Blandford St Mary Primary School Newsletter
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Blandford St Mary Primary School Newsletter
Notice Board
Headteacher: Mr Paul Lavis Deputy Headteacher : Mrs Sam Harris
Head bump wrist bands
June 2013
Contents: Wrist bands
Teddy collection
Head Lice
School Nurse
FOS info
Sing Concert
Blandford Rugby Club
Celebration Assembly Dates 28th June ~ Year 4 5th July ~ Year 3 12th July ~ Year 2 19th July ~ Year 1 24th July ~ 2.30pm Year 6 leavers Assembly
Dear Parents The penultimate newsletter of the year already! Time is whizzing by and the new school year is almost upon us. However, we still have lots to pack in.
children; there is an undoubted link between absence from school and the progress that they make. Conduct In and Around Our School
As you know, we have just waved goodbye to an Ofsted inspection team and although I can’t say officially how we did, I can tell you that we are happy here and looking forward to sharing the report with you when we are able. Thank you all for your support and a thank you for all the children and staff who work so hard all the time here. Absence & Attendance A feature of all inspections is the children and their attendance at school. Our attendance figures have been hugely positive recently and this has been reflected in how the vast majority of our children have performed academically. There are changes afoot with regard to time off in school. From September, I will no longer be allowed to authorise absence from school except for exceptional circumstances. I will write with more detail in September but if you are planning to take holidays during the school term time it will be recorded as unauthorised as I won’t be able to authorise it for you. This is a nationwide change—not a BSM initiative. I can only say that I think this is a positive step towards better progress for our
Several parents and teachers have come to me recently to discuss the conduct of a tiny minority our parents and carers around the school grounds and just outside the school gates. It is disappointing to hear of poor language and aggressive behaviour being displayed anywhere let alone around our children. Clearly this needs to stop and I have been in contact with our local police officers to take advice. Before and after school (or preschool) please keep your children close to you. Please don’t allow them to climb on the school equipment as staff are not available to supervise them at these times. If they are close to you then our children are less likely to be coming to and leaving school in an environment with increasing levels of shouting and inappropriate behaviour. I’ll be out and about a little more often over the next few weeks monitoring this.
Teddy collection
This is an urgent plea from Mrs Gibson… Can you please have a hunt around at home for one of our “I bumped my head” wrist bands. We had them made especially for us and we would rather not have to go to the expense of having more produced. The children will be given one to wear if they have bumped their head, to alert you to that fact. They are told that they then have to return the band to school the next day.
Mrs Miller would be very grateful for donations of unwanted teddy bears. They will be used for the Teddy tombola at the Spetisbury Church summer fete & dog show (details on the back page). There will be a box in the entrance to the school for your donations. Thank you
Head Lice We have again had several cases of head lice reported in school. This is a problem that keeps recurring, and is causing distress to both our children and their parents. We would be grateful if you could check your child's hair regularly and treat if necessary. We would also like to suggest that long hair is tied back which will help prevent the spread further. We have been advised that the treatment for head lice can be obtained on prescription via your GP. Thank you.
Medical Info
School Nurse DropDrop-In
Please can we ask you to complete the Medical information sheet ,you will have received today, for you child. Even if you know you have informed us of their medical/dietary requirements before, we do need to ensure the information we hold for your child is up to date.
The next School Nurse drop in is on Tuesday 16th July at 8.50am. Please let the office or one of the class teachers know if you would like to make an appointment to see Sarah. You can also just pop in on the day.
Many thanks
Blandford St Mary Primary School Newsletter
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Blandford St Mary Primary School Newsletter
FOS Meeting The next F.o.S meeting is due to take place at the school on Wednesday 10th July at 7pm. Please do come along if you are able as new members are always welcome.
Play Trail We are pleased to announce that the play trail is now finished and open for the children to use, as is the climbing frame. We have had a safety surface fitted to the ground underneath the climbing frame and some ropes attached to the balance beam. The children are having a wonderful time making full use of this
School Diary Dates: Friday 28th June - Monday 1st July ~ Little Canada Year 6 Wednesday 3rd July ~ Transition Day Friday 19th July - Sunday 21st July ~ Year 5 Camp Monday 22nd July ~ Whole School trip Wednesday 24th July ~ Children break up for summer holidays Monday 2nd September ~ Staff training day Tuesday 3rd September ~ Staff training day Wednesday 4th September ~ Children back to school