2 minute read
The School Rules
By now you’ve read ‘Basics – your guide to the BSN Senior School Voorschoten’, from cover to cover. This is a potted summary of lots of what you’ve already read – and helps us to be an open, caring and vibrant school – please remember that all students are expected to adhere to these simple rules:
● Always show respect to members of the school community and your environment. ● You must arrive at registration and lessons on time and with the correct equipment. ● Your work in each lesson must start with a clear title or heading and have a date. ● Label your files with your name and form – your belongings must not have any graffiti on them. ● At the end of a lesson, when you leave a classroom, please tidy up, pick up any litter and tuck your chair back under the desk. ● You should not eat in lessons – sweets and chewing gum are not allowed – if you are found chewing in class, you can expect a detention. ● You may drink water from a waterbottle throughout the day, but no other drinks must be taken into class. ● Do not mark or write on desks or damage school property – if you do, you can expect to spend time cleaning and repairing them; and will be asked to pay for a new desk or equipment. ● Complete classwork and homework to a required standard and meet deadlines set by teachers. When homework is returned, please make corrections suggested by your teacher before the next lesson. ● You are expected to put your hand up when the class is asked a question – never call out. ● Dress according to the school uniform regulations see page 25. ● Jewellery is to be kept to a minimum – rings are not permissible but small ear studs are allowed – facial piercings are strictly forbidden. ● Please notify school of any absences – in advance, where possible, or by 9:00 in the morning. ● Remain on site during school hours. ● Sign in, and out, at Reception if you are late, or if you are leaving school for an authorised absence e.g.; medical or dental appointments. ● Tobacco, drugs, alcohol and weapons are strictly forbidden. If you are found with in school, with any of these things in your possession, regardless of your age, you will be suspended or excluded from school. This also applies to students on school visits, events or external fixtures. ● The school does not take responsibility for valuable items eg; i-pods and mp3 players. It is your responsibility to protect these securely, by keeping them switched off and secured in a locker during school hours. During
PE or sports lessons, they should be placed in coin operated lockers situated outside the changing rooms. ● Mobile phones must be switched off at all times in school. They should only be used in an emergency or at the end of the school day, and then only on the black mat area in the front entrance area of the atrium.
Full details of the School Rules are on BSN Compass.