Blandford St. Mary Primary School
School Development Plan 2008-2010
Blandford St Mary Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School School Development Plan - Overview Mission
What the school is seeking to achieve in its day-to-day activity:
At Blandford St Mary Primary every child is recognised as having the potential to be a competent learner who should be given the opportunity to be resilient, capable, confident and self assured. Our children can learn to be strong and independent from a base of loving and secure relationships with parents and key people both in and out of the school environment. The environment in which our children learn plays a key role in supporting and extending children’s development and learning. We realise that children learn and develop in different ways and at different rates and all areas of Learning and Development are equally important and inter – connected. Aims
How the school is planning to improve:
The school's improvement template encourages us to improve in all areas at all times. However, this development plan allows us to focus on: * The attainment of our able learners in writing across the school; * The development of our community cohesion - specifically the partnership between parents and school regarding the learning of our children; * The development of our ICT infrastructure to reflect the needs of a 21st Century curriculum; * The consolidation of our creative curriculum to impact on achievement across the school inall areas of the curriculum. Strategic Development Priorities
Overall priorities (i.e. across the 3 year plan) that have been identified to achieve the aims:
Curriculum development. Community Cohesion. ICT Infrastructure. Raising of standards in writing.
Blandford St Mary Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School School Development Plan - 3-year Summary Priority
Year 1
Learning & Development(BSM 4.1-4.4) Curriculum Development
Audit. Policy rewrite. Staff Guidance.
Staff to review procedures. Curriculum content review.
Summer Learning & Autumn Development(BSM 4.1 - 4.4) Raising Standards in Writing (Particularly More Able Children) Spring
Positive Relationships (BSM Autumn 2.2) - Parent Partnerships
Year 2
Year 3
Curriculum structure review. ICT review.
Curriculum structure review.
Curriculum structure review.
APP project (writing) starts. Staff identify target learners. School decides on approach to projects.
Moderation meetings.
Moderation meetings.
Staff using APP during PPA time. Moderation meetings. SMT moderation of staff portfolios. Analysis of Ros Whoever materials. Genres audit & work scrutiny.
Moderation meetings.
Moderation meetings.
Staff using APP during PPA time. Moderation meetings. SMT moderation of staff portfolios.
Moderation meetings. SMT moderation of staff portfolios.
Moderation meetings. SMT moderation of staff portfolios.
FS to trial home/school information Parental Workshop. booklet for the start of school. Parent Workshop - the School Vision. Questionnaire about provision of childcare. Update parent policies and home/school agreements The beginning of 'Last Friday in the Month'
Parental Workshop.
Calendar of provision of parent learning opportunities.
Parental Workshop.
Parental Workshop.
Menu of leaflets available. Trial of parent use of Merlin for adult learning. Parental Workshop. Summer Enabling Environments Autumn (BSM 3.3) - ICT Infrastructure & Classroom Design
Parents Workshop. Evaluation of impact of initiatives.
Parents Workshop. Evaluation of impact of initiatives.
Parents Workshop. Evaluation of impact of initiatives.
Audit of classroom equipment. Audit of classroom layout. Does our current provision meet the needs of the school ethos?
Monitoring of staff expertise and Monitoring of staff expertise and identification of training opportunities. identification of training opportunities. Monitoring of standards. Monitoring of standards.
Purchase and implementation of new Monitoring of staff expertise and Monitoring of staff expertise and equipment. identification of training opportunities. identification of training opportunities. Staff training on best use of new set Monitoring of standards. Monitoring of standards. up. Y6 begin to use Merlin & Moodle to support learning.
Review of curriculum. Monitoring of writing and other curriculum areas for evidence of rise in standards.
Monitoring of staff expertise and Monitoring of staff expertise and identification of training opportunities. identification of training opportunities. Monitoring of standards. Monitoring of standards.
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Blandford St Mary Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School School Development Plan September 2008 to August 2009
SDP Project
Due By
Project Team
Resources & Costs
1. Learning & Development(BSM 4.1-4.4) - Curriculum Development - Audit
To review our current provision (content) and techniques in planning and delivering the school curriculum and create a schedule for further audits.
* Talk to teaching staff * Investigate all archives of planning on school intranet * Monitor planning folders * Informal observations of classrooms and activities * Familiarity with Somerset Skills * Create a schedule for further audits
Harris, Sam (leader) Lavis, Paul
Success Criteria
Monitoring provision for improvement ( The school is systematic in monitoring both its statutory and non-statutory curriculum provision and action is taken to secure consistent provision for all learners and groups. Monitoring continuity in the curriculum ( Outcomes of curriculum monitoring ensure that action is taken to remedy identified gaps in the continuity of learning in all subjects. Monitoring for consistency in the curriculum ( The consistency and appropriateness of curriculum planning is regularly monitored and reviewed and action is taken where needed. Evaluating the contribution of innovation ( The school’s curriculum provision is rigorously evaluated and the school is proactive in ensuring that planned initiatives and innovations meet changing requirements and are leading to school improvement and higher achievement.
SDP Project
Due By
2. Learning & Development(BSM 4.1-4.4) - Curriculum Development Policy
To rewrite the Curriculum Policy to ensure it meets its need as both a statement of our intentions and a guide to the user.
* Locate and read old policy 30/11/2008 * Research existing policies from excellent schools * Ensure that national, local and global curricula are included * Cross reference assessment and teaching & learning policies to check for a consistent message * Decide and communicate the planning process and proformas
Success Criteria
Support of curriculum statement for school improvement ( The school has a detailed statement of curriculum provision, which is imaginative in design, promotes high achievement and is embedded in school improvement planning. Meeting individual learning needs ( Curriculum provision focuses on meeting learners individual learning needs. Extending learning opportunities ( The breadth of curriculum content effectively meets all statutory requirements and is enriched by a wide range of additional and extended learning opportunities. The balance of the curriculum ( A balanced curriculum guarantees sufficient time to meet all statutory requirements for all learners and offers additional opportunity to address individual aptitudes and aspirations. The inclusive curriculum ( The curriculum is made inclusive by addressing and enhancing the differing and diverse learning needs of all learners, groups and cultures. Expectations of staff planning ( The school has appropriate but high expectations of teacher planning and these are clear to all staff. The plans are concise, specifying objectives and expected learning. Assessment strategies are clearly stated in all planning. Planning for national and local curriculum developments ( Planning is dynamic and responsive to national and local curriculum development. The benefits of new initiatives are evaluated and are then appropriately incorporated into planning. Procedures for continuity (
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Project Team
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Harris, Sam (leader) Lavis, Paul
Curriculum continuity is secured across subjects and groups by the implementation of plans and procedures, which are systematically monitored by senior management and subject leaders. Schemes of work ( All staff follow schemes of work according to school policy and agreed practice ensuring all learners receive their full differentiated entitlement to continuity and progression.
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SDP Project
3. Learning & Development(BSM 4.1-4.4) - Curriculum Development Sharing Resources
To update teacher * Collect planning documents from SH planning page to * Collect guidance notes from SH include all new * Possibly update Merlin site proformas and guidance for planning process.
Success Criteria
Provision of appropriate resources ( The school learning environment provides the most appropriate up to date teaching and learning resources. Using ICT for administration ( Full use is made of a comprehensive suite of school management software in order to minimise human and other resources being used for school administration and operation. Expectations of staff planning ( The school has appropriate but high expectations of teacher planning and these are clear to all staff. The plans are concise, specifying objectives and expected learning. Assessment strategies are clearly stated in all planning.
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Due By
Project Team
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Lavis, Paul (leader) Harris, Sam
Planinng documents
SDP Project
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Project Team
Resources & Costs
4. Learning & Development(BSM 4.1-4.4) - Curriculum Development - Staff Meeting on Curriculum Planning
To deliver a guide staff meeting on clarifying the planning process for the creative curriculum.
* Complete the policy * Ensure guide materials are on the website * Decide on presentation vehicle: presentation, discussion, video etc.
Harris, Sam (leader) Lavis, Paul
Curriculum documentation.
Success Criteria
Expectations of staff planning ( The school has appropriate but high expectations of teacher planning and these are clear to all staff. The plans are concise, specifying objectives and expected learning. Assessment strategies are clearly stated in all planning. Planning for national and local curriculum developments ( Planning is dynamic and responsive to national and local curriculum development. The benefits of new initiatives are evaluated and are then appropriately incorporated into planning. Using time effectively ( The school ensures it is facilitating joint planning, enabling the most effective use of the learners and the teacher’s time.
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SDP Project
Due By
5. Learning & Development(BSM 4.1-4.4) - Curriculum Development Planning review
To amend the * Staff meeting to discuss the first 2 months of 31/01/2009 planning process in planning process the light of any issues * Monitoring of planning by SMT arising.
Success Criteria
Expectations of staff planning ( The school has appropriate but high expectations of teacher planning and these are clear to all staff. The plans are concise, specifying objectives and expected learning. Assessment strategies are clearly stated in all planning. Planning for national and local curriculum developments ( Planning is dynamic and responsive to national and local curriculum development. The benefits of new initiatives are evaluated and are then appropriately incorporated into planning. Using time effectively ( The school ensures it is facilitating joint planning, enabling the most effective use of the learners and the teacher’s time.
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Project Team
Resources & Costs
Harris, Sam (leader) Lavis, Paul
1 day supply for SH £150 Total Cost: £150.00
SDP Project
Due By
Project Team
Resources & Costs
6. Learning & Development(BSM 4.1-4.4) - Curriculum Development - SMT Review of Curriculum
To ensure the pupils have the creative opportunities in their curriculum.
* Questioning children * Questioning parents * Questioning teachers * Monitoring of planning and books * Lesson observations * Friday morning assemblies & blogs
Harris, Sam (leader) Lavis, Paul
2 days supply Total Cost: ÂŁ300.00
Success Criteria
Meeting statutory curriculum requirements ( The curriculum statement defines how provision offered will ensure that the school meets all statutory requirements for both time and content whilst being fully responsive to local circumstances. Curriculum Provision ( Curriculum provision and its delivery ensure that all identified learner groups make progress at least in line with national expectations. Meeting national requirements for progress ( The school’s curriculum provision fulfils all national curriculum requirements and ensures that all learners have regularly reviewed individual targets working towards at least national rates of progress. Religious Education ( The school provides very good teaching of religious education for all learners and fully complies with the locally agreed syllabus or otherwise and parents are fully informed of their right to withdraw their children Learners taking responsibilty for progress towards targets ( Learners take a large measure of responsibility for their own progress and development within the framework of an individual learning plan. They can describe their strengths and areas for development; set challenging targets for themselves; and are able to evaluate their success. Evaluation of learning by staff ( Evaluation of learning by all staff is rigorous, judgements about quality and impact are made and the school is proactive in ensuring that outcomes are used to secure consistently high standards of learning across all subjects and extended service provision. Learners are actively involved in this process. Integrating ICT capacity in the curriculum ( The school is using ICT and e-learning as an integral part of the whole curriculum. All staff contribute to the embedding of ICT across the curriculum to raise standards in all subject areas. Programme of ICT teaching to meet the National Curriculum ( The school offers a comprehensive well coordinated programme of teaching in ICT that fully conforms to National Curriculum requirements at each key stage and in each subject.
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ICT provision for different groups of learners ( There is an extensive and stimulating ICT provision for supporting different groups of learners including those who have special needs, gifted and talented, or those for whom English is not their first language, which is leading to higher standards. Teachers' cross curriculum ICT knowledge ( Teachers are confident in their knowledge and use of ICT across the curriculum. Its application enables differentiation with clear explanations and presentations. Pupil’s prior learning of ICT as a subject is effectively integrated with the use of pupils’ ICT learning across all subjects.
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SDP Project
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Resources & Costs
7. Learning & Development(BSM 4.1 - 4.4) - Raising Standards in Writing (Particularly More Able Children) Launch of APP
For all teachers to have an understanding of the APP project and identify the target children in their class.
* Attendance of moderation meeting (RK) * Whole staff attendance of BSN meeting * Discussion at staff meeting of the expectations and any queries * Staff to inform PL on their chosen target children
Lavis, Paul (leader) Harris, Sam
Success Criteria
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SDP Project
Due By
8. Learning & Development(BSM 4.1 - 4.4) - Raising Standards in Writing (Particularly More Able Children) Making Judgements
Ensure that all staff understand the BSM interpretation of APP. Make sure the assessment policy reflects our expectations.
* Attend meeting at Spetisbury 30/01/2009 * Ensure SMT have explored APP material on the Primary Frameworks website * Cross reference what we already do with the new initiative * Decide on the model approach (RK piloting)
Success Criteria
Assessment to infom planning ( Summative and formative assessment is used continuously and rigorously in teaching to inform short, medium and long term planning and target setting and to maximise the continuity of learning during transfer and transition. Staff understanding of assessment policy ( All staff involved with teaching and learning fully understand the assessment policy and how it forms the basis of informed teaching within the context of the principles of assessment for learning. Assessment informing teaching and learning ( On-going formative assessment is a strength in the school it leads to pupils understanding learning objectives and recognising the higher standards they are aiming towards. Ensuring accuracy in assessments ( Staff work well together to ensure that assessment of pupils’ work using levels and grades is at all times accurate and reliable. Ensuring consistency in assessment ( Subject portfolios with examples of work and brief guidelines for assessment have been developed to ensure a strategic and consistent approach to assessment across the school. Monitoring at pupil level ( The school has rigorous practice in place in relation to teacher assessment that allows monitoring at pupil level and secures consistent improvement in standards. Impact of assessment on teaching and learning ( Whole school assessment processes are regularly reviewed and monitored and the response ensures that this impacts on effective teaching and motivates learning. Impact of assessment on school improvement ( All staff play an active part in ensuring that the schools assessment practice is consistent and that its evaluated to secure its impact on school improvement.
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Project Team
Resources & Costs
Lavis, Paul (leader) Harris, Sam
SDP Project
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Project Team
Resources & Costs
9. Learning & Development(BSM 4.1 - 4.4) - Raising Standards in Writing (Particularly More Able Children) Examining Ros Wilson
Staff meeting to discuss the merits of Ros Wilson's approach to the teaching and learning of writing.
* SH & Languages WP to research Ros Wilson and her techniques * Decide how this approach fits with our creative approach to learning * Staff meeting delivery on how to use the techniques to raise standards
Harris, Sam (leader) Lavis, Paul
Ros Wilson materials. Total Cost: ÂŁ300.00
Success Criteria
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SDP Project
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Project Team
Resources & Costs
10. Learning & Development(BSM 4.1 - 4.4) - Raising Standards in Writing (Particularly More Able Children) Moderation
To ensure we are making accurate judgements about our children's writing and to compare against national and local standards.
* Moderation meetings using the APP materials. * Use of NC Action website to compare standards * Work sampling to determine the profile of each class with regards to standards * Staff to generate areas for improvement in the light of moderations * SMT to monitor progress towards these targets.
Lavis, Paul (leader) Harris, Sam
Success Criteria
Securing sound teacher knowledge ( Teachers have a high level of knowledge, skills and command of subjects or areas of learning. They use their subject knowledge confidently to underpin and impact on teaching and learning strategies securing high standards and very good pupil progress. Setting learning objectives ( Planning identifies clear learning objectives and outcomes, builds on prior learning, is matched to the needs of all learners, refers where appropriate to their Individual Learning Plans (ILPs) and enables them to make very good progress. Assessment to infom planning ( Summative and formative assessment is used continuously and rigorously in teaching to inform short, medium and long term planning and target setting and to maximise the continuity of learning during transfer and transition. Ensuring accuracy in assessments ( Staff work well together to ensure that assessment of pupils’ work using levels and grades is at all times accurate and reliable. Ensuring consistency in assessment ( Subject portfolios with examples of work and brief guidelines for assessment have been developed to ensure a strategic and consistent approach to assessment across the school. Impact of assessment on school improvement ( All staff play an active part in ensuring that the schools assessment practice is consistent and that its evaluated to secure its impact on school improvement. Enabling pupils to work to their capacity ( Almost all pupils achieve highly and where pupils do not reach national standards the school is secure that it is enabling pupils to work at all times to their capability. Teacher assessments to raise standards (
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High quality teacher assessment and recording systems secure effective teacher assessment of achievement at pupil level and can show that standards are improving.
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SDP Project
11. Learning & SMT to moderate Development(BSM portfolios from across 4.1 - 4.4) - Raising the school. Standards in Writing (Particularly More Able Children) Moderation of Portfolios Success Criteria
Due By
Project Team
Resources & Costs
* Collect variety of portfolios (use of T&F for identifying pupils) * Several meetings to discuss evidence * Feedback to staff and individuals
Lavis, Paul (leader) Harris, Sam
2 days supply Total Cost: ÂŁ300.00
Ensuring accuracy in assessments ( Staff work well together to ensure that assessment of pupils’ work using levels and grades is at all times accurate and reliable. Ensuring consistency in assessment ( Subject portfolios with examples of work and brief guidelines for assessment have been developed to ensure a strategic and consistent approach to assessment across the school.
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SDP Project
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12. Positive Relationships (BSM 2.2) - Parent Partnerships - Vision Launch & Questioning
To share the school vision and take onboard parents' views to develop school vision.
* Launch evening * Questionnaire * Collect responses and report to staff and governors
Lavis, Paul (leader) Harris, Sam
Success Criteria
Implementing the shared vision ( All members of the school community are active in implementing a shared vision where all the talents of both learners and staff are recognised and nurtured with clear opportunities for development. Roles in delivering the school vision ( There is a shared understanding of the vision for the school by all staff, learners and stakeholders where clearly defined roles and responsibilities have been established. Giving direction to the school ethos, aims and values ( The aims of the school give a strong sense of direction to the ethos and values, and are integral to the leadership style, which is based on effective and efficient communication and consultation Creating an open, respectful and safe environment ( The school ethos is conducive to openness and respect. Learners feel safe in this learning environment and are able to confide in each other and confidently share concerns with staff. They express their feelings; build their confidence and emotional resilience and therefore their capacity to learn. Creating a learning school ( The leadership of the school engender a secure atmosphere and ethos, which creates an effective and improving school where learners are keen and able to learn. Parents involvement with school ( The school succeeds in enabling parents to feel an important part of the school's successes. They are made welcome in school, show pride in the school and recognise its achievements. Involving parents in supporting their child ( Parents are kept regularly informed of their child’s successes and are engaged in working with the school in supporting their child’s learning and behaviour. Engaging parents in the life of the school ( Staff and governors work to engage parents in their work and are successful in enabling them and their families to contribute to the life of the school.
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Taking parent's views into account ( Parents are consulted extensively and their views are taken into account on a wide range of issues to secure policy development and school development. Parent governors play an active role in this process and are at all time advocates of the parents they represent. Outcomes and responses to consultations are always reported to parents. Monitoring consultation with parents ( Outcomes of consultations with parents inform and ensure changes in approach and emphasis so that action can be taken for school improvement. Contacts with local community ( The school regularly engages with its local community, both in and out of school hours. The contribution of this to PHSCE in the school and community can be evidenced.
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SDP Project
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13. Positive Relationships (BSM 2.2) - Parent Partnerships Policies
Review and update Parents in School Policy and Home/School Agreement Policy to reflect school ethos.
* Find existing policies and review, * Update and take feedback from stakeholders across the community.
Lavis, Paul (leader)
Success Criteria
Policy for involving parents ( The school has a policy or strategy that secures the full and active involvement of parents in their child’s education. Home school agreements ( The school has a very successful Home-School Agreement policy. It has been drawn up by the governing body with the headteacher and it receives very good cooperation from parents.
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SDP Project
Due By
14. Enabling Environments (BSM 3.3) - ICT Infrastructure & Classroom Design Audits
Ascertain the current hardware and software and its ability to do the job of an embedded ICT curriculum.
* JB to examine PCs 31/12/2008 * All damage to be noted. * All software to be accounted for - particularly the software used to deliver schemes (Abacus Evolve & Rapid Readers)
Success Criteria
ICT Infrastructure ( The school’s physical infrastructure consists of a well maintained single high speed network with a server and infrastructure design which provides all curriculum and administrative features to staff and learners whenever and wherever they require them. ICT Support and Maintenance ( The school has formal contracts for support and maintenance of all hardware and software used by the school. These are regularly reviewed, monitored and evaluated. There are formal and agreed processes in place for disaster recovery Local area network infrastructure ( The school has a well maintained, high speed, local area network (LAN) infrastructure incorporating broadband access to the internet across the school. Ratio of computers to pupils ( There are sufficient computers to allow learners to take full advantage of ICT for their learning and the ratio of computers to learners is better than the current guidelines set by the DCSF (By 2004 1:8 Primary and 1:5 Secondary and Special). ICT software and hardware ( The school uses a wide range of appropriate ICT software and hardware to enrich the learning of all learners and to meet National Curriculum requirements. Use of school budget and specific grants for ICT ( Identified external and school budgets have a direct and sustained impact on ICT and overall standards in the school.
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Project Team
Resources & Costs
Lavis, Paul (leader)
SDP Project
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15. Enabling Environments (BSM 3.3) - ICT Infrastructure & Classroom Design The Future
Investigate possible classroom designs to further the impact of ICT.
* Lexicon Lifeline to give input. 31/12/2008 * Dorset CC (Building Schools for the Future) * Internet investigation (Devon schools) * Create classroom designs and price them
Success Criteria
ICT Infrastructure ( The school’s physical infrastructure consists of a well maintained single high speed network with a server and infrastructure design which provides all curriculum and administrative features to staff and learners whenever and wherever they require them. Integrating ICT capacity in the curriculum ( The school is using ICT and e-learning as an integral part of the whole curriculum. All staff contribute to the embedding of ICT across the curriculum to raise standards in all subject areas. ICT provision for different groups of learners ( There is an extensive and stimulating ICT provision for supporting different groups of learners including those who have special needs, gifted and talented, or those for whom English is not their first language, which is leading to higher standards. Local area network infrastructure ( The school has a well maintained, high speed, local area network (LAN) infrastructure incorporating broadband access to the internet across the school Ratio of computers to pupils ( There are sufficient computers to allow learners to take full advantage of ICT for their learning and the ratio of computers to learners is better than the current guidelines set by the DCSF (By 2004 1:8 Primary and 1:5 Secondary and Special). ICT software and hardware ( The school uses a wide range of appropriate ICT software and hardware to enrich the learning of all learners and to meet National Curriculum requirements. Use of school budget and specific grants for ICT ( Identified external and school budgets have a direct and sustained impact on ICT and overall standards in the school.
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Project Team
Resources & Costs
Lavis, Paul (leader)
Unknown - DFC to fund.