Our Statement We believe that music plays an important part in the development of our children. Music allows pupils to explore, create and communicate ideas. It enables them to develop their memory, imagination and listening skills and increases self-confidence and social interaction.
Aims and Objectives Pupils should be offered a musical curriculum which
Helps develop a sensitive, aesthetic and critical response to music;
Promotes awareness and appreciation of different musical traditions;
Provides enjoyable experiences and opportunities to develop a range of practical music making activities;
Is accessible to all levels of pupils regardless of ability etc.;
Develops social skills whilst performing with others;
Ensures that pupils’ experience of music is developed through activities which bring together the requirements from the Dorset Curriculum Policy Statement and the National Curriculum document.
Teaching and Learning As a specialist subject, planning needs to ensure that all aspects are clearly and effectively covered. The delivery of the music curriculum is managed by linking with topics where appropriate and planning for it as a separate subject using the Schemes of Work. The schemes provide a half-termly focus on developing an understanding of the musical elements. The Nelson music scheme will support this development and in addition there is flexibility for individual class teachers to reinforce and develop ideas using other resources. Although certain activities will require sustained work over a period of time, a balanced programme of activities which provide a ‘little and often’ approach to music making will be beneficial. Progression in music is as important as in other subjects and building upon previous experiences both in an out of the classroom are crucial. The school will endeavour to provide a range of extended curriculum activities. These will include choir and recorder work, visits from the Dorset instrumental service and other outside agencies, and involvement in the events organised by BASMA.
POLICIES/Music Policy
For review Spring 2000
Assessment Assessment of pupils’ musical experiences and development of necessary skills will be monitored by individual class teachers. A formal statement of pupils’ ability and progress will be recorded in individual school reports during the Summer term.
Policy and Implementation The policy and schemes of work have been produced by Mrs J Wall (Music Coordinator) with support from the county music adviser. The CAT has also provided music support sessions throughout the school at each key stage and in staff meetings. Schemes of Work have been produced for each key stage and the Nelson music scheme is now being used by members of staff to support music teaching throughout the school.
Future Plans/Targets
To follow the Schemes of Work throughout both key stages;
To review Policy and Schemes of Work (Spring 2000);
To compile a list of resources available in school.
POLICIES/Music Policy
For review Spring 2000