Happy New Year! !
We hope that you all had a lovely Christmas holiday and the children are well rested after the busy ending of last term! I hope you were all as proud of the children as we were during the nativity performances! We have got another exciting term ahead with plenty of interesting activities to keep us busy!
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This half term in Seaside base the main theme for our learning is Houses and Homes. The children will be looking at different types of houses and finding out about how houses have changed over time. The children will build model homes to create a model town and work on giving directions to travel around the town. To support our work on houses and homes at home any opportunity to look at different houses would be helpful. You can encourage your child to draw houses, look at what houses are made from, design their own homes and maybe even make an advert for your house!
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In Literacy the children will be learning about a variety of text types. We will be learning about the senses as we read and write poems about our senses. As the term progresses we will also look at traditional fairy tales and information texts. As well as literacy lessons, the children also have a daily letters and sounds session where we work on phonic knowledge to help us with reading and spelling. It would be very useful to support your child in reading with them regularly - just 10 minutes daily makes a huge difference. They can read to you, or share books with you and discuss the characters or plot. The discussion after you have read a book is so important for your child’s progression. I have put lots of ideas and questions on the reading page of the blog so have a look there for inspiration!
Your child also has words to learn to read and spell in their green book. Please come to see me in the mornings if you would like the next set of words. All the words are also available on the blog on the ‘word wall’. Looking over known spellings is a great way to practise handwriting too. Any writing opportunities at home are great, you could get your child helping you to write letters, shopping lists or labels to go around the home.
In Numeracy the children will continue to build on their number knowledge and recalling number facts. We will be looking at tens and units, working on number doubles and becoming confident with pairs of numbers that total up to 10. Later on in the term the children will learn about measuring capacity and be starting to read time on clocks. Working on reading and writing numbers would be very helpful. There are many board games where counting is involved as well as spotting numbers in every day life such as car number plates and prices in shops. The children are familiar with money so any practise they can have at home or paying for small items in shops would be great!
We will continue to have daily exercise in the morning as well as a weekly gymnastics or games lesson on a Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon. As the weather is cold and damp at the moment please make sure your child brings suitable PE clothes in each day (named jogging bottoms and top).
This term we will continue to send Tiggy and Toggy home! Thank you to those of you who have spent time with your child filling in their journals! The children love sharing, and hearing, their news! The children can put something they have done with the bears in the bag to show but please do not allow them to bring toys or other small things to school - things from home hiding in trays are a big distraction!
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Please remember the blog is always there and will be updated regularly informing you what we are doing. The children all love reading eggs and this can be accessed from home, if you need another password please come and see me - reading eggs is particularly good for reluctant readers!
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Thank you for your continued support, it is always lovely to see the learning the children have been doing at home.
! ! ! Best wishes, ! ! !
Sarah Burge, Doreen Gibson, Simone Yates, Debbie Walton-Smith and Becky Milband