Blandford St Mary Primary School Newsletter Headteacher: Mr Paul Lavis Acting Deputy Headteacher Mrs Julia Ives April 2014 Volume 4, Issue 23
Dear Parents
Contents: Traffic & Parking
School Nurse Drop-in
After school clubs
Diary Dates
Celebration Assembly Dates 25th April ~ Year 6
2nd May ~ Reception
9th May ~ Year 1
16th May ~ Year 2
23rd May ~ Year 3
Well, an end of an era and all that. Easter is a time of hope and new beginnings. At times of sadness the best way is to appreciate what’s gone before and to look forward; relishing new challenges and doing so with pride and a satchel full of memories and experiences. Nine or so years ago, a member of the school council here (who would now be 20 years of age!) asked me during an interview, which football team I supported. “Bristol Rovers!” I replied. His screwed-up face was to be a feature of many faces over the years! Sometimes, doing things the way they’ve always been done, or doing things just because ‘that’s what we do’ isn’t what’s required. There have been many moments over the years where we’ve taken a certain path—to be met with screwed-up faces—but ultimately those paths have led to our school being the school that it is. We are a forward-thinking and innovative school and have been recognised as such by many observers. I’m incredibly proud to be able to say that I have been involved with you all over all this time. The staff are dedicated and talented. The families are supportive and proud. Of course, the children are the jewel in its crown and are the centre of all our worlds—as they should be. Inevitably—change will happen; it always does. Any changes aren’t to be met with screwed-up faces but with optimism and hope just as the Easter story teaches us. Carol Brown will be a smashing head teacher and it won’t be long before the next chapter in the school story is being written and success continuing. The school is very lucky to have her. So—cheerio. It’s been brilliant knowing you all—I’m not a million miles away and if you’re interested in following my painting travails then log-on to and see how I’m getting on… you never know, you may want to commission a portrait one day! Much love to all.
Traffic and Parking Outside Our School I had a visit this morning from one of our beleaguered local residents. She was so cross that she arrived in school with her slippers on—she felt so strongly that she simply dropped what she was doing to visit school to share her concerns (and anger) with regard to the behaviour of some people in and around their cars in the school community. Her worries weren’t just about parking—although she was not happy about this either. She was more concerned about the speed at which some people were driving their cars and the general aggressive nature of some adults. More worryingly still was her observations that some adults were not supervising their children properly as they made their way into school. Quite rightly, she was concerned about the safety of our children and that there was an inevitability about “someone being seriously hurt”. This is an unacceptable situation. I have resisted the temptation to photograph some of the following issues… however, those who are guilty of the following really do need to think about what they are doing and how their choices may affect our children and the lives of others. Parking There is no doubt that it is very busy outside of school at the beginning and the end of the school day. Of course, we are not the only users of the local roads and we need to be considerate towards other members of the community. We need to be making sensible decisions about if we need to park on Birch Avenue at all and if we do: where and how. Several years ago—we led a campaign to appoint a lollipop patrol at the bottom of Birch Avenue and her is still there. Could you park your car at the bottom of the hill and walk up? It would ease the congestions if you did! The roundabout outside the school is not for parking on. I find it incredible that anyone would choose to do so.
If you park in such a position that the gap on either side will not fit a larger vehicle, you could be blocking the path of a fire engine or an ambulance not just to the school but to any member of the community.
Some of our residents are faced with being unable to leave their driveways because cars are parked across them. Some of our residents tell us that they have to tolerate groups of parents and carers sitting on their walls. Some smoke and drop cigarette ends outside their gardens or in them. Some drop litter. Some are using bad language.
Behaviour and Safety Please make sure your children are safe at the side of the road. Please make sure that they don’t run across the road. Please try not to cross the road between parked cars—drivers may not see you and you may not see them. Please stick to the pavements and walk into school on the paths and not the driveway. Please think about what you’re doing outside people’s homes and on the school premises.
Driving Etiquette The speed limit for Birch Avenue is 20mph. It is 20 mph for a reason—but simply sticking to the limit won’t save lives. Please be mindful of small children in and around the school. We expect our children at school to be considerate of one another. The world is a better place when we smile and thank people. This goes for driving and moving about the community too. To hear that local residents are having to tolerate aggressive and inconsiderate behaviour is really very sad. Please consider others when you are in and out of vehicles.
We want our children to be safe and happy. We want all the community to feel the same way. Please help us to achieve our aims by playing your part.
Volume 4, Issue 23
Blandford St Mary Primary School Newsletter
Page 4
Notice Board Drop--In School Nurse Drop
After School Clubs
The next School Nurse drop in is on Thursday 1st May at 8.50am. Please let the office or one of the class teachers know if you would like to make an appointment to see Sarah. You can also just pop in on the day.
As we will be starting a new term, there will not be any after school clubs the first week back. As soon as the new clubs have been agreed upon, you will be sent a text to inform you that the new clubs are available for selection.
School Diary Dates:
Monday 7th April - Friday 18th April ~ Easter holiday Monday 21st April ~ Bank holiday Tuesday 22nd April ~ Summer term begins Monday 5th May ~ Bank holiday Wednesday 7th May ~ Messy Church Monday 12th May - Friday 16th May ~ SATs week (year 6) Friday 23rd May ~ Sports day Monday 26th May - Friday 30th May ~ Half Term Monday 2nd June - Friday 6th June ~ International Arts week