OUR SCHOOL The British School Al Khubairat (BSAK) is Abu Dhabi’s leading British not-for-profit, co-educational day school. From Nursery to A Level (3 – 18) our dynamic school culture offers students an enriching experience and outstanding results. OUR VISION Building on our unique local heritage, we will provide a world-class British education, inspiring all our students to exceed expectations. OUR VALUES Empathy and Care | Respect and Inclusivity Honesty and Integrity | Endeavour and Resilience
We have said many times how proud we are of our students’ resilience and endeavour, and how they have responded to the challenges of the last few years. It is with great delight that our staff are now able to concentrate on a restriction free acceleration in our students’ learning, through the curriculum you will see in these booklets.
Dear Parents & Students,
Mr Gareth Jones Deputy Head
I would like to take this opportunity to emphasise the importance of the school curriculum. Teaching does not happen by accident, and requires careful thought and wise construction in order to produce a curriculum that is coherently planned. Our Heads of Departments expertly ensure that their teams provide teaching which is sequential; building on knowledge, understanding and skills in a well thought through and structured way, using techniques of cognitive science to allow true teaching forlearning.
As we return to school for another academic year, after what I hope has been a restful and rewarding summer break, it is with great anticipation that we welcome our students back into the classroom for what is as close to ‘normality’ as it has been over the last two academic years. We are extremely excited to see the students engage with and flourish in the wide range of opportunities this allows us to reintroduce and build upon.
As educators, we are very much looking forward to working with our students and helping them achieve their true potential and it is with great joy that we see us moving forward together - as a community of staff, students, and parents.
We feel it is important to keep you informed and updated as to the content of the curriculum your child is following this academic year, the curriculum forms an essential part of the learning process and your support at home is an integral part of this.
With my very best wishes
Subjects In Alphabetical Order P06 Arabic A P07 Arabic B P08 Art P10 Arts Enhancement P11 Computer Science P12 Design & Technology P13 Digital Fluency P13 Drama P15 English P16 French P17 Geography P18 History P19 Islamic Studies A P20 Islamic Studies B P21 Learning Support P22 Mathematics P23 MELS P24 Music P26 Physical Education P28 Science P30 Social Studies A P31 Social Studies B P32 Spanish
Speaking ● Listening ● Reading ● Writing RESOURCES ● Ministry textbooks ● Worksheets ● Websites ● Lessons developed by
Arabic A is for native Arabic speaking students. The course aims to expose students to variety of informational texts as well as a variety of literature texts. Both of these are used as a vehicle to deepen students’ vocabulary, grammar usage and writing composition skills.
● the
Students complete half-termly and termly exams in reading and writing. The end of year exam covers all the essential skills.
This is a compulsory course within the UAE, students follow the Ministry of Education Arabic curriculum, with additions and adaptations to meet their learning needs.
Teaching be delivered in form groups.
● Reading
● Comprehension
teacher SETTING
● modern poetry prose, mostly linked to UAE identity, Islamic and history
Students complete one unit of lessons each half term which covers three main areas of study:
Writing Texts vary between classic and
and background. SKILLS DEVELOPED
Language structures
● Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing
The Year 7 course will also emphasise the fact that learning Arabic is not just about vocabulary and grammar but having an appreciation of Arabic culture and customs. We aim to foster an inquisitive and curious student who can take advantage of where we are and foster a genuine passion for Arabic as well as a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject. It is after all, all around us!
The Year 7 curriculum will begin to lay the foundations for the rigours of GCSE and build on previous knowledge acquired in early years and primary Arabic lessons by developing listening, speaking, reading and writing skills as well as a focus on skills such as translation and spontaneous speaking.
Knowing Arabic is vital for understanding the UAE, its culture. Therefore, students follow the Ministry of Education Arabic curriculum, with additions and adaptations to meet their learning needs.
● Vocabulary - There is also a greater emphasis on vocabulary including vocabulary that goes beyond students’ immediate needs and interests.
Students will be setted according to their ability in the foreign language. Movement either up or down is a fluid process commensurate with the individual's linguistic needs.
● Grammar - There is a greater emphasis on grammar, requiring students to use and manipulate a variety of key grammar structures and patterns.
● Languagenut is provided by School but students may also access other websites independently such as Languagesonline, Duolingo, Memrise or Quizlet.
Arabic is a key 21st century language, being the official language of the UAE and ranked as the second most vital language for the UK in the British Council’s 2013 Languages for the Future report.
● Languagenut digital learning platform
Arabic is assessed summatively through one summative assessment per term, linked closely to the skills developed. The end of year assessment follows a similar format but will include all modules studied. Arabic is also assessed formatively as in ongoing daily informal assessment. Both types of assessment contribute to a students assessment grade.
Students are required to develop confidence in:
● Pre-GCSE Arabic (My Language is my Identity) Coursebook
Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Me & My Family Health & Safety (Part 1: Sports & Hobbies) School & Jobs Home & Town Health & Safety (Part 2: Foods)
All students will explore and develop skills in:
Term 1 Term 2 End of year exam
● Exploring artist and contextual sources related to landscape genre.
Assessment structure and taxonomy is derived from GCSE and A-Level Assessment language
● Assessment sheets are located in each student sketchbook and Google Classrooms
● Creating and developing a range of ideas and concepts leading towards personal outcomes
● Exploring media, techniques and processes.
● Introducing colour and tone.
● A range of artists and artworks investigating traditional and contemporary Portraiture.
● Establishing proportion and structure
● The Formal Elements are central to all assessment whether self, peer, group or teacher led
● Composition and Narrative within Still Life Composition.
● A range of artists and artworks investigating traditional and contemporary Still Life.
In Year 7, our young artists develop their observation and creative skills through a rich and varied curriculum. Traditional and contemporary artists , designers, cultures and genres are explored through an exciting range of media, techniques and processes.
Art, Craft and Design enables students to explore and understand the world through the acquisition and development of observational and communication skills. Self-expression, creativity, moral and social awareness and an active engagement of the Impact of art, craft and design on culture are what we aim to foster in our young artists.
The Formal Elements are central to all art knowledge and activities with an emphasis in Year 7 on the themes of Landscape, Still Life and Portraiture.
Still Life
● Investigating symbolism.
● Observational drawing.
● Students are assessed against Assessment language taxonomy
● Interpretation and response to artwork and artefacts through the development of Visual and Written Literacy.
● A range of artists and artworks investigating Natural and Urban Landscape genre.
All students will explore and develop skills in:
All students will explore and develop skills in:
● Observational drawing and mark making. Planning a drawing.
SetGlueRulerBlackSharpenerEraserfinelinerstickofcoloured pencils
● Develop knowledge and understanding of artist, designers, genres and contextual sources to inspire and influence personal responses.
● Central to art skills acquisition and development as artists, the Formal Elements are a consistent reference point in creating and understanding art and culture in all forms.
● Develop knowledge, appreciation and application of the Formal Elements
Whilst we have excellent facilities and resources for art, all students are expected to bring to every lesson the following items.
Term 1 Term 2 End of year exam
● Developing skills in communication, visual interpretation, individual and collaborative creative practice.
HB and 2B/6B Pencil
Homework and next lesson preparation activities will often require the above items.
Assessment structure and taxonomy is derived from GCSE and A-Level Assessment language
● Students are assessed against Assessment language taxonomy
● Developing a creative confidence in the use of a range of media, techniques and processes.
● The Formal Elements are central to all assessment whether self, peer, group or teacher led
● Developing confidence in Visual and Written Literacy
Teaching will be taught in mixed form groups.
Formal Elements
● Assessment sheets are located in each student sketchbook and Google Classrooms
● Within our art curriculum the Formal Elements are integral to exploring developing and communicating Visual and Written Literacy.
to design, rehearse and stage performances throughout the year. SKILLS DEVELOPED ● Creativity and self expression ● Collaboration and teamwork ● Communication skills ● Resilience and self discipline ● Leadership skills ● Problem solving ● Time management ● Critical thinking ● Performance skills ● Musical theatre ● Technical theatre ● Art and design principles ● Visual Language SETTING Students are taught in small groups, with a collaborative approach to Music, Drama and Art. ASSESSMENTS Ongoing teacher assignment to evidence above skills. Along with a final written report and group presentation.
ARTS ENHANCEMENT showing KS3 in the Performing Arts. The aim is
For non Islamic students only. This is an additional course to enhance performances in the arts: Art, Drama and Music. Students will spend one term with each department and work on elements outside of the normal curriculum. COURSE CONTENT Students will develop their creativity and performing skills, while collaborating and
leadership. They will work beyond the
curriculum to expand their skills
● Program robots and learn to debug their code.
Students will be expected to bring a set of headphones to all Computer Science lessons.
A key area in Year 7 is for students to understand and develop computer programs using both block and text coding that reflect computational thinking and become fully aware of staying safe online and cyberbullying.
Knowledge and understanding of computers
Students will be assessed every half term based on the work covered up to that point. There will also be an end of year assessment, where students will be assessed on the topics covered throughout the year. This will consist of both a practical and written paper.
Problem solving
● Students will be introduced to a Python programming environment and begin solving various tasks using block based commands. They will then start to plan and develop their own algorithms, learning to incorporate variables and use their computational thinking skills to make decisions and introduce iteration at appropriate times.
● Students will cover some of the legal safeguards regarding computer use, including overviews of the Computer Misuse Act, Data Protection Act and Copyright Law and their implications for computer use. Phishing scams and other email frauds, hacking, “data harvesting” and identity theft are discussed together with ways of protecting online identity and privacy.
● They will look at some simple binary to decimal conversion and vice versa, and learn how text characters are represented using the ASCII code. This will be followed by some simple binary addition.
● Students will learn more in depth how storage devices represent data using binary patterns and physically save these patterns.
● Students will study the Input-Process-Output sequence and the Fetch-Decode-Execute cycle through practical activities.
Computational thinking
Students will learn where food comes from, how to cook a range of dishes safely and hygienically and to apply their knowledge of healthy eating. They will learn basic food preparation and cooking techniques, learn to follow recipes using appropriate ingredients and equipment to prepare and cook a range of predominantly savoury dishes. They will gain knowledge from The Eatwell Guide to make informed choices about their own diet and will develop the creative, technical and practical expertise needed to complete tasks confidently. They will evaluate and test their ideas and products and the work of others.
Project books will be supplied at the start of each unit.
Product Design (Textiles)
Product Design (Textiles)
This introduction to textiles investigates how textiles are made and used. Students experiment with making their own felt fabric. Additionally, students learn how to set up and safely use a sewing machine to create a felt phone holder. Their final product outcome includes a felt sample and an appliqued phone holder.
In Year 7 students students will experience three aspects of Design and Technology and complete approximately 12 weeks of lessons in each of these areas:
Students will experience a design and make task based in the workshop. Students will design a pencil holder developing ideas using basic 3D graphical skills, models in compliant materials and produce a 3D outcome out of a range of resistant materials including wood, metal and plastic. Focus is on producing a quality well finished outcome which is fit for purpose.
Food and Nutrition
Product Design
Assessments are carried out at key points throughout the unit and summative assessment will take place once the unit is complete and final products are completed. One combined Design and Technology paper (one hour) will be sat during the summer examination period and will form part of the overall Design and Technology assessment.
All focus areas ensure that students can confidently use a range of materials and understand their properties whilst developing a student’s ability to understand the processes that materials undergo to transform them from raw stock items to finished products. All students will understand the design process when tackling design and make tasks.
Food and Nutrition
Product Design
A brand new course designed to help students develop transferable skills in using technology. Students will have one lesson a fortnight to develop their ability in effectively using a range of Google applications through task based modules. They will also complete lessons on a variety of digital citizenship topics. COURSE CONTENT Google Applications ● Google Drive ● Google Docs ● Google Slides ● Google Sheets ● Google Mail/Calendar ● Google Sites ● Google Forms Digital Citizenship ● What is the cloud? ● Fake news and social media ● Online safety ● eSport and Gaming Addiction SKILLS DEVELOPED Students will develop their ability to effectively use online productivity software whilst building a critical awareness of key digital citizenship issues which have arisen through the increased usage of technology. RESOURCES Students will require their Chromebooks in lesson. SETTING Teaching will be delivered in form classes. ASSESSMENTS Term 1 Term 2 End of year exam There are no assessments on this course.
Students will learn how to create and build dramatic material focused on a particular theme or topic. They will learn how to use their bodies and voices imaginatively and creatively. Students will develop their independent and group work techniques with an emphasis being put on personal and social skills such as listening, empathising, cooperating and negotiating.
Work focusing on technical aspects of Theatre such as set, costume, lighting and sound design. It will incorporate watching an critiquing a Live Performance. Students will study what makes an effective theatrical moment in terms of acting and design.
End of year exam
This will involve the exploration of a playscript. Students will develop their understanding of the plot and themes as well as interpreting characters and key moments in the play. Acting skills are developed as students prepare for a polished performance in front of an audience. Technical Theatre
● Developing and performing varied characters in an effective manner for an audience.
● Drama skills and techniques – a range of skills are taught to enable students to experiment with style within a range of performances.
Term 1 Term 2
Resources will be provided on the google classroom.
● A wide range of social and personal skills such as communication, confidence, analysis negotiation, problem solving, organisational etc.
Teaching will be delivered in mixed classes.
COURSE CONTENT Devising Skills
● Skills in this subject are transferable across the curriculum. It will allow students to develop confidence and communication skills. Students will be equipped with analytical skills and they will be encouraged to voice their opinions on a range of topical issues.
Exploring a Play Script
The confidence and communication skills which are fostered through learning in Drama, are a valuable and transferable skills set and the impact on other subjects is obvious. Students often find secondary speaking and listening situations more manageable and enjoyable from skills developed in Drama lessons.
Students begin to use a new and exciting range of Drama strategies and conventions in order to examine the world, varying cultures and social issues.
During each unit of study every student will have a summative assessment on one or more of the 3 assessment areas: Making, Performing and Reflecting. There is no formal exam in Key Stage 3.
● The ability to speak confidently and effectively in a range of contexts, including small group and whole class discussions and debates, presentations and dramatic roles.
● The ability to read and make connections across a wide range of literature and non-fiction, analysing and evaluating a writer’s choice of language and structure features.
Term 3
As a skills based subject, our focus is on continually improving a wide range of linked skills across each term, rather than learning separate sets of content each time. We encourage students and parents to see all assessments as an opportunity to identify how they will improve further with the next theme.
● Marketing Unit
● Alice in Wonderland - Growing Up
● Use of a wide ranging vocabulary, along with accurate and effective standard English to produce their own transactional and creative writing pieces for specific audiences and purposes.
English is a key curriculum subject and our inspiring thematic curriculum aims to encourage a love of reading, creativity with language use and a fascination for words and communication in all forms!
Texts are varied, engaging and challenging, with Year 7 students studying the following: Term 1
● The Island
Each term Year 7 will focus on developing specific speaking and listening, reading and writing skill sets linked by a common theme and drawing on fiction and non-fiction writing across the ages.
Term 2
Students will be broadly grouped according to ability in English.
● Introduction to Poetry
● Why do we study Shakespeare?
● Spies
Please click here to view the English 5 Year Learning Journey. Full resourcing for lessons and homework will be provided by the department. Students should supplement this with their daily wider and independent reading.
Languagenut and Studio 1 resources are provided. Students may also access other sites independently such as Languages Online, Duolingo, Memrise or Quizlet.
Reading and Writing
The Year 7 Year the French of francophone an inquisitive curious has a genuine ‘all things’ well as a sense of enjoyment curiosity the
curriculum aims to develop the confidence to communicate in French. It helps ease the transition from Primary to
Listening and Speaking
French is assessed summatively through at least one assessment per module, linked closely to the skills developed. The end of year assessment follows a similar format but will include all modules studied. French is also assessed through informal assessments which are conducted in each lesson. Both types of assessments contribute to students’ overall assessment grade.
French and indeed
is not just about vocabulary and grammar but having an appreciation
● Languagenut digital learning platform
● Studio 1 via Pearson online textbook
● Grammar - There is a greater emphasis on grammar, requiring students to use and manipulate a variety of key grammar structures and patterns.
culture and customs. We aim to foster
Personal Information ● Talking about other people Term 2 ● Technology ● Sport Term 3
subject. COURSE CONTENT Term 1
right pace for students. It also emphasises the fact that learning
Students will be setted according to their ability in the foreign language. Movement either up or down is a fluid process commensurate with the individual's linguistic needs.
French as
passion for
student who
● Vocabulary - There is also a greater emphasis on vocabulary including vocabulary that goes beyond a student’s’ immediate needs and interests.
7 and moves at
Geography is the study of Planet Earth: the natural world, people, and how they interact with one another. We aim to instill an ‘awe and wonder’ of the natural world, as well as building on local and international examples to spark students’ interest. Year 7 focuses on the core geographical skills that are then embedded into the rest of secondary school Geography. COURSE CONTENT Term 1 ● What is Geography? ● Atlas and Map skills Term 2 ● Urban Environments Term 3 ● Oceans SKILLS DEVELOPED ● Atlas skills ● Map skills ● Spatial awareness ● Enquiry based learning ● Extended and argumentative writing ● Comparison making ● An understanding of settlement location, type, form and function. ● Knowledge of the different characteristics of settlements and an understanding of the features of a sustainable settlement. ● Importance of oceans and how they are being impacted by human actions RESOURCES ● Mapzone Website ● BBC Bitesize - KS3 Geography ● GeoGuessr ● Geography Map Games SETTING Teaching will be delivered in form classes. ASSESSMENTS Students will complete mini assessments throughout the year when the class teacher deems appropriate to check knowledge, understanding and application. End of year exam will be based on all taught content. The paper will be approximately 1 hour.
Term 2
● Events of 1066 and why did William win the Battle of Hastings?
● Cause and Consequence - why do things happen?
● Significance - what made something important?
● Is it fair to call the Middle Ages the ‘Dark Ages’?
Teaching will be delivered in form groups.
● How similar were experiences of the Crusades?
Resources will be provided through text books, work books and via the Google Classroom.
● How far has migration changed over time?
History is assessed formally through at least one assessment per half term, linked closely to the History skills above.
Term 3
● Interpretations - what do other people think?
● How did the East and West approach medicine and plague?
Year 7 is all about preparing students with the skills they will need at KS3 and beyond.
● Change and Continuity - what changes and stays the same?
History aims to engage the curiosity and imagination of students and present them with the dilemmas, choices and beliefs of people in the past. It helps students develop their own identities through an understanding of history at personal, local, national and international levels. It also develops critical thinking and metacognitive skills as we explore deeper themes and concepts within the past.
● Chronology - what happens when?
Term 1
● Using Evidence – what evidence do I have?
End of year assessment is through a 1 hour written paper, covering a selection of the skills from the whole year, though content will be focused on the final unit.
● Learn about the life of Prophets and their companions
● End of year examination
● Half term test
This is a compulsory course within the UAE for all those of Muslim faith. Students follow the Ministry of Education curriculum, with additions and adaptations to meet their learning needs.
The Islamic values education curriculum called for here focuses on personality and character development of students, close attention to the real needs and concerns of students, and preparation of students with the critical thinking and problem-solving skills needed to function successfully as Muslims in society.
● Hadeeth memorisation
As per the Ministry of Education curriculum, the course covers a range of topics that allow students to:
● Practice recitation and memorisation of the Holy Quran and Hadith
● Learn different rulings related to the five pillars of Islam
● Understanding of acts of worship and basic rules of dealings
Ministry textbooks and the teacher’s own resources
● Holy Quranic pronunciation and recitation
● End of term exam
The Islamic values education curriculum called for focuses on personality and character development of students, close attention to the real needs and concerns of students, and preparation of students with the critical thinking and problem-solving skills needed to function successfully as Muslims in society.
As per the Ministry of Education curriculum, the course covers a range of topics that allow students to:
● Learn different rulings related to the five pillars of Islam
● The rules of recitation for the Holy Quran
● End of year Exam
This is a course within the UAE for all those of Muslim faith. Students follow the Ministry of Education curriculum with additions and adaptations to meet their learning needs.
● Memorising some verses from the Holy Quran and the Hadith
● Understanding of acts of worship and basic rules of dealings
● Understanding and comprehension for the significance of the the Holy Quran and Hadith
● Learn about the life of Prophets and their companions
● Practice recitation and memorisation of the Holy Quran and Hadith
● End of term Exam
● Half term Exam
Ministry textbooks and the teacher’s own resources
● We support students who experience a range of specific learning difficulties, such as dyslexia, dyspraxia, dysgraphia and dyscalculia. Other students have difficulties with speech, language and communication, managing anxiety or social relationships.
● Learning Support students follow personalised programme of study during which they work on reading techniques to develop a love of reading and to enable them to read actively for different purposes. They learn how to plan and shape their writing to meet a range of requirements, and to improve their technical accuracy.
BSAK has a resourceful and friendly Learning Support team to help students from the age of eleven to eighteen.
Together we create a secure learning environment so that students acquire the courage to take risks and accept challenges. They realise that they are expected to try their best, to stretch themselves and that the Learning Support team is there to help them to build a reliable problem-solving repertoire.
● They also learn techniques to help them cope with examinations, alternative revision skills and how to manage their workload more effectively.
‘I really like Learning Support because it covers things from other lessons you might not understand at first.’
Two of our main priorities are showing students how to persevere when they experience difficulties, and that there should be no limit to their aspirations, whatever those may be, whether achieving a Drama award or winning a Poetry performance competition.
The Learning Support teachers and assistants are patient, dedicated and experienced in finding solutions to the difficulties faced by young learners in busy classrooms. We like to help students build on their strengths and reach their goals in a practical, sensible way.
● We provide targeted interventions in order to equip students with the necessary literacy and numeracy skills to access the curriculum to the best of their ability and with confidence.
● Learning is active and enjoyable, and develops visual and auditory processing, phonological skills, memory and concentration.
Mathematics in Year 7 aims to provide students with the ability to reason mathematically, an appreciation of the beauty and power of mathematics and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject. In Year 7 there is an emphasis on understanding and confidently using different forms of calculation. New concepts in algebra, shape and space are also introduced. COURSE CONTENT Term 1 ● Numbers and the number system ● Calculating ● Exploring and calculating fractions ● Decimals ● Percentages Term 2 ● Algebraic proficiency ● Solving equations and inequalities ● Investigating properties of shapes and angles Term 3 ● Measuring and calculating space ● Proportional reasoning ● Checking/approximating and estimating, transformations SKILLS DEVELOPED ● Numeracy ● Problem solving ● Pattern spotting ● Mathematical reasoning skills ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT NEEDED ● Geometry set ● Scientific calculator - we recommend the Casio FX-991 EX calculator RESOURCES BSAK Maths Website SETTING Students will be broadly grouped according to ability in Mathematics. ASSESSMENTS Assessment every half term based on the work covered up to that point. 1 hour end of year exam, based on the topics covered throughout the year.
Positive psychology and
MELS also incorporates the UAE Federal Government's Moral Education initiative, designed to promote tolerance and instill universal principles and values shared by humanity; details of which can be found here
around them SETTING
The impact of the program is seen through the interactions, beliefs and behaviours of those in the school community. Work and reflections can be recorded in the MELS / Wellbeing Journals.
Problem solving
● Moral Duties Responsibilities
Lessons are taught in form groups once per week.
● techniques benefit wellbeing
Linked here you are able to access information on the objectives and projects undertaken in each of the year group areas.
Whilst the theory is important, MELs also helps to develop skills in critical thinking, positive decision making, how and where to ask for help and how to engage positively in the world around them. Whilst this subject is not examined it is a compulsory part of UK and UAE curriculum and its importance has been highlighted in a number of educational studies including the Oxford Impact Study, 2020, by Dr Lindorff. This is one of the most robust studies into student wellbeing. The results found a clear correlation between wellbeing, which MELs promotes, and academic success.
● Making Good Decisions - Self Worth, risk and crime
● world
Positive decision making
Engaging positively in the
Critical thinking
Moral Education and Life Skills (MELS) is an essential part of modern day education. It covers content on personal wellbeing, economic well being, careers guidance, digital safety, morality and community wellbeing.
No formal assessment.
As part of our commitment at BSAK to a whole school approach to wellbeing we have worked to provide a framework for MELs that runs throughout Year 7-11 giving students a chance to learn, practice and extend their own knowledge and skills based on 6 important areas: Careers, Living in the Wider World, Mental and Physical Health, Mindfulness, Relationships and Study Skills.
● -
Rhythm terminology
Pentatonic listening ● Improvising clear phrases ● Ostinato accompaniments ● ABA Ternary Structure ● Pentatonic group composition - record for assessment ● Group performance of “Arriba”
Introduction to - notation software
Reading rhythm notation
Use to compose a piece using the pentatonic scale
is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity, it is a subject which is held in high regard by universities all over the world. Research suggests that a high-quality music education helps strengthen learning in all areas of the curriculum, as well as improving self-confidence, cognitive function and focus. Music has the potential to make a significant contribution to children’s development. Year 7 Music builds on previous knowledge and skills through performing, composing and listening activities.
Writing and performing from 4 part rhythm scores
Notate own scores Unit 2 - Pitch & Melody Writing ● Pitch notation ● How to write the perfect melody ● Using tuned percussion ● Using keyboards ● Perform and record “Baby Bossa” - for assessment ● - notation software ● Notate own melodies Unit 3
Exploring the Pentatonic Scale
Perform and record for assessment
● Improvising a melody
● Ukulele maj/min chords
● Dorian & Aeolian Modes
Unit 5 - Modes
● Improvise and compose; extending and developing musical ideas by drawing on a range of musical structures styles, genres and traditions.
● Play and perform confidently in a range of solo and ensemble contexts using their voice, playing instruments musically, fluently and with accuracy and expression.
● History of modes & scales
● Group performance - Russian March
● “Kije’s March’ - perform and record for assessment
● Arabic melody and drone composition task
● Record for assessment
● Ostinato accompaniment
● Use staff and other relevant notations appropriately and accurately in a range of musical styles, genres and traditions. Identify and use the interrelated dimensions of music expressively and with increasing sophistication, including use of tonalities, different types of scales and other musical devices. Listen to a wide range of music from great composers and musicians.
● Develop a deepening understanding of the music that they perform and to which they listen and it’s history.
● Modes in folk music and film music
Music is assessed through both group individual performance. At the end of each unit the students perform and record their compositions and together they listen and appraise their work. There will be a listening exam for Music at the end of the year.
● Major/Minor tonality
Unit 4 - Major & Minor
● Melody - Qu. & Ans. Phrases
● ABA/Ternary Structure
● Scales, Chords and Triads
All physical activities will be assessed and criteria shared to assist with future development. Students will be encouraged to be part of this assessment process. There will be self and peer assessment opportunities, via video analysis. Students will also have a theoretical examination during term 3 (Exam week). This will allow us to assess their knowledge of Sports Science and the theoretical concepts that underpin sporting performance. Assessment will be focused on five areas: 1. Physical Fitness 2. Core Skills in Isolation 3. Performance in a Competitive setting 4. Coaching & Leadership 5. Knowledge of Sports Science
● Outwitting Opponents
● Accurate Replication of Performance Exercising Safely & Effectively
In order to provide the students of BSAK with a wealth of experiences, we offer a varied and vast curriculum. Our aim is to enrich the lives of the students by offering them many opportunities. Some of the Sports we offer are as follows:
● Cricket Rugby Football Netball Athletics Swimming We also offer lessons that will develop the students physical prowess:
● Performing at Maximal Levels
We adopt a holistic approach to Physical Education, providing students with the knowledge and understanding that will allow them to live a healthy, active lifestyle throughout their adult life. We aim to embed many of the school values within Physical Education lessons such as resilience, integrity and Studentsendeavour.willbe expected to wear their blue BSAK Physical Education kit for all lessons.
At BSAK we aim to give the students a world class offering of Physical Education. Students have two lessons per week: Lesson 1 (Physical Education - Core PE) Development of Physical Fitness, Skills in Isolation, knowledge of Sports Science Lesson 2 (Physical Education - Core PE) Development of Coaching, Leadership and Performance in a competitive setting.
● Students are also encouraged to analyse their performance using ICT
● Develop a love of learning and promote well being
● Overcoming challenges
● Endeavour
● Tactics
● Improve analysis and evaluation skills
A range of skills are developed and refined with a key focus on:
At BSAK we have a policy, where all students are expected to bring a kit to every lesson. If they are injured or unwell, they must have a parental note that excuses them from the practical element of the lesson. However, they must still get changed and they will develop their coaching and leadership skills.
The aim is not just to develop sporting prowess, but to give the students a true education.
● Enhance knowledge of Sports Science
● Develop communication skills
● Collaboration
● Resilience
● Teamwork
The focus is to develop the students' understanding of how the theoretical concepts underpin sporting performance. This will be done through the creation of a Personalised Exercise Program.
● Communication
● Strategies
All lessons are mixed ability classes.
Science at BSAK offers students the ability to access a wealth of knowledge and information which will contribute to their understanding of how and why things work as they do. Science is able to explain the mechanics and reasons behind the daily functioning of complex systems, which range from the human body to sophisticated modern technology. Our students are able to use their knowledge and skills to understand new concepts, make well-informed decisions and pursue new interests. Science allows our students to be critical and make reasoned decisions about the information they read in books and newspapers, see on the television or are exposed to on the internet. Students will study Science as a combined subject in Year 7 with aspects of biology, chemistry and physics being taught on a topic by topic basis. COURSE CONTENT Term 1 ● Particles and their behaviour ● Cells ● Forces ● Separation techniques Term 2 ● Structure and Function of Body Systems ● Sound ● Elements, Compounds and The Periodic Table ● Science Fair projects Term 3 ● Space ● Reproduction ● Light SKILLS DEVELOPED ● Describe and explain scientific ideas ● Application of knowledge including problem solving ● Data analysis, including calculations and evaluation ● Scientific literacy ● Practical work ASSESSMENT Students will be assessed at the end of each topic studied using a range of questions to assess Therelearning.will also be an end of year exam, consisting of two approximately one hour papers assessing all topics and skills covered until that point.
Another very useful resource is: KS3 Science Website
All students will be issued with login access to where they will be able to use an extensive bank of learning resources including videos, animations, podcasts, worksheets and a digital version of the Oxford KS3 Science Activate 1 and 2 textbooks.
Students will be broadly grouped according to ability in Science.
● National Service
Students also learn about the history of the other countries in the GCC, specifically their alliances with these countries and their cultures.
● Shaikh Zayed trips and tours in the UAE and North America
Term 1
The students learn how to research efficiently and correctly, and are also asked to do one project a term. They will also learn about the shape of the Gulf and how to draw it and will develop their History and Geography skills.
● Remote Sensing
● Geographic Information Systems
● The natural characteristics of the Arabian Peninsula
Term 3
Ministry textbooks, worksheets developed by teachers and websites
● The natural and human characteristics of the UAE
Term 2
It is the subject that allows local students to learn about and be proud of their heritage and history, whilst also learning essential information about the culture of their country.
● I maintain my national identity
● Climate and natural vegetation in the Arabian Peninsula
● Perennial plants in the UAE
The Social Studies A course is compulsory for the majority of Native Students (those in Arabic A (who speak fluent Arabic).
Students complete half-termly and termly exams on the specified subjects, testing their knowledge and how much information they have retained. The end of year exam covers all the essential skills.
Arabic Social Studies is an essential topic in the UAE and in our curriculum at BSAK.
Ministry textbooks, worksheets developed by teachers and websites
Students complete half-termly and termly exams on the specified subjects, testing their knowledge and how much information they have retained. There is no end of year exam.
Term 3
Students also learn about the history of the other countries in the GCC, specifically their alliances with these countries and their cultures.
Teaching will be delivered in small form classes to non native students.
The students will learn through a variety of experiences using a range of sources and activities to develop their enquiry skills. Working both independently and in small groups, students will complete a project each term. There is ongoing teacher assessment to track progress and ensure students are developing their history and Geography skills.
● Achievements of the UAE in the last 50 years
● The age of Islam in the UAE
Term 1
● Culture and customs of the people of the UAE
● The development of society in the UAE
● The Ancient History of the UAE
Non native Social Studies is an essential topic in the UAE and in our curriculum at BSAK.
It is the subject that allows students to learn about the culture, customs and heritage of the country they live in.
● Culture and customs of the people of the Arabian Gulf
Term 2
Term 3
We aim to foster an inquisitive and curious student who has a genuine passion for ‘all things’ Spanish as well as a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject.
● Languagenut digital learning platform Languagenut and Viva 1 resources are provided. Students may also access other sites independently such as Languages Online, Duolingo, Memrise or Quizlet.
● Viva 1 online textbook via Pearson
● Personal Information
● Reading and writing
Spanish is assessed summatively through at least one assessment per module, linked closely to the skills developed. The end of year assessment follows a similar format but will include all modules studied. Spanish is also assessed through informal assessments which are conducted in each lesson. Both types of assessments contribute to students’ overall assessment grade.
● Vocabulary - There is also a greater emphasis on vocabulary including vocabulary that goes beyond a student’s immediate needs and interests.
The Year 7 curriculum aims to develop the confidence to communicate in Spanish. It helps ease the transition from Primary to Year 7 and moves at the right pace for students. It also emphasises the fact that learning Spanish is not just about vocabulary and grammar but having an appreciation of Spanish and indeed Hispanic culture and customs.
● Listening and speaking
● Grammar - There is a greater emphasis on grammar, requiring students to use and manipulate a variety of key grammar structures and patterns.
● School Life
● Pets Family 2 School Life
Students will be setted according to their ability in the foreign language. Movement either up or down is a fluid process commensurate with the individual's linguistic needs.