September 2014
Dear AAC Member, Please accept my sincere gratitude for your commitment to Bryant as a member of the Alumni-Admission Connection. The message you are uniquely qualified to deliver can be invaluable to students and their families as they conduct their college search. You are the embodiment of the Bryant experience and can make a positive difference in the lives of young people by sharing how Bryant’s academic rigor, practical application of theory, service learning and global focus have impacted you. As you attend an admission event, cover a college fair, or simply go through your daily living, you have the opportunity to demonstrate Bryant’s role in realizing success in life and business. Please use this manual and the AAC newsletter to keep abreast of the progress we are making here at Bryant. Then continue to spread the word. On behalf of the entire Bryant community, many thanks for your support and participation! Sincerely,
Ronald K. Machtley President OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT Bryant University • 1150 Douglas Pike • Smithfield, RI • 02917‐1285 • (401) 232‐6100 • (800) 622‐7001 • Fax (401‐232‐6741 • E‐mail:
TABLE OF CONTENTS University Mission Statement ..................................................................... 1 Program Overview ....................................................................................... 3 Guidelines to Follow .................................................................................... 6 Recruiting Tips ............................................................................................. 8 Refer a Prospective Student ...................................................................... 10 College Fairs ............................................................................................... 12 AAC Interviews .......................................................................................... 17 Telephone Recruiting ................................................................................ 20 Office of Admission Important Information and Numbers .................. 21 Office of Admission Staff .......................................................................... 22 Admission Counselor Recruitment Areas ............................................... 23 General Information .................................................................................. 25 Undergraduate Admission for First-Year Students ............................... 27 Transfer Admission ................................................................................... 30 Financial Aid Information ........................................................................ 32 Frequently Asked Questions ..................................................................... 33 Academic Programs and Concentrations ................................................ 42 Student Services ......................................................................................... 45 Appendix A – Bryant University Tuition and Fees ................................ 47 Appendix B – College Fair Evaluation Form .......................................... 49 Appendix C – AAC Member Prospective Student Interview................ 51 Appendix D – Lenovo Laptop Program .................................................. 53 Appendix E – Application Fee Waiver .................................................... 55
UNIVERSITY MISSION STATEMENT To create a Bryant experience that is student-centered, promotes academic excellence and cultivates the leadership skills, qualities of character, and diverse global perspectives required to succeed in an age of unlimited global opportunity. We live our mission every day in many ways informed by a set of guiding themes: Continued innovation in the way we prepare the institution and its students for success. Globalization of our campus and initiatives around the world. Differentiation in the way we develop and deliver 21st century education. Bryant’s Mission Statement is a product of the institution’s communitywide strategic planning effort, which is an ongoing process; thus the mission will be subject to periodic review and revision as needed.
PROGRAM OVERVIEW PURPOSE AND GOAL The Alumni-Admission Connection (AAC) was established to involve a worldwide group of alumni volunteers to assist the Office of Admission in identifying, recruiting, and enrolling well qualified students at Bryant. In support of this goal, AAC volunteers assist in activities which: Increase the number of qualified students considering Bryant in their college search process, Encourage prospective students to apply to Bryant University, Encourage admitted students to attend Bryant University.
THE ADMISSION CYCLE AND OPPORTUNITIES TO BECOME INVOLVED Throughout the year, AAC members may elect to participate in various phases of the admission process. Participation in any phase or event is always on a volunteer basis. We understand you may be more comfortable with some activities than with others and we honor the importance of your personal priorities. Office of Admission staff members may call or email you at different times throughout the year to request your help with various activities. Or, if you have some interest and some time to devote, you may call or email Rebecca Eriksen (401-232-6957 or to request information packets, refer names, etc. Our toll-free number is 800-622-7001. Following is a timeline of service opportunities throughout the year: JUNE TO AUGUST In the summer newsletter mailing, you will be asked whether or not you wish to renew your commitment to AAC and to update your contact information. Even if you are unable to renew, please return your Renewal Form in a timely manner. In preparation for fall, you may receive requests from Admission staff members to represent Bryant at fall college fairs in your local area that do 3
not fit their travel schedules. It’s just not possible for them to be in two places at once. Host or attend Summer Send-Off events for students slated to begin their Bryant careers in the fall. APRIL TO DECEMBER The first phase of recruitment generates inquiries by identifying potential Bryant students through college fairs, high school visits, and through local business and social contacts. We encourage AAC members to provide referrals of high school students and transfer students who are likely candidates to be added to our mailing list. Send us names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and other information about any student you believe would be interested in Bryant. SEPTEMBER TO DECEMBER This is the travel season for the admission staff; they are on the road nearly continuously during these months visiting high schools, attending college fairs and meeting prospective students. If you agreed to attend a college fair, you will receive a package of literature and helpful information about one week prior to the fair’s date. Use this to bring your Bryant knowledge up to date. Then attend the fair and enjoy meeting many young people. Each year, AAC members bring several hundred new inquiries to the University from these fairs. Back on campus, we are also busy welcoming prospective students and their families to on-campus recruiting events including Bryant 101 information sessions and Fall Open House. Some alumni attend or host special recruiting events in their areas with the support of the Office of Admission. AAC members often participate in these events. If you have volunteered to conduct admission interviews and have been trained by one of our staff members, you may meet with prospective students and their parents in your area to learn about the student, answer any questions, share your Bryant experiences, and positively promote all that Bryant has to offer. 4
JANUARY TO FEBRUARY During this period, the Admission Committee reads complete applications. Students are notified of our decisions according to the table on page 27. AAC members may also host or attend local receptions to meet admitted students who applied under Early Decision or Early Action, and encourage prospective students to apply by the regular decision deadline. These are referred to as January Receptions and are supported by the Office of Admission. MARCH TO MAY Students who submitted a Regular Decision application will be notified of our decision by mid-March. The next step of the admission process is to convert accepted applicants into students who have made a deposit toward fall enrollment. In the January newsletter mailing, AAC members are invited to participate in our Phone Calling Campaign. If you choose to do this, you will call students from a list we provide, congratulating them and answering their questions, all in order to encourage them to accept Bryant’s offers of admission. Our biggest on-campus event is Admitted Student Open House for accepted students and their families. AAC members are always welcome to attend and mingle with the guests. At this time, we also begin recruitment for future years’ classes and we may ask you to represent Bryant at spring college fairs targeting high school sophomores and juniors. MAY TO SEPTEMBER The final phase is to sustain the deposited students’ enthusiasm so that they will enroll in the fall as planned. This can be achieved through Summer Send-off events which can be picnics, receptions, information luncheons, or other formats and typically take place at the end of July or the beginning of August.
GUIDELINES TO FOLLOW We are very appreciative of your willingness to serve Bryant. We want this to be a fun and rewarding experience for you. However, because you represent Bryant, it is imperative that you are familiar with the guidelines listed below. By becoming an AAC member, you are agreeing to abide by the regulations that govern the institution and the admission profession. Bryant University complies with all applicable federal and state nondiscrimination laws and does not engage in prohibited discrimination in employment or the provision of services on the basis of race, color, nationality or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, gender, age, or disability. Confidentiality regarding student information is of utmost importance. Do not share information received about a student or use it for any purpose not related to the admission process. Admission professionals act by the guidelines established by our governing organization, the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC). The Statement of Principles of Good Practice states: NACAC members agree that they will: -
accurately represent and promote their schools, institutions, organizations and services; not use disparaging comparisons of secondary or post-secondary institutions; not offer or accept any reward or remuneration from a secondary school, college, university, agency, or organization for placement or recruitment of students in the United States. Members who choose to use incentive-based agents when recruiting students outside the US will ensure accountability, transparency and integrity; be responsible for compliance with applicable laws and regulations with respect to the students’ rights to privacy; not publicly announce the amount of need-based aid awarded to any student without his/her permission; not make unethical or unprofessional requests of other admission counseling professionals; send and receive information about candidates in confidence; 6
not guarantee admission or specific college placement or make guarantees of any financial aid or scholarship awards prior to an application being submitted, except when pre-existing criteria are stated in official publications; consider transcripts official only when transmitted in a confidential manner, from the secondary or postsecondary institution(s) attended by the applicant; not use minimum test scores as the sole criterion for admission, advising or for the awarding of financial aid; be responsible for ensuring the accurate representation and promotion of their institutions in recruitment materials, presentations, and scholarship materials; counsel students to abide by the application requirements and restrictions when they file; permit pending Early Action, Restrictive Early Action and Early Decision candidates to initiate any Regular or Rolling Decision applications; state clearly the requirements for the first-year and transfer admission and enrollment processes, including secondary school preparation, standardized testing, financial aid, housing and notification deadlines, and refund procedures; not knowingly recruit students who are enrolled, registered, have initiated deferred admission, or have declared their intent, or submitted contractual deposits to other institution unless the students initiate inquiries themselves.
RECRUITING TIPS As an AAC member, it is important to remember the following information when discussing Bryant with prospective students:
STAY INFORMED ABOUT BRYANT Try to know the current issues and trends on the Bryant campus. Check out the Bryant University website at
IDENTIFY WITH THE CURRENT CAMPUS Change is constantly taking place on campus. Bryant today ─ complete with new buildings and course offerings, a more diverse student body, and expanded use of technology ─ is a different Bryant than the one you were familiar with even five years ago. Our mission of being a student-centered university focused on academic excellence has not changed, yet the services and programs we provide in our efforts to fulfill this mission must continually progress.
BE POSITIVE - YOU ARE BRYANT TO PEOPLE YOU CONTACT As you visit with students, parents and high school counselors, the information you provide will be their image of Bryant University. Be ready to share the necessary facts, but also know that a personal story about how Bryant uniquely influenced you will leave a lasting impression. Your friendliness, enthusiasm, and sincerity will spark their interest in Bryant and encourage students to give us serious consideration in their college selection process.
REMEMBER THESE “NEVERS” Never compare colleges or say negative things about another institution. Encourage the student to learn about other schools and draw their own conclusions.
ďƒ˜ Never make promises or guarantees about admission, scholarships, financial assistance, etc. Instead, encourage students to submit a well thought out application, apply for financial aid, and to send any information that would help the committees involved to make an informed decision. Also, notify the appropriate office(s) of any extenuating or special circumstances regarding an individual student. ďƒ˜ Never give answers to questions when you are unsure. Instead, provide the Bryant web address,, or the toll-free number (800-622-7001). You can also write down the name, address and question and send it to an admission counselor so they can follow up with the student. It is better to ask someone to wait for an answer than to give inaccurate information.
KEEP COMMUNICATING We ask that you give feedback on what is/is not helpful, things that need improvement, any unusual questions or requests, any matters that need immediate attention, or any stories we can share with the group.
AND FINALLY, HAVE FUN!!!! We hope your work as an AAC member is especially rewarding for you; and we hope you enjoy meeting the many people you encounter along the way.
How do I refer a student to Bryant?
A: Telephone or e-mail referrals. You may call or email us at any time throughout the year to place a student on our mailing list (800-622-7001 or Generally, it is a good idea to also refer this student to your area’s admission counselor so they are aware of the referral and can provide adequate follow-up with the student. Use the Admission Counselor Recruitment Areas on pages 23 and 24 to identify the counselor for the student’s territory. Q.
Who should I refer to Bryant?
A: That’s up to you! Good candidates for referral are generally high school or transfer students in your area who are academically solid and involved in some type of extracurricular activity. Think about students who are friends of your family, those you see highlighted in the local paper, etc. You never know who might decide to choose Bryant, so go ahead and refer a name even if you are unsure. Know that when you write a letter of recommendation or speak to us about an applicant, your comments are carefully considered. However, we are not always able to admit the students that you recommend to us. Students who are not admitted as freshmen are encouraged to consider transferring to Bryant after a successful academic experience elsewhere. The students will not know that you referred them unless you tell them. Q:
What information will I need to provide about the student?
A: The basics…. We will need the student’s name, mailing address, phone number, current school, expected year of graduation, and email address. We can collect other information in subsequent mailings to the student. However, if you know of an area of particular interest to the student, this can also be helpful.
To whom should I distribute my Application Fee Waiver (see Appendix F)?
A: We encourage you to distribute this coupon to any college-bound individual who may be interested in applying to Bryant. The student will need to enter the code on the coupon (AACFW) in the Institutional Fee Waiver box on the Common Application and then mail it to the Office of Admission. The student may use this fee waiver until the regular application due date of February 2, 2015. Q:
How do I identify prospective students?
A: You may learn of prospective students through business and social acquaintances, friends, and professional and political organizations. If you know a student who will soon graduate from a two-year college, make sure you mention Bryant to them. You may discover a student among those you teach or coach, or those you know through your religious affiliation. Also, be aware of local newspaper, television and radio announcements, especially those describing athletic achievements, club and organization activities, honor rolls, and National Merit Scholar announcements.
COLLEGE FAIRS OVERVIEW As an AAC member, your work may involve attending college fairs or college nights in your area. These events are usually hosted by high schools to introduce sophomores, juniors, and seniors to a variety of colleges and universities and are important exposure for Bryant, especially in areas where we are not well known. Although you may speak with a relatively small number of prospective students or merely help pass out information, it is important for Bryant to have visibility at these events. Your attendance is vital in all regions of the U.S. and beyond. Our primary concern at the college night programs is to make personal contact to stimulate interest in Bryant. In many instances, these events will be the student's first personal introduction to a Bryant alumnus/a. The impressions created will be lasting ones. Therefore, presenting the University accurately and effectively should be your major objective. College night programs are usually held in the evening from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. Occasionally, a reception or dinner will precede the program.
GUIDELINES FOR ATTENDING COLLEGE FAIRS PREPARING  Invitations to college fairs generally come to the Admission Office. An admission counselor will call the nearest AAC member to arrange coverage and our office will respond to the host school. If you know of a college program in your area of which we are not aware, please call or email Rebecca Eriksen 401-232-6957, 800-6227001 or We will probably ask you to cover it! (Note: We will need two weeks advance notice to make necessary arrangements for a program.)
If you agree to cover a fair, we will send you a copy of the invitation and the confirmation letter (if there is one), which often includes directions. A few days before the event, a box will arrive at the address you designate containing material to hand out at the college fair, some reference material for your use, student inquiry cards, pens, a packet for guidance counselors, and a table cover to identify your assigned space. You’ll also receive an evaluation form from Bryant. Before going to the college fair please read carefully the brochures you will be passing out. They contain the answers to many questions students and parents will ask.
ARRIVING AND SETTING UP Try to arrive at least one-half hour before the opening time. You will need to register, find Bryant’s table (usually they are in alphabetical order), and set up before the visitors start arriving. Some programs will provide a meal or refreshments prior to the program. The program invitation will include this information. It is a nice idea to mingle with the other college reps/alums before the program starts. Please dress professionally ─ remember that you are representing Bryant University. Most of these events have an open format. Tables are set up in a large area such as a gym or cafeteria. Usually they will have a floor plan or at least a list of colleges present. Some locations are better than others, but we have to take what we get as cheerfully as possible. Arrange an eye-catching display on your table. Please do not have a “sloppy” table. Display materials in an organized fashion to remain consistent with our reputable image. If possible, introduce yourself to the guidance counselors of the host school(s) and give them the guidance counselor folder found in your box of materials. Be sure they are aware that you are Bryant’s local contact person.
TALKING WITH PROSPECTIVE STUDENTS AND PARENTS The best thing you can do is to convey your enthusiasm for Bryant with those who come to talk with you. They are more apt to remember an impression of you and Bryant than the details you discuss. When students or parents ask you to compare Bryant to other universities, do not criticize the other institutions. Emphasize Bryant's strengths and encourage the students to visit all the colleges and universities they are considering. Remain behind the table and do not give away any promotional items (stickers, pens, candy, etc.). Do not lure people from other college tables, or answer questions that are being asked of other representatives. For example, if a student is asking whether a college offers "finance" as a major, and the representative says “no,” wait until they have finished their conversation and the student has left that table before you offer that Bryant has a finance concentration. If Bryant does not have the program a student has requested, you may make a referral to other universities when appropriate (and when you have sufficient knowledge of the other universities’ programs). Feel free to talk about your own experiences at Bryant, but put it in a "framework" (i.e., specify the years you attended) if necessary. Remember that Bryant has changed significantly in the last ten to fifteen years. Conversations at college fairs are usually short and entail very basic information. Remember that all kinds of institutions are represented at these events. Start by describing Bryant as a private, four-year university that contains a College of Business and a College of Arts and Sciences, where 98 percent of the Class of 2013 had a job or were enrolled in grad school within six months of graduation.
A question about what makes Bryant special should be answered with the emphasis on opportunity. Examples include: contact with an excellent faculty from the first day on campus, a strong advising system including in-depth career services, small class sizes with no teaching assistants, and outstanding facilities and technology. Remind students that the viewbook and other material will be mailed if they complete an inquiry card. Many students and parents are interested in current statistics. The road piece includes these statistics along with context in which you should put them. When discussing Bryant’s cost, for example, it is important to mention some other facts such as the high percentage of students who have jobs within six months of graduation, the quality of the education being purchased with that money, the availability of merit scholarships and financial aid, as well as the fact that tuition includes a Lenovo ThinkPad laptop computer.
INQUIRY CARDS Remember to encourage all students or parents who demonstrate a serious interest in Bryant to fill out an inquiry card as completely (including an email address if available) and as neatly as possible. It’s a good idea to read, and if necessary, spell the student’s name back to them to check legibility. Note that our inquiry cards are postage-paid and can be mailed at a later time. However, students are more likely to fill them out while at your table, so encourage this if you can. Students may also sign up for our mailing list online. Tell students who fill out cards that they will receive a viewbook and material specific to their interests. Make any other notes about the student that you think will be helpful directly on the card.
PREPARING TO LEAVE Leave the provided “Guidance Counselor Folder” with a counselor in the Guidance Office. Do not remove any Bryant sign belonging to the host school. Do turn in an evaluation form if the high school has distributed one.
WRAPPING UP Please return any completed inquiry cards to Bryant immediately. The students will be expecting mail from us. There is a pre-addressed, postage-paid envelope in your box of materials for this purpose. Return the table banner and the completed college fair evaluation form, along with the inquiry cards in the postage-paid envelope. We want to know how you felt about the event, whether you would do it again, and whether you think anybody should do it again! See Appendix B for a sample evaluation form.
NOTES Realize that not all college nights will be busy; however, one way to increase Bryant's visibility is to attend these programs. Some of the larger (national and regional) programs mandate that colleges send only admission staff members. Therefore, we often need the help of AAC members to cover the smaller programs. If for some reason you are unable to attend a program that you were scheduled for, please contact Rebecca Eriksen at 401-232-6957. If it is last minute and you cannot reach anyone at the University, please call the high school to say that you will not be attending. The invitation and/or follow-up letter included in the package we send you usually contains contact information.
AAC INTERVIEWS OVERVIEW The Office of Admission offers interviews to prospective students from May 1 to February 28. Interviews are not required for admission, but they are a chance for a student to have their questions answered in a one-on-one setting and learn all that Bryant has to offer. As a trained alumni interviewer, you will be able to give the student a unique perspective on the University. Because interviews are not mandatory, the interview evaluation is not a deciding factor in the admission process, but your comments can enhance the visibility of particular parts of the student’s application. Your interview summary may reveal new information about a candidate or confirm certain talents and abilities. However, please understand that as an AAC interviewer, you do not have the perspective gained by reading an entire application. Please do not be discouraged if our decisions seem to contradict the impressions you gained from the interview. Some applicants, who appear very appealing in an interview, are not admitted in our competitive applicant pool. You may or may not agree with every decision, but we hope you will understand that there are numerous factors considered when we are choosing the most qualified students for Bryant’s incoming class.
SCHEDULING AN INTERVIEW Prospective students can register for an alumni interview at When they register, they choose the location that is closest to them from a list of places where we have trained alumni interviewers. Sometimes the only location for a student to interview with an alumnus is a considerable distance from their home. As an alumni interviewer, please do not feel obligated to go to the student’s area. The student selected the interview location knowing they would have to come to you. Once we receive a request for an interview in your area, we will contact you. We will send you the student’s Interview Record, which will include any information we have about the student, questions to ask during the interview, and a postage-paid envelope. We ask that you contact the student within one week to schedule the interview. 17
We recommend you schedule the interview by calling the student directly, rather than through email or through their parents. If the student is unavailable, please leave a message noting that you will contact them via email. Remember to identify yourself as a Bryant alumni interviewer. If you are unable to reach the student, please notify Rebecca Eriksen (401-232-6957). Please be sure to share your name and contact information with the student in case there is a need to reschedule or confirm the interview. Ask the student to share your contact information with their parents so the parents know who their son or daughter is meeting.
SELECTING AN APPROPRIATE LOCATION FOR AN INTERVIEW Please conduct an interview in a neutral setting, such as a coffee shop or lobby of a hotel. In all situations try to be sensitive to the appropriateness of the location. Never meet a student in your home or the student’s home. Students and their parents may feel uncomfortable in your home, in an imposing office building where they could easily get lost, or in a noisy public area. The setting of the interview may affect a student’s performance and their impression of the important conversation.
INTERVIEW DOS AND DON’TS Do write any questions the student had that you were unable to answer on the Student Interview Record and return it to the Office of Admission as soon as possible. An admission counselor will follow-up with the student. Do not interview a student in your home or theirs. Choose a neutral setting where you will both be comfortable. Do not ask questions about grades, SAT/ACT scores, or other schools of interest. Do be upbeat and positive about Bryant. You may be a student’s first contact with Bryant and we want to make a great first impression. Do not interview a student who you know or whose parents you know. You may write a letter of recommendation for the student in these instances, but 18
please contact Rebecca Eriksen ( to have the interview reassigned to another AAC member. Do write a brief summary about your conversation with the student shortly after the interview while it is all fresh in your mind. Do return the Student Interview Record and interview summary to the Office of Admission as soon as possible so the summary can be included in the student’s application file.
CONDUCTING THE INTERVIEW You can expect the interview to last about 45 minutes to one hour. Within this time you should be able to chat with the student, answer the student’s questions, meet the student’s parents and answer their questions. Keep in mind that the interview is intended to be more of a conversation, not a time to test or challenge the student. Also, do not spend the interview reminiscing about your time at Bryant. However, you should feel free to share your Bryant experiences that pertain to the candidate you are interviewing. After interviewing the student privately, invite the parents to join you to answer any questions they may have. Parents have a significant role in the college selection process today. However, please avoid including them in the interview, as their presence may inhibit or overshadow their son or daughter. If there are any questions you are unable to answer, please write the question on the student’s interview record, which will be returned to Bryant, and assure the student that an admission counselor will follow up with them shortly.
WRAPPING UP Soon after the interview, please write a brief summary about your conversation with the student in the space provided at the end of the interview questionnaire. Try to be concise and informative. Please offer any insight you may have which may not otherwise be available to the Office of Admission. It is important to return the interview record and summary in the provided postage-paid envelope to the Office of Admission as soon as possible. This will allow us to follow up with the student, if necessary, and to include the interview summary in the student’s application. 19
TELEPHONE RECRUITING In the winter Bryant Connection, AAC members will be invited to contact accepted students during the month of April. If you sign up for this activity, you will be mailed a package of procedures with detailed instructions and a list of students to call. The students with whom you talk will have applied and been accepted to Bryant. In most cases, the student who has applied to Bryant will have applied to several other universities and colleges. Therefore, contact by phone to answer questions may help to keep the student interested in Bryant. At the accepted stage, the student has been offered admission to Bryant, and has probably been accepted at other universities as well. Volunteers can play a vital role during the student's decision-making process by providing encouragement, interest, and support. The telephone is an effective means of contact with prospective students, and it provides an important personal touch. Questions can be answered and information provided immediately. Try to determine the degree of interest the student has in the University and attempt to nurture it. Offering congratulations provides another opportunity to follow up with the student. In some cases, you may want to follow a telephone call with a personal note to any students who seem especially interested.
Office of Admission Bryant University 1150 Douglas Pike Smithfield, RI 02917
AAC Contact:
Rebecca Eriksen Phone: 401-232-6957 Email:
Other Phone Numbers:
800-622-7001 401-232-6100
FAX Number:
Priscilla E. Alicea ..................................................... Director of Multicultural Recruitment Rhonda Arruda .......................................................................... Senior Admission Assistant Breanna Britto ............................................................................. Admission Representative Kailin Burns .................. Senior Assistant Director of Admission, Regional Representative Dianne Carney ......................................................................................Admission Assistant Michelle Casale ................................................................................... Admission Counselor Michelle (Beauregard) Cloutier ............................................................. Dean of Admission Meaghan L. Delaney .......................................................... Assistant Director of Admission Brenda B. Doran ................................................................. Director of Transfer Admission Kyndra Douglass .......................................... Assistant Director of International Admission John F. Eriksen............................................................. Director of International Admission Rebecca Eriksen ........................ Associate Director of Admission for Events & Volunteers Judy Famiglietti ............................................................... Events & Volunteers Coordinator Stephen Ferguson ............................................................... Assistant Director of Admission Catherine Gilmore .................................................................................Admission Assistant Elizabeth Green ........................................................................... Admission Representative Michele Knobloch.................................................................................................. Secretary Donna Lamirande................................. Administrative Assistant to the Dean of Admission Katie McAtee ......................................................... Senior Assistant Director of Admission Karen Miller ..........................................................................................Admission Assistant Linda Murray ........................................................................................Admission Assistant Katie Phung ................................................................................. Admission Representative Diane K. Reedy .....................................Assistant to the Dean of Admission for Operations Ana Rosada ........................................................................ Assistant Director of Admission Helen M. Senecal ................................................ Assistant Director of Transfer Admission Allison Wigand ........................................................................... Admission Representative Daniel Wystepek .................................................... Senior Assistant Director of Admission
To phone staff members, please call 1-800-622-7001 and ask for the individual.
ADMISSION COUNSELOR RECRUITMENT AREAS Our Admission Staff covers the following territories: (States divided by numeric codes are displayed graphically on the next page.)
Staff Person
Staff Person
Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California (Northern 1-12) California (Southern 13-34) Colorado Connecticut 1 & 2 Connecticut 3 Connecticut 4 Connecticut 5 Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts 1 & 2 Massachusetts 3 Massachusetts 4 Massachusetts 5 Massachusetts 6 Massachusetts 7 Massachusetts 8 & 10 Massachusetts 9 Massachusetts 11 Michigan
Meaghan Delaney Stephen Ferguson Priscilla Alicea Meaghan Delaney Daniel Wystepek Meaghan Delaney Rebecca Eriksen Breanna Britto Meaghan Delaney Stephen Ferguson Allison Wigand Kailin Burns Priscilla Alicea Ana Rosado Michelle Cloutier Ana Rosado Stephen Ferguson Katie McAtee Allison Wigand Meaghan Delaney Katie McAtee Stephen Ferguson Katie McAtee Kailin Burns Stephen Ferguson Breanna Britto Daniel Wystepek Meaghan Delaney Ana Rosado Allison Wigand Katie McAtee Priscilla Alicea Breanna Britto Priscilla Alicea
Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York 1-13 & 15 New York 14, 22-30 New York 16-21 North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania 1-8 Pennsylvania 9-13 Puerto Rico
Ana Rosado Allison Wigand Stephen Ferguson Allison Wigand Daniel Wystepek Allison Wigand Meaghan Delaney Ana Rosado Stephen Ferguson Ana Rosado Daniel Wystepek Allison Wigand Breanna Britto Ana Rosado Kailin Burns Breanna Britto Priscilla Alicea Priscilla Alicea Katie McAtee Katie McAtee Ana Rosado Daniel Wystepek Katie McAtee Katie McAtee Breanna Britto Allison Wigand Kailin Burns Priscilla Alicea Katie McAtee Breanna Britto Breanna Britto Breanna Britto Kailin Burns Kyndra Douglass
Minnesota Missouri Mississippi
Daniel Wystepek Daniel Wystepek Allison Wigand
Rhode Island 1 Rhode Island 2 South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Virgin Islands Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Washington, DC International Transfers
John Eriksen Brenda Doran Helen Senecal
ADMISSION COUNSELOR RECRUITMENT AREAS Maps for states divided by numeric codes. (See previous page for staff covering these areas.)
GENERAL INFORMATION PROFILES OF STUDENTS, FACULTY, CLASSES Bryant has about 3287 undergraduate students. The size of the freshman class in the Fall of 2014 is 850 students. Most of Bryant’s entering freshmen come from the top 25 percent of their high school class. The average GPA for freshmen entering in the Fall of 2014 was 3.4. Bryant is a teaching institution, and although professors do participate in activities such as conducting research and publishing articles, their main objective is teaching students. In fact, all classes are taught by professors, not teaching assistants. 82 percent of fulltime faculty have the highest degree in their field. The average class size is 24 students. The student-to-faculty ratio is 16:1. Professors keep non-teaching office hours in order to be more accessible to their students. The student body is 59 percent male and 41 percent female. Students are from 32 states and 63 countries. The “top five” states represented by number of students in order are MA, CT, RI, NY, and NJ. Minority representation among Bryant students is about 17 percent. International students represent 7.3 percent of the student body.
Of freshman entering in Fall 2013, 90 percent returned for their sophomore year. Bryant’s four-year graduation rate is 78 percent; the five-year rate is 81 percent. These are well above the national norm for four-year schools as reported by The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), the primary federal entity for collecting and analyzing data related to education in the U.S. According to NCES, “The 2012 graduation rate for first-time, fulltime undergraduate students who began their pursuit of a bachelor’s degree at a four-year degree-granting institution in fall 2006 was 59 percent. That is, 59 percent of first-time, full-time students who began seeking a bachelor’s degree at a four-year institution in fall 2006 completed the degree at that institution within six years. Graduation rates are calculated to meet requirements of the 1990 Student Right to Know Act, which required postsecondary institutions to report the percentage of students that complete their program within 150 percent of the normal time for completion, which is within six years for students pursuing a bachelor’s degree. Students who transfer and complete a degree at another institution are not included as completers in these rates.” Of the Class of 2013, 98 percent of those reporting were employed or in graduate school six months following their graduation. The mean first-year compensation was $53,000.
Early Decision I Early Action Early Decision II Regular Decision Financial Aid
November 17 December 1 January 15 February 2 February 15
Notification Date
Deposit Deadline
December 17 Mid-January February 16 Mid-March
January 9 May 1 March 9 May 1
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
EARLY ACTION If Bryant is one of a student’s top choices, they are encouraged to apply Early Action. Applications are due by December 1 and Bryant agrees to respond by mid-January and will provide scholarship notification along with the admission decision. The program is non-binding; students are not obligated to enroll if admitted.
EARLY DECISION If Bryant is a student’s first-choice university, they are encouraged to apply by November 17, which is our Early Decision I deadline. Early Decision I applicants will be notified of our admission decision by December 17. If, during a student’s college search, Bryant becomes their top choice, after the November 17 Early Decision I deadline, they still have the opportunity to be considered as an Early Decision applicant through our Early Decision II program. The deadline for Early Decision II is January 15. Early Decision II applicants will be notified of our admission decision by February 16. Admitted Early Decision I students must send their deposit to Bryant by January 9. Students admitted under Early Decision II must send in their deposit by March 9.
DEFERRED ADMISSION Bryant grants deferred admission to those candidates who are accepted and have paid their $800 enrollment deposit, but who subsequently choose to spend a semester or year in non-academic pursuit. An applicant should request in writing that they be considered for deferred admission.
APPLICANT PROFILE INFORMATION A profile of the average entering freshman is as follows: Strong B+ student (3.4) 4 years of English 4 years college preparatory math (including a year beyond Algebra II, with a preference for pre-calculus or calculus) 2 years of social science 2 years of lab science 2 years of foreign language Class rank in the top 25 percent of the class Average combined SAT (critical reading and math sections only) is 1159. Please note: Lower scores do not necessarily rule students out. Average ACT is 25. Each applicant is evaluated on an individual basis and all materials submitted with the application are considered. Heaviest emphasis is on secondary school performance, the types of courses taken, and the level of courses. The applicant must submit the completed application packet to the Office of Admission by February 2 for Regular Decision admission, along with a non-refundable application fee of $50. It is the responsibility of the applicant to request the secondary school guidance office send an official copy of their school transcript directly to Bryant and to have scores for the SAT or the ACT sent to the University. SAT or ACT scores included on an official high school transcript are acceptable. A letter of recommendation from the college counselor and most current senior grades should also be submitted. Please remind students that the essay section of the application provides an opportunity to tell more about themselves. Students should be aware that our Admission Committee is concerned with the applicant's overall academic record, including performance during the senior year. 28
ADMISSION EXCEPTIONS At the discretion of the Admission Committee, some students who do not meet preferred standards of admission are offered admission. The Admission Committee accepts these students when they feel the students have the potential to succeed at Bryant in spite of a low test score or low class rank.
NOTIFICATION OF ADMISSION See Application Deadlines on page 27.
THE COMPLETED APPLICATION FILE CONSISTS OF: 1. The application for undergraduate admission 2. A non-refundable $50 application fee* 3. An official high school transcript, including senior courses and most recent grades 4. ACT or SAT scores or short-answer responses, if not submitting standardized test scores 5. TOEFL or IELTS scores, if the student is international and English is not the first language 6. Guidance counselor recommendation (only one is required) 7. Secondary School Report 8. Essay *Application fee waivers are available to candidates with financial hardship. Please discuss your situation with an admission staff member. Please note it is not possible for the Admission Committee to render a decision on an incomplete file.
TRANSFER ADMISSION DID YOU KNOW THAT ONE IN SEVEN STUDENTS AT BRYANT TRANSFERRED HERE? In a perfect world, every student would be admitted to his or her first choice school, enter knowing exactly which major they will pursue, and experience a successful and happy four years. But, that isn’t always what happens. Whatever the reason for considering transfer – from graduating from a community college to choosing a different academic path to seeking a college that is a better fit – Bryant is here to help students through the process.
HOW DO I TRANSFER TO BRYANT? Students, who have graduated from high school and completed courses at another college or university after graduation, are eligible to transfer to Bryant University as long as they have maintained a satisfactory record and are in good academic standing. The application deadline for the fall semester is May 1 and November 15 for the spring semester. However, those wishing to be considered for scholarships and financial aid for the fall semester should apply by April 1 for the fall and by November 15 for the spring semester. Applicants must submit the following information for review: Completed application along with the $50 fee Official high school and college transcripts showing most recent grades Personal essay List of courses and course numbers in progress at time of application SAT/ACT scores if transferring with less than 10 college courses or short-answer responses if not submitting standardized test scores. Visit for more information. (Students transferring with 10 or more completed college courses at the time of application can omit this step.) All international students whose primary language is not English must also submit official TOEFL or IELTS results or demonstrate English proficiency. 30
Bryant University has articulation agreements with seven schools (listed on Students can enter Bryant with junior status by completing courses outlined in the agreements. We also have a listing of transferable courses from over 250 colleges and universities and can assist students in maximizing their transfer credits. Only courses with a grade of C or better are eligible for transfer credit. Merit scholarships are available for outstanding transfer students for the fall and spring semesters and range from $9,000 to $20,000. Scholarships are based on the application for admission and are renewable. Transfer students are also eligible for need-based financial aid. Please submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). While interviews are not mandatory, transfer students are encouraged to meet with a transfer admission professional to discuss the transfer process, including evaluation of transfer credit, scholarship opportunities, financial aid, and transfer registration days. For further information, contact Brenda Doran, Director of Transfer Admission at or 401-232-6106.
FINANCIAL AID INFORMATION Ninety percent of freshman students at Bryant receive financial aid through a combination of the following: Grants and/or scholarships (money that is given outright and does not have to be repaid) Loans (low-interest loans that the student generally pays back after college) Part-time employment Federal student aid programs include: (1) Federal Pell Grants, (2) Direct Stafford Loans and (3) Parent PLUS Loans for parents of undergraduate students. Campus-based federal programs include: (1) Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (SEOG), (2) Federal Perkins Loans, and (3) Federal Work-Study awards. The University also offers its own grants, scholarships (based on academic merit, need, etc.), as well as parttime work opportunities. Both admitted freshmen and transfer students may be considered for all of these programs by simply filing a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Students must complete the FAFSA online ( each year. All applicants should be sure to include Bryant’s school code 003402 in the appropriate section of the form. February 15 is the FAFSA filing deadline for freshman enrolling in September. For transfer students enrolling in September, the FAFSA filing deadline is April 1. The high school guidance counselor can provide students with additional information pertaining to financial aid. Students with further questions about applying for financial aid may contact the Office of Financial Aid. The Bryant University Office of Financial Aid is open on weekdays between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Call (800) 248-4036 or email to
HOW DO I APPLY FOR ADMISSION TO BRYANT? A student can apply to Bryant using the Common Application (available online at or the Universal College Application ( Links to both are available on the Office of Admission’s website: The application must be accompanied by a non-refundable fee of $50. The applicant must request that a copy of their OFFICIAL secondary school record, including at least first quarter grades for the senior year, be sent to Bryant by the student’s high school guidance office. Along with the high school transcript, the guidance counselor should also send a recommendation letter. If an applicant chooses to have their standardized test scores considered as part of the application process, they must have the official results of the SAT or the ACT sent to the University. If a student decides not to have their test scores considered in the application process, they will be asked to respond to several short essay questions. A student should carefully consider their decision to apply with or without test scores, as once they have submitted their application, they will be unable to change to the other option. International students whose first language is not English must also submit TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) or IELTS (International English Language Testing System) results, or demonstrate English proficiency. The regular application deadline for freshman applicants is February 2. The Early Action application deadline is December 1. Students applying Early Decision I must apply by November 17 and those applying Early Decision II must apply by January 15. (See an explanation of these options under Undergraduate Admission for First-Year Students beginning on page 27.)
WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN EARLY DECISION I AND EARLY DECISION II? Timing is the biggest difference between the two options. Maybe you researched and visited several colleges over the summer and are certain by November 17 that Bryant is where you want to be. Then Early Decision I may be the best option for you. The Early Decision II option gives you a little more time to complete your college search and think about whether you want to apply Early Decision to your top choice school. Sometimes, students aren’t ready to apply Early Decision in November, but realize in December that it’s an option they would like to pursue. Early Decision II at Bryant allows you to do that. Choosing to apply Early Decision to any school is a big decision, so take your time, consider your options, and decide which program at Bryant – Early Decision I, Early Decision II, Early Action, or Regular Decision – is best for you.
IS IT “EASIER” TO BE ADMITTED BY APPLYING EARLY ACTION? No. Bryant’s application review process is individualized and comprehensive. We look at many factors when reviewing an application, including transcript, high school courses, recommendations, extracurricular activities, essay, and SAT/ACT scores (optional). The same evaluation process is used in both Early Action and Regular Decision. The only difference is that Regular Decision applicants have the benefit of sending both first quarter and mid-year grades from senior year while Early Action applicants submit only first quarter senior grades. Submit your application when you believe it is the most complete and an accurate reflection of your academic and extracurricular accomplishments.
WHY DOES BRYANT HAVE A TEST OPTIONAL POLICY? The admission committee at Bryant has always prided itself on providing a well-rounded and holistic application review. While the high school transcript will continue to be the most important part of the evaluation of an application, we strongly believe that by allowing students to decide how to best present their academic potential, Bryant is also giving them the opportunity to take the first steps in taking ownership of their college education. Bryant is looking for bright students who are self-directed, passionate about the possibilities that higher education offers, and who want to make a difference in their communities and in the world. The test optional alternative allows us to consider their strengths that may be demonstrated in areas other than their ACT or SAT score.
HOW DOES BRYANT ADMISSION EVALUATE STUDENTS WHO DO NOT SUBMIT TEST SCORES? Because Bryant has always considered applicants from a holistic point of view, the review process for students who submit ACT or SAT scores and students who do not submit scores is very similar. The factors that go into an admission decision at Bryant include overall high school academic record, recommendations, co-curricular activities, community involvement, writing ability and other achievements. If the student’s high school offers advanced placement (AP) or honors courses or the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma, their involvement in this type of rigorous high school curriculum will reflect positively on their application. We will carefully review the strength of the students’ high school classes and their performance in them, in the context of what their high school offers. Additionally, if they choose to apply test optional, they will be asked to respond to several short essay questions.
WHEN DO I HAVE TO CHOOSE WHETHER I WANT MY APPLICATION EVALUATED AS TEST OPTIONAL? When students submit their application to Bryant (using either the Common Application or the Universal College Application), they will be asked to indicate if they would like to be considered test optional. Once we receive their application with their intent to be considered test optional or not, students not wishing their test scores to be considered will be sent a link to the short answer questions that are required to complete their test-optional application. We strongly recommend that students carefully consider their decision to apply with or without test scores. Once they have submitted their application, they will be unable to change to the other option.
HOW WILL THE SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS BE EVALUATED? The committee will be looking for clear, concise and focused writing that demonstrates thoughtful reflection. The short answer questions provide students with the opportunity to tell the story they wish their test scores could tell. They will be able to share with us their perspective on their academic strengths, educational goals, and the impact they believe they can make in the Bryant community and beyond.
WHAT IF MY SCORES ARE INCLUDED ON MY TRANSCRIPTS OR ARE SENT BY THE COLLEGE BOARD/ACT? If a student has indicated that they would like to apply test optional, their scores will not be considered as part of the application review.
HOW DOES BEING CONSIDERED TEST OPTIONAL AFFECT MERIT SCHOLARSHIP CONSIDERATION? All applicants to Bryant are considered for merit scholarships at the time of the review of their application. This is true for all students regardless of submitting standardized test results. Evaluation for merit is based on all elements of a student’s application, as well as the competitive nature of the applicant pool. 36
10. IS AN ADMISSION INTERVIEW REQUIRED? No, but it is recommended that students visit the campus as part of their decision-making process. They can do this by attending an event or coming for a daily tour and/or information session. Tours and information sessions are offered on a walk-in basis or can be scheduled on our website. Interviews must be scheduled in advance by calling the Office of Admission (800-622-7001) Monday through Friday during normal business hours. Interviews with alumni are offered in select areas and can be scheduled online at For more information about alumni interviews, please see page 17.
11. ARE RECOMMENDATIONS REQUIRED? We require one letter of recommendation from the high school counselor; a teacher recommendation is optional.
12. ARE SAT SUBJECT TESTS REQUIRED? No, but if the student has taken them, they can be sent to Bryant to add another perspective to the applicant's academic preparedness for study at Bryant. SAT Subject tests were formerly known as SAT IIs.
13. DO INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS NEED TO SUBMIT ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION WITH THEIR APPLICATION? Yes. International students whose first language is not English must submit official TOEFL (minimum score of 80) or IELTS (minimum score of 6.5) results.
14. HOW DO I BECOME ELIGIBLE FOR NEED-BASED FINANCIAL AID? File a Free Application for Federal Student Aid Form (FAFSA) by February 15. Be a citizen or a permanent resident of the United States. Be enrolled or accepted for a full-time program of study. Maintain satisfactory academic progress toward the completion of your degree program while enrolled. Not be in default on any federal financial aid program.
15. ARE FINANCIAL AID AND SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE TO EARLY DECISION STUDENTS? Yes. Students will receive financial aid and scholarship information with their admission decision. Both are awarded using the same criteria that is used for Regular Decision, so packages are consistent regardless of how a student applies. Early Decision applicants are encouraged to complete the Estimated Financial Aid form and submit it to the Office of Financial Aid. That information is used to put together an estimated financial aid package. Accepted students should then file the FAFSA between January 1 and February 15, and we will finalize the aid package for you. Merit-based scholarships at Bryant range from $8,000 to $30,000 and are renewable for four years, provided the student meets the academic criteria required. Scholarship notification is included with the acceptance letter.
16. HOW IS MY ELIGIBILITY FOR MERIT-BASED SCHOLARSHIPS AND AID DETERMINED? Merit aid is awarded to incoming students based upon the applicant's record of outstanding past academic performance. All applicants for admission are reviewed for merit scholarship eligibility; decisions on merit awards are made based solely upon the information presented in the completed application for admission. Merit scholarships range from $8,000 and $30,000 per year.
17. IF I APPLY EARLY ACTION, WHEN WILL I GET MY FINANCIAL AID PACKAGE? Early Action candidates who have filed the FAFSA between January 1 and February 15 will receive a need-based financial aid package in mid-March. Merit scholarship awards may come with an acceptance letter in mid-January or may be awarded later in the process after a second review.
18. WILL BRYANT DEFER MY ADMISSION IF I REQUEST IT? Yes. "Deferred admission" is an option for students who are accepted and have paid their $800 enrollment deposit but wish to delay entry into Bryant for one semester or a year. Applicants should request in writing that they be considered for deferred admission.
19. WHAT ARE THE LIVING ARRANGEMENTS? Freshmen are housed together in the first-year complex consisting of three contemporary-style residence halls. Two of these have two people per room, and the third has eight-person suites containing four bedrooms each, a large double bathroom, and a fully furnished common area. Sophomores and juniors typically live in one of 15 suite-style residence halls. Most of these suites have three double bedrooms, a living room and a private bathroom. Seniors can live in one of the on-campus townhouses. These have three to four bedrooms (a combination of singles and doubles), two bathrooms, a furnished living room, and a fully equipped kitchen. Approximately 81 percent of all students live on campus.
20. MAY I CHOOSE MY RESIDENCE HALL? Resident students may list their housing preference. The Office of Residence Life will make every effort to honor a student's preference, but cannot guarantee a particular assignment.
21. IS HOUSING GUARANTEED ALL FOUR YEARS? Up to this point, all students who request to live on campus have been able to do so. However, housing is only guaranteed for freshmen. Freshman housing is assigned on a first-come, first-served basis based on deposit postmark date.
22. ARE FRESHMEN PERMITTED TO HAVE CARS ON CAMPUS? Yes. All students are permitted to have a car on campus. In addition, students have access to the Bryant Transit Authority (BTA) and the RI Public Transit Authority (RIPTA). Both buses provide transportation for Bryant students to Providence, area shopping centers, the airport, the train station, and other destinations. All fulltime undergraduate students can ride RIPTA free of charge with their Bryant ID card. RIPTA is on campus 22 times daily, Monday through Friday, and offers weekend service including late night service on Fridays and Saturdays.
23. DOES BRYANT HAVE FRATERNITIES AND SORORITIES? Yes, there are five fraternities and four sororities. All are nationally affiliated, and are housed in the residential village. Frequent social and philanthropic events are scheduled on and off campus by fraternities, sororities, and Greek governing councils.
24. HOW CAN I BECOME INVOLVED IN RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES AT BRYANT? Although Bryant is a private, non-sectarian university, the development of individual religious values is encouraged. Weekly religious services are held for students of both Catholic and
Protestant faiths. Jewish services are held on campus for special religious holidays and Hillel holds regular meetings. With the addition of the Ronald K. and Kati C. Machtley Interfaith Center in October 2009, the University began offering programming focused on educating the campus community about the faith perspectives of Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam. Catholic, Protestant, and Jewish chaplains are on staff and available to discuss religious or personal problems and concerns. Students are not required to attend services.
25. DO I NEED TO BRING MY OWN COMPUTER? No. All incoming full-time students receive, as part of their tuition, a state-of-the-art ThinkPad laptop for their academic and personal use. Since we house our own laptop repair center right on campus, students can expect hardware repairs in under two hours and software repairs in under an hour. Currently, at the beginning of the student’s junior year, the laptop is traded in for a new one to be used through senior year. Upon graduation, the student receives their laptop as a gift from Bryant. However, Bryant is constantly re-evaluating the laptop program to ensure students have the most up-to-date technology and it is meeting their needs to be successful at Bryant. See Appendix D for complete hardware and software specifications as well as ThinkPad important talking points.
26. DO YOU HAVE A RESERVE OFFICERS TRAINING CORP (ROTC) ON CAMPUS? Yes, ROTC is designed to train and qualify men and women for commissions as Second Lieutenants in the U.S. Army while they pursue an academic program of their choice. ROTC scholarships are available.
ACADEMIC PROGRAMS AND CONCENTRATIONS COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES (The College of Arts and Sciences also offers 27 minors.) Bachelor of Arts with majors in:
Applied Psychology Chinese Communication Economics Global Studies History Literary and Cultural Studies Politics and Law Sociology Spanish
Bachelor of Science with majors in:
Actuarial Mathematics Applied Economics Applied Mathematics and Statistics Biology Environmental Science
The College of Arts and Sciences also offers a number of concentrations that are open to all students at the University. Concentrations are six-course (18 credit hours) clusters that provide students the opportunity to pursue advanced coursework in an area other than their major. Such concentrations may be selected as a complement to a major in the College of Arts and Sciences or concentration in the College of Business or to a primary interest. Arts and Sciences concentrations include: American Studies, Applied Analytics, Applied Statistics, Chinese, Creative and Applied Arts, Economics, Forensic Science, Global Studies, History, Literary and Cultural Studies, Literature, Political Science, Psychology, Social Entrepreneurship, Sociology, Spanish, Sport Studies, and Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. 42
COLLEGE OF BUSINESS (The College of Business also offers 11 minors.) Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with concentrations in:
Accounting Computer Information Systems Entrepreneurship Finance Financial Services Global Supply Chain Management Human Resource Management Management Marketing
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Bachelor of Science in International Business with concentrations in:
Accounting Computer Information Systems Entrepreneurship Finance Global Supply Chain Management Management Marketing
PROGRAM MINORS All business students must complete a liberal arts minor. All liberal arts students are required to have a business administration minor. Students may elect to pursue a double concentration or double minor.
Actuarial Mathematics (Liberal Arts) Africana/Black Studies (Liberal Arts) Applied Statistics (Liberal Arts) Biology (Liberal Arts) Biotechnology (Liberal Arts) Business Administration (Business) Chinese (Liberal Arts) Communication (Liberal Arts) Computer Information Systems (Business) Economics (Liberal Arts) Entrepreneurship (Business) Environmental Science (Liberal Arts) Film Studies (Liberal Arts) Finance (Business) French (Liberal Arts) Global Supply Chain Management (Business) History (Liberal Arts) Human Resource Management (Business) International Affairs (Liberal Arts) International Business (Business)
Italian (Liberal Arts) Latin American and Latina/Latino Studies (Liberal Arts) Legal Studies (Liberal Arts) Literary and Cultural Studies (Liberal Arts) Literature (Liberal Arts) Management (Business) Marketing (Business) Marketing Analytics (Business) Mathematics (Liberal Arts) Media and Cultural Studies (Liberal Arts) Political Science (Liberal Arts) Professional and Creative Writing (Liberal Arts) Psychology (Liberal Arts) Sales (Business) Sociology (Liberal Arts) Sociology and Service Learning (Liberal Arts) Spanish (Liberal Arts) Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (Liberal Arts)
STUDENT SERVICES Bryant offers a variety of programs to assist students with the many challenges they will face during their college years. These services are as follows: The Amica Center for Career Education includes a full range of services: individual advising, workshops, an extensive on- and off-campus corporate recruiting program, career resource library, video library, alumni network, career development course, "shadowing" program, internships, graduate and law school advising. Counseling Services in social, academic, personal, and religious areas. Counseling provided by the Counseling Office is short-term and focuses on the normal developmental issues of the college years. Health Services offers a program of clinical care and health education provided through a team approach of nurse practitioners, consulting physician, health and wellness coordinators, and office staff. Our mission is to keep students healthy by promoting wellness and prevention of disease in a caring environment which respects students’ dignity, diversity, and privacy. Our goal is to help students become full participants in their health care. The Center for Diversity and Inclusion (CDI) builds on Bryant’s commitment to create an inclusive learning, living and working environment in which everyone can thrive, providing an integrated model of service delivery, education, outreach and advocacy. The Center’s mission is to provide comprehensive services, programs and resources that meet the needs of students from various cultures, ethnicities, religions, abilities, sexual and gender identities, and other dimensions of diversity. The Center is comprised of resource centers including: Campus Ministries, Disability Services, the Gertrude Hochberg Women’s Center, the Interfaith Center, International Student Services, Multicultural Student Services, and the Pride Center. The location of all of these centers in the Fisher Student Center enhances opportunities for collaborative programming and integration of services and resources. The Center for Teaching & Learning conducts a variety of programs to help students succeed at Bryant. 45
The Center offers academic support in the form of learning specialists, tutors, and learning labs. Each of these has specific benefits and the Center assists each student to determine the best for them based on their needs and learning style. Learning labs are available in finance, accounting, math, and economics. The Writing Center assists with all aspects and stages of writing a paper. Readers do not proofread but review and provide feedback. In addition, various study skills workshops are available through the Academic Center for Excellence (ACE), covering such topics as time management, note taking, test preparation and combating procrastination. The Center also offers programs to support international students (including English as a Second Language) and for students with learning disabilities.
APPENDIX A BRYANT UNIVERSITY TUITION AND FEES 2014 - 2015 Full Time Undergraduate Tuition – Freshmen & Sophomores
Total Room & Board (14 meals per week)
Student Involvement Fee
These figures include room fees for double rooms in residence halls, a laptop, and a 14-per-week meal plan. Students may select from a range of meal plans. Also see Question 25 on Page 41: Do I need to bring my own computer? The estimated cost of books and supplies is $1,300. These will vary for each student.
Name of the College Fair:
Location (school or facility, city and state):
Name of Person(s) working the College Fair:
1. On a scale of 1-10 (10 being high, 1 being low) this College Fair was a 2. Approximately how many students stopped by your table? 3. Approximately how many students filled out your cards? Seniors?
________________ _________________
4. Would you recommend that we cover this program next year? Yes _____
No ______
Comments: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
APPENDIX C AAC MEMBER PROSPECTIVE STUDENT INTERVIEW Please attach to the student’s Interview Record. Student Name___________________________________________
High School________________________________________________________________ Interview Date_____________________
Year of Graduation_________
How did you learn about Bryant? What is important to you when looking at a college or university? Have you been to visit Bryant’s campus?
What are you most looking forward to in college? What if anything are you least looking forward to?
What types of extracurricular activities are you involved with? If you couldn’t participate in _________ (whatever activity they are particularly involved with), how would you spend your time? Imagine yourself as a student at Bryant; what activities would you like to continue? Are there any new activities you would like to try?
How did you spend last summer? What type of community service, travel and/or work experience have you had? What did you learn from these experiences?
How would your friends describe you? In what ways are you different from some of your friends? What do you feel is your most important character trait?
Tell me about your favorite teacher. What qualities does he or she have that make them an excellent teacher? What is the most significant learning experience you have had in high school?
Have I missed anything you hoped we would discuss? Do you have any questions?
APPENDIX D LENOVO LAPTOP PROGRAM For Fall 2014, Lenovo Thinkpad Yoga series laptops will be provided to the Classes of 2018 and 2016. Major hardware features: 12.5" HD+IPS display with 10 points of touch (1920x1080 maximum resolution) 2.9 GHz Intel Core i5 (4300U) 128 GB SSD storage 4 GB DDR3 SDRAM Intel HD 4000 integrated graphics card 802.11 a/g/n/ac Intel 7260 wireless card Bluetooth 4.0 UltraNav Touchpad Integrated 720p digital camera 4-in-1 Media Reader (SD, SDHC, SDXC, MultiMedia) USB 3.0 (2 ports, 1 powered / "always on") Mini HDMI (1 port) Backlit keyboard 4 Cell Lithium Battery (approximately 3.5 - 4.5 hour battery life, charges to 80% of full charge capacity in 35 minutes) Total weight (including battery) - 3.4 lbs. Software: Windows 8.1 MS Office 2013 Adobe Acrobat Professional Adobe Photo Shop Elements and Premier Elements Minitab Math Software ESET Anti-virus Accessories: Carrying Case (backpack style) Ethernet Adapter 10 ft. Ethernet Cable 53
Important talking points: Incoming freshmen are issued a Lenovo ThinkPad Yoga series laptop computer. Presently, returning juniors trade their original laptops in for a new model at the start of the academic year, with the option to buy their old model at a depreciated price. Full access to internet (wireless and wired). Technical Support six days a week. On-site warranty support, with one- to two-hour repair times. Text notification when the repair is complete. 3-Year hardware warranty for hardware support up to one year past graduation, perpetual software support. Loaner Support (0% Downtime).
APPENDIX E APPLICATION FEE WAIVER To have an Application Fee Waiver sent to you, please call Rebecca Eriksen at 401-232-6957 or email