I , Scientific*project sundertaken by boys' ^ and girls of y: secondary .schools are now >:¦ , on exhibition^ihihe jKoyal \ Dublin Soviet?s prem ises\n i Baltsbridge^ Diubtity- Spon? ?
sored by ^Aer Lingus, it &
the second exhibition and \ comp ettion of its kind.
Some of ' the young. scientists
are seen here ' -prepar ingtheir
exhibits- At lef t is Christine Leahy,of the Convent of the Sacre dHeart, Leeson street, whose p roject was to show the circulation of the blood.
At right, Michael Gerard] G1 Toole, of Clongowes Wood College, investigated the f actors involved in the thermo-couple effect , with tabulatio n of the results obtained. Below left , Vivian J qcinta Egan, of Our Lady 's School, Rathnew, made a study of the human ear and aids to hearing.
P.M.P.A. to | operate own I insurance? I Bt our Motoring Corre spondent THE Private - Motorists' ProtecHoc Association is to hav^ further talks soon with " officials of the Department of Industry and Commerce about its proposed motor insurance scheme. The as$ociation has been trying for some time to get a Government licence to operate a scheme under which it? members could insure , their vehicles at rates . which, . it is claimed, .would, be imore favourable than those .offered by com' mercial companies. The association says it has the £103.000 deposit required to operate the scheme but it has not yet reached agreement -with' the Department on the amount of •w orking capital that it should have. At the annual meeting of the association in Dublin , Mr. M. J. Dore, the secretary, said proposals on a revised capital allocation •w ould be submitted to the Depart"We have every inent soon. reason to believe that they will be apnroved," he • added. It was reported at the meeting that 900 new members had joined the association in the past year.
At Hght Deughlan Godf ral de Paor, of Presentati on College, Glasthule, Co. Dublin, arranges the results oj his' study oj the
science and history of radio,; Below, Marga ret^Mary Ear Is, of Loreto Abbey, Gorey, demonstratedv the relati onship between blood condition and healthy living *
! ! j ] ! ¦ I ¦ ; i I • I I | j I | ;
THE Swiss Government is m oving cautiously towards a constitutional revision that would eliminate the provision now banning the Catholic Society of Jesus from the country. A 11h r t i l On 'S t Wo C t- \n *l (n « nilACfi rtn /\unougn ii nas naa me question
under study for 10 years the Government has informed Parliament that it is not ready to initiate formal action. However, Friedrich T. Wahlen , the Foreign Minister , assured in the name of the sevenman Government that the long delay did not mean - any loss of interest in the projected revision. The ban on the Jesuits was written into the Swiss Constitution more than a century ago by the country's Protestant majority. It was strengthened.in 1874 by being extended to. outla w the founding of new religious orders or convents or tile refounding of any already forb idden. . ' The related measures reflected the fear that the Jesuits formed a militant political arm of the Catholic Ohurch that was working t o esta b lish t he Va tican 's ascendancy in secular matters. The two constitutional articles aimed against the Jesuits and the withholding of the right to vote from women
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Photo graphy course
An elementary course of eight illustrated "talks and demonstrations on " Photography for the Amateur," •will begin next Monday, at the North Strand Vocational School , Dublin. The course will be conducted by Mr. Thomas McMullan, A.R.P.S., E.F.I.A.P..
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up her adherence to the Council of Europe by ratifying the councilsponsored human rights convention. In one of his last parliamentary appearances before his retirement from the collegial-type Cabinet for reasons of health and age. On New Year's Day Wahlen expressed the Government 's view that the ban on the Jesuits was an anachronism at a time when the Christian world is seeking unity. Switzerland , he recalled , is the only democratic State that still outlaws the Jesuits.. Norway was the last to repeal her ban on them. Wahlen said that the example given by the late Pope John XX1TC and the work of the recently concluded "Vatican Ecumenical Council had helped to "brush aside many tensions and misunderstandings. "Obstacles" remain in the way of < the projected r constitutional rev i sion , "but the time when they. can he: overcome ¦no longer1 •' . ap/ pear so-far-off ,," he -continued . - .:
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ments conviction that She required, nation-wide referendum on a revision must not be held until its necessary approval by both a majority of the voters and of the countrys 25 Cantons (states) was assu red. "The damage that would result from a negative vote by the people and the cantons- would be difficult to repair." he said. to which The "obstacl es" Wahlen referred include, according to some Swiss commentators, isolated undercurrents of religious intoler ance that remain directed against the Vatican , in general and the Jesuits in particular , The same commentators believe that the recent wave of anti-foreigner statement in Switzerland was inspired to some degree by the religious q u esti on . The Italians and Spaniards who make up the overwhelming maj ority of the foreigners employed in Switzerland are catholics. :
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