Year 4 summer curriculum letter 2014

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Riverbank Base Dear Parents and Carers, Welcome to the summer term in year 4, we have so much to look forward to. We are starting the summer term with a topic called ‘Water Everywhere!’ Children will begin by learning about the Water Cycle and will use their literacy skills to explain the process. They will use maps and globes to locate the principal rivers and oceans of the world and increase their geographical vocabulary through identifying and describing land forms and bodies of water. They will investigate the journey of a river and its effect on the landscape. The science begins with an investigation into solids, liquids and states of matter. The children will find out how solids and liquids can be separated when they become mixed, and explore reversible changes. They will create their own sorting machines and learn how to filter a solution. We will have a visiting expert from Wessex Water to come and give all our learning a ‘real life’ perspective! In PSHE we continue to develop the concept of global citizenship, we will look at the work of charities bringing clean water to communities. We will consider personal responsibility in water usage reflecting on the need to look after the environment and the world. Issues such as litter and rubbish, recycling, pollution, acid rain, and cleaning up the water in our rivers and seas will be explored. Our Rainbow/SEAL topics will be ‘Relationships’ and ‘Changes’. Our first literacy unit will be looking at stories from another culture. Children will have the opportunity to explore a range of stories and writers from Australia, in particular those who write about the Aboriginal culture and people. They will go on to understand what it is like to see life from a perspective different to their own. In music the children will listen to and perform a variety of songs and music from Australia. Later they will be creating a composition of their own depicting the journey of a river. In numeracy we will be using both informal and formal written methods to add and subtract three and four digit numbers, and applying these strategies in solving word problems. We will be revising shapes and measures, and investigating area and perimeter. After half term we will turn to multiplication and division, again using both informal and standard written methods. Our measures work will include time and the construction of time graphs. Finally we will develop our knowledge of fractions and decimals.

After half term we will start with our ever popular arts week. Then we will focus on environmental studies. We are already looking forward to our residential trip to Leeson House. During this time we will visit Corfe Castle and take walks around the Purbeck area including Dancing Ledge. There will be many opportunities for field sketching and fossil hunting and even some animal tracking and pond dipping! Our literacy work will develop our skills in writing recounts as we recall all our adventures! In PE the children will be improving their skills in athletics leading up to sports day, and after half term developing a greater understanding of the rules and skills of cricket. Please can you ensure that your child has the correct PE kit, including trainers, in school at all times, and that all items are named. Do keep up to date by checking our class blog which has information and pictures of what we have done but also has activities and links to web sites with opportunities for your child to extend their learning. If you have any questions or concerns please come and see me any evening after school.

Yours sincerely

Mrs Rees

Mrs Green

Miss Snow

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