Blandford St Mary Primary School Newsletter Headteacher: Mr Paul Lavis Deputy Headteacher (on secondment): Mrs Lauren Houlston
April 2012 Volume 4, Issue 19
Contents: Enterprise week
Bake Sale
School Nurse Drop In
Head Lice
3 Bridges Run
Sky Dive
Governors Biography
Diary Dates
Celebration Assembly Dates 27th April - Year 1
4th May- Reception
Dear Parents I did an assembly on Genesis Chapters 6-9 this week (Noah’s Ark). I can tell you now, the effects from what was going on outside was fantastic! What with the shape of the roof inside the hall—it really felt like we were on the inside of the ark itself. (I will resist the temptation to joke about being shut-in the hall with hundreds of wild animals!!) The weather does seem very peculiar doesn’t it? Hail, rain, hail, sunshine, rainbow… Weird.
11th May - Year 5
18th May - Year 4
25th May - Year 3
1st June - Year 6
Anyway—how are you? Are you well? Easter seems a long time ago doesn’t it? And, now, here we are in the Summer Term, with 101 different things going on as usual and before we know it we’ll be waving goodbye to our Year 6 children. So, keep an eye out for lots of events this term.
Feedback from Feedback As I mentioned before—I will be taking the time to give you some feedback with regard to some of the feedback you’ve given us. This month it is the turn of behaviour. Although over 96% of parents and carers who responded to our Spring Survey agreed or strongly agreed that behaviour at our school to be of a good standard, approximately 30% said that some of our lessons are disrupted by poor behaviour. I would love to be able to say that we have absolutely no poor behaviour at Blandford St Mary Primary School, but as I’m sure you’ll appreciate, there are some children who still have some lessons to learn when it comes to making the right choices whether in the classroom or out. What is important is that these difficulties are managed quickly and effectively to help those children and those around them move on in their learning. This year has seen the inception of our Ace Points & Consequences system (which I’ve written about before). This has had an immediate effect on the very small amount of disruptive behaviour we experience. The new lunchtime system has all but eradicated any issues from the playground seeping into the classroom and slowing the learning there. More feedback next month! Enjoy the weekend
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Volume 4, Issue 19
Blandford St Mary Primary School Newsletter
Notice Board Enterprise Week The children had a great week towards the end of the last term, making various items to sell to each other at the enterprise market, held in the hall on the Friday. A total of £343.55 was raised in aid of Sports Relief. A very competitive Year 6 raised the most money (Mrs Houlston now has a house full of hair accessories and door stops!) joking aside, well done to all the children, your hard work paid off.
The Bake Sale which was held on the last day of term was a roaring success, and the girls raised £52.11.
Drop--In School Nurse Drop The next School Nurse drop in is on Monday 23rd May at 8.50am. Please let the office or one of the class teachers know if you would like to make an appointment to see Sarah. You can also just pop in on the day.
FOS raised £52 giving a grand total of £104.11 raised in aid of Sports Relief. Thank you for your continued support with all our fundraising.
Head Lice
Please can we remind you that for health and safety reasons, under no circumstances should any dogs be brought into the school grounds. We thank you for your understanding and cooperation with this.
We have had several cases of head lice reported in school. This is a problem that keeps recurring, and is causing distress to both our children and their parents. We would be grateful if you could check your child's hair carefully and treat if necessary. We would also like to suggest that long hair is tied back which will help prevent the spread further. Thank you.
Volume 4, Issue 19
Blandford St Mary Primary School Newsletter
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Notice Board FOS ~ Three Bridges Run There has been a great response to the request made for runners to join Mr Lavis in the Three Bridges Run taking place on 24th June. We have 18 runners in total, comprising of Governors, Teaching Assistants, Office staff and parents. There will be a team sponsorship form in the entrance to the school and we would be very grateful to get as many sponsors as possible, the funds raised will go towards projects such as the re vamping of the playground, purchasing of extra IT equipment and books.
Sky Dive Jo Phipps, who is a parent of three children in our school and an active member of the Friends Of School, is doing a sponsored skydive. The skydive is taking place on Friday 25th May and is in aid of Naomi House and Jacks Place ( which is the Hall & Woodhouse charity of the year. Jo has a Justgiving page set up and would be very grateful to anyone who would like to donate. You can do so by visiting HandW-JoPhipps Good Luck Jo!
Blandford St Mary Primary School Newsletter Blandford St Mary Primary School Birch Avenue Blandford St Mary, Dorset DT11 9QD Phone: 01258-453331 Fax: 01258-455865
Website :
Governors Biography Mark Phipps ~ Chair of Governors
I have served as a governor for 6 years. Initially as a Parent governor, now as a Foundation governor. In 2010 I was elected Chair of Governors and I am extremely proud to serve in this role. I have three children in Blandford St Mary Primary School. I am Head of PE and Director of Sport at a local Independent School. I have been teaching for 17 years. My first 5 years in a large state comprehensive. My hobbies include most sports, my main sports are cycling and triathlons.
School Diary Dates: Monday 7th May ~ Friday 1st June ~ Monday 4th June - Friday 8th June ~ Thursday 21st & Friday 22nd June ~ Friday 29th June - Monday 2nd July ~ Monday 2nd July ~ Wednesday 4th July ~ Wednesday 4th July - Friday 6th July ~ Thursday 12th July ~ Friday 13th - Sunday 15th July ~ Tuesday 17th July ~ Friday 20th July ~ Monday 23rd July ~
May bank holiday Sports Day Half term School Production Year 6 Little Canada trip Staff training day Transition day Year 4 Leeson House trip Olympic torch Year 5 camp Beach trip Children break up for summer holidays
Staff training day