Newsletter may 13

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Blandford St Mary Primary School Newsletter Headteacher: Mr Paul Lavis Deputy Headteacher : Mrs Sam Harris

May 2013

Contents: F.O.S diary dates


Teddy collection


Head Lice


School Nurse


Lunch boxes


Messy Church


Open Farm


Spetisbury Church Fete


Diary dates


Celebration Assembly Dates 14th June ~ Year 6 21st June ~ Year 5 28th June ~ Year 4 5th July ~ Year 3 12th July ~ Year 2 19th July ~ Year 1 24th July ~ 2.30pm Year 6 leavers Assembly

Dear Parents Hello all! A newsletter just in time to say: Enjoy your half-term!

tered we are that you all feel so comfortable and confident in asking us, truly.

I have just an update for you this month— which is very important so I will crack on.

However, as a staff, we have to be careful that we are able to manage any needs as well as ensure your children are taught effectively. To this end, we created the PST. You may well ask: so what? How does this affect us? Well, it may be that the first person you talk to about an issue is me. I may decide after some consideration that another member of the PST is better placed or have more experience or expertise at dealing with an issue and I may suggest to you that we involved that member of the PST. At that point—that member of the PST would liaise with you from then on and make sure that you had all the support we can provide.

PST You may remember me writing to you last year explaining about the PST. The PST is our schools Pastoral Support Team and it is a fairly new ‘invention’. The team consists of myself and a range of members of staff and governors and our aim is clear: To provide that little extra support for our children and their families who may need it from time to time. We have recently appointed a new member of the team, Jayne Green. She is a familiar face about the school as not only does she have child in year 6 but she has also been serving as a parent governor for most of this school year. Jayne's role is as PST administrator and already she has made great headway in assisting both myself and the other members of the PST with the administration and liaising with the agencies outside of school who we work closely with. I am very proud to be able to say that I feel very confident that most of our parents and their families feel comfortable enough to approach any member of staff to share concerns or worries. It may be that you are seeking ad-vice or that maybe something difficult has occurred away from school and you would like sup-port. Over the past couple of years we have noticed as a school that we are being asked for more and more guidance on things such as parenting, family issues, medical issues, psychological issues, relationships and so the list goes on. I cannot begin to emphasise enough just how flat-

It is crucial that you understand that the usual school support is available as always. My door is always open to all of you and always will be. But in order to make sure that you all get the quality of support you deserve—the PST may be called to help! So how do you contact us? To contact Jayne directly, her email address is To contact myself, then please do not forget the worry button on the school website, or to contact a member of the school office team, please us e the “contact us” area on the website. Incidentally, have a look on the school website for a detailed look at our work. Enjoy the break.

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Blandford St Mary Primary School Newsletter

Notice Board FoS Diary Dates

Teddy collection

7th June ~ Film Night 9th June ~ Kingston Lacy Running Festival (all entry forms should now be in)

Mrs Miller would be very grateful for donations of unwanted teddy bears. They will be used for the Teddy tombola at the Spetisbury Church summer fete & dog show (details on the back page).

24th June ~ The Science Dome

There will be a box in the entrance to the school for your donations.

5th July ~ Summer Disco

Thank you

Head Lice We have had several cases of head lice reported in school. This is a problem that keeps recurring, and is causing distress to both our children and their parents. We would be grateful if you could check your child's hair regularly and treat if necessary. We would also like to suggest that long hair is tied back which will help prevent the spread further. We have been advised that the treatment for head lice can be obtained on prescription via your GP. Thank you.

Lunchboxes Please can we remind all parents that you should not be putting any sweets or chocolate bars in your Child’s lunchbox as we are a healthy eating school. We must also insist that there is nothing containing nuts of any description, including sandwiches containing peanut butter, as we have some children in school who have a very severe nut allergy. Thank you for your help with this.

Drop--In School Nurse Drop

The next School Nurse drop in is on Tuesday 18th June at 8.50am. Please let the office or one of the class teachers know if you would like to make an appointment to see Sarah. You can also just pop in on the day.

Blandford St Mary Primary School Newsletter

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WHERE? Blandford St Mary Primary School WHEN? Wednesday 12th June Time? 3.15pm to 5.30pm Cost? We suggest a donation of £1 per child

Messy Church is: A place for families; where parents, grandparents, carers come along to with their children. It’s a place where we can talk about things that matter to us. It’s a place where we can grow together as a family. Messy Church will take us on a journey of discovery: through the activities we’ll learn more about God, each other and ourselves. Each Messy Church will include a story from the Bible, craft, games, music and we’ll also have a chance to sit down with each other for tea. During the session there will be time when we are all together and some time when we can be in separate age groups. We are inviting you to Messy Church run by your local Church and Mothers’ Union, in partnership with Blandford St Mary Primary School.

We hope to see you there! From the Messy Church Team

Blandford St Mary Primary School Newsletter

School Diary Dates: Friday 24th May ~ Staff training day Monday 27th May - Friday 31st May ~ Half term Monday 3rd June - Friday 7th June ~ Arts week Monday 17th June-Wednesday 19th June ~ Leeson House Year 4 Friday 28th June - Monday 1st July ~ Little Canada Year 6 Wednesday 3rd July ~ Transition Day Friday 19th July - Sunday 21st July ~ Year 5 Camp Monday 22nd July ~ Whole School trip

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