AUTUMN TERM 2010 September 2010 Dear Parents and children, Welcome to Ironbridge Base in Year 3! As your new class teachers we are looking forward to being involved in what promises to be a busy and exciting term. If you would like to see us for a chat about anything at all, before school is a good time and we would be delighted to meet you. Our theme this term is The Rainforest. This topic will inspire all areas of the curriculum, focusing on how we affect our environment. The children have taken an active role in designing the curriculum by identifying what they wanted to learn by asking key questions. For example, children were interested in finding out what creatures live in the rainforest and why it is being destroyed. Below is a website about the rainforest which you might like to explore with your child: Please see our class blog for many more websites and videos about the Rainforest. In literacy we will be learning about and writing reports and we will be creating some rainforest poetry. In Numeracy this term we are working on addition and subtraction of 2 digit numbers and beyond and the children’s understanding of each digit’s place value. We will also be learning about measurements, multiplication, division and fractions. We will be practicing our times tables and would be very grateful if you could encourage your child to learn their tables as they are a very important part of your child’s numerical development. Thank you. Please remember, children need to have their PE kit in school every day for our daily Active Time session. Could you ensure that the kit includes shorts and trainers. As the weather gets cooler the children can wear jogging bottoms and a sweatshirt for outdoor PE if they wish. This half term we are developing our football skills and creating our dance for the upcoming school production. Home-learning shall be given out on a Wednesday to be handed in the following Tuesday. This is an important part of your child’s learning and is designed so that children can be independent and make choices about what they choose to do. The Home Learning will be shared in class on a Tuesday so it is very important that the work is returned by then so that all children have something to share. Also please continue to listen to your child read on a regular basis. Lastly, as mentioned before, please take a look at the class blog. It is updated regularly with information about learning carried out in Ironbridge Base and useful curriculum website links. Best wishes,
Mrs. K Collin, Mrs. L. Johns and Mrs. J Green