Manchester cMldi'en win Feis dancing
Very Highly Commended: Gratnne Byrne, McGee School. St. Patrick's Day, under nine year * (P.W.) was won by Jessica OToole Kane School; 2, Cathy Doyle, MoGee School; 3, Geraldrne Moran, Kane School.- As there 'were only three entries for this competition only one prize was " awarded: the other competitorswere placed. Hornpipe, under 13 years (N.P.W.i was won by Gabrielle \ Hayes. McGee School; 2, Elizabeth Hathaway, Flood School, Oxford; 3, Myra Reid. Moore School. Babies Ree],= under seven years, was the first competition yesterday afternoon after the Iuncbtime break, and it was won by the Manchester children with Very.Highly Commended: Janet McCarthy, O'Connor School, Highly Commended; Teresa Crampton, McCaffreySchool. Hornpipe under 13 years (P.W.) was won by P. Farrington, O'Connor School ; 2, Bernadette Smith , McGee School; 3. Ann Grimes, McGee School. Jig, under nine year3 (P.W.), 1; 1. Breda OTJonnell, McCaffrey School- 2, Audrey Walsh, Herliby School! 3. Maty Friel, Kenny School. Very Highl*- Commended: Bernadette- Lees. St. Chad's School, Manchester. Jig, under nine year* (P.W.O, 1; Bernadette Power, Moore School: 2. Irene McGuinrcess, Kane School; 3. Jessica OToole. Kane "School. Four Hand Reel, under 12 years, was won by Set "A,** BoUon School; 2: Set "B," Tnis Ealga; 3: Set "A". McCaffreySchool. Humours of Bandon, 12-15 years (mixed) 1: Set "A", McCaffrey School; 2: Set "A". Rory O'Connor School. Jig in Couples, under 12 years (unmixed): 1: Set "A", Kenny School; 2. L. Bateman and Ann Grimes. MoGee School; 3: Set "A". St Chad's School. Manchester. Reel in Couples, over 15 years (unmixed): 1, Set "B", Rory O'Connor School: 2. Set "A". Inis Ealga School; 3, L. Berkley and B. OTJairfon. McCaffreySchool.
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T.U.C. clear wage claims f or over 500,000
THREE CHILDREN from Manchester won 'the ' first three awards in the Babies Reel (for,competitors under seven) yesterday afternoon at the Father Mathew Feis. in the Father Mathew Hall , Church street . Dublin. They were Ann McNamara, of St Chad 's School; Anthony Wrall, of Grainger School, and ' Christina Kelly, of St. Chad's School, reflecting the great increase of interest in Irish, dancing in that city, particularly in the younger age group children and their parents. A great deal of credit for this renewed enthusiasm in the Manchester area particularly can be traced to Irish dancing schools in the _ area, run by former. Irish dancing champions like three sisters . Regina, B r e n d a and Maureen Grainger. With the group of Manchester entrants this year is the Very Rev. Thomas Wharry, P.P.. who is looking after the children. Reel in Couples, 12-15 veers (unmixed), was won by Set "A". Bolton School; 2, Set "B", Rory O'Connor School; 3, Set "B", Inis Ealga School. Jig in Couples, over 15 years (mixed), was won by Set "A", Kenny School; 2. Set "A", Rory O'Connor School; 3, Set "A", M^affrey School. The first competition yesterday morning was the Three Hand Reel for under 12 yea rs (unmixed) and it was won by Set "B", Kenny School ; 2. Set "A" St Gnad's School , Manchester. 3, Set "A", Hcrlrhv School. Highly Commended: Set "A", Kenny School. Slipjig (N.P.W.),' under nine years : 1, Frances Sweeney, Hood School. Oxford; 2, Eknir Ni Mhaccucidigh , Inis Ealga School; 3, Audrey Walsh, Herlihy School, Slipjig. under nine years (P.W.) ; 1. Irene McGuinne3s, Kane School; 2. Marie Butler Massey School; 3, Mar v McLaughJan McGee School. St. Patrick's Day, under 11 years (N.P.W .-) was won by Barbara Duffy. Cullen School; 2, S. Motloy, Grainger School, Manchester; 3, John McEvoy Rory O'Connor School. St. Patrick's Day, under 11 (P.W .) was won by Martin Archbold , Bolton School; 2, Linda Browne, Cullen School; 3. Lorraine Bateman , McGee School; Very Highly Commended : Mary Cotccan. McCormack School. St. Patrick's Day. under nine years (\' P.W.) was won by Irene McGuinne;s. Kane School: 2, Barbara Gilroy. Kelly School; 3, Ann McNamara. St. Chad's. Manchester.
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(^cond Mr Childers Minister f o r Transpor t and Power, with the You ng 'Scientist of the Year, George Andrew Reynolds Mother-sill, and Carmel Etnelia W esley College,:Dublin, (left ) , Phillips and David Brian Dublin, CBS., f rom left), St. James Loreto High School, Rathfarnham, Co. Dublin. The Young Scientists exhibition f s being held- in the Intercont inental Hotel. Dublin. :; -, ': :
BOY, AGED 17, IS YOUNG More State Splendid, and SCIENTIST OF YEAR aid for so usef ul, A 17-YEAR-OLD Dublin boy yesterday was awarded the title of "Young Scientist of the Year" at the Young Scientists' Exhibition in the Intercontinental Hotel . Dublin. The boy, George conservation gesture Andrew Reynolds, of Tyrconnell park . Irichicore, who is a pupil , 's street, also won at the Christian Brothers' School St. James £250.
USING, for the first time, their new standards approved in February, the T.U.C. incomes polky committee yesterday had before them 28 daims for increased wages covering 356,419, workers. Of these, 21, catering for about 549,139 workers brought no objection f rom the committee, with the proviso that far as powtble in some cases the increases should be confined as implementation or mat week, £15 a less than earning to workers of the claim should be delayed until 12 months after the previous settlement The largest of these claims which went successfully through the vettine - procedure was one by the General and Municipal Workers Union for 280,000 manual workers employed in local government. The grounds for the claim were the workers' existing low pay. Also made on the grounds of low 'basic rates, claims for 113.000 workers in the retail meat trade, made by the union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers, and for 100,000 -workers in the hairdressing trade, passed through the committee. They were not satisfied with five of the claims submitted , and are asking the unions concerned •to meet a panel of committee members for discussions. Four of these claims affect workers in the Scottish Bus Group Ltd., and are made by the National and Local Government Officers" Association. They cover inspectors, clerical and supervisory staff , traffic superintendents, inspectors, depot engineers, and departmental foremen. TOTAL LIMIT
National steel strike threatened
THE EFFORTS of local authorities, voluntary bodies and private individuals were unlikely, to prove fully numThe winning project was designed aimost one-third of the total effective unless the Government to " determine, the extent and ber of entries. provided a more dynamic leadership A spokesman for the 22 judges m the whole conservation movenature of mineralisation of the iron-manganese lode " at Clogh- said the standard of the top prizie^ ment, said Mr, James Gibbons, leagh, Co. Wicklow, by means or winners was as high^as in previous Parly Secretary to the Minister for electrical resistance, georesistivity years. The JYoung Scientista' project Finance, yesterday. He was speaking which was completed in - a truly at a symposium on Environment and natural current surveys. His project, which took two scientific sense, was irt a new field Planning at Kilkenny Design Workyears, showed that there was about of research for this ' country: shops. Mr. Gibbons said that the had not received a "great 61,000,000 tons of workable ore in geography United Nations and the Council of the mine containing about 3,000,000 qeal of attention here, except per- Europe, through their specialised haps, from the Institute of Advanced tons of iron and manganese oxides. agencies, had sponsored conferences " I don't know if this means that Studies. . and other activities to stimulate the mine, which Jias, been disused international co-operation, and 1970 NEW FIELD for over 100 years, is now a combad been designated International The apokc&man added that the Conservation Year, when each mercial proposition. I am not inThe policy now adopted by the terested in that end of if But the standardsdisplayed by the runners- country would be asked to make is that £250 means two years at university up 'were also of 4 high order; both its own .special contribution to the T.U.C. incomes committeelimit of increases up to a total for me and that is what I want," no projects were of a practical nature. conservation effort. 5% could be sanctioned , comsaid. He studied his method, which M iss Mothersill's project dealing pared with the Government 's prowas based on sulphide ore rather with ragwort was of great value . PARKS AND SHANNON posals that wage increases during than oxide ore, from text books. The number of entrants was down He said he was pleased to the next year should not exceed There " were two runners-up, on previous years, particularly in THE THREAT of a nat ; n. . Oarmel Emclia Mothersill (17), of the senior -sections. This was due announce that he had taken a first a ceiling of 3.5%. A new salary claim for 250,000 steel dispute on May 10th cii -e Springfield road , Tcmplcogue, a mainly to the postponement of the step towards Government assistance meting ycs:c pupil at Loreto Hfgh School, Beau- exhibition from January last because by deciding that the management of staff employed by focal authorities from an emergency sub- day of the national sleelworken fort. Rathfarnham, and David Brian of the foot-and-moutii restrictions our national monuments, parks in Enghnd and Wales was wioh committee of the Amalgamated Phillips (17), of 60 Cherrygarth, and the current pressure of studies and Shannon navigation will be mil ted at a joint meeting combined in a new section within the unions of the national joint Union of Building Trade Workers Mount Merrion, a pupil at Wesley on senior students. !' yesterday. It at its London head quarters. College, Dublin. The projects generally, according the Office of Public Works under council in London Miss Mothersill, who had pre- to the judges, were of a more truly full-time control of a high ranking was referred to a_ sub-committee would involve about 2,500 union members, and thousands more EXCITEMENT viously won a runner-up and highly scientific nature and the "collection officer. This, he said, would facili- representing both sides. The main union involved is the might have to be laid off. , this year won and hobby-type" projects had vir- tate formulating a co-ordinated commended prizes Naturally, too, such an endow- £100 for a project on a study of The meeting, which lasted threeconservation and development pro- National and Local Government ment does a great deal for a feis. ragwort which, included a detailed tually disappeared. * Association. and the and-a-half hours , confirmed offiOfficers gramme for all three categories. Of the six sen/ior sections in which For one thing, the prospect of see- investigation into its ecology and of the cial recognition of the dispute o\er The Minister for Finance had claim is for a revision ing someone win '£100 or more is toxic properties. She used live mice no first prizes were awarded, three structure of the administra- "hot" work which has affected s:v salary From Michael Viney recently authorised creation of four an excitement to an audience. For in the experiments and was super- of them provided the top overall professional and technical steelworks, and decided to extend prize-winners — senior geography, further posts for the national momu- tive , , excluding NEW STEPS in Government policy for conservation and devel- another, the syllabus must provide vised by a veterinary surgeon. town clerks, county it to eleven more on Saturday. staff ments department—those of two chemistry and biology. music, giving pleasure in its The meeting decid ed to extend council clerks, and certain chief David Phillips also won £100 for opment of amenities were announced in Kilkenny yesterday by real archaeologists. The Civil Service Mr. Patrick Lynch, chairman of unless suspendec! right to an audience. officers such as treasurers, who the dispute a project which demonstrated ths Aer Commission would hold a competiMr. James M. Gibbons, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister own Lingus. referred to the part This is particularly true in this construction of a gas / liquid have separate negotiating machinery. operatives were reinstated immetion soon to find people to fill the for Finance. He was opening a three-day symposium on environ- case, where the extremely intelligent chromatograph and the separation which science could play in the The current two-year agreement , diately. On Tuesday, several hunsyllabus provides for any Bach pre- of organic mixtures on a packed economic growth of the country. new posts. This would enable- the which gave increases of about 7%. dred brickla\ers and mates stopped ment planning at the Kilkenny Design Workshops. Government to enlarge its activities Scientifically and technologically, and fugue, the first movement column. expires at the end of July, and work at four Tceside steelworks Management of the national ings, once destroyed aTe gone—a lude however, Ireland was backward, but in that field. of any sonata by Mozart, Beethoven the unions hope a decision on the after men were suspended for reThe exhibition was officially at monuments , tie national parks, and simple loss of national capital." least the jap was being recogThe Parliamentary Secretary new claim, which lays particular fusing to do "hot" work—essemul or Schubert; and a romantic or opened yesterday by the Minister of Shannon navigation is being Tourism, said Mr. Fox, was an modern piece of own choice. added that a senior officer in his for Transport and Power, Mr. nised. on the lower paid staff, repairs to furnaces and soakinj combined in a new section of the industry particularly "prone to The exhibition was sponsored by Department had just been given emphasis This provides a succession of in- Childers. He said that the success will to made by then. The 1966 pits—when the British Steel CorOffice of Public Works under the erode- its own assets." Tourism was teresting Aer Lingus. the job of studying the best way rise was frozen for six months. poration rejected a pay claim. full-time control of a high-ranking the vital support of amenity con- the casemusical programmes. As in of the exhibitions had demonstrated the State could give more dynamic of this year's winner a growing awareness of the impor officer. This, said Mr. Gibbons, servation, but should not be PRIZEWINNERS MORE INVOLVED leadership in the whole field of would aid th e formulation of a co- accepted as the sole reason for it (Michael O'Rourke) and runner-up tance of scientific training. conservation, and his report would (David Milne), the pleasure Results : Junior biochemistry—1, of A B.S.C. Teeside official said ordinated conservation and deve- —"for that is to replace the drama MORE STUDENTS Jonathan Martin Cohen (The High be issued within a month or so. yesterday that more than l.CM lopment programme for . all three of experience with mere con- hearing them play was very conVoluntary bodies such as An siderable. School, Harcourt street, DubHn); 2, bricklayers and their labourers categories. In the past, conserva- trivance, which quickly palls." The number of students studying Sheelagh Margaret Ryan (Convent Taisce (the National Trust), the So. surely, will be the prowere now involved in the dispute tion of national monuments had science subjects in secondary Irish Wildlife Committee and many of Mercy, gramme of the Spanish Point); 3 Mary vocal bursary to- schools increased from 28,500 in STEPS TO TAKE . The resolution passed at ycs:c ;come unde r the genera! heading of others had done valuable work in Byrne night, Jaointa (Convent F.CJL, Bunin which at least two of the 1960/'6 1 to almost 65,000 \n day 's emergency mcciinR says me " maintenance," lumped in with the There were four necessary awakening public interest in consteps olody). competitors are singers we have 1966/'67. The Government had care o.f garda stations and schools. action has been taken "in view in conservation. Ireland was often enjoyed in Dublin, Senior biochemistry — 1, Maire servation, and groups like the There had been both lack of money " of the provocative altitude of the made funds available on an increas- Therese *• because it had poised in mid-air had Kilkenny Archaeological Society O'Neill (St. Dominic's ColNorth-east steeiworkcrs manageand of trained staff. " and our pering scale for research, development lege Cabra, DuWin); 2, Margaret shown what could be achieved by taken only one—the .legislation to . ment acting ostensibly for the Bnformance has not been what we guide and and the important support activi- Tyndall protect. We had not (Notre Dame enthusiasm, he said. local pride and des Missions, . A BRITISH EXPEDITION which tish Steel Corporation." would desire." ties of technical information, tech- Ohurchtown, Dublin). made an inventory of what existed, Mr. Gibbons continued : "We assessed The committee says it has no arrived back in London yesterday nical testing and technical survey. - Junior biology—Aing eal Maire Ni its social or economic can look forward to a steady ex- potentials, after covering nearly 100 mij es of alternative but to decla re the "lockAnything which encouraged Riain (Clochar 'Lughaidh ^ created incentives or to , Muineapansion of activity on national the Nile, said that the Ethiopian out" of its members in the Northyoung people to learn for them- chan); 2, Bridget Gabriel Dwyer and develop. monuments in the immediate maintain Government had stopped their east an official dispute . selves was well worth while and it (F.C.J. Convent . Bunclody); 3. Mr Fox that State grants said . future. The present professional The Aiinistcr of Power . Mr. Rz> journey and confiscated some of would be hard to find a more effec- 1 equal. Angela Flynn (Convent of external restoration of historic staff consists of one inspector and for Gunter (above), wlil be informed the film they had taken. tive means to this end than such an Mercy. buildings were common in Europe. Spanish Point); Nellie Hiltw o assistant inspectors, one of They believed that one of the officially by the end of the week exhibition. )ery (Convent of Mercy, Spanish whom is an archaeologist. The "Essentially, thev are a primer for reasons &ey had been stopped was thai, "unless the operatives are Mr. Childers said that it was Point). A Belfastman, renewal and much success in raising Mr. Jack Ministe r for Finance has recently property val<ue a fear that they would be reinstated immediately, " the uni<v. gratifying to see the degree of Senior Biology — 1, No prize s is already" evident." McVickcr, with his wife and their authorised the creation of four gives notices that , on May 10:ri murdered by local people. response on the pare of so many awarded; 2, Michael two children (aged He quote the use of such grants for four and two) Samuel further posts of assistant inspector restoration of Che facades of is planning to A member of the five-ma n, one- the dispute will be extended ' to the pupils to the invitations to take Preston (St .Conleth's College, sail around the —two architects and two archaeoThe president of the National girl expedition, Mr. Tom Stacey whole of the steel industry. houses in Bath in Britain . world in a 60-ycar-old, 40-ton part in this exhibition. Ballsbridge. Dublin); 3, Anne logists. With the prospect of fur- Georgian Execeutive councils of all " unioni Fanners' Association, Mx. T. J. (39), a journalist from Sussex, exyacht, In die last the Golden decade their resale value Vanity. (Convent An interesting point which had Horan of Mercy, YesterMoate). ther expansion , these posts will with members within the industn last night plained that two members of a said in Dublin Maher, had ciinvbed about 300%, from day the sea wa$ too choppy for emerged was the mature national Junior Chemistry — 1. Eugent offer an attractive career to young £7.000 that the sacrifices made by workers previous expedition had been are being told a& yesicrda} s decithem to leave to nearly £25,000. Bangor, consciousness revealed in Gerard Corcoran CMarist College, Part of Co. Down, a number g r ad u ates.- and especially those who sion. the States' reward was in increased but they hope to be able to start of the exhibits. Problems of impor- Athlone); 2 (equal), Elizabeth in the past as they tried to achieve murdered. w:'i be graduating this year." Other reason* wero that the The union president . Mr. John an organised voice bad their the voyage Murray (Convent of Mercy, rateable value tance to agriculture, this afternoon. fisheries, health, They . Mr. Gibbon s also - announced parallel today in the sacrifices that Ethopian Government considered Leonard, who pressed at the Spanish Point), Anthony Joseph expect it to last industry, "It is a common fear that mas«hree sociology, education and years. that a senior officer in his departAfter negotiating the Caledonian many other facets of national Walsh (Sccil-n« mBraithre, Loch farmers had to make to achieve the river too dangerous and that meeting, said afterwards : •' I ns sive State aid must be invoked in a ment has just been given the job conservation they objected to photography of actions of the slecl employers hs e their independence . canai , their first stop will be at development had been studied in Gaxman). programme. The eviof studying how best the State Senior Chemistry — No prizes Mr. Maiier, who wa* giving the the Amhario villagers near the forced me to make an extreme ¦ coirld give " more dynamic leader- den ce docs n ot suggest thi s is th e Flensburg, North Germany, wlhere detail and to good purpose. April lecture at the Jesuit Retreat river because they would appear serious decision. In view of. :'r.t . A sensitive, flexible scheme of Mrs. McVicker was born. Their The list of experiments contained awarded. shir * in the home field of con- case Junio r Electronics — 1. 2, No House in Rathfarnh&m Castle, said too primitive, and give Ethopia a nation "s economic position , ry financial priming based on route afer that will take them to many other points of very great vrvation." His report will be pro blem had been to make rev ¦¦prizes awarded; 3. Fiachra Michael that what workers bad to win the- bad name. available within the next month or economic study, and balancing the Canaries, the West Indies, New interest ranging from the biological Mac an expedition Bhieithiun (Colaiste sen ovrt at the end sible The recommendations ;o our < « ; to organise hard way — the right broad consideration of profit and Zealand and Australia and back sciences to electronics. He said that *< -> and it shoul d be possible soon loss, is the need." of February with the intention of members. At the same time . I h s e Mhitire, Cearnog Pharnell). the right to home by themselves into unions, Africa. South he was rather intrigued by the swing r a t<T to a nnounce gejieral pro.) -¦Senior electronics—1, No prize negotiate the r%ht to strike — filming and exploring four hundred a duty to make , public air. ¦ \fr . Fox showed colour slides of away from the biological section in posa l? 1 awarded; 2. Deonot J. O'Moore farmers were finding that they miles of the Nile, starting from lateral action by the employers particular "scarrings on the Iris ^ recent exhibitions. In the first exhuman scene." Among those which hibition, entries in the biological (O'Connell Schools C.B.S., Dublin); would have to win the hard way the headwaters. The yhad with them which is against the national in40 Starfi gh t er death s DANISH DELEGATES three inflatable rubber boats. But terest." raised exclamations of horror from section had formed by far the 3, Stewart Jacobs (The High also. The symposium on environment the Danish students was a photoThe West German Air Force lost largest single category. In recent School, Harcourt street, Dublin). To day in Ireland, in a country three week* a®o three of the memp lannine has been jointly organised graph of massive rubWe heaps its 80th Starfighter in a crash near exhibitions, however, entries in the Junior geography—1, Mary Mul- which had -produced Pears* tad ber* returned home after two of New univer sity rector bv the Kilkenny Design Workshops dumped 00 river banks in the Wesrt Munich yesterday, Th« pHot was geographical section had been th« laney (Marasit- Conrvent, Tubfcer- Coimo&ywith their vision of a Re- the boats1 were badly damaged in Sir Leario Constantine C66), ibc and the Royal Institute of Archi- in r*>- ~ course of drainage pr°" killed — the 40th since 1961 — most numerous and in fact projects Cttrry); 2 . Anthony William Ktz- public cherishing all th« oh2dren uncharted rapids. former West Indie* cricketer, artc tects of Ireland. It brings together graroffnes. fReuter.) under this headnsg now comprised- gerald (De la Salle College.Cfmrob- of tbo nation equally, tfae very High Commissioner for Trinidad BEHIND SCHEDULE 18 student architects and designers town, Dublin); 3, Mary Frances ideals oa which freedom had been and Tobago in Britain , nvis mfrom ihe Royal Academy of Casey (Loreto Convent, Balbriggan). fought for an<l won were being Of tho danger of murder, Mr. stafied yesterday as rector << Si Copenhagen and 18 students from Senior geography—1, No prize denied to the farming community. Stacey said: "When one part of Andrew's University, and was¦ University College, Dublin; the awarded; 2, Owen Patrick Gill Tbo upsurge by the fanning com- our expedition fell a few days given the honoraryFife, « ii<rgr« Bolton Street College of Tech(Ciongowes Wood College, Naas); munity in the past two years was behind schedule, officials gave it as Doctor of Laws at the cerenvn-. -' nology, and the National College 3, (equal) Sheila Mary Scanlon not, as some might like to think, a their view that they had also been of Art. (Loreto Convent,-Balbriggan); Mary campaign inspired by ambitious murdered. In fact, we met no hosThe Danish party is led bv ProAward for Henry Moore Shine (Vocational School, Ncw- men; neither was it a campaign tility." fessor Erik. Hcrlow, professor of castlewest). The B ritish sculptor , Hcrv He added that the expedition to upset the Government. It was a design at the Copenhagen Academy. M oore , was yesterday n anw.! » Junior mathematics—1 reapply would at once for permis, Winifred movement that would be written THE WINNER had wonderful 3, Rita Egan, S.D., Loughrea, and Jerry King, Lambe School of n no was one of the Scandinavian Mary Fay (St . Joseph' Secondary into history. It was the great move- sion to complete the course, hoping ner of one of the Albert Ks - •>:» ;" Dancing. potential, a good tense of drama Hession S.D., Salthill. * 2, (equal) tea m who prepared the controverSchool, Newtownforbes); ment towards emancipation by to return -when tho Ethiopian Commemorative Awards fo r ' '^• ¦Junior Humours of Bandon: 1, Girls', juvenile reel (8 to 10) : 1, Mary Nuala sial report of design in Ireland io and good variety of tone and Government "see fit to honour in New York. He was sdecrev; '¦? ' Keogb (St . Joseph's Ireland's 200,000 farmers. pace said Miss Ethel Fitzpatricfc, O'Loughlin School of Dancing Orla Downes; -2, Madeline Coen, Secondary 1961. With him are four of the School. Newtowmforbes); The farmers had discovered what their orwnel written pledge to tha award because of the "i nnovaL. G.S. M, Newry, when she team, Loughrea, Co. Galway; 2 Hession S.D., Galway; 3 (tie), acade my 's senior staff. Ronan , Paul (Sandymount organisation and the independent allow the expedkion to navigate tive beauty and enduring hu man ;ty Mr. "Kevin Fox, head of Ghe announced the winner of the and 3, Catty School of Dancmg Catriona O'Flahertv and Eileen High School, Scaife of his wort."—(A-P.) Dublin). voice meant to them and it was and film *e Nile." Hynes, Cunniflfe S.D., Athlone. School of Budding at the BoAion O'Carolan cup, one of the major teams, Galway. Senior mathematics^—!, No prize inevitable in the end that there Intermediate reel (13 to 16 years): Special prize : Marie Higgins, Streat College of Technology, in trophies for English execution at awarded; 2 (equal) Frances Philo- must be a return to co-operation a paper on the Preservation of Feis Shligigh in Sligo Town Hall 1, Gorrerti Armstrong, Hessian Hession S.D., Galway. Slip jig (under 10, confined) : 1, mena Ruane (Dominican Convent, between organised fanners on the School of Dancing, Galway; 2, Amenities, said that not so long yesterday. Sion HSU, Maohad John one ha nd and the Government on ago in history there_ had been a The competition, which is con- Therese Canney, Hessian School of Mary Clifford; 2, Anne Taheny, Carroll (StBlackrook); . Nathy's College, Ba]- the other—else there could onJy be general pride in environment and fined to children under the age of Dancing, Galway; 3, Philomena Healy S.D., Sligo; 3. Carmel laghadenrecn); 3, KaitWeen Brigid further strife, which would certainly of Tansey, Heaty S.D., Sligo. sensibility of its importance in 14, was won from an entry of 18 Rennick, Giilespie School Girls' hornpipe (8 to 12, con- Flood (St. Joseph s Secondary not be the benefit of our greatest social advancement. "But, for about by Paula Kenny, of the- Kelly Dancing, Sligo. industry. Special award: Joseph O'Lough- fined) : 1, Martina Reid. Healy School , Newtownforbes). a century now, amenity considera- School of Elocution, Galiway. Junior physics — I , Anthony lin , O'LougbJin School of Dancing, S.D., Sligo; 2, Lynn O'Connor, Mr. Maher suggested the setting tions have carried a taint of the Joseph Murtagh (St. Vincent's up of a forum where there could McDermott S.D. Sligo; 3, Mary AWARDS Loughrea. improvident and unnecessary. We CBS., Glasnevin Dublin); 2, be a regular interchange at opinions A FRENCH TEST PILOT said the prototype of the AngloReel (12 to 16, confined) : 1, Clifford. fesl guilty about promoting the Boys* hornpipe (8 to 12, con- (equal) Ruth Mane Adams (Alex- and views between members of the French Jaguar supersonic strike-trainer plane "behaved beautiSpecial competition for English Goretti Armstrong, Hession S.D., pleasurable when faced , with the (6 to 8 years): boys— Galway; 2, Rosario Gallagher, fin ed) : 1, Tony Mollare, Gillespie andra College, Dublin); Anthony urban and rural communities. demands of utility services and recitation Daly (De k Salle College, Church- "Most of our troubles stem from fully" on two taxiing runs at its first public rofl-out, near Paru. pressures of commercial develop- 1, T- O'Dowd, Scott Ursula, Ursu-' Gillespie S.D., Sligo; 3, Ann Scott, SJX; Sligo. line Convent, Unaccompani e d ballad : I, town). Siligo; 2, Gillespie S.D., Sligo. A. Carroll, ignorance," he said. "Once you have yesterday. ment. Boys' reel (12 to 16, confined) : Bridie Ferguson, Martin Savage ScoH Ursula; 3, F- Hogan, Scoil Senior physics—1, No prize dialogue, once you have a forum M. Bernard Witt, chief test pilot The aircraft is duo to mn^e I*5 Ursula; girls—A. Somers, Ursuline 1, Padraig Kilfeather, Gillespie terrace, .SIiro; 2, Joe Gunning, awarded; 2, Edward Leslie Daly where town and country can meet of the French company, Jireguet, first LOW PRIORITY flight shortly—leas than throe S.D., Sligo. Convent, Sligo; 2 (tie). Jacqueline Garrayogue villas, Sligo. (Gonzaga College, Dublin); 3, John to discuss their ideas in a ' spir it which built tfae ncedie-noscdplane yean after the project was initiated "Although provided for in plan- O'Donnell, The Pharmacy, CharlesPercy French songs—1 , Bridie Peter Palmer (Oongowej Wood of mutual understanding, then you jointly with the British Aircraft Modern Irish dance : 1, Carty ning legisj aition , amenity often has town, Co- Mayo ; Regina McGuin- S.D. team, Galway; 2, O'Loughlin Ferguson. College, Naas). It will enter service in 1970. md are well on the road to wiping Corporation, made the two runs low priority. There is a lack of ness, Market street, Sligo, and M- S.D. team, Loughrea. Melodeon or accordion solo (hat the proto- will replacetfae Gnats and Hunters and caid afterwards away the barriersthat must be ¦ s,oci3l balance. To readjust this Ni hAisead, . Charlcstown, CoIntermediate double jig (13 to (senior)—1, Thomas \fac Sleator, broken down if there it to be real type responded to every command. of the R-A.F. 4s andinthe Siiper-Sabf*4 jj U necessary to apply to amenity Mayo; 3, A. CarroU, Ursuline 16) : 1. Theresa Canney, Hession Riverstown, Co. Sligo. French geoioe prog ress. and M^Tstcre ,000 British and M o r e than 2 planning the same cool arithmetic Convent, Sligo. S.D., Galway; 2, Goretti Armstrong; Accordion solo (senior) — 1, officials, senior French Government As an advanced trainer, it o8ei» the satne factual assessment of Junior flute group: 1, Mariet 3, Rosario Gallagher. Padraia Dwyer. Riyerstown. Air Force officers and newsmen, supersonic performance, while *« benefits and liabilities that are Brothers group, Athlone. Piano duet (under 10)—1, Keith Junior fairy reel (12 to 15, watched the aircraft, the first tactical version will carry a «**• applied to the provision of utilities. Mouth organ band: , 1, CoJaiste mixed) : 1, O'Rourke S.D. troupe, Roulston and Jennifer MoDcrmott, military plane jointly . buik by variety of weapons.—("Renter). But the basic problem is this atti - Mhuire, Athlone. Ballyfarnon, Co. Roscommon; . 2, Mulryne S.M., BaHybofey; 2. Ann Britain and France, roll out of its Girls' duet, under 17: 1, Suzanne Cumann Rince, Tuam, Co. Galway. Reihill and Philomena Gaffne'y, tude we have—that amenity ii The UJN. Council for South-w»t hangar at Vilktcoublay Airfield. something not qui te realistic or Caheny and Rosaleen Moore, Holy, Senior hornpipe : 1, Marylyn Convent of Mercy, Enniskitlen; 3 Africa appeared yesterday to have, On the plane's first run its brake Cross Church choir , Sligo. n ecessary. Me-lvin, Cunniffe S.D., Athlone; 2, (tie), : Philomena Gaffney and VS. District Judge Francis Ford parachute least temporarily, abandoned any failed <o open, tnit Junior accordeon solo: 1 (tie), Brenda Kelly, Clcaghmore, Balhna- Marit a Bre nnan . Convent of Mercy, at "We have a stock of amenities. ruled in Boston yesterday that the officials said Car workers walk out attempt to enter the South AfricanIt is not limitless , it is quite fragile Siobhan McCauehey, McDcrmott sloc; .3," Mary Cassidy, Jackson J5nniskillen; Una Cailaghan and administered : legality of tile Vietnam war. was properly folded. ft had not been territory and establ ish . partner. Convent of Mercy, Ennis- a U.N. presence and it is all we have. We ; must School of Music, Tyrone, and S.D., Ballina. not a relevant issue in ths case of there. It' was Eifcbt hundred worier* svaK^ 1 McDermott McGinn, Juvenile slip jig (8 to 10) : 1, killen. For the second run, M. Witt out-yesterday conserve it . Much of- it is'irreplac- Mairead ;and Dr. Benjamin Spock and Ahu learned that the entire Council from the BMC ser' ' Piano duet (under U)—l. Finnola Secretariat had booked to fly from other men charged with conspiracy taxied die plane to the far end of vice" depot at Horsbath able and indeed, we in Ireland, like School of Music; 2, Ann McNally, Aileen . Hynes, Cunniffe S.D., , Oxford , tn Mary Cliflford, Jennings ana Dorothv McKane.- St Dar-es-Salaam to Rome tonight, pre- in advising young men to evade the runway, pushed up the engines a dispute over a new bonus system 2, other nations have done little to Teiffia park, Longford; ;3, Paul Athlone; ^ to "maximum bold power." released It is the second such stoppage this f a t the future. McCann. McDermott School of. McDermott S.D., Sligo; 3, Orla Cecilia s S.M.. Ballina; 2, Mary sumably on their way bade io New the . draft. add to this stock Downcs, Hession S-D., Galway. Slevin and Goretto McHalc, Con- York. With the best intentions." even we Music, Trillick. The Judge made- ihe ruling at the brakes and accelerated to about year and it brought to a ha lt Juvenile fairy;reel (under 12) : vent o( Mercy, BaHyshaonon; 3 are unlikel y to be able to add. ' Junior melodeon solo: I , Joseph' South Africa had made h clear the outset of a. hearing of pre- 110 m.pj i. He then opened the supplies to dealers of spare part* very much. To a great extent, the Feeney,'.Carney, Co.-. Sligo; 2 (tie),, ,1, Hession S.D., Sligo; 2, Carthy (tie), A. Leavy and -A. O'Grady, that she would not allow the Coun- trial motions filed by Defence brake parachute and applied the for B.M.C vehicles. bes>r sye can do is to change its Maire Ni Ceannaigh, Convent of ; S.D., Galway; 3, Heaty S.D., Ursuline Convent, Sligo; Mary cil into South-westAfrica. Various lawyers for Dr. Speck; a Yalo wheel brake*and bTougbt the plane Hoev and Katherine Kelly. Convent airlines were approach*.*?to take University chaplain, the, Rev. WU- to a: halt. use and character gracefully.. The Mercy, Sligo, and Michad Arm- Balljo note, Co. Sligo . Minor sli p .jig (tinder 8): I , of Mercy, ' Ballyshanrion There are higb hopes for export designed landscapes, the • great strong, Riverside, Sligo; 3, Vincent the Council into the " territory, but liam Sloano Coffin; a Harvard Brenda Keady, Hession S.D., GalJunior ballad (under 16) ' — 1. none; was apparently^prepared to graduate . student". Mr. , M ichael sales of the Jaiguar. Apart from the ga rdens, the rivers, the habitats of Feeney, Carney. ; Lord Bootbby improved Prize dinners' vocal solo: ,1, way; 2, Catriona O"Raherrv. Carly David McHugh, Scot Padra - defy South Africa's refusal of land- Feifljcr; the author, Mr. Mitchell 400 ordered equally J by the R.A.F. plants and animals, the fine buildCharnwood, S.D., Galway; 3, (ti e) Aideen Ballina; ¦2. Maire Monaghan, % 5 S' ing riights. Colgan, Vivietme Gpodrnan, and Mr. Marcus Raskin, and French Air Force, the export Lord Boothbv (68), who h w Dalysfort road, Galway; 2 (tie), Benson. " O'Loughlin S.D., Lough - Mary 's close, Carrick-on-Shannon The ;11-man Council was set up co^ordinator of tfie" Institute' for potential is set on a conservative been "J the National Hospital for policy studies Brian Crummy, Upper John street. rea,.and Agatha Molvin, O'ConneU 3 (tie), Roseanne Kcnriy."'• Kell> ¦ esti ma te , in Washington.. at 500, but could reach Nervouj o introduce U.N. administration in Diseases in London id KNOCK PILGRIMAGE Slfgo, an d Ros«anne Kenny, Kelly street, Athlone, A, School, Galway. and Paula Kenny. South-west Africa, after the U.N. Mr. Leonard 1,000. the past 10 day*, went oat for » Boys' Juvenile reel (8 to 10) : 1, KeMy School/. Oralway. The. first pilgrimage ,to Knock, School, Galway. At about £600,000 per aircraft, wa«t for an hour yes*w*W decided to revoke Soulh Africa' Boudin, argued ftat the defenshrine, ,Co. Mayo, thfs year, will Connadit challenge cup for Insfh John McCrea; McDermott S.D-, '' Special piano' (un der , 10) — 1. mandate over the -farmer German* ¦ da nts' cowweMing of youth con- exports, shared on a 50-50 basi* according to t. hospital«pofce«jeai Donegal; 2, John O'ShaughPettigo, Lambe Larnoe, take pHace on Sunday, April 28th. dancing: 1, Paddy Mairead Granaghan. Upper Garden colony. South Africa said that she cerning the draft wa* protectedby with French', could play a n .impor- The spokesman said : He W ' S.D., Garway; (he) , Carty 3 Ann nessy, . BaUma: 2, It is being organised by An Realt, School of Dancing. street. Ballfr>a ; 2, Aiieen Hynes, would not accept the U.N. decision . the constitutional guarantee of free tant part in Britain's future earnings unproved creatfs. nod i»«e«r««l ^ ¦ ' DuWin. Murray, Lambe Schoolof Ifcmeing; ' Michael Cunningham, O'Loughlin 19 O'Coanell street, Athlone. ' - —(Reurtcr). speech.-OJJi) ' from aircraft tales. a fuH dj et,* ^
From CHARLES ACTON TWO OF the major items if interest in the Sligo Feis Ceoil are the two Players-Wills Bursaries, one vocal which will be competed for tonight, the other instrumental. This year's instrumental one is for the piano and was competed for yesterdaw afternoon. These bursaries represent a splendid gesture by Players-Wills, a gesture that one would so much like other firms to copy. It is easy enough for a company to give a cup, a once-only expenditure, but a bursary is both a prolonged expense, and is'infinitel y more useful. A cup is honour-and-glory : a bursary of real, good, hard cash can mean a tremendous lot to a student, since the strain to a music student is often not so much tuition as either actual living fas, I understand, is the case with this year's winner): all the extras that can make the difference between mere techn ical studiy and real artistic development—the price of concert tickets, schools, travel, or even the ready cash to buy a drink with assurance at the right time.
Murder fears stop Nile explorers
Belfast famil y plan worl d yacht voyage
F armers ' fi ght linked with history
Counci l member s turn back
Rulin g against Spock lawyers
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