Blandford St Mary Primary School Newsletter Headteacher: Mr Paul Lavis Acting Deputy Headteacher : Miss Julia Ives
January 2014 Volume 5, Issue 5
Dear Parents
Contents: Coming into school
After school clubs
School Nurse Drop-in
Severe weather
Enterprise week
Messy Church
Diary Dates
Celebration Assembly Dates 17th January ~ Yr 5
24th January ~ Yr 6
31st January ~ Reception
Hope you’re all well! Wet? Soggy? Cheesed off with the ghastly weather? Well, I am but I’m not gloomy (that makes a change I hear you cry) because the children have come back to school with a real sense of purpose and endeavour and the school is buzzing at the moment so thank you for that! It’s all a bit peculiar at the minute. Preparations are being made for the appointment of the next headteacher (lucky so and so) the children are inspecting every visitor that sets foot in the school (the post-lady was in with a shout earlier in the week) and preferences are being shared very readily! Unfortunately, much to the disappointment of many of the staff: David Beckham isn’t available and Jose Mourinho is busy (trying to look good). So— someone a little more non-celeb it is then. One of the youngsters told me this week that they wanted someone ‘long’. ‘Tall’ is what I think they meant—they do make me laugh!
I was interviewed by the school council yesterday, asking what I thought about it all. It was a strange time. Their questions caught me off guard a little and I found myself feeling wistful and remembering this time when I was appointed. I looked around the table and saw these vibrant and thoughtful faces. Such intelligence. And I was struck by how this group really did reflect the profile of our school: able to ask such penetrating questions yet do so with a smile and a twinkle in the eye. What a lovely bunch—they allowed me to reminisce without rolling their eyes or sighing their impatience! Time passes in a flash—before you know it years have passed by and it’s difficult to see how it could have possibly happened that way. So the message this month is:
tempus fugit ergo carpe diem Stickers for those children who can tell me what that means and why I would write it!
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Volume 5, Issue 5
Blandford St Mary Primary School Newsletter
Notice Board Coming into school Please can we remind all children that they must come into school via their classroom in the morning, doors will normally be open at 8.30. If they are in years 5 & 6 they will need to come in through the doors around the back, next to year 4. Anyone arriving after 8.45 will need to come in via the school office so that they can sign in. We will no longer be letting children in through the front of the school, unless Mr Lavis has agreed this with their parents for a specific reason. Children will be made to walk around to the appropriate entrance if they do come in through the front door.
After School Clubs All of the after school clubs start in earnest this week. With the exception of cooking club, all the other clubs finish at 4.15pm. If for any reason a club needs to cancelled, we will endeavour to give you as much notice as possible, usually via text, so please make sure you keep us informed if you change your mobile number. Thank you
School Nurse DropDrop-In
The next School Nurse drop in is on Tuesday 21st January at 8.50am. Please let the office or one of the class teachers know if you would like to make an appointment to see Sarah. You can also just pop in on the day.
Severe weather We are now in the season of unpredictable weather, so please check the school website for notifications of closure in the event of snow. We will always endeavour to use the text messaging service as well to keep you informed.
Volume 5, Issue 5
Blandford St Mary Primary School Newsletter
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Enterprise week The week beginning 3rd February is our annual Enterprise Week—a chance for our children to develop their entrepreneurial skills as well as a range of other skills that will serve them as they move through their lives! This year we have decided to have a ‘recycling’ theme to the event and our children will be encouraged to design and make their products using recycled materials and items. The scope for this is huge so please be prepared to support your children in providing them with materials they may ask about! There will be more communication as time goes forward so you can begin to put bits and pieces aside to help! As always—our learning community is key to making this week a success and once again we would ask for any volunteers who might like to come and share their jobs (no matter what they may be) with the children. If you think you may be able to spare an hour or so please let the office know. They will take your details and we will get in touch to discuss which class would be best for your talk and times for visits. Finally—a change for this year… we would love you as parents to be able to come into school during the ‘making’ aspect of the week and support your child in constructing their products. This is a wonderful opportunity for parents to see the school from the inside out and to spend some time working together for a shared purpose. Please keep Wednesday and Thursday of this week clear if you can and we’ll share more nearer the time!
F.O.S The next FOS meeting is at 6pm on Wednesday 22nd January here at the school, everyone is welcome. There is to be a School Disco Friday 31st January, tickets will be on sale from the school office from next Monday. The Disco format will be the same as before: Reception & KS1 6-7pm, KS2 7.15 -8.30pm. A small bag of sweets and a drink will be provided with every entry. Tickets £2.50 each.
Blandford St Mary Primary School Newsletter Blandford St Mary Primary School Birch Avenue Blandford St Mary, Dorset DT11 9QD Phone: 01258-453331 Fax: 01258-455865
Website :
WHERE? Blandford St Mary Primary School WHEN? Wednesday 22nd January Time? 3.15pm to 5.30pm Cost? We suggest a dona on of £1 per child Messy Church is: A place for families; where parents, grandparents, carers come along to with their children. It’s a place where we can talk about things that ma,er to us. It’s a place where we can grow together as a family. Messy Church will take us on a journey of discovery: through the ac vi es we’ll learn more about God, each other and ourselves. Each Messy Church will include a story from the Bible, cra1, games, music and we’ll also have a chance to sit down with each other for tea. During the session there will be me when we are all together and some me when we can be in separate age groups. We are invi ng you to Messy Church run by your local Church and Mothers’ Union, in partnership with Blandford St Mary Primary School. We hope to see you there! From the Messy Church Team
School Diary Dates: Wednesday 22nd January ~ Messy Church Friday 31st January ~ F.O.S Disco’s Monday 3rd February—Friday 7th February ~ Enterprise week Friday 7th February ~ BSN Talent show Thursday 13th February ~ School closed staff training Friday 14th February ~ School closed staff training Monday 17th February—Friday 21st February ~ Half term