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= appointments = Energetic and intelli gent





Ideally the girl will have at least 2 years experience in a responsible position.

&S|J|b1|S| Mm £iJ zj£&& jggl* |l | P|| J ^|gS|sSpijpA W^ f j »W

WE OFFER — 5 da y week ; 2/3 weeks' holiday; Pension scheme; Excellent working conditions.


%&ME iMi&


Excellent shorthand and typing necessary. Knowledge of the technical work involved would

required for Management side in Dublin office of world-wide secur ity organisation. Ample opportunity, for advancement to r i ght candidate. Reply in writing giving all relevant details to — Box Z 191 (ener getic)


Salary negotiable but not less than £16 per week. Applications to — TELECTRO N LTD., 16 HERBER T ST., DUBLIN 2






18-20 years for genera l office duties . ' typing , telephone, etc. Reply, statin s age. experience to— Box Z 291 (Builder)


P-E Consulting Group Limited 24 Fitzwillia m Place, Dublin 2

I mmediate vacancy in premier city auctioneer 's office (electric typewriters). Excellent salary and conditions. Phone 778060

The Confederation of Irish Industry

Secret ary/Financi al Controller

Some of the 360 students who have submitted projects for the eighth annual Young Scientists Exhibition, sponsored by Aer Linaus,' which will be opened by the Minister for Finance , Mr. Colley, at the R.D.S., on Frida y. Edward Fergus (above), of St. Ma lachv 's College, Belfast , is seen putting the finishin g touches to a project in which he attempts to create a three-dimensional image on photographic paper by means of p hotography. Brian Dowd (below left), of St. Benildus College , Dublin, is working on a project to establish changes in weather patterns durrihg the last 20 years, and John O'Regan (below, right), also of St. Benildus College , is entering a project in the biology section to show how man can prevent the extinction of some species of birds.

The Confederation of Irish Industry Is a voluntary national organisation representing the interests of its member firms in trade and economic affairs. There is a small executive staff headed by the Director General. A vacancy has occurred for the post of Secretary/Financial Controller. The man appointed will require to be a professionally qualified accountant and be capable of discharging the statutory duties of Company Secretary. He will be responsible for the financial accounting function and will have overall responsibility tor internal administration.

As- the executive staff la small, the successful candidate will require to be an adaptable person, In addition to his executive responsibilities he may be called upon to act as a specialist advisor to the Confederation in his own sphere, especially in the areas of price control* taxation and company law. There is a preference for a man in his 30's with a varied commercial or industrial background. The initial salary will be in the ' region of £4 000 p.a. Please write in confidence to J. P. Hayden, quoting reference H/CA/21.


4 CLERK-TYPISTS Education to Leaving Certificate and about two years' office experience are needed. Salary £13.30 to £20.50 (excluding 13th Round) 5 day week — Good working conditions. Telephone 685141 for further details and application form, before 10 January.



From Ray Roseniield, in Belfast FROM THE WORLD of fa iry tale and "Alice in Wonderland " the Very Rev. Dr. John H. Withers, former Moderator of the Presbyterian General Assembly and self-confessed "ecumenical animal ." drew a warning and guidelines for Northern Ireland yesterday when he gave the traditional New Year message to the Belfast Rotary Club . Like Al ice , the people of Northern Ireland needed to discover whether they were the rig ht size for the world in which they had to live. Many species had found that their su rvival value was tied up with their size: the dinosa ur had a brain weiching a few ounces in a body thaf weighed 70 tons: "I think he has his companions in Northern Ir ela n d today," remarked Dr. Withers. Like Red Riding Hood' s w olf , we had b ig eyes — they could see into the distant planets ; big ears that could hear radiated sounds from the moon and big teeth that could dig into mountains. Big mouths — "Ul ster suffers from big mouths , he said — but its personaliti es did not seem big enough to meet the situaiton. One of the saddest things was the increasing polarisation "as if this la nd of our is not wide enough to take us all in , whatever our political or relig ious views." he commented. " I see no future if we all — S.O.L.P .. Unionists. Liberals, rush into our separate corne rs and lick our wou nds," he continue d.

be willing to have a dream in this land, where we had singers of songs, but now no dreamers of dreams , it seem ed . We had to d ream ourselves into one w orld , though this was a long-ter m project , but if we had no such long-term dream , said Dr. Withers , he could not see how we were going to have any valuable short-term strategy for curing our ¦prese nt ills.

USEFUL SERVICES PAINTING CONTRACTO R available , large or small contracts. Phone Michael Cu nnin gham . 312765. 99b7c



DIC TAPHONE TYPIST required , shorthan d advantage but not necessary, for Dublin solicitor 's office; 5-day week . Phone 63871. 2Sb6c REQUIRED for Solicitor 's Office , Dublin . Jun ior Clerk. Phone 63871. 28b5c SOLICITOR'S ASSISTANT, qualified or unq ualified , required in Liti gation Department of busy city office; experience essential. Inquiries to Box Z 193 , Assistant. 28b7c SOLI CITOR—Good partnership prospects for suitable assistant in busy South Eastern City practic e. Boz Z 273. Sol icitor. 2Sb4c

CAFFR EYS COLLEGE, 109 St. Stephen 's Green , re-opens Monday, Jan uary 3rd , for Leaving Certificate , G.C.E., Matriculat ion and Shorthand and Typing. 61b5c CHAPELIZOD PLA Y GROUP — Established Play Group under guida nce ot Monicssori Teacher for pre school, children . For enquiries telephone 365786. Re-opens on Tuesday, Jan. 4th . 61bSc ENGLISH for foreign sludenls and au pa irs—Learn Engli sh and see Ireland. Free excursions included in fees . Dublin Schoo l of E.iglish , 11 Westm oreland Street , Dublin 2. Tele. 773322/782081. Brochure on req uest. New term commenc es January 3rd. 61b6c FRENCH MASTER required April for Preparatory Board ing School (I.A.P.S.). House available . Apply Box Z 66, Mast er. ' 61bSc FRENCH CONVERSATIO N for classes or small groups , fr om January 3rd: Monday, Thursday, Friday evenings. 972648 . 6 lbs) GERMAN FOR SKIERS—Dublin School ot Engl ish and Foreign Languages , 11 Westmore land St., Dublin 2. Telephone 773322 /782081. 61b6c HOME STUDY COURSES , Leaving, malric , inter. Single subje cts. Brochure free. Wr ite: Kilroy 's College , 40/ T4 Moi esworlh St., Dublin 2. . 61b 6c MORNING, lunch time , afternoon, evening sessions in French. German, Spanish and Italian. Dublin School of English and Foreign Languages. Tel 773322/ 782081. 61b6c JUNIOR MASTE R required, supervision dut ies and games coaching, no leaching, resident , suit student. App l y, Headmaster . Mounljoy and Marine Scho o l , Ma lahide Road , Dub lin 3. 61b 5c THE DUBLIN SCHOOL of English and Foreign languages—The school in the centre (Dublin). €lb 6c WANT ED second assistant teacher for Abheylcix C. of 1. N.S. Apply with full references to Rev. ¦ C. Finney, Ahbevleix. Slhfic

PETS A H APPY HOLIDAY for dogs and cats in heated kennels and cattery at The Pets Holiday Home , Delgany. 874487. 78ttc FOR SALE, 18-month-old pedigree Irish Sette r Bitch , suitable for breeding or gun train ing, price £20. Telephone 8600 68. 78b6c RED SETTER BITCH , one year old , hunt in g and setting very we ll , re luctant sale for nominal pri ce , due to space limitation. Williams , Convent Hill , Ros. cre a. 78b4c TWO LOVELY YOUNG Wolfhound dogs , beaut ifully bred , used to house , k ennel , car . no trouble , very affection , ate. Ring 045 655 14. 78b41


A BETTER RUBBISH REMOVAL HORSES , PONIES , RIDING Service from ho uses, >ards , factories. Lowest prices . Phone anytime 507386. 99 b l0c A VAN COLL ECTION and Delivery Service . Moderate terms. Phone GIRL ( 14) willing to assist in ca re of pony or horse in exchange for riding. 42798. 99bxl Rla ckrock area. Phone 886733. 80b5l ASSOCIATED CLEANI NG SERVICES — CIRL GROOM REQUI RED immediately Housew ives , r id yourselves of heavy for first-class hunting and private racing household cleaning duties , ca rpets and stable in Cnunly Meath . 17 miles from floor cleaning, paint and wail washing, rider Dublin , must be experienced sacuum cleaning—jus t some of our sercapable of all stable duties , accommovices. Phone 778678. 99ltc dation available. Tel . 259110. 8Ob6c ABOUT RUBBISH—R UBBISH colltx'te U from houses oftices , basem ents , elc. Also furniture removals. Phone 506107 99r22c A BUILDER /CARPENTER ava ilable , all , types construction, attic conversions NOT A CLUE alterations , wood panelling, etc. : small jobs . prompt attent ion. Telephone In West minster they had not yet 972358 (anytime ) . Ryan. 99b 5l put a clue as to how 10 deal with A RUBBISH PICK-UP SERVICE— Reasonable. Phone anytime . 376205. the situatio n. He was convinced of that afte r meeting Mr. Reginald A LL SLATING AND TILING, new 99b6c valleys repairs , pointing to chimneys elc Tel Maudlin g on his recent visit. 753402. 99b5c He saw no solution arising unt il ALL RE P AIR WO R K , p lus built-in Ward , there was some act of leadership robes . Presses , etc., done immediately , that was broadly based on the kind enmates free Tel. 383402. 99bl21 UNITS made to order , headof tolera nce and transcendental love BEDROOM boards , etc. Reas onable. Phone 689739. tolerance St. Paul — a e n visaged by 99b81 that would embrace every politi cal BR IDES—Make 3'otir own bouquets at the Dublin School of Floristry, 29 Mountand religious persuasion , a power pleasa nt Ave. 752349 99tti that would eradicate the basic sel- BUILT-IN FURNITURE, teak, mah ogany , fishness. etc.; tea k cont inental head boards , £20 To some extent he agreed with To view samp les Tel. 314128. c Mr. Harold Wilson. We had all to CARP ENTER. Bricklayer , Plaste rer 99bl2 available for all house repa irs: interior or exter ior , and alterations; south side. Phone 852381. 99blOc CU RTAINS , beespr eads . tracks : all styles experllv made in own materials. Phone 325166 99tt c FIX IT SERVICE—Broken Tables, Chairs , FOR THE Windows or Stairs , Leaking Taps, faulty Plugs . Clothes Wash ing Machines , Work er s at M old , Flintshire , ha v e Dr-.'ers . Phone We fix everything. LATEST taken over a factory which is due 370229. 99b7c to close next mo nth , putting them FURNITURE REPAIRED and repolishcd IN FORMATION like new. Reasonab le price. Phone out of work. 689739 9b8 l The 120 office staff and manual FOR THAT PLUMBING JOB , phone FORM AND w or kers , w ho have refused to accept Will iam Sands at 779487. 99b8I ELF.CTROLUXS. REPAIRS— redundancy notices from agricultu- HOOVERS. 108 Sperrin Road 5O1621. . 12. Pho:ie ' SELECTIONS ral machinery makers Allis Chal99bl21 mer s, said they had occupied the SITE Cl.EARA NCF.. demolition , excavation nlant hire. Willan. 306500. 99tlc factory and would stay there until TARMACADAM is our business , not our tile notices were withdrawn. sideline. Phone 906451. 99b31c They want the company to find TYPIST— Experienced typist will do tvping READ in own home , car owner. Phone 593142. ¦ another manufacturer to buy the 99b7c " ' plant and provide work for the

^«^ Going Racing?

Workers takeover Welsh firm

labour force.-—(P.A.

- 3 rob Montreal terminal Three armed men wearing masks "'" took over a British Overseas Airways Corp or at ion ca r go term i nal at Montreal International Airport " on Monday night and got away - with £46.000. Police said that the gang tied up fou r employees and forced one to open a vault. — (A,P.)

HEARING A liDS RENT AN AID—Why not rent a new modern hearing aid with Free Batteries and Service from Swiss Hearing Aid Centre , 16 Mary Street , Dubl in 1. 68tlc Wr ite or phone 46562. -

ANTIQUES TWO antique whit e marble fireplaces , foi sale. Phone -972588 , mornings . 92b41



DOMESTIC SITUATIONS COMPANION/HELP elderly lady living country home in other help kept ; pre ferable; good widow with child. pan ion.

required for active in peaceful , at tractive mid County Down; light cooking; driver wages: /night suit Box Z 200, Com29b5c

TOP SECRETARIES AND PERSONNEL CONSULT ANTS LIMITED P.A. for professional organisation £1500 Secretary, Financial Consultant £1400 Secretary, Marketing Executive £1200 Secretary, leading Architect £1100 Secretary, National Organisation £1100 Magnetic Tape (M.T.) Operator £1100 Receptionist-Telephonist £885 This is a sample of the many positions, cen trall y loca ted , av a i lable f rom "Top Secretar ies." Why not ca ll to our offi ces a t 13 FITZWItXIAM PLACE to discuss them , or — Telephon e 66777/62233/63774 for special appointmen t.

ARE YOU A Dictaphone Typist interested in a job in Parliament Street ? One of our clients is seeking such a girl who need not necessarily be experienced , but must have good typing, good spel ling and a pleasant manner. For initial interview please contact . Office Sta ff Selection Division , The Office Machines Training Centre Ltd., 11/12 St. Andrew Stree t, Dublin 2. Tel. 773315. 30b4c ACTUAL vacancies on our books for female office sun include: Dictaphone Typist , F itzwilliam. Dictaphone Typist, Parliament St. Typist (little experience), city centre. Bookkeeper , some experience of share work , preferably aged 25-35, city centre . Senior Accounting machine operator , preferably Burroughs , city centre , an d experienced telephonist . Fil zwilliam area. Contact. Office Staff Selection Division , The Office Machines Train ing Centr e Ltd.. 11/12 St. Andrew Street , Dublin 2. Tel. 773315. 3Ob 1c BOOKINGS are now being accepted for Calculating and Accounting Machine courses commencing January. Contact , The Office Machines Training Centre Ltd.. 11/12 St. Andrew Street , Dublin 2. Tel. 773315. 30h4c COMPANION HELP wanted , car dr i ver , live in. Pleasant post. Other he lp .kept. Plenty of free time. Comfortable .' centrally heated house near Bray. Replv to Box 4402. Parsons, Baggcit Street Bridge. 30B5c I^VTA L Receptionist/Surgery Assistant— Girl required with or without experience , typ ing an advantage , must b e living Ballsbridge to Dun Laoghaire area . Please reply in own handwriting, stat ing age , education and phone number to B ox Z 202 . Dental. 3Ob7c

SITUATIONS WANTED LADY DRIVER, free afternoon; living Ballsbridge area. Box Z 147 , Dr iver. 31b4l LADY requires position as telephonist or recept ionist. Northside preferred. Part t ime or full time would suit. Box Z 208. Lady. 31b6c RECENTLY RETIRED Bank Manage r wou ld be glad of opportunity to lake up part-l ime or whole-time suitabl e emp loyment . Dub lin area . Apply Box Z 282. 31b41 SWISS GIRL , 21, fl uent French . German , secretaria l, au pair experience , seeks post Anyt hing conside red. Box Z 285. 31041 TRAINING in heavy machiner y required by young man aged 22 Box Z 286. Tra ining 31b4I YOUNG MAN seeks Domestic Work , livein , no cooking, excellent references: T.T. Box C 459 . Voung. 31bSc

Accounting Machine Operator

REQUIRED FOR SOUTH CI1Y OFFICE. Experienced accounting machine operator (Olivetti Audit 402) to take charge of debtors' accounts. Good salary offered. Telep hone 61127 fo r interview. CAREERS u Hoiel Bookkeepers , Receptionists , Management , Dieticians Caterers , Medical Secretary, Certi fied Bookkeepers. Successful postal course Brochure Sd. Secretary Southern Training College , Brighton 6. 49txc DUBLIN AUCTIONEERS require permanent Auction porter of honest reliable char acter. Experience not essential , pre ferably under 40 years. Box Z 190. Porter. 30b4c

NEED a top temp orary or permanent j ob. Then call Office Overload Services, 26 Parliament St. 77OS78/782568. 30 b 7c FEMA LE BOOKKEEPER wanted immediately; P.A.Y.E. experience and good han dwriting essential ; top wages; permaent. Apply, Box Z 2*14, Bookkeeper. 3Ob7c




GERMANY—Secretary for company with Irish connections near Dusseldorf: shorthand /typing and some knowledge of Germ an , excel lent salary and conditions. Call to Joan Morris son . B.Comm. . Agency. 15 D.P. A. Office Personnel College Green. Telephone 771271. 30b5c INTE R VI E WS FO R L O N DO N J OBS w i l l ta ke place in Dublin on Thursday and in Fr iday. January. 27ih and 28th. Cor k on Monday and Tuesday. January In Limerick nn 31st and February 1st. Wedn esday and Thursda;. February 2nd W ide choice nf career and 3rd ". positi ons for men and gir N. with high' -t ever salaries in offices , banking, accountancy , insurance . lechnolo y> . sa ' es and mark eting, hotel and catering, and for Apply at executives and graduate s. ^ , once , indicating preference of position suitab le day. time and venue for interv i ew , to Betty O'Rc can. Emerald Staff Consultants . 175 Kilbur n , High Rd. , 3Cbxc London N.W.6 7J.D. GE NERAL PRACTITIONER needed for large pr ogressive medical clinic . Must spea k Portugese. Please write to Dr. E. T. Forman. 25 Brunswick Avenue. Toronto 174, Ontario. Cana d a. 30b4e CAPAB LE GIRL , over IB . interested in and mares Conn emara . hu nter brood young stock , lots of showing, live-in as, city centre Du blin fam ily, only 4 miles on main bus route. Miss M. Carracciolo , Dublin 14. The Park. Rathfarnham. 30b5c

Surgeon NORTH KILDARE—Veterinary Girl as Secretar y requ ires Capable »ilh to ass ist Recept ionist; willing Apply Box animals; excellent salar y. 3Ob7c Z 204, Nth. Kildare. OFFIC E M ANAGER , male , exper ienced , capab le of preparing year end Financial Accounts supe rvising Rep orts and Department Staf f, needed for tempoTary two appro ximately assignment ot months. Dubl in 12 area , excellent salary. Appl y in writin g to . Mrs. Cjyne, Man. pow er. 49 G raiton St.. stal ing qualificat ions and experience, include telephone 30b5c num ber. PART-TIME Typist Receptionist required afternoons onl y, , for South city office marr ied lady or widow would suit. ' 30117c Typist. Box Z 209 . PART-TIME HELP r equired for small office in Dun Laoghaire . morn ing or after noon: 5-day week. Box Z 205. 30b7c Help. SALES ASSISTA NT wanted immediatel y; must have at least 6 years experience in selling high class garments: excellent wage s and commission. —French Shop. 30h7c Exchequer St. Corner. SHORTHAND CLERK- TYPIST fiunior )— An attract ive position presently availab le for a young lad y in a small centra l Dub lin office. Pleasa nt working cond itions and good salar y offered to the r isht person. Re plies, st aling age and details of education , to Box C 472. 30b5l Junior. WAN TED IN APRIL , f or Boys ' Preparatory School in coun try. Lady HouseAnply keeper /Caterer. Resident post 30b5c Box Z 67. Housekeepe r .

MEDICAL NURSING CARE reSOUTH SIDE , denial receptionist quired , under 25 years , typing essential. App ly stating qualific ations to Box Z 77 b 4c 189. Recept ionist. S.R .N. and attendant nur .-ts requ ired for n ight duties at The J ewish Home , Lcinster Road West, Rat hmines . Ph one 904601 between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m., or wr ite for appointm ent to interview. 77 b 6c



TEMPORARY HEALTH INSPECTOR Location: Co. Mayo. Sala ry: £1 ,375 x £76—£2,135. Application forms available from the Personnel Officer, County Clinic, Castlebar. Latest date for receipt of comp leted application forms: 18/1/ 1972.

By Bruce

DUBLIN FIRM requires Invoice Typist to train on Book-keeping Machine: 5day week. Apply, Box Z 173, Firm. 30b4c GIRL REQUIRED to train as Assistant Matron , end of January or sooner. — The Hall School . Monkstown . Co. Dublin. Phone 802159, or write , the Secretary, to arrange interview . 3Ob7c ARE YOU A Bookkeeper or Accounts Cler k with some experience of share wor k ? If so, and you are aged 25-35 and interested in a progressive and challenging position in the city centre , please contact Office Staff Selection Division , The Office Machines Training Centre Ltd., 11M.2 St. Andrew Str eet . Dublin 2. Tel. 773315.




SETTLED HOUSEKEEPER — One gent leman, bungalow . Mount Merrion. Bon Z 289. Settled. 29b51 CORDON BLEU COOK availab le for luncheons ," dinner, partie s etc. Any suggest ions Tel. 9054O6. 29b4l MOTHER'S HELP wanted , two schoolgoing children. Modern house , hours da ily term time , 12 to 6 o'clock. Schoo l holidays 9 to 6 o'clock. Phone 90880 2 evenings . 29b6c REFINED Housekeeper desires post , one or two adults , indoor or outdo or; very good plain cook. Excellent ref erences. Box C402. 29bSc SOUTH DUBLIN SCHOOL requir es active Housekeeper , living out. Accommodation perhaps ava ilable lat er. Box Z 206 , Dublin. 29b7c YOUNG GIRL or Au Pair required to live in , Dal k ey are a, light household duties , three children, two schoolgoing, good wages , plenty of free time. Apply, Bov Z 211. Girl. 29b4c WOUNG MAN seeks domestic wor k, livein, no cooking; excellent reference s: T.T. Bo, C 459, You ng. 29b51

CHILDREN'S NURSES AU PAIR AU PAIR WANTED , January to June , in do ctor 's private house , Foxro ck Phone 896458. 32b6c AU PAIR REQUIRE D for modern centrally-heated House; 2 little girls, plenty of free time , other help kept; Tcrcnure district. Phone 904179. 32b7c AU PAIR required immediately for nice home in Foxrock. Young couple with baby. Phone S95591. 32b6c EXPERIENCED children 's nurse or responsible person required end January, to care for 3 small children. Own room , T.V. in country house. Apply stating age an d exoerience to: Mrs. Wachman . Reynella , Bracklyn , Co. Westm eath. 32 b 6c YOUNG COUPLE with modern home in North London require girl (under thirty) to take care nf baby. Own room and T.V. Excellent salary. Christmas and summer leave. Fare paid in first inMance References. Phone 311335 for interview, 32b6c

Text by GOS ONNY: drawin gs by UDERZO. Translated from the French by Anthea Bell and Derek Hockridge; publish ed by the Brockhampton Press.

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