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SPRING TERM 2011 Dear Parents and Children,

6th January 2011

Happy New Year! We hope you all had a great Christmas. Last term was very productive and enjoyable in Giant’s Causeway Base. As before, if you would like to see me for a quick chat, I am available in the morning when the children arrive. Alternatively, please make an appointment for a meeting after school. I would be delighted to meet you. This term our topic is World War 2. This topic is History based and we shall be finding out about many different aspects of the war such as how the war began, the life of Anne Frank, evacuee children, bomb shelters and the leaders of the war. If you have any resources at home we would be very grateful if you can bring them in. Below is an age appropriate website address where children can find out about life in Britain during WW2, other website links are on the Year 5 blog. http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/primaryhistory/world_war2/ The topic will inspire all areas of the curriculum. For example, as part of Design and Technology the children will make a model of the Dunkirk evacuation. There are some excellent opportunities for Literacy and we shall read stories such as Carrie’s War. Also in Literacy we will learn about recount writing, stories from other cultures and classic narrative poems. Our Science topics will be Sound and Keeping Healthy. Mathematics learning will include how to calculate the area and perimeter of shapes, the properties of 2D shapes and how to multiple two and three digit numbers using written and mental methods. The children have made good progress in all areas but please remember to keep helping your child with their times tables. Most children in year 5 are expected to recall quickly the 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 times tables. Children need to have their PE kit in school every day. Please ensure that the kit includes shorts, tracksuit/jogging trousers, a warm long sleeved top and a PE t-shirt. Homework shall be given out on a Monday to be handed in the following Monday. This will include a spelling list for the children to learn. Most importantly, please continue to listen to your child read each evening. This need only be for 10-15 minutes and some of this time could be used discussing the text. Please record any reading that you do together at home in your child’s reading record ~ thank you. Best wishes, Mr N. Osborne and Mrs L. Hargreaves

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