Dear Parents, We are very impressed with how well all of Beanstalk Base have settled into Year 2. They are coming into school brilliantly in the morning and showing their growing independence in getting themselves ready for the day. We have some interesting learning planned for this term starting with our topic on food. Your children have thought of many interesting questions for what they’d like to find out about including finding out about which foods are healthy, why we need food and where spaghetti comes from! We’ll be looking at healthy eating, where food comes from and following instructions to make some food too. If you’re shopping or spending time in the kitchen you can help by getting your child to identify different foods, look at recipes and discuss where they come from or how they’re made. After half term our topic will be about fire looking at the Great Fire of London as well as firework night and how to stay safe with fire. The children will have daily literacy, letters and sounds and guided reading lessons. We’ll be reading and writing our own versions of stories we’ve read, they have already impressed us with their fantastic retelling of Jack and the Beanstalk. The children will look at recipes and instruction writing to support our food topic. Please keep supporting your child with reading; they should be bringing home a coloured banded book to read to you plus a library book to share with you each week. Library books will be changed on a Monday so please help your child to remember to bring their book in on that day to change. During our daily numeracy lessons the children are extending their knowledge of numbers being able to count, read and write numbers up to at least 100. They will be learning about what each digit represents in a number being able to partition numbers into tens and units. We will also learn about collecting and presenting data into graphs. There are many things you can do to help your child with maths. Playing counting games (like snakes and ladders!), looking at numbers when out and about, noticing and naming shapes and counting in jumps of 2,5 and 10 to prepare children to learn their times tables. Our PE lessons will take place on a Monday and Friday afternoons. The children will be learning skills to help them play Tag-rugby and developing skills in linking moves in gymnastics. We continue to have our daily morning active-time. Your child will need to change into trainers or plimsolls each morning as well as needing a full PE kit (named) for the days they are having a PE lesson. Over the year there will be times where we will be cooking and going on walks around the local area. It would be really useful if you could give permission for these activities to take place for the whole year. We will let you know if we are going out on a walk but won’t need to gather reply slips each time. Equally with food it would be helpful to know if your child is unable to eat certain foods for health or religious reasons. Please could you complete the form below and return to school to allow these things to happen.
We are grateful for offers of help with hearing readers, help with spellings and when going out on trips. If you are able to help please do let us know. If you ever have any concerns or questions do not hesitate to get in touch. You can catch us briefly at the start of the day or after school or can email. Best wishes,
Mrs. Harris
Mrs. Hargreaves
Mrs. O’Brien
Child’s name _________________________________________ I give my permission for my child to go out with school on local walks. My child is unable to eat the following foods ____________________________________________ Signed _____________________________________