KS2 Teacher Specification
Essential Desirable
1. Teaching qualifications (QTS) and experience teaching in primary school(s).
2. Experience of teaching KS2 classes.
3. (a) Experience of assessment procedures. (b) Experience of individual target setting. 4. Awareness of differences in ability and need to encourage all children.
5. Ability to work creatively and sensitively with children.
6. Able to differentiate work to meet the needs of individual children.
7. Experience of provision for SEN, including high achievers.
8. Ability to maintain high standards of behaviour.
9. Ability to promote self-esteem and confidence of pupils.
10. Understanding of social and pastoral needs of children.
11. Competence in the use of ICT
12. Experience of ICT in class teaching.
13. Ability to organise their curriculum/day.
14. Awareness of aims of a Church school.
15. Ability to play active part in the staff team.
16. Experience of working with parents and volunteers.
17. A commitment to an active curriculum.
18. (a) Extra-curricular strengths/participation and (b) Personal interests to offer.
19. A commitment to the delivery of a creative curriculum.