2 minute read
Academic Honesty
Academic honesty is an important part of our culture at the BSN. We aim to submit authentic work and make it clear when we have included words and ideas from other sources.
Please make sure that you understand and apply the following principles which are relevant to us all:
The work you complete must be in your own words and any quotes you include should be in quotation marks.
Include a bibliography to show when you have used the words or ideas of others.
At the BSN Senior School Voorschoten we recommend using the MLA documentation style (8th edition) with particular rules for a bibliography (and in-text citations for KS4 and KS5 students).
These are some examples of academic dishonesty:
Plagiarism (for example copying and pasting from a source; summarising someone else’s words without including the source; using another student’s work; buying or downloading an essay or paper)
Collusion (when a student allows their work to be used by someone else)
Duplication of work (if you hand in the same piece of work for another subject)
Misconduct during exams
The fabrication of results.
Make sure that you understand these as most cases of academic dishonesty are unintentional.
In the unlikely event of a student deliberately committing acts of academic dishonesty the following sanctions, depending on the situation, may be enforced by the school:
● The incident will be discussed with the student ● The incident will be recorded on SIMS (“Submitting work which breaches academic honesty”) ● Parent(s)/ guardian(s) will be informed ● A mark of zero may be awarded or a request that the work be redone in an academically honest way ● In the case of external examinations we will follow the published guidelines from the examination board.
It is your responsibility to:
Produce work that is completely your own, clearly showing when any words and ideas are not your own
Meet deadlines to ensure that there is time to check that your work conforms to the academic honesty expectations.
To help you, the school will:
● Teach and discuss academic honesty with you ● Teach research and referencing skills ● Be clear about the academic honesty expected for all assignments ● Recognise examples of good practice ● Set deadlines which allow you to correct unintentional academic dishonesty ● Address breaches of academic honesty ● Demonstrate good practice in all documents, display materials and communications.
For the complete Academic Honesty Guidelines for Students check out the year group Canvas page. If you ever need help or advice with academic honesty issues or referencing, please ask your teacher or the librarian.
Research & Academic Honesty – My Code
Taking the above into consideration, draft what academic honesty means to you.