Blandford St Mary Primary School Newsletter Headteacher: Mr Paul Lavis Deputy Headteacher : Mrs Sam Harris
April 2013
Contents: F.O.S update
Comic Relief
Polling Day
School Nurse
Lunch boxes
Hello All!
I hope the break was refreshing for you and the children and that they are all 2 raring to go!
Governor recruitment
Messy Church
Diary dates
Dear Parents
I’ve a few things to share—so I’ll crack on! Governors We are in the process of recruiting for the governing body once again. Please look to the inside of this newsletter to find out more.
Assembly Dates 26th April ~ Yr 3
3rd May ~ Yr 2
10th May ~ Yr 1
17th May ~ Yr R
Staff Changes As you will know, we said a sad goodbye to Jan Burge in the office last term. Jan will be sorely missed in so many ways. However, new opportunities have arisen for Jo Dalton who will replace Jan in the office. Please stop by and say hello to Mrs Dalton in the mornings (and let her know what she’s let herself in for!).
Lunchtimes We have had a major rethink about how we manage our lunchtimes at Blandford St Mary Primary School. As I’m sure the children have told you—they are now eating lunch in their classrooms. The children are now able to eat in an environment that was not designed for choral worship—allowing them to develop their skills for eating socially. It’s a breath of fresh air—it really is. It also frees our hall to offer more clubs for the children at lunchtime. Brace yourselves for climbing, aerobics and dance clubs! Clubs Talking of clubs—please visit the school website from Thursday of this week to sign up for clubs. It will close on Friday. Clubs will start on Tuesday of next week.
FoS Our Friends of School continue to do their amazing work and we have We have also appointed Jayne Green to benefited again from their endeavbecome our first Pastoral Support Team ours. Please check out the news inAdministrator (grand title). I will write side this newsletter and visit the and tell you a little more about this role school website to follow their tirelater in the term. Please keep your eyes less work. Thank you FoS so much! open for updates on the school website in the meantime. That’s it from me! Enjoy the term—it’s great to be back.
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Blandford St Mary Primary School Newsletter
Notice Board FoS Our ‘Friends’ have been busy again and have managed to secure our school an adventure play-trail! The children will love it I’m sure! Please remember you can support the FoS by attending meetings and helping at various events at our school. Don’t forget the sponsored run at Kingston Lacy in June… Sponsorship forms and entry details can be collected from the office.
Comic Relief Thank you to all those who took part in raising money for Comic Relief. Whether you purchased a red nose, wore your pyjamas to school or bought items from the Enterprise market, we are pleased to say we raised a total of £403.53. Thank you!
Lunchboxes Please can we remind all parents that you should not be putting any sweets or chocolate bars in your Child’s lunchbox as we are a healthy eating school. We must also insist that there is nothing containing nuts of any description, including sandwiches containing peanut butter, as we have some children in school who have a very severe nut allergy. Thank you for your help with this.
Day— Polling Day —2nd May As you may be aware, the Dorset County Council Elections are taking place on Thursday 2nd May. The venue for residents who are local to the school is, indeed, the school! The school will remain open for the day as it is the Preschool building that is being used for polling. The Pre-school will also be open and Karen Wiggs will be informing the parents concerned of the arrangements she has put in place to accommodate this.
Drop--In School Nurse Drop
The next School Nurse drop in is on Thursday 9th May at 8.50am. Please let the office or one of the class teachers know if you would like to make an appointment to see Sarah. You can also just pop in on the day.
Blandford St Mary Primary School Newsletter
Our School Needs More Governors!!
We are looking for more people to help plan, construct and maintain the future of our amazing school. School governors do just that. Our governing body has capacity to expand and we are in the process of recruiting to our team. We are looking for willing and committed individuals who can offer the school support in any area—all experiences and expertise are crucial to the running of a school. Do you have skills that would help us here at school? Do you know anyone in the community who could support us in our drive to be the best that we can be? Please visit the Governors section of our school website to find out more about becoming a governor. If you are keen—please contact the school office to arrange to have a chat with either Mr Lavis or our chair of governors Mark Phipps.
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Blandford St Mary Primary School Newsletter
School Diary Dates: Monday 6th May ~ May Bank Holiday Monday 13th May - Friday 17th May ~ SATs week (Yr 6) Thursday 23rd May ~ Sports Day Friday 24th May ~ Staff training day Monday 27th May - Friday 31st May ~ Half term Monday 3rd June - Friday 7th June ~ Arts week Monday 17th June-Wednesday 19th June ~ Leeson House Year 4 Friday 28th June - Monday 1st July ~ Little Canada Year 6 Friday 19th July - Sunday 21st July ~ Year 5 Camp Monday 22nd July ~ Whole School trip