Little Rock Wind Symphony 17-18 Season

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LRWS’s 25th season is all about fun! Maestro Getzov has programmed the season with a mix of wind band standards and newer works that inspire, delight, and entertain. He also continues the tradition of featuring outstanding local soloists. The season-opening October concert, Flute Fantastic!, begins the year with one of the best-known and brilliant works for band, Gustav Holst’s Second Suite for Military Band. The program features the flute, an instrument with a 43,000-year-old history, with soloist Chrissie Davis (check out her YouTube Channel!) and the Mockingbird Quartet performing new pieces as well as dazzling settings of some well-known works. We celebrate The Most Wonderful Time of the Year by featuring your holiday favorites and soloist Mary Winston Smith, a stunning soprano who has been described as having “a soaring voice with celestial glory.” In February, we recognize Our Musical Heritage with works by Arkansas composers William Grant Still and Steven Bryant, joined by piano soloist Linda Holzer. You asked for it, you got it! Marches! In April, it is Forward March with all sorts of marches. But just one thing: Maestro Getzov could not decide which Sousa march to program, so you must Choose Your Sousa! Must be present to participate. We segue into spring with our Diversions chamber music program, Sunday Samba, then you’ll show your patriotic spirit during Grand Old Flag, our annual Flag Day salute that includes the winner of the Stars & Stripes baton leading our national march. All this with many more wind band favorites that just make you feel good and leave you happy! Check out the full season in more detail inside. Order your season subscriptions today!

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Little Rock Wind Symphony

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Have Fun. Feel Good. Leave Happy.

2017-2018 Concert Season Israel Getzov, Music Director

Subscribe now! Don’t miss a single concert! Have Fun. Feel Good. Leave Happy!

Israel Getzov Music Director

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