to gold
18-year-olds I for Church 1 elections I
Leading moderate gets job back
9 FVom Our Correspondent TTHE French Government conA finned yesterday it was studyj From a Special Corres pondent HE administration of the Church » Hong Kong, Monday. ing the possibility of convening: I T of Ireland i» based upon tht | a larger part of France's dollar ! HEN YUN, a leading moderate of the Chin ese Communist hierarchy who fell into disreserve into American-owned gold. C favour for resisting radical economic policies of the " great leap forward ," was reappoin ted But Government circles rejected1 i to-da y a vice-Premier of tbe Peking Government. ¦widespread assertions that the: j of -their fellow, at eke I This was one of more striking changes in a series of new Cabinet appointments to the the supportUntil [ now the age for an i financial step was a public- slap ai State Council announced at the final meeting this afternoon , of the first session of the third Uon §£! vote at the Easter | can elector, who the American currency and reflected1 National Peoples Congress. The legislature, which usually is convened once a year, had been been 21 but I has vestry, genera President dc GauOe"s effort to1 i meeting in Peking since December 20th. It was attended by 2,848 deputies. the j General s ft last year' Church ,'sSynod Const.tuunen, wno is dj , naa Deen seen I affirm France's :independence in the I t Action published only infrequently since he of vestry. I age the with field. the financial Son dealing articles in 1959 advocating gradualaltered y* ™\ ™** I ££ wasperson Opposition newspapers seized ism in economic development. That of the age of | "Every was the year Mao Tse-Tung. party BpOD Me revelations to launcn a years who shall possess the I eighteen chairman , launched the abortive bitter attack against the Governqualification stated in the forms of | "great ," forward leap an experipoinied out that any ment . They declaration . . - *hall, upon produc I men t in accelerated industrialisation would tion of the same to the revising § large conversion of dollars and communal agriculture. The -..thoritv . - • be registered it a I immediaejy deplete ihe diminishing country is expected to complete its vestryma n of the parisn . | recovery from the disastrous results U-S. gold reserves. and secretaries of teiect tors Rec of the programme this year. vestries have been asked to alter Authorised sources said thaj Before his downfall , Chen was the age from 21 to 18 in Chapter France had long provided proof of ranked by some foreign observers III, Section 4 of their copies of as abou t fifth in the Chinese Comher solidarity with Washington and Churc h ai the Constitution of the papers munist hierarchy. He was regarded sen t cial offi London and took pan in the in and Irela nd, as a close "comrade in arms" of , Diocesan Offices, in prepa ra recent shoring up of the pound by out chairman Mao. A brilliant organDion for the special meeting of each sterling wub international funds. iser, Chen was the country's top vestry at which the register select They said the contemplated French economist and a member of the will be revised. It rests with the 1 standing committee of the party rnove would be a technical step and diocesan council to decide at 1 local Politburo. would involve "much less than 400 what time of the year, and in what 1 Analysts in Hoog Kong believe million dollars" and not 1.3 billion manner the register of vestrymen I Chen may have been restored to 1 will be revised. dol'ars as reported. Mao's confidence but it was doubted that he had regaine d hh I IMPOR TANT DATES Fhe inflow of dollars in 1964, former eminence. There was also t0 estimated at over 500 million speculation that his reappointment I The elegy ^ave been asked dollars , has decreased :he propormay reflect the mood of restraint enter in their diaries the dates of I in economic policy in Peking. engagements . I tion of gold in the Bank of France important several oung x will be the I the to 25th , at 18th reserve from 74 per cent :o 70, conditions January ROLD EXPERIMENT on the enzyme relations of di gestions under unusual for unity, I ntercessions I Week of Dublin. o.f'ciak said. Mansion Home, _ in the Exhibition _ _ _ _ _ , January 1 2«th Janu ary Studies made here of the report while on France now plans to catch up February 1st . Bishop on the economy ->9ih and delivered by the ¦with the past level by exchanging piemier , Chou en-Lai before the Joost de Blank will give the "The lectures , Day congress found tha t Peking Godfre :y has the gold iii th€ U.S. Federal in Trinity -day, adopted to need a moderate "I s policy. he Church Reserve, and possibly somewhat report seemed to exclude another The General Synod m«e:s College increase rhe overall gold coverage, •i ,,.,j,, Mav 11th and th ert bold experiment in accelerated they said. collectivized development although wi ll be a retreat for clergy _ at France has been slowly pushing the slogan "Politics in Command" Murlou gh ffous« from N ovember up this coverage in recent years. that dominated ihe era of the 8th . The percentage of gold in her "Great leap forward" has been Date* wh i ch the clergy of Dublin , year reserves was 67 per cent a resurrected. h and Kilda re have been Glcndaloug ego. Among 15 other vice-premiers include the Thursda y note asked to said, withBut French officials named by Chou," who was rewhen they wul meet week of this out disclosing detailed fi gures, that appointed hLmself yesterday, were House to consider plans at the See the proportion of gold of the two heads of party regional orgafor "Responsibi lity Year." June British , Swiss and Dutch reserve nisations — Tao Chu, fast rising 16th when the Choral Festival *iH in than banks was much higher head of the Central South China be held at Kildare Cathedral. SepFrance. Tne only exception, they Bureau , and Ko Ching-Shih , of the tember 20ih when Canon Herbert which Western Germany said, was East China Bureau. Waddams will conduct their Qir e '. owned 57 per cent of ber foreign Increased influence of regional Dav, and October 26th and :T;h currency reserves in bullion. chiefs was also reflected in the when the Diocesan Synod mecix . election yesterday of two others of - DISSATISFIED " Meetin gs of the Represents:'/.* a total of six party regional chiefs Body will be held on FeoChurch as vice-chairmen of tne confess Officials said tbe contemplated i Two of British Railways' new unif orms being modelled yes, March IOth , Apri l 7:h, 17th ruary They were Li Hsieh-Feng, of the adjustment will be made gradually 1 ' I2th , J une I6th. Juiy .!<: . May , where London, Nort h China Centre in Haymarkct Bureau, and Li p.o as not to weak en -the U.S. terdav near the Design October 20th , Nove mber 17th a-,d of the Southwest dollar. : an exhibition entitled " The New Fac e of British Railways " Cheng-ChuanDecember 8th. The meetings of the China Bureau. The French gold policy was a \ was opened. Miss Diana Holloway is. in the new unif orm — 1 R.C.B. decide the dates of a nu mbe j The country 's Minister of Public mZj Or headline story m French I of other centra! committees Vuch I¦ a two-piece in blue barathea—worn by members of the Rail- j Security. Hsieh Fu-Coih , who also . £«u'c.pap*rs. has been gaining in power was as the Standing Committee of the wavs Travel Centre. Mr. Allen Casley wears a new unif orm | also Tne mass-circulation newspaper annnint(»rl a vi^^.rvrAi-nirtf Genera l Synod and its Board of GovernF 'ance-Soir said the French fo r diescl and electric locomotive driver. ; Education . The different diocese* its ment considered 75% of DROPPED have varying rules about the meet- I coverage in gold as a "safe" level. newspaper ing of the ir own diocesan councils , j Conservative The Marshal Peng Tcn -Huai , Minister In Dublin . Glendalougb and KilPa ris-Prcs.s c said that although of Defence, who disappeared in dare the joint council , which ha? France was not "'ill intentioned" she May. I 960, was dropped ) from his n-as dissatisfied with the present general oversig ht of the finances of | post as vice-premier and as member ¦«-orld moneta ry s\stem based on the united dioceses, meets once a j of the National Defence Council the dollar and the pound sterling. quarter , on March 11th. June 10th , i Peng was believed to have resisted La Sarion, the official organ of September 9th and December 9ih , j heavy political controls on the the U.N.R. (Gaullisti pany. claimed r i s commonplace in ecumenical circles to talk sentimentally i army and favoured a continued reand its meeting is followed by that that about 300 to 500 million dolof the Council f or KiJdare and " the sinfulness of our divisions ," but many of the |liance on the Soviet armed forces about lars would be finally converted into divi sions were not sinful , they were necessary for the advance- I for equipment and advice . Glendalough which looks after de.; U.S. sold. tails of administration in rhe One of the most significant ap"For four vears. the French have |ment of the Kingdom of God. This is slated by the Rev. pointments was that of Lu The Dublin country par ishes. Ting-Yi been facing the risk of an Anglo- j Professor John M. Barkley , of Assembly 's College, Belfast , as Ministe r of Culture. Lu y e^ery practicall meets Counci l is head Saxon devaluation without demand- writing in the January edition of Focus on The Way to Unity. of the propag anda its main concern is ihe and month | department of ing from the Americans that they I *M? min lij » rinfii l r.-* rnnnnno o ^ tinn mnpi Wn rn la n nr Kii - t-i the Central Committee parish« good government of the and his apbuy back the dollars they (the ihern. but they were not sinful in was retrospective in effect and pointment demonstrated the high ] in uie cuy ana its suouros. French) own. Yet . the United origin as history proves that there j udgment. Any decision which was im portance attached to the ideolState*, was counting on the trust of PILGRIMAGE purge now in progress in the Europeans without going to the was a definite witness to the capable of being interpreted that ogical cultura l fi eldsThe Rev. E. M. Neil!, who ;s Lordship of Christ and Christian Presbyterians had never reallv trouble of stopping its gold drain. leading a p ilgrimage to the Holy in " he said. "The task I truth. celebrated the Lord's Supper Chou told the Congress that Mao as _ j "Thus thev risk being forced in Land from June ?0ih io Jul y 15th, spring to buv 300 to 500 millions j Church Union is to rrv and find ! others, must be completely shunned had i n 1962 checked the "evil has circuia:ed a letter inviting i «->f 'French* dollars at the price of |how expression mav besf be given ; as fettering the Holy Sp irit and j wind" of those who wa n ted to comth ose who might be interested in I 55 dollars for an ounce of gold." • to this witness. Failing this, of j limiting the grace of God. Too promise with the United States, ! course , lei us be hono.1. The ] many divisions had arisen out of *ee k ideological reconciliatio n with joining the pa rt y to get in touch La Sarion concluded.—(U.P.I) ' division must be continued for the : such an approach in the past. the Sovet Union and slow the with him at Castieknock Rectory. He said that for Presbyterians to i socialisation drive within The dates have been chosen to ; glorv of God." the Professor Barkley said that no ; to hold sepa rate talks with a view |country. However, the premier make it possible for some who have union with Anglicans. \ emphasised that the struggle would just finished academic terms, mem. i to Methodists , Congregationalists and have to go on to prevent the bers of staff as well as pupils , ;n Miss Patricia Por , a Malayan student f rom Penan g, at the Dominican Convent, Sion Hilt, j share others was not the real way to restoration of capitalism. — CA'civ the experience of exploring " church unity . To do this could only - York Times News Service.) Blackrock, Co. Dublin, who breeds her own mice f or her exhibit " The Study of Mice, at j places associated with the earthly — - ^— — lead part of the way. Before church j the Youne Scien tists' Exhibition in the Mans ion House, Dublin. \! ministry" of Our Lord. i unity could become a rea l pos- I Institu te at ' The Ecumenical sibility , thev must all meet together 1 Bj ssey. near Ceiigny in Switzerland to seek the Truth. -j is holdin g an Orthodox Seminar ENGAGEMENTS j which In a n article on " Pray ing for includes observance of the Unity." the Rt . Rev . Dom Joseph Holy Week worship from Eastern ji Apri l 1 2th 'to 25th . Dr . N . A. FOR TO-DAY Iri sh Times Reporter Dowdall. O.S.B., Abbot of Glenstal \ sa id thai they hoped in their I The extreme cold in the Dublin Missions, die Associate Director , 9.30 a.m. — Annual refr esher i1 relation s wiih . other Christians to J District Courf ,s yesterday interof arrangements. charge is in course for science teachers, Science | rupted work and eventually one UVblvUIHC flliv 1<U,N Irish Times Reporter U] IllUlU<tl Buildin g, Upper Merrion street , < respect, any ignorance and pre- court was moved to the district Leadership course for Mansion House , Dublin, by Dublin. 34,849 road casualties judi ce or indifference. We were stiH j ust ice's private room and another THE exhibits mounted at the j unior members of the Irish Red the country for over all colleges to Morgan girls from place, where 190 boys and Franciscan College, Gorthe Cross, heaidivided over many fundamental Road accidents in Britain caused manston. Co . Meath . doctrines, to which had been added inj r system was functioning . Young Scientists ' Exhibition , provide a fascinating view of the 669 deaths last September, 52 (*r 10.0—Opening of Aer Lingus District Ju .stice Farrel] had to the hard crust of national and involved. young people more than a year ago). In of interests of the range the wide 8% ' exhibition Youn g S c ien t is t s Man. social prejudices. " But if Roman continue sitting in the custody were ' , addition 8.492 peopl e science approacn to the change Dublin. in sion House, The Taoiseach. Mr. Lerpass, will Catholics are intransigent we ask court in spite of Arctic-like condislightly seriously injured and 25,688 years. past 10 g of the Dublin during the 8 p.m.—Meetin teaching two-day exhibition this open the that ot hers should understand that tions. There is no heating system. inj ured. Amateur Camera' Club. 60 Lower Ever yone in the courts wa^ in morning and Acr Lingus , who Teachers of science were now being our basic motive is loyalty to Meeting Baggot street , Dublin. which were The total of 34,849 road casualtopics given details of , will awa rd the exhibition heavy sponsor ove rcoats and the proceedChrist as we believe." he said. "Our tne Forum Discussion Group: <>t tics The course investigation. was 7% higher than in Sepunder still love of Christ should , however. ings were sometimes interrupted by a prize of £250 to die first prize- was looked upon now as a stimulus "Does the devil exist?" 33 Kildare tember, 1963, while motor traffi c1 two-third s of the the sound of hammering on pipes. winner. Almost impe J us to examine our own fives. street , Dublin . a refresher is estimated to have increased b;than course rather to be docile to His Spirit so that \ The Board of Works has been in- entries are in the j unior section, course . 9% since that date. 5 the s talling rls outnumber bo> . gi a new heating system in and the ' the crooked shall be made straight, | i Prefesso r Philbin presented the the old margin. and draughty wide by a building s. ] and the rough ways shall be made Institute 's gold medal to EnrwneU wa rm front Ift OTiOfflft = 1 The original , inadequate heating smooth."" display include The projects on McMahon of O'Connell Schools , j SUN AND TIDES \ |system has been turned off and geological studies of particular Dublin , who gained first place in cold front 1 & A A An. <=• THE SL\ i will BREAKTHROUGH remain off probably for the areas. : researches. science in the Leaving Certificate biochemical i To-day To-morrow i remainder oi tnis week. £3ufcAAA a occluded front | R:**s 8,41 I 6 41 and fauna, problems examination. flora studies of Writing on "the Unity of the 4.J7 Sc^ 4 .17 |Church", the in meteorology and observations of (Barometric pressure at mean Bishop of Limerick , Lectures yesterday included: Lighting-Tip t-.m« 4.47 4.47 ' and pfant behaviour. Judg- "Conformation Analysis," by Prothe Ri. Rev . Dr. Robert Wyse•nimal sea level In millibars) TIDES CHESS WIN FOR Evening { Jackson says that co-operation in Morninz ing of the entries took place last fessor Philbin ; " Polymerisation ," j Dub J 12.51 12.58 night and the awards will be by Professor D. C. Pepper, M.A., Cork 7.12 7.24 !j all kinds of matters between peopl e DUBLIN —MINIS TER PLAYER Belfast announced, ' 12.17 22.35 of different j Churches in tin s Ph.D., F.T.C.D., C.F.I.C.I., DepartDundalk view of the number 12.43 1.09 |country, had now become a matter of anglers fishing there, the West of ment of Chemistry, T.C.D.; and IN James Walsh , of Dublin , had Drogheda 1.04 1.30 COURSE STIMULUS of course, no longer remarkable as his fourth drawn game yesterday Ireland must have the finest natural spawning system in Wngle "Teaching Methods of Chemistry." 5.46 5.53 Bray a cause for favourable comment . in the challengers' 12.45 12.52 B.A., Brown, Ph.D., by for G. R. Decourse the whole of Western Europe. It has met the increased demand two-day stimulus reserv A es (Pelton) Waierford Bridge 7.53 8 00 ! The Churches were no longer firm ly Chemistry . partment of opened in the T.C.D. teachers section, science Wexford the at Irish Hastings of fishermen bv procreation the natural wav. 9.01 908 I Intershut up in their own sound-proof national Chess Congress. I-imericV Dock ... 8.05 8.31 To-day, lectures will be given by science buildin gs o-f University ColGalway Th is view was given by the . The new hatchery could be eT " 6.45 7.11 boxes. People were no longer shy of In seven th-round p lay he drew l ege . Dublin , in Uppe r Merrion Dervilla M. Donnelly, B.Sc., Ph.D., Siigo Harbour ... 7.34 8.00 Minister for Lands. Mr. 6 Morain , pected to provide an output ol discussing their creeds. He had not with a Dutch competitor A.R.I.C. F.I.C.I.. and J. D. R. Vass, Henk van street yesterday. SKI-ING CONDITIONS when he opened the new fish 1,600.000 ova when working at full met anyone who had broke n out of Donk , champion of , Dord B.Sc, Ph.D.. both of Trinity opened by the reohr The course was . hatchery at Cong, Co. Mayo, yes- capacity, and he would watch i« reports are supplied by repre- his sound proof box of exclusive- after 27 moves. I These vice-president of the Institute of College, Dublin. In the afternoon , terday. j sentau'ves of the Ski Club of Great 1 ness, and who wanted to go back operation with interest. With visit to the there will be a new a score of three points Chemistry of Ireland, Professor Eva Britain. ! into it . Walsh is 34 points behind A. J. M. D.Sc., F.R.I.C, Chemistry Depa rtmen t of University He said that it had always b een Phifbi n , Dept h i The Rev. Robert Nelson, Presi- Whitcle y (Oxford), who leads. a source of wonder to him how upper F.I.C.I., who remarked on the College, Dublin , at Beliield. I I Weather, slopes. Cndns. ] dent -Elect of the Methodist Church the West's fishing grounds for both j in Ireland writing on "One World i Adtlboden . , Snow 60 Good trout and salmon had continued to j Arosa Snow f4 Good or None" said that we had provide record sport. The fantastic been Deu Al pes.. Fine 16 Fair ] sitting complacently in our separate increase in the number of fisherEngelberg .. Snow 78 Good j denominationa l j i houses for so long men and women in recent years and i Klosters Snow 45 Good j that w T^HE operation e did not shorten realise to *e] how SO Good | the innumerable fishing competi Y ESTERDAY'S WEATHER St. Anion .. Cloud x legs of "too tall" giri Ann * St. Moritz .. Fine 40 Good seriously we had damaged Christ's tions carried out on the lakes and Barometer readings in Dublin yescause b y our disunity . Rowston (19), was "a comp lete Secfeld Snow 36 Good rivers took a very inches heavy were : 10 a.m.. 30.31 toll of the t*rdav Villars Fine Mr. Nelson said there ' were success." Surgeons confirmed 36 Good fishing stocks . f 1.033.3 millibars) : noon , 30.53 inches i Wcngen Snow 30 Good many tiris yesterday at first rate p.m.. minds Oswesfry 30.52 in Asia and n O^3 9 millibars) : 5 From a Sydney Correspondent Africa who were co nvinced that Up until recently everyone was Orthopaedic Hospital. Shrop- i inches (1.033-5 mi llibars). prepared to take out as FORECAST the missionary expansion of the shire, wh ere A nne, who was fish The Temperature in Dublin a! 10 I SURVEY by the New South Wales Teachers' Federation documenting discrimination as thev could and to sell.many Church for the last two centuries anri in«.m. was 34 degrees F. n . l degrees j six feet seven and a half Hndies A ridge of high pressure covers C-)- By noon it had risen to 36 de- j Irelan d while a warm iront to the had been simply a part of Western A against Australia's Aborigines in New South Wales schools has focussed new attention deed oversell, angling "hen she entered hospital three tou rism crees F. (2.2 degrees C.) and fell to abroad, political without ' and putting months ago, underwent $urg«rj cultural here on the problems s native non-white minority. anything west appr oached slowly. of Australia imperialism. 35 degrees F <\ 1 degrees C.i by late "Now tdiat colonialism is ended, back into the waters by way of on Saturday. j ne ennaren oi Australia FORECAST for the period f rom afternoon. The highest temperature I o-day the s descendants ol vast continent. By 1900 disease, re-stockin g. In many they believe the day of countries dav the city during the : the missions midnight in 6 a.m. to 100,000 Tecorded dark-skinned Aborigines nomadic , stone age people found punitive expeditions and cultu ral Yesterday Anne waa smHtog which he had visited he was ¦aas 39 degrees F (3.9 degrees C.) and ¦ ' Cloudy in the northwest with is over," he said. "We are not attend public schools in this and by the fi rst white settlers in her bed as a hospital bulletin in disintegration had reduced the num(0 likel 6 i temperatures above freezing. Bright y io prove them wrong if we rhe other states of Australia with Australia nearly two centuries ago ber to 70,000 amazed to find that in addition to the lo west was 33 degrees F. described her condition as ' qui<« . But the number s constant re-stocking, deerees C). From 10 a.m to 5 D.m. periods elsewhere, also some f og allow our historical prejudices to white children, but the teacher' bag limits , 1 s remain an unassimilated recently began satisfactory.** But she face* almost to grow and now there was no rain prevail weJe imposed from place to place m the momentous decisions surve y foun d tha t while th ey are ou t cast clemen t of the Aus t ra li an there are frost early and several more months in hospital. 100,000 of full Humidity : Dry bulb. ?2.0: wet i patches. Widesprea d or mixed I am very glad, therefore , that winds southerly light or which are confronting the Church es tolerated in school-organised extra- population. blood. bu !b, 30.0; relative humidity at 10 j late A spokesman tbe hatchery will at least make a said: "SJw ha* j moderate. Occasional ly fresh in the to-day." If the Gospel of Ohrist curricular activities, they are not a.m.. 7S. The Aborigines live as workers start in building Legislation has eliminated most been in bed was for several month? j to be up stocks made effective through- accepted otherwise. north-western coastal regions. legalised discrimination against , on cattle and sheep stations , on Comb system to commence in the now and she obviously have . will out the contemporary w to-morro Milder wor/d, HempenstaH, I I I Graf t on : Dixon the OUTLOOK with Government reservations and as and no doubt , them, and welfare systems protect to leam to image of the walk again! As part Church in men's minds in a short time will OUTSIDE THE PA LE with a little rain, chiefly in the west. street. Dublin 2—Barometers. thei r livelihood. But Government j shack-dwelling casual labourers on cater for other systems c? this she will have to have must be radically transformed from as well. the fringes of cities.and towns. A (G.M.T.) physiotherapy treatment." TEMPERATURES that of individua l churches , intent MID-DAY T5ie survey concludes that their benevolence has not managed to ' few still roam ha c YESTERDAY'S n- the beneficial as their ancestors S t f u get them to accept or be accepted i effects The question of possibi * on preserving school experience of the makes hatcheries both ^ status quo , on fishing to the for centuries before them in the systems sunny 48 Lisbon sunny 54 Algicr* operations to shorten her arm* ADortgtnai parents and children into the nation 's dominant sooial I almost uninhabited one Church particularly of Christ the , humbl 36 e and sunny wonderful Airport sunny 34 London desert areas of work achieved by Amsterdam milieu . the world-famous was ?'under consideration," he cloudy 63 London Weather Centre .- tzar j 7 sacrificial and fiUed with divine feel outside the ' pale of whir s central and northern Australia. Aliens r l said. ha charity. society. And since they r y generally at cloudy 3^. in Colorado* Luxembourg . i^vii numerous enougn to be a !°,£ ,^e sunny 46 Barcelona - Rifle that I anv fin d o nl fair d7 y menial jobs they stil! see convinced no Madrid • sunny 34 major problem, the Aborigines g Berlin there is cloudy 46 advantage to be gained from educaMajorca sunny 34 Birmingham nevertheless are a test of Aus- reat scope for natural propS™ The Aborigines 6f Australia 54 cloudy Malta . e creation of new tion. d6udy 41 Biarritz Tea-time blase have acquired a deep sense of tralia's ability to deal with the fc* sunny 30 beds in feeder streams. It spSmSJ Manchester 110 sunny 34 Brussels SHIPS IDLE Although state aid is AT country' available ' s only is hard 32 cloudy racial r e sen t ment a ga n to . . non-European nst the new Moscow ?7 rain Budapest beat nature when U is coasted in Miohael Surk« (35), Main sto**. for them, few Aboriginal ohildren arrivals who rule the continent. ethnic minority of significant size its SHOW 30 MiMiCfl sunny 36 Cardiff ow n fundamental Dungiven, Those ANTWE RP Co. Perry was takes w 46 Australians jo b^ who believe f«J sunny 36 Nice . Cologne complete secondary schools and They cling tenaciously to their own their ¦ Altnagelvm Hospital, Deny yestercloudy 59 country must The Nicosia rather vagrant Minister some sunny 34 Copenhagen , communal day ways and said he thought that day with burns l anes aimed at ending a five-day- fewer still go on to college or uniits whites-only immigraOslo to his hands w»d fair 41 " Edinburgh even when encouraged • -^ : resist abandon versity. old strike cloud in Antwerp face received port, tion policy Paris which in an accident at Florence fair 46 and admit adopting Western Asians customs. sunny 46 has left 110 ships lying idle, fai led ^ Rome The pattern of discrimination would like to see Australia - by Douglas. Bridge, Strabane. Burke Funcnal cloudy 63 There were . 300,000 Abori gines dealing successfully Simnv 41 to find a compromise solution against Aboriginal children reported Ronaldsway 5unny 34 Geneva and other workmen had lit » f' re the Aborisunny 5 when whi tes first settled Stockholm yesterday. in gines, display thewithcapacity "Phe talks were between in New South Wales is characteris-" Gibraltar sunny 51 to make tea and there was an «*to Venice fair 39 * ^£ $ representatives of the trade unions, tic of the prejudiced altitude of Australia in the late eighteenth become cultura lly and Guernsey ethnically a ¦ ¦ , Vienna century Helsinki cloudy ?0 they plosion when someone threw p atro l wandered who « want special overtime pay, and White Australians in general toward naked in .pl ural soriety.-{JV<rM> York fair/ 7_ Warsaw -"£? Times Las Palmas fair 66 small groups over the face , town of ' th« fire in mistake for <H<**» council the on News officials. the Aboriginal minority. Service), CiOUdy 32 much more of it here. ' , &eUa* „.........--.-- sunny -32 Zurich ^ *" oiL
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| Cold conditions | WIDE I in Dublin courts
^' Too tall " giri] sh ortened |