
are adapted across different media. They
spectrometer to be used for chemistry
also learned about how narrative journalism
and biology research by three area
is evolving and incorporating new rhetorical
colleges, including Bryant.
and storytelling techniques by examining 360-degree multimedia pieces from
The acquisition of the spectrometer is part
The New York Times, The Guardian, the BBC,
of a collaborative project among PC, Rhode
and other sources.
Island College, and Bryant University. The equipment is expected to be installed in
“VR allowed us to learn from the past in a different way and encouraged us to envision what the future could be like for us.”
PC’s science complex in 2020. The spectrometer, which costs $409,300, will be used for research in synthetic organic and inorganic chemistry; experimental
physical chemistry; polymer chemistry; and biochemistry/chemical biology.
Through Introduction to Literary Studies,
“For most of the students in the class, it’s
part of Bryant’s First-Year Gateway,
their first time experiencing virtual reality,”
students cultivate their critical reading
says Marnane. “They’re excited about the
skills and develop a deeper and more
complex engagement with text. For Marnane, learning about new technologies such as Virtual Reality (VR) is an important part of that engagement. “As advancements in tech continue and digital systems become increasingly sophisticated and integrated
“Data comprehension and analytical skills are what employers are looking for and that is exactly what working with the Data Visualization Lab and VR technology allows us to develop,” notes Kiana Pino ’22.
In addition to the grant from NSF’s Major Research Instrumentation program, the Rhode Island IDEA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence program committed $42,000 to the project, and PC donated $79,000. Associate Professor of Science and Technology Christopher Reid, Ph.D., is among the project’s principal investigators.
B R YAN T F A L L 20 19
Professor Michael Gravier, Ph.D., shares his knowldege of global supply chain issues with his students and industry leaders in the November issue of Supply Chain Management Review.
Sophomore International Experience makes Inaugural Japan trip Through Bryant’s signature Sophomore International Experience (SIE) program, 19 students explored Japanese business and culture, expanding their global perspective and gaining important insight into the workings of an increasingly interconnected world. The trip to Japan, the first visit in SIE history, brought their studies to life. “This was not just a course, or just a trip, it was truly a profound international experience,” says Associate Professor of Economics Aziz Berdiev, Ph.D., who helped teach the SIE course and lead the students to Japan. A three-credit course, SIE caps a semester of intensive introduction to another country with a two-week international trip led by faculty and staff, during which students
activities such as the distinctive Sophomore International Experience. A group of 19 students explored
learn how businesses operate globally.
Japanese business and culture in SIE’s first trip to Japan.
Students often describe their trip as a
historical and political importance. Trips to
expeditions to places such as the Odaiba
traditional locations such as the Meiji
district, home to Fuji Television Studios
Over the course of the 11 days, the troupe
Shrine, Himeji Castle, and the Tenryuji
and the National Museum of Emerging
visited a wide range of sites of cultural,
Temple were complemented with
Science and Innovation.
defining moment of their college career.
Global perspectives are incorporated throughout the Bryant experience, in classrooms and co-curricular
immerse themselves in the culture and
World Trade Day Discusses U.S.- China Relations Bryant University’s 34th annual World
laying out the factors she sees as driving
Trade Day – Global Trends: Opportunities
the actions of the two countries.
and Strategies – drew more than 500 business leaders.
Presented by the University’s John H.
During her May 22 keynote address, Amy
World Trade Day, one of the region’s largest
Chafee Center for International Business,
Celico, Principal at Albright Stonebridge
international business conferences,
Group, a global business strategy firm
addressed some of the pressing issues
based in Washington, D.C., spoke about the
impacting local companies, with a focus on
rising tensions between the U.S. and China
sharing best practices, highlighting
and shared informed insight about the
opportunities, and exploring options. The day
views held in both Washington and Beijing. “Tensions are high, they’re rising, and there is no end in sight,” she told the crowd,
featured more than 40 speakers and included topics such as emerging markets, specific country highlights, trade policy updates, managing global supply chains, strategies for
Sen. Jack Reed talks global trade at Bryant forum U.S. Senator Jack Reed discussed trade uncertainty, U.S.-China trade relations, and Congress’ role in trade policy at a Global Trade Forum. Reed praised the Chafee Center for International Business at Bryant, host of the October event in the Quinlan/Brown Academic Innovation Center, for being “a great source of advice and insight for small businesses, entrepreneurs, and students.”
importers, cyber security, and more.
Global Vision Realized with Bryant Zhuhai’s Historic First Commencement Bryant University President Ronald K. Machtley awarded Bryant Zhuhai’s historic first graduating class of 130 students with Bryant Bachelor of Science in Business degrees in Accounting on June 8. Bryant is one of only four U.S. universities with a four-year degree awarded in China. Dr. Hao Ping, president of Peking University, one of the oldest and most important universities in the country, was awarded an honorary Bryant degree. President Machtley and Dr. Taoguang Wang ’16H, Chair of the Board of Trustees, Beijing University of Technology Zhuhai, addressed the graduates and distinguished guests. The milestone commencement is the culmination of more than a decade of strategic effort by Bryant University and its president to establish a four-year school in Zhuhai, China. Hong Yang, Ph.D., Bryant’s Vice President for International Affairs and Charles J. Smiley Chair Professor, was instrumental in making this historic day possible. The graduation was the culmination of developing both
Bryant Zhuhai’s first class of 130 students were awarded degrees in accounting in June.
governmental and educational relationships and building an educational bridge for
About 70 percent of the Bryant Zhuhai new
and organizations in China and Hong Kong
American and Chinese students between
graduates have already been accepted to
such as Ernst & Young, KPMG, Bank of
Bryant’s Smithfield, RI, campus and Bryant
graduate schools around the world, with 19
China, and China Agriculture Bank. They
Zhuhai, located in Guangdong Province.
enrolled in the Master of Professional
join a powerful global network of more than
This fall, 39 students transferred as juniors
Accountancy (MPAc) program at Bryant’s
50,000 accomplished Bryant alumni around
to Bryant University in Smithfield to
Smithfield campus. Others have secured
the world who are making a difference in
complete their degree requirements.
employment with prominent companies
their organizations and their communities.
B R YAN T F A L L 20 19
Bryant cheerleaders were among the more than 1,600 community members who were part of something big, raising more than $700,000 on Bryant Giving Day.
Klosterman continues the rich tradition of Bryant Baseball New head baseball coach Ryan Klosterman
practice times are limitless, that’s all you
said Bryant’s top-end athletic facilities sold
can ask for if you’re someone who wants to
him on coming to Smithfield.
compete and get a higher education.”
Led by three teams finishing in the top two
“If you’re going to be a baseball player, you
Klosterman, the 10th baseball head coach
another winning an NEC title, the Bryant
want to go someplace where the facilities
in Bryant history, joined the Black & Gold
University athletic department took home
match your expectations,” Klosterman told
after eight years as the top assistant at the
its sixth-straight NEC Men’s Commissioner
the Pawtucket Times. “To have an indoor
University of Central Florida.
Cup in 2018-19.
facility here in New England where the
“We are thrilled to have Ryan join our
Bryant saw its men’s tennis program win the NEC title for the sixth straight year,
tradition of Bryant Baseball,” said Athletic
while baseball captured the NEC regular-
Director Bill Smith. “Ryan’s ability to
season crown for the eighth straight year,
identify, recruit, and develop high-level
and men’s soccer advanced to the NEC
student-athletes pushed him to the top of
Championship. The men’s golf team
a very impressive candidate pool.”
added a second-place finish at the championship tournament.
student-athletes who were drafted,
Bryant finished third in the overall
including four who made it to Major
standings for the Brenda Weare
League Baseball. “It’s an honor and a privilege to be the next head baseball coach at Bryant University,” Klosterman said. “I’m extremely grateful Adding to Bryant’s rich baseball history, Ryan
for the opportunity to lead an extraordinary
Ward ’21 was one of three Bulldogs selected in the
group of young men who are committed to
2019 Major League Baseball draft.
academic and athletic excellence.”
in the Northeast Conference standings and
Bulldog family and continue the rich
Klosterman has coached more than 30
Bryant wins sixth straight men’s Commissioner’s Cup
Commissioner’s Cup, marking the sixth time that the Bulldogs have finished in the top-three for the prestigious award.
Lacrosse captain interns at Rome hospital As part of the
and teach. Mid-surgery, they would stop and
selective Atlantis
ask if we understood what they were doing.”
Fellowship program, women’s lacrosse captain and Biology: Pre-Health major Katie Clark ’20 experienced the health care in action this summer at Ospedale San Camillo-Forlanini, a regional hospital in Rome.
The Bulldog captain says her experience as a student-athlete has helped prepare her for work in a hospital environment. “In the emergency room and ICU settings that I was in, there were patients who have a lot of things that are needed,” said Clark. “I’ve gotten very good at organization and time management because of lacrosse. Communication skills that have been
Balancing her course load and lacrosse, and seeking an opportunity to continue her medical education abroad, Clark applied to the Atlantis Fellowship program, which offers pre-medical and pre-health students AAMC-compliant, ethical shadowing hours in international hospitals. Clark spent three weeks in Rome observing the differences in Italy’s universal health care program as well as surgeries. “The hospitals are very big and handle everything from checkups to major emergencies,” she said. “One of the doctors said she sees about 60 patients a day.” “These surgeons have so many other things on their plate, but were still so willing to help
learned through lacrosse – meeting new people and being able to have difficult conversations –also have helped me.” A certified EMT, Clark is looking to earn clinical hours in an emergency room after graduation and apply to a Physician Assistant Studies program for the summer of 2021.
“I’ve gotten very good at organization and time management because of lacrosse. Communication skills that have been learned through lacrosse – meeting new people and being able to have difficult conversations – also have helped me.”
Bulldogs make their mark in the classroom A total of 132 Bryant University student-athletes were named to the Northeast Conference Spring Academic Honor Roll, capping off a successful year in the classroom and on the field of play for the Black & Gold. The Bulldogs had more than 20 student-athletes on the men’s outdoor track and field (22), men’s lacrosse (21) and women’s lacrosse (21) teams earn Academic Honor Roll distinction, presented to student-athletes with a GPA of 3.2 or higher. Bryant placed 32 student-athletes on the Commissioner’s Honor Roll, given to student-athletes whose GPAs exceeded 3.75. Shane Vyskocil ‘19 was named the NEC Co-Male Scholar-Athlete of the Year, posting a perfect 4.0 GPA. Matt Kuhar ‘18, ’19 MBA, received the NEC Men’s Tennis Scholar-Athlete of the Year award for the third straight season.
Abernethy named finalist for Honda Inspiration Award Diver Kelci
She suffered a fractured eye socket,
Abernethy ’19 was
concussion, and a broken toe.
honored as one of four finalists for the Honda Inspiration Award, given to a female student-athlete who overcame extraordinary adversity and returned to
Her junior year was filled with diving fear and anxiety. Although she stopped competing while seeking counseling for post-traumatic stress disorder, she was determined to get back on the board for her senior season. She worked hard to regain the confidence to execute her inward 2 ½
athletic success.
and did so successfully.
In November of 2016, Abernethy suffered a
Abernethy finished her career as a five-time
significant traumatic injury while trying to execute an Inward 2 ½ somersault from the diving board. She accidentally hit her face on the board and crashed into the water.
NEC Diver of the Week and won a gold medal in the 1-meter dive at the NEC Championships this past winter. She graduated as the program record-holder in the 1-meter and 3-meter dives.
For winter Bulldogs schedules, go to WWW.BRYANTBULLDOGS.COM
B R YAN T F A L L 20 19
Class of 2023 Boasts Academic Gifts, Leadership Experience
The 891 members of the Class of 2023 were drawn from the largest and most academically gifted applicant pool in Bryant’s 156-year history. They earned admission through impressive academics, leadership experience, and character. More than 7 percent of the Class of 2023
students seek to build on that success at
Program, which requires a minimum SAT of
are international students, hailing from 25
Bryant by integrating business and the
1270 and ACT of 27, as well as ranking in
countries on five continents. Twenty-four
liberal arts in ways that prepare them for
the top 10 percent of their high school class
of the 50 states are represented in this
professional success. They’ve also
(or GPA of at least 3.6).
freshman class.
expressed a strong interest in studying
Demonstrating academic excellence, the average high school GPA for the Class of
across disciplines, enabling them to pursue a wide variety of career paths.
2023 was 3.4 and the average SAT total
More than 20 percent of the Class of 2023
score was 1216. These accomplished
were admitted into the University’s Honors
Many members of the Class of 2023 are among the first in their families to attend college, as 194 of the 891 students are first-generation college students.
Retiring Faculty Inspiring Professors Retire After a Collective 79 Years
Bryant names new VP of student affairs
As dedicated educators and leaders in their fields, Bryant faculty have always played a
After an extensive search,
vital role in Bryant’s success and in preparing graduates to make a difference in their
Bryant University has
fields and communities. Three award-winning faculty members have retired after a
appointed Inge-Lise Ameer,
collective 79 years of teaching at Bryant.
Ed.D., as Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of
Professor of History – James Estey, MAT
Students. Ameer most
Teaching at Bryant for a remarkable five and a half decades, Estey estimates he’s educated 10,000 students since joining the faculty in 1964. Playing a role in Bryant’s evolution from a small business college to a nationally ranked university, he helped build the history program. To inform courses he created, he says, “I’ve been on a number of trips to many countries in Africa, as well as Japan, China, Russia, and Europe.” With
recently served as Dean of Students at Colby College and previously held leadership positions in student affairs and academic advising at Dartmouth College and Harvard University. She brings a broad knowledge of higher education leadership
Bryant’s expanded global focus, he notes, “Now we also learn about the world through
and management and an extensive record of
personal connections with our students from around the world.”
accomplishment, collaboration with faculty,
Associate Professor of Sociology – Sandra Enos, Ph.D. Recipient of the 2017 Distinguished Faculty Award, Enos joined Bryant 13 years ago after a distinguished career in public and community service
and visionary initiatives to this key position. Ameer succeeds John Saddlemire, Ed.D., who stepped down in May to pursue other
that included work in the prison, child welfare, and public policy sectors.
opportunities in higher education and to
She helped develop Sociology as a major, along with its Service Learning
spend more time with his family.
programs and Social Entrepreneurship concentration. “My motivating push as an educator, as always, is to help students identify a problem and its context, and encourage them to — through their own curiosity — ask: where is the gap?” Associate Professor of Marketing – Jane McKay-Nesbitt, Ph.D. Named Director of Bryant’s Honors Program in August 2017, McKayNesbitt joined Bryant in 2008 after a lengthy career in the financial services industry, most recently as bank manager at RBC Financial Group. Says McKay-Nesbitt, “At Bryant, I‘ve enjoyed my students immensely. Recently a student said to me, ‘I wanted to know how to influence people’s behavior, and I want you to know, Professor McKay-Nesbitt, that you’ve influenced mine.’ I’ve found those kinds of moments so gratifying.”
“Dr. Ameer embraces Bryant’s commitment to educating the whole student in an environment of academic excellence. She brings excellent ideas for working with colleagues and students across the University to build on our success and create an even stronger community going forward.” RONALD K. MACHTLEY, PRESIDENT
IN SERVICE TOGETHER CLASS OF 2017 COUPLE BRING SKILLS AND EXPERIENCE TO PEACE CORPS Marta Gravier ’17 and Shaun Rolph ’17 dated in college. Then, as Rolph says, “Things clicked for us. Within one summer, we graduated, got married, and set off for the Peace Corps.”
Management. The couple now provides their business and marketing expertise to the Bamboo Institute, a social enterprise that aims to create an eco-friendly and sustainable bamboo industry while helping to alleviate poverty.
Today they’re together in the Southeast Asian nation of Timor-Leste (East Timor), working as community development volunteers.
Gravier, who also offers freelance marketing services, says she knew Peace Corps service was the right next step after graduation because it combines cross-culture and language integration with using business as a tool for development. “I love being in new cultural environments, learning new languages, and most of all, using business knowledge creatively to build something useful and socially positive.”
Gravier, the daughter of Bryant Associate Marketing Professor Michael Gravier, received her degree in Sociology. After completing Marine Corps service, for which he received seven medals and 13 personal awards, Rolph enrolled at Bryant and majored in Economics with minors in Psychology and Global Supply Chain
Rolph says the military gave him “discipline, an iron will, and maximum adaptability.” He credits
their Peace Corps adventure to Gravier, and adds that “Bryant gave me the knowledge and skills to have a rewarding public sector service career.” Rolph says graduate school is in his postPeace Corps future, and notes, “Students should never feel that there is a straight train to finance or accounting desk jobs. Bryant prepares you for a broad spectrum of professional fields and goals.”
“Bryant gave me the knowledge and skills to have a rewarding public sector service career.” SHAUN ROLPH ’17
B R YAN T F A L L 20 19
Bryant alumni generously shared their expertise with Global Supply Chain Management students at an October event. Topics ranged from the complexity of the industry to the need for continuous learning to ethics. The panelists, from left: Junior Jabbie ’06, ’07 MBA, President and CEO, Banneker Supply Chain Solutions, Inc.; Alexandra Cohen ’15, Senior Manager, Global Trade and Customs Compliance, Hasbro; Kelly Coutu ’11 MBA, Vice President, Supply Chain, Teknor Apex Company; Thomas Nelan ’11, Program Representative Specialist, Electric Boat (a division of General Dynamics). Moderating is Global Supply Chain Management Program Director Christopher Roethlein, Ph.D.
of Freeport, NY, owner of Otto’s Sea Grill restaurant, was honored as Business Owner of the Year at a Freeport Chamber of Commerce event. She was the first person in her family to attend college.
Pataskala, OH, wrote a guest column for the Newark Advocate about what it was like to be drafted into military service for the Vietnam War shortly after college, and how his fellow unit members helped him resolve his inner conflict about war.
ROGER BEGIN, CFP®, of South Kingstown, RI, a former Lt. Governor of Rhode Island and an active honorary Bryant trustee, will serve as a private client advisor in F.L. Putnam Investment Management’s newly relocated and expanded Providence offices. He most recently served as a Senior Wealth Director at BNY Mellon in Providence.
ROGER S. WILLIAMS, MBA, CFA, CAIA, of New Canaan, CT, has
been named president of the New Canaan Men’s Club in New Canaan, CT. He is an adjunct professor at Sacred Heart University Jack Welch College of Business in Fairfield, CT, and Chief Financial Officer at Fintron Invest in NYC.
PAUL SIKORSKI, of Meriden, CT, is serving as Program Manager, USCG Operations at Sikorsky Aircraft, a Division of Lockheed Martin. Maintaining the USCG legacy aircraft takes a complete knowledge of the aircraft and all operating systems within the company. He is also assisting on forging the future of USCG helicopter operations.
base. He joined F.L. Putnam in 2016 and currently serves as a private client advisor, helping clients develop financial plans to build, protect, and transition their wealth. Prior to F.L.Putnam, Martin spent 30 years at Bank of America and its predecessor organizations, most recently as Market Executive of U.S. Trust in the New England market.
FREDERICK THURBER, of South Dartmouth, MA, published a whimsical sequel to The Wind in the Willows called In the Wake of the Willows. Thurber is a programmer at CORE Technologies specializing in C# and SQL server programming for web-based business solutions and has been writing about science and nature for various area newspapers for about 20 years.
Cumberland, RI, will lead F.L. Putnam Investment Management’s newly relocated and expanded Providence offices, growing the firm’s existing client
elected chairman of the national board of directors for AAA during the federation’s annual meeting in Chandler, AZ. Mekrut, a board member at AAA Northeast since
WILLIAM A. “BILL” MEKRUT ’83 MBA, CPA, of Lincoln, RI, was
2008 and a member of the national board since 2015, recently retired as vice president and treasurer of FM Global.
VALERIE PAGLIARO, of Danbury, CT, has been appointed senior vice president and chief financial officer of Hitachi Capital America Corp (HCA). She is responsible for providing strategic and operational leadership for all HCA accounting and finance functions and brings decades of experience to her new company, including more than 20 years in senior positions at GE Capital.
ROGER L. ALLARD ’84 MBA, of North Smithfield, RI, was one of four recipients of this year’s Phillip J. DiNenno Prize by the National Fire Protection Association presented at the association’s Conference and Expo in San Antonio. For nearly 40 years, he worked on hydraulics testing, technical writing, standards development, and training. Allard holds patents on sensitive sprinklers and fire sprinklers.
JOSEE (CARDINAL) YOUNG, CPA, of Centerville,
recently was elected president of the Johnston Historical Society. Carlson has been a member of the society for the last decade and has lived in Johnston for the past 25 years. She joined the organization after going on self-guided tours of historic homes in Johnston and was previously the society’s recording secretary as well as a long-serving member of the Cemetery Committee. She’s also a member of the Association of Gravestone Studies and worked for Rhode Island’s 911 agency for 10 years.
MA, assistant town manager for finance and administration for the Town of Provincetown, was appointed to the board of corporations of Seamen’s Bank at the bank’s annual corporators meeting in June.
BRIAN R. TERRY, of Cranston, RI, was appointed Superintendent of the RI Training School/Department of Children, Youth & Families. Terry holds an MA in Counseling Education/Alcohol and Substance Abuse Counseling from Rhode Island College.
VICTORIA (ATAMIAN) WATERMAN, of North Smithfield, RI, gave a TEDXNatick Talk titled “Today’s Girls are Tomorrow’s Leaders.” She is the CEO of Girls Inc. of Worcester, MA, and is a frequent speaker about the importance of investing in girls today to ensure the advancement of women leaders.
KENNETH M. BOUSQUET, of Woonsocket, RI, fourth-generation owner of Consumers Propane and Bousquet Oil on Hamlet Avenue in Woonsocket, celebrated 100 years of his company being in business. PATRICIA A. THOMPSON, ’86 MST, CPA, PFS, of North Kingstown, RI, tax partner at the Providence accounting firm Piccerelli, Gilstein & Co., was interviewed by Providence Business News regarding her expertise in complex tax transactions, including multistage tax returns and real estate transactions, as it applies to the 2017 federal tax overhaul for businesses purchasing equipment and improving property.
Gorda, FL, recently released a new book, ARE YOU READY? A GUIDE TO BE THE BEST VERSION OF YOU - a personal take-action journal. The book is her first solo book; she has previously authored two others with her husband, Jim. It is available on Amazon.
TIM DRAPER, ‘00 MBA, CSME, of Cumberland, RI, vice president of marketing at Navigant Credit Union, recently wrote an editorial for the Blackstone Valley Breeze lauding Project Playhouse, a “collaborative effort between Bryant University, Rosemary’s Wish Kids, and a handful of local businesses. The initiative’s mission is to provide local children in need with brand-new, state-of-the-art playhouses that are custom-built to make each recipient child’s biggest dreams come alive.”
LISA (TURCHETTI) STABILE, ’95 MST, of Johnston, RI, has joined Cleveland-based CBIZ as a director in its Public Company Tax Practice and works out of the Providence, RI, and Boston, MA, offices. Prior to joining the company, she was a director in the Providence office at International Game Technology PLC.
SUSAN E. (VANCE) MURRAY, of Attleboro, MA, has been named executive director of the South Eastern Economic Development (SEED) Corporation, a nonprofit certified by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) set up in 1982 to improve the economy of Massachusetts
and RI by helping small businesses get started, grow, and create jobs. Before joining SEED, Murray served as senior vice president and underwriting manager for Business Banking with Citizens Financial Group. In addition, she has served as a volunteer mentor and trainer for Veterans Business Outreach Center of New England, the Center for Women in Enterprise, and the United Way of Massachusetts Bay.
of Duxbury, MA, was appointed principal financial counselor and client service manager of Weston Financial Group, Inc., a division of The Washington Trust Company. Kelly joined Weston from Bainco International Investors in Boston. Prior to that, he was senior vice president at Citizens Private Bank and Trust. An active member of his community, he is a board member of Child and Family Services, and is involved with the Duxbury Food Bank and My Brother’s Keeper.
DIANE (TEDFORD) PIERCE, of Rowley, MA, was featured in a number of publications, including Sports Illustrated, for her successful participation in the National Senior Games in Albuquerque, NM, in June 2019. A former All-America cross-country runner at Bryant, Pierce recently competed in six races on a full metal knee replacement performed 22 months earlier.
DAVID MARQUIS, MBA, of North Kingstown, RI, president of ChemArt, a veteran-owned small business known for designing and manufacturing official White House holiday ornaments, was recently featured in Providence Business News discussing embracing disruptive business technologies to succeed. TERRI RAYMOND, of Bow, NH,
has joined Bar Harbor Bank & Trust as vice president, regional market manager for the Central and Upper Valley New Hampshire region. In this role, she provides direct, local leadership and support for branch managers, ensuring the delivery of a superior customer experience. She manages 15 branch locations from Bradford to Hanover, as well as the bank’s customer service center.
of East Greenwich, RI, has been appointed chief financial officer at CPS Technologies Corporation in Norton, MA. He was most recently the chief financial officer of SPRI Clinical Trials Global, LLC, a company managing clinical trials for the pharmaceutical industry with offices in the USA, Ukraine, Georgia, and Russia.
HAROLD M. HORVAT ’91 MBA, of Cranston, RI, has been elected chair and chief executive officer of Centerville Bank. Most recently, he was president and chief operating officer of Centerville. Horvat has more than 30 years of experience in the banking industry.
RAUL VILLAR, JR., currently of
Cincinnati, OH, has been appointed chief executive officer of Paycor, a Human Capital Management company. Villar most recently worked at AdvancedMD, a provider of SaaS, multi-tenant cloud solutions for independent physicians, where he served as CEO since 2015. He previously spent 26 years in the HCM industry in a series of management positions, including President of ADP AdvancedMD from 2011 to 2015.
CINDY (FRIEMANN) MCCAFFERY, of Mattituck, NY, vice president of program development at Sea Tow Services, International, in Southold, NY, has been featured as one of the “Women Making Waves” in Boating Industry magazine’s May 2019 issue.
B R YAN T F A L L 20 19
MICHAEL J. BOYD, CPA, CITP, CGMA, of Wappingers Falls, NY, has been promoted to senior director of customer service at Tanium, an IT platform software company providing endpoint visibility and control at the world’s largest and most sophisticated organizations. Customers include half of the Fortune 100, top retailers and financial institutions, and four branches of the U.S. Armed Forces. In this new role, Boyd will serve as customer success leader for the eastern United States and Canada.
Stratford, CT, has been promoted to chief executive officer of York & Chapel, a digital full-service marketing and advertising company based in Shelton, CT. She joined Y&C in 2018 as executive vice president. Previously, Perkins was president and CMO at Amplitude Marketing Group, whose clients included PepsiCo, MetLife, T-Mobile US, and Harvest Hill Beverages.
CT, has been named partner at Titan Regulation and Advisory, a provider of regulatory compliance solutions to financial services firms. He will lead the company’s global sales and marketing effort and the East Coast region. Most recently, Fasano was the COO, CFO, and CCO for both Saya Capital and Seawolf Capital in New York City.
DONNA M. PIRONTI, MSA, CPA, of Bryn Mawr, PA, was elected to the Committee on Professional Ethics of the Pennsylvania Institute of Certified Public Accountants (PICPA) for a three-year term. She also obtained the certified in financial forensics (CFF) credential. Pironti is the owner of Tax and Forensic Accounting Solutions in Wayne, PA, specializing in marital litigation support,
accounting, and taxes. She serves on PICPA’s Divorce Conference Committee and Forensic and Litigation Services Subcommittee.
RAYMOND GOULART, of Rehoboth, MA, recently joined Southern Mass Credit Union as assistant vice president, senior mortgage officer. Most recently, he worked at Santander Bank as a senior mortgage officer and has more than 23 years of residential lending experience.
DENIS MCCARTHY ’97 MSA, of Pleasant Hill, CA, was appointed chief operating officer and resigned his position as president at Pareteum Corp. McCarthy joined Pareteum January 1, 2018, as SVP of Corporate Development and became president in December of that year. Previously McCarthy was senior vice president of operations and finance at Mosaic Networx Inc.
REBECCA (TRACY) EGGERS, MBA, was promoted to colonel in the United States Army on October 1, 2018. She is currently stationed in Arlington, VA.
NOEL B. WATSON, formerly of Needham, MA, has been named chief financial officer of TrueCar, Inc., in Santa Monica, CA. Watson will be based in Santa Monica. He joins TrueCar after spending the last 13 years with TripAdvisor, as vice president of finance and chief accounting officer.
MICHAEL MAKSYMIW, JR., MSA, CPA, CGMA, of Plainville, CT, a partner with Marcum LLP in West Hartford, CT, has been elected member-at-large/ Advisory Council Chair by the Connecticut Society of Certified Public Accountants Board of Directors for 2019-2020.
dent of governance and controls program manager at TD Bank.
promoted to the rank of brigadier general in the U.S. Army, making him the first Hispanic general officer in the Rhode Island Army National Guard. He is a 36-year Army veteran with multiple deployments, currently serves as the Land Component commander, and chairs the Joint Diversity Executive Council for Rhode Island.
DAVID ALMONTE, of Exeter, RI, audit manager at DiSanto Priest & Co., along with his wife, Alana, was featured in an article posted by Acorn Investment Advisors, highlighting their strategy of using a whiteboard to track spending in order to pay down $18,000 in student loans in just two years.
JAVIER ALEXANDER REINA ’04 MBA, of East Freetown, MA, was
JOHN PIASCIK, of Woonsocket, RI, recently obtained his Six Sigma Black Belt certification and was subsequently promoted to global director of Lean Six Sigma at AIR Worldwide based in Boston, MA. He manages Lean Six Sigma operations for five global locations and currently oversees 30 projects expected to bring half a million dollars in savings back to the company.
DAVID FONTES ’07 MBA, CPA, CFE, of Lincoln, RI, partner at Blum, Shapiro & Co., the largest regional accounting, tax, and business advisory firm based in New England, was named to Providence Business News 40 Under Forty list for 2019.
JESSICA (CEGARRA) TUTTLE, of Danville, NH, recently competed in the U.S. Strongman competition in Columbus, OH, and finished 10th in the middleweight division despite less than a year’s training. Tuttle is a former Bryant Volleyball standout and served as an assistant volleyball coach in 2010.
KATIE N. PELLETIER, of Eagle Lake, ME, has been named vice president of compliance at Acadia Federal Credit Union in Fort Kent, ME. She is responsible for developing a new compliance program which includes the management, analysis, implementation, and monitoring of credit union policies and complex regulatory requirements. Most recently, Pelletier served as the vice presi-
Smithfield, RI, has been promoted to operations manager in Rhode Island at Gilbane Building Company. He has been employed by Gilbane for more than 14 years, most recently serving as senior project executive on multiple projects and as a senior manager of business development since 2012. He is a 2013 graduate of Leadership Rhode Island and was recently recognized by Providence Business News as a 40 Under Forty honoree. Busam serves on the boards of Canstruction-RI, Make-a-Wish, and the RI Executive Roundtable.
DIANA M. (GAVIN) TAXIERA’10 MPAc, CPA, of Bridgewater, MA, has joined BayCoast Bank as vice president and controller. She manages the bank’s financial department, with responsibilities including oversight of financial and regulatory reporting. Taxiera brings 10 years of experience in the financial industry to her post, most recently as an accounting manager with Digital Federal Credit Union.
JASON CAROSI ’10 MBA, of North Kingstown, RI, senior vice president and senior relationship manager at Webster Bank, has been named to Providence Business News 40 Under Forty list for 2019.
KAITLIN SIDORSKY, Ph.D., of Myrtle Beach, SC, an assistant professor of Politics at Coastal Carolina University, recently
ACC O M P L I S H E D A L U M N I published her first book All Roads Lead to Power with the University Press of Kansas. She presented this work at the United States National Archives in Washington, D.C., on June 4.
BRENDAN HELLER, formerly of Naugatuck, CT, joined Carnegie Mellon University in the fall as the men’s and women’s swimming and diving assistant coach. Most recently, he was head swim coach at Sacred Heart Greenwich, a private Catholic K-12 school in Greenwich, CT. Heller earned a graduate certificate in sports management with a concentration in sports leadership and is pursuing a master’s in education. COURTNEY LANDI, of Wrentham, MA, received her MFA in Creative Writing from the University of New Hampshire, and taught “Brevity: Developing Your Flash Fiction” and “Lyricism & Word Choice: Improving Your Prose” at GrubStreet in Boston this summer.
NICHOLAS MANCUSO, MFA, of Kennebunkport, ME, has written a novel, Fever, published by Magnolia Press. Fever is available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Indiebound, and can be requested from local bookstores. The novel is described as “an explosive exploration of grief, marriage, and lengths people will go to appear perfect.” ANDREW PLANTE, of West Greenwich, RI, has been promoted to controller at People’s Credit Union in Middletown, RI, a year and a half after being named assistant controller. Plante will continue to be responsible for planning, organizing, and directing the activities involved in the administration of all functions within the Finance Department, including regulatory reporting, budget preparation, and liquidity management.
MEGI (FERAIZI) LAGOS, recently graduated from Lipscomb University with her Pharm.D. (Doctor of Pharmacy) degree. She graduated from Bryant with a degree in Biology and minored in Business Administration. She lives in Nashville, TN, with her husband Alex ’15, a social media specialist.
TYLER CARDOZE, formerly of Corona, NY, is now the manager of the annual fund and donor relations at MAB Community Services in Brookline, MA. Most recently, he was assistant director of the Clark Fund at Clark University in Worcester, MA. Cardoze was an offensive lineman on the Bryant University Football team.
TATIANNA WILLIAMS, of Providence, RI, is now the Campus Coordinator for the Student Success Center at Community College of Rhode Island(CCRI). Most recently, she served as assistant coordinator, reading and writing coach at CCRI.
MARISSA BASILE, of Winchester, MA, opened a clothing boutique, Too Tempted, on Common Street in Cushing Square, Belmont, MA. She began with an online store, shoptootempted.com, in fall October 2018, and describes the line as contemporary with widely recognized name brands and select fashion designers.
LIAM RICE, formerly of Milford, CT, is community engagement and leadership coordinator at Pine Manor College, Chestnut Hill, MA.
TIFFANY VENMAHAVONG ’17 began graduate studies as a Rangel Scholar this fall at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs. As one of Bryant’s distinguished Fulbright Scholars, Venmahavong taught young and working pro-
fessionals in her parents’ home country of Laos.
CHRISTOPHER WATERSON ’17 MBA, of Cumberland, RI, general manager of Waterson Terminal Services LLC, was named to Providence Business News 40 Under Forty list for 2019.
TOM KENNEDY, formerly of
COLBY NORRIS, of Toano, VA, has been accepted to the F. Edward Hébert School of Medicine at Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences. She has been commissioned into the U.S. Air Force and begins medical school in August. Norris majored in biology and psychology and was a pitcher for Bryant’s Softball team.
Farmingdale, NY, signed with the Detroit Lions National Football League team after a successful rookie tryout minicamp. While at Bryant, Kennedy played both lacrosse and football, posting successful stats in both sports. Recently, he was a midfielder for the Boston Cannons Major League Lacrosse team.
ALEC RUDEN, of Annapolis, MD,
EMILY SHEEHAN, of Smithfield, RI, was honored by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Providence with a Lumen Gentium Award. She was named Distinguished Catholic Youth for service to the Catholic Church and the community. Sheehan was very active as a student on campus, including as a participant of Leadership Rhode Island College Program, participant of the PwC Tax Challenge Competition, and a published poet in the Bryant Literary Review, among other accomplishments.
was named the Chicago Cubs Minor League Pitcher of the Month for June 2019. Patterson, a Suffield, CT native, made seven total appearances for the Cubs in June and was 3-0 with a 0.95 ERA. The left hander dominated opponents by striking out 22 in just 19 innings of work and opponents hit just .164 off him in June.
KELCI ABERNETHY, of Dorchester, MA, who was a member of Bryant’s Swimming and Diving team, was featured in a CBS Sports video story in July recounting an injury during a dive in her sophomore year that she refused to let define her. The video was widely shared on social media. NICOLA DIFUSCO, of Hartford, CT, is enrolled in the Rhode Island School of Design Master in Fine Arts program, concentrating in Digital + Media.
ARTUR JAKUBOWSKI, of Dallas, TX, was accepted to University of Texas School of Dentistry at Houston. He majored in biology and was a member of the men’s tennis team at Bryant, where he earned All-NEC First Team in doubles and All-NEC Second Team in singles.
has been hired as a digital marketing coordinator for the New England Patriots. A former wide receiver on the Bryant Bulldogs Football team, Ruden graduated with a BSBA, concentrating in Marketing and Sport Studies. He began as an intern with the Patriots in the spring.
STEVE THEETGE, of Syracuse, NY, has signed a minor-league contract with the Minnesota Twins. The left-hander put together one of the greatest pitching resumes in Bryant Bulldogs history this spring and in his career, becoming the program’s all-time leader in wins (32) and innings pitched (344 1/3). Theetge was named the Northeast Conference Pitcher of the Year for the second time in his career, a league first, a First Team All-NEC, All-New England and All-Northeast selection in addition to earning the second ABCA/Rawlings Gold Glove in program history. Theetge reported to the Twins’ Gulf Coast League affiliate in Fort Myers.
B R YAN T F A L L 20 19
FLORENCE (BUCCI) SPAZIANO ’34 March 10, 2019
DONALD M. CRIPPS ’48 June 24, 2018
RAYMOND D. RONE ’57 January 24, 2016
ELIZABETH (CAESAR) CORNER ’36 February 4, 2019
STELLA (RICHARD) MOREAU ’48 April 5, 2017
MARY (JACKSON) CAUM ’38 June 9, 2016
RAYMOND C. PETRONE ’48 March 3, 2017
DOUGLAS P. STEWART ’57 May 7, 2019
FRED A. BITHER, JR. ’39 November 4, 2018
DOLORES (LAURION) BANNISTER ’49 January 27, 2019
MARK S. BRACKEN ’58 May 27, 2019
JOHN VANBODEGOM ’39 December 18, 2018
HENRY DICKINSON ’49 November 5, 2018
ANN (PLATT) LOVELY ’58 May 10, 2019
OLGA (NOVETSKY) BATES ’40 May 17, 2016
ROBERT J. MILICI ’49 November 30, 2017
SAMUEL J. MERCURI ’58 April 26, 2019
RUTH (FELDMAN) MEIEROWITZ ’40 February 28, 2019
ROBERT RESNICK ’58 February 6, 2016
THOMAS P. WALLACE ’49 April 6, 2019
ANTHONY P. ALTIERI ’59 August 29, 2016
DORIS (KAPLAN) JAMRON ’41 November 15, 2018
JULIAN BROWNSTEIN ’50 June 6, 2018
RICHARD P. BALDI, SR. ’59 April 12, 2019
EILEEN (SMITH) SPRAGUE ’41 August 4, 2018
PAUL H. CURRAN ’50 March 24, 2019
JOSEPH B. DOMAGALA ’59 June 5, 2017
GENEVIEVE (MOODY) RENEY ’42 October 19, 2016
CATHERINE (ROGERS) ADAMS ’51 March 20, 2019
ROBERT K. REID ’59 August 1, 2018
MARCIA (JAFFE) ROTH ’42 March 7, 2019
NANCY (TURNER) BADGER ’51 March 6, 2019
DONALD E. TRODSON ’59 May 1, 2017
H. WILLIAM CARPENTER ’51, P’82 March 11, 2019
PAUL D. STEVENS ’60 May 31, 2019
SOPHIE (WIDOR) CHROSTOWSKI ’43 December 7, 2018
LILLIAN (HEALY) CHANDLER ’51 April 7, 2019
BERNARD J. MCNULTY ’61 May 26, 2019
MERYL (MATHESON) GENTES ’43 February 27, 2018
ALEXANDER V. ACEBO ’52 April 11, 2019
GAIL (ZACZKIEWICZ) COSTA ’62 April 10, 2019
IVEZ (RIEVMAN) HENDLIN ’43 November 16, 2017
ARTHUR J. BERRIMAN ’52, P’75, P’80 December 22, 2016
JOHN P. JOSEPHS ’62 March 10, 2019
HENRIETTA (WRIGHT) RODGERS ’43 February 8, 2017
JOSEPH W. MERCURIO ’52 April 21, 2019
CHARLES R. POWERS ’62 May 27, 2019
CLARE (IVERS) SANDBERG ’44 March 5, 2019
H. RUSSELL DANIELS ’54 January 3, 2017
GARWIN D. HARDISTY ’63 April 13, 2019
ARLINE (MARVIN) BOWEN ’45 July 15, 2016
FAITH (EATON) DENNIS ’54 March 18, 2019
ROSLYN (INGBER) BARAK ’46 January 8, 2016
PAUL E. LAPOINTE ’54 March 8, 2019
PAUL P. CAIANIELLO ’65, ’72 MBA, P’84 March 16, 2019
MARGARET (AMIDON) JOHNSON ’47, P’80 March 29, 2019
JAMES H. BRYSON ’55 June 10, 2019
ALEXANDER P. MIDON ’65 July 25, 2018
HELEN (RAY) ROWSON ’47 January 27, 2017
LOIS (FERRARI) HEBNER ’55 May 26, 2019
AUGUSTINE J. NUNES ’65 March 2, 2019
JAMES M. SULLIVAN ’47 June 22, 2018
FRANCIS C. LOW ’57 March 15, 2019
JANE (ANDERSON) CONNELL ’48 December 12, 2018
RICHARD A. GULL ’66 February 28, 2019
SAVE THE DATE RICHARD A. CARLSON ’67 March 12, 2019 ALBERT R. ALLARD, JR. ’68 March 5, 2019 MICHAEL F. NAUGHTON ’70 March 24, 2019 JEFFREY V. RUSSELL ’70 May 15, 2016 ROBERT O. BEATTIE ’71 June 24, 2018 STEVEN T. CAWLEY ’74 April 23, 2019 DANIEL T. OSTROWSKI ’74 January 5, 2016 COMMANDER HERMAN L.”WHITEY” HUNT ’75 MBA March 5, 2019
Women’s Summit
MA RC H 13
JOHN H. ST. SAUVEUR ’75 March 28, 2019 JOHN A. GRAHAM ’76 September 19, 2018 JOSEPH F. PERUGINI ’76 January 18, 2019 REBECCA (DALE) STANLEY ’76 April 2, 2019 GERALD J. BERARD ’80, ’95H June 3, 2019 LUCILLE (DE MARZO) CORRENTY ’80 May 27, 2019 JOHN E. KEATING ’82 January 14, 2018 MARTHA (LEFOLEY) DEAN ’83 March 2, 2019 MARILYN (JORDAN) WESTON ’85 April 1, 2017 LAWRENCE A. ROSA ’86 April 9, 2019 STEVEN EASTERBROOK ’89 MBA April 17, 2019 EDWARD P. HEBERT ’89 April 13, 2019 KATHLEEN A. FLEMING ’92 April 2, 2019 MICHAEL G. SVERDLOVE ’18 March 9, 2019
LAURA IPSEN President and CEO of Ellucian®
SUSAN DAVID, PH.D. CEO of Evidence Based Psychology, and Author
MAE JEMISON, M.D. First Woman of Color in Space, Founder and President: the Jemison Group and 100 Year Starship®
LAYSHA WARD Executive Vice President and Chief External Engagement Officer, Target
REGISTRATION BEGINS JANUARY 23, 2020 at wsummit.bryant.edu or call 401.232.6565 for more information Special thanks to our sponsors listed below (partial listing) whose generous support helps to make this conference such a great value for everyone! PLATINIUM SPONSOR
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Women’s Summit® is a registered trademark of Bryant University.
B R YAN T F A L L 20 19
Bryant University 1150 Douglas Pike Smithfield, RI 02917-1284 www.bryant.edu
THANK YOU Ronald K. Machtley, for 23 Years at Bryant University From 1996 to 2019, a look at the highlights of one of the most dramatic transformations in higher education: • Establishing the College of Business and College of Arts and Sciences, elevating Bryant from a college to a university in 2004
• A new School of Health Sciences and its first clinical program, the fully accredited MSPAS Physician Assistant program
• Undergraduate applications that have nearly quadrupled to 7,614 in 2019, the highest in Bryant’s history, and enrollments that have grown 62%
• Expanding global perspective as an integral part of a Bryant education, creating the unique Sophomore International Experience and a campus in Zhuhai, China
• Two record-breaking capital cam paigns, with the current campaign exceeding its stretch goal of $100 million at $109 million
• An increasing percentage of students employed or in graduate school within six months of graduation—99% in 2018, with median first-year earnings of $60,000
• A move to highly competitive NCAA Division I athletics, with highly accomplished scholar-athletes
• A campus transformation adding 500,000 square feet of new facilities including the awardwinning Quinlan/Brown Academic Innovation Center, the Beirne Stadium Complex, and Conaty Park and Indoor Athletic Center
• Prestigious national rankings, including a jump to #7 from #24 regionally since 2014 in U.S. News & World Report. #8 Innovative, #17 Best Undergraduate Teaching, #25 national ranking in International Business
• An endowment that has increased to approximately $183 million from $96 million
Your leadership as President has been an inspiration to us all. Bryant University Board of Trustees and Alumni