Healthy Eating Policy

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Aims of Policy. At Blandford St Mary CEVA Primary School we recognize the importance of a healthy lifestyle and diet and understand that establishing a balanced diet in childhood helps establish healthy eating habits for life. This policy states the ways in which our school community supports pupils to develop their knowledge and understanding of the importance of a healthy diet in their everyday lives. This policy also describes how the school community helps pupils to develop the skills and attitudes that will help them make informed healthy choices both in and out of school. In order to reflect the importance of healthy eating, this policy specifies the types of food and drink that we will provide in school at different times and the foods that pupils are encouraged to bring in, as agreed with the school community. Definition of Healthy Eating/Nutrition. A healthy diet is one which allows for a balance of different foods that sustain the wellbeing of the individual. Different lifestyles result in different dietary needs and individuals need to be aware of these and the effects of different foods on their bodies. A healthy, balanced diet may vary between individuals from different cultural, ethnic and social backgrounds. School Food Provision. At Blandford St Mary CEVA Primary School we recognize that most of us need to eat more: 

Fruit and vegetables

Cereals and bread

Fish and lean meat

We also need to eat less: 




Food provision at Blandford St Mary includes the provision of drinks, snacks, packed lunches through free school meals and breakfast club meals. Children bring in their own packed lunches from home. Drinks Provision. Everyone has the right to access clean drinking water. We try to encourage pupils to drink water at school. Each classroom has a water fountain or water cooler and children are encouraged to help

themselves to water at break and lunch times. Jugs of water and cups are provided in the hall at lunchtime. Free milk is provided to all children under 5 years of age. Parents are able to order milk for children to drink at break or lunch times. Packed Lunches. Parents are asked to support the school’s healthy eating policy by providing balanced packed lunches for their children. Sweets and fizzy drinks are not allowed and healthy alternatives are encouraged. Snacks. Key Stage One children all receive free fruit and vegetable snacks through the School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme. Key Stage Two children are encouraged to bring in their own healthy snacks, and are able to have any fruit and vegetable snacks left over from the scheme. Breakfast Club. The school breakfast club has a healthy eating menu which includes fruit and fruit juice, milk and cereals. The Eating Environment. Pupils eat lunches together in the school hall. Pupils are encouraged to take their time to eat their dinner and to eat as much of it as is possible. In warm dry weather pupils are allowed to eat their meals outside in the Peaceful Patch. The School Council are in the process of reviewing the eating environment to ensure that a calm and enjoyable atmosphere is maintained. Children Cooking We have introduced a new half-termly initiative to offer children the opportunity to participate in cooking a healthy meal for the whole school. Two children from each class are chosen to plan, purchase and cook a healthy meal for the school to eat at lunch times. Policy Reviewed: June 2006 Next Review Date: June 2007 Date adopted by governing body: 28th June 2006

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