Irish Times report 1979

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Aer Lingus Young : , . Scientists

"The social study of playgr oups" is the tj.tle of the proje ct entered in the Junior Groups Section by four 13^ear-olds from; Presentation Secondary School, Kilkenny-r -Geraldine Prizeman, Vivianne Lawlor, Bridget Power, and Michelle Kavanagh.


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The people who are;in favour of ; people like Pieter Menten. finding ' a haven in Ireland might wonder-: whether .they would feel exactly: the same way if .the people he had: tortured and ultimately murdered rather ihan had < bee'n.. '- Catholics ¦ Jews/ .; ¦ - .. .;' Hitler was quite capable of doing either.1. So that it seems to ine it would be a bad idea if we were to present



Gaud Cockbum nnraubpt in Ireland as a possible refuge for that monstrous pooltroon and murderer, the Shah of Iran. There ' is- wobabl y no ruler in the" world who has less genuine representa tion of-his own people. He has been paid throughout his entire domination of Iran .iirst .oy the Americans, secondly , by the - British-¦and to some extent by the ¦Israelis , whose secret service organised his notorious secret service. It is indeed a fact that today Israeli officers disguised as .Iranian troops are engaged in the battles ia the streets or X-ehran, Tabriz against the opponents '-of the Shan. The - Western press has on the whole disguised the real character of the conflict in Iran.

Th ey were not in fact exiled or .murdere d (as many of them were) " for any form of opposition to land reform but simply , because they objected to giving the British and the Americans extra - territorial rights, which would in fact have reduced Ira n to an Anglo-Aniorican colony. It is cot difficult,; although i t ; is of course exceedingly dangerous, to draw.some , parallels bet ween the Catholic Church in, let us say, Latin .America, wbere it is alive -with Marxist thought, and the situation in Iran. ¦ But it is worth thinking about.

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are Sharo n Healy and Karen trehy, both from P ortmarrf ocf c


Heated waste water from Irish generating .statipns could be ' used produC ' lively f or fish farmin g and horticulture , suggests 13-year-old Geraldine ' Doherty of Sandymount High School in her proje ct f or the 'gxhibitioh.


with an interview on RTE , followed" ing as, that" may be for those of unusua l items up for examinaby an attack of nerves, and by us always on the look out- for tion. Unfortunatel y one ' project IT MAY have been freezing outside ,' the time he arrived in Ballsbridge, the sensational ,which had pTomised to be among No, that exciting possibility was the most interesting and which with all roads leading to the capital just before the 5.30 p.m. deadline by, flatly ruled out the .scientific concerned cloning ' and test tube coated with; ice , but the aspiring for entries, he and his partner 12young, scientists of • 1979 were not year-old Mark McGfath , had plenty pair before we v a!i parted last babies had fo.r some ¦ reason , been wi thdrawn, to be . de terred. By anything so to say not only abou t the weather :night. common as a hard winter and the but also about the Irish public While ¦the exiiibirion when it Girls from the St Louis High vast majority of them made it to transport system.was started back in "1965 had only School , Rathmines, Dublin, vhad the RDs yesterday to assemble their 230 participants, this year there enterprisingly taken up the subject projects for the fifteenth annual are estimated to be -over,'" 1000,, of dru g abuse, even to the estcnt Aer Lingus "Young Scientists exhibi- QUITE SURE with the .girl s as'Usual outnumber- . .of interviewing the Drug Squad , tion which is due to be opened this ing the boys. For 1979, , there -is Sand bad come up with the con - ¦ Friday by- the Minister for EconWhile waiting an hour for a bus , an overall prize .fund of fG .SOO elusion that,.- ; .at /' 'one -: time or omic Planning and Development, Dr before finally opting > instead for and though counties Longford , another, one in every three young a train , they were ' quite sure Fermanagh, C.avan and Leitrim people in Ireland-isS;offcred a Ma rtin O'Donoghus. 'd arrive too late. However, ara not participating, everywhere potentially dartgeroiis; drug of some trey They came by, train, by bus, by they made it and .will now;- be car , on foot and by bicycle and able to explain to the world at else is represented iwith partici- kind, In Dublin the primary locatechnical , tion ' for such an f ;offer, is, accordcoining from though the exhibition already Iws large through the project , their pants commun ity, ,compre- ing to the girls; the top of Grafton its star for this year in Noel Lynvb , theory that UFOs are definiteiy voca tional, secondary schools and Street or , the Stephen's Green area hensive or a 13-year-old. Dubliner, he very only natural plienonienan ¦ ' • . nearly didn't make it to the RDS Whether, as Noel explained yester- also one entry from s youth club. generally. last night. Ye"stenlay they arrived at. the Further, along, 3 pupils from St. day, tbev are swarms of insects, Noel, whose tneteoric rise to weather , ballons; sate,l ites or any , RDS with, bun dles, bags and boxes .Loaise 's - Comprehensive School in fame is explaine d by the fact that one of a number- of other things, of all descriptions from which , Belfast, ' who had made the jourlittle as--time .' went on , emerged every- ney to Du blin by mini-bus, were his project concerns the topic of they are not apparently UFOs, had had a busy day what green men from Mars , disappoint- thing ' from bits of tungus ' to busy demonstrating the effects that • anhial bones and from homemade the stroboscope lights and the loud windmills to cardboard skeletons, mus ic o£ discos had on our sys* J, " ¦' and at times it seemed as If tems. every topic under the sun was ¦ ' or information items Other r abbuV , to be scrutinised. ;.'Hot during the gleaned by this reporter topical favouritet such as" nuclear on the power and the environment were day ' were , that the Irish May ¦ - is -by v< many' \projects. whole are unfit- and that not covered which popular month in ' the most However, chewing' gum, jogging, exhlbitio . After the born to be , .n and school uniforms malaria , " th e difference between boys and opens on Friday , it will' continue girls were some of the , .more throughout the weekend. .

By Eugene McEldowney, industrial '. Correspondent

The unofficial strike—the third in the past fortnight;—-Tyas m' support of the men 's demand for pay increases of 5%' to restore parity with Aer Lingus clerical staff , who -won pay 'Increases, after a lengthy strike ¦ earlier 'this year. The men do vital maintenance and repair ' work on aircraft to ensure tbeir airworthiness. • Meanwhile, a meeting between . Aer Lingus management and ^ official s of the men's unions, which was scheduled for today, has now been put off until early next week . The men's ac tion : has1 come at one of the busiest iinies in ' the Aer Lingus flight calendar witlt thousands of extra passengers booked to fly over the Christmas ' ' and New Year periods. The airline is also;faced with the threat of further lightning stoppages by technical staff who are members of th e Automobile Union ( AGEMOU) in a separate dispute over union representation at- the proposed new Airmotive aircraft ' m aintenance plant, which is planned for the;^aas Road , in Dublin. The union has claimed that Aef Lingus has concluded a closed shop deal £a secret, with four other £as ^eluded the ¦J^ Sm^t-31 AGEMOU.:,It ^ has already carried out one 24-bour stoppage and threatened more .

Among those at the International Youth Science Conference in Dublin yesterday was Ms Bente Refslund, of ' Denmark . —(Photograph : Paddy Whelan)

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Biirke repeats nuclear aim . of , - '. Government

THE Minister of State at the Department of Industry, Commerce and Energy, Mr Ray Burke , yesterday ' reiterated the Government's commitment to nuclear energy, when be opened an international vou th science conference at the RDS . in Dubli n . Mr Burke claimed that most industrialised countries were at present constructing nuclear power stations to meet their energy needs, and be asserted that such extensive building programmes reflected, ''the fcontidence of governments throughou t the world that nuclear power plants are safe . . ." Although the Government has given approval for the ¦ construction of a big 'coa!-rired electricity generation station on the Shannon Estuary, Mr Burke said it would be wron g to assume that coal could make more than a limited contribation to oar future energy needs. He also said that renewable sources of eneigy, such an solar energy, wind , wave and water power , were unlikely to make a significant contribution to our energy needs .

Barracks fire averte d

A blaze broke out ' in soldiersquarters over an ammunition store at Stephen 's Barracks , Kilkenny, and only the prompt action the ¦Fire -Brigade prevented the ofblaze from spreading, Th e firemen made a record dash to th scene and within two minutes of the ' alarm bein^ raised, six- men wear ing breathing apparatus were fighting the flames. Inside 10 minutes the outbreak was brought under control. The . Kilkenny brigade holds Monday night training at the fire station. But because of the New Year bank holiday;*- ttie training: night was changed and when the alarm was raised the full complemen t of firemen was at te station.


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Arrows show the wind direction f igures at the end or the arrows give wind speed (m.p.h.). the ot h er figures snow temperature Celsius. The letters describe weather; b.. bright: c, cloudy b.c . partly clou dy;- d.. drizzle; f. fog; h., hail; na.. , mist; p.; shower

Bbiler explodes, injuring three A grandinother. and two of her . grandchildren escaped serious inJury when a boUer at the back of a fire -exploded in ner hitme yesterday. Mrs Peggy Hogan , of 2 Emmet Street, Kilkenny, had been away during the heav y frost. When she -« returned, she lit a fire m livingroom and the frozen _ pipes and boiler exploded. Mrs Hogan was taken to St. Luke's Hospital , Kilkenny, where she is lieing -treated- ror severe burns. Her two ,gramlchilaren Margaret O'Keeffe, aged 12, and Sharon O'Keeffe, aged 10, were also taken to hospital suffering fro m shock. .

Two 13-yvar-old pupil s' of Pobal Scoil losa , Malahide , j Co.

Dubli n, who are observing life on a rock at Portmarn ock,© - ahead ;¦; •Weather falls .to deter young scientists . as Aer. Lingus ¦ ' ' strikers return -

STRIKING' Aer Lingus technical ifaf f returned to work at 2.30 p.m. yesterday enabling the airline to carry all intending passengers as principal Muslim ' leaders in Iran— , well: as those whose flights had have since the beginning of this been" cancelled on Tuesday night. . Only one flight , the early morning century been leaders of resistance to governmental tyranny and to the Cork to Dublin run , had to be cancelled although passengers faced Western exploitation of Iran. . delays1 in; flights of up . to one hour. ••The ' lightning 24-hour strike by DIFFERENT TYPE ' •the 800" techuleal staff had led to Therefore, there is no immediate the scrapping of six flights on contradiction between, the strictly Tuesday night, leaving 400 pasIslamic principles ' of the Ulama sengers unable to travel to destina(that is to say, the Muslim priest- tions in Britain and North America. hood), and-people who, of course , have-a'somewhat different type of political •objective. The Western press has persistently exaggerated what they believe to. be s,omef absurd , alliance between 'an extreme : Right ¦of a religious character and people who ten d "toward s " Marxist Socialism. The '^Western press is mistaken since in Iran . this common; understanding 'of a common objectfye for ' human betterment; has existed /an d been loudly, Mullahs an d other; . leaders of the Islamic Church for many a long year. , The Shafi , relying now almost entirely on; the support of London an d Washington, has for years pretended that t his opponents in the: Musliav leadership are reactionaries opposed to a supposed land reform. LAND REFORM ,



By Caroline Walsh

It has been suggested that there I WAS complaining a little some paradox in , the : :aHiance while ago about the way in is between the followers ' of Anayullah ¦which people thought that Kulmeini and the striking, workers,, Ireland; was the' natural presumably, a t le3Sf in the estinj ate the working press of a socialist liayeri'.of eyery criminal thug of This is a complete distorin Europe. I stated that this . attitude. tion of the real situation in Jran.. view had" now ; been aban- There is no conflict '.whatever; bedoned Jand it was'Jmy tween the followers of Anaynllab and the working class that,' even the most criminal Kulmeini f o r decades, if not , for thugs were trying to get pass- because genera tions, the - followers . of theports to the Argentine^ / " ; Shi'x sect -r^ meafting in fact the

To my astonishment I ¦rea i that quite a number of Irish people think , that the Shah might be welcome here. - These are . probably the same people who ' welcome the possible arrival of Pieter Meitten, the man who massacred a number of Jews.-; ' ' ¦;'¦¦ • SAME . WAY. ;, -v

cC nn < 17 >> «>ho attends the Regional TechZiT e ™ £l%i' J¦ ? Cai low *project- on the "chemical ^r ,t L sloe i kernel'! ' has entered analysts: of£ the in the Senior Physical Sciences section. &-




aBout Iran

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The computer in the science laboratory .at Colaiste Choilm CBS, Swords, Co. Dublin , is working overtime in preparation for the exhibition. , Aidan Scanlon (16) of Swords is seen trying to calculate the shape of Q molecule'.




Brendan Behan's "Ould Triangl e" mill play no obituary fo r the Royal Canal , according to fo ur 13-year-olds from O'Connells Schools, North Richmond Street, Dublin: Conal Clerkin, Rohan King, Declan Murphy and David Egan , have entered the results of a three-year study ¦ of the canal. '"


F bur 13-year-old girls from Loreto Convent , Wexf ord , have entered ^ a pr oject pn y pre-sch oo\ education . Maria Ry an, Sarinci Roche,- France s Roche and Dorothy Sherwood) decided on-ihts¦ projec t because next year - is United Nation 's ~

T&E 15th Aer Lingus Youn& , Scientists Exhibition will take place at the RDS> Ballsbridge,, Dublin, from tomorrow uflUi Sunday. More than 1,000 young people for the exhibition , have entered projects which will b e~ opened tomorrow by Dr Martin O'Donoghue, Minister for Economic' planning and Development. The standard of the entrants' projects is invariably- high, as can readily be seen here.

°}1 I s ^°"£d °ff our c°ast; four 15-year-old pupils of De La Salle College , t£ Waterford , Tony O'Brien, J oltn' 'Regan, Derm&t Walsh and Paul Butler, will be ready with a study on-Oits eff ects for Waterford.

Chil d Year. "

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Mot. E\o15.45 05 *1 Tidal differences on Dublin: Aritlow —2.56; Carlingford —~0.15: DrtJ9liedFi Dundalk —0.20: Howth + O .01; 0.14; Skerrtes —0.12: Wexford —5.20: Wickla w —0.4. M nq.



09.25 21.43 Tidal '; differences on Cobh : Bantry —2.55: Cahirciveen —0.58: Castletownberc —0.58: Dingle —0.56; Dungarvcn —O.08; Kfnsale . —0.12; Scbull —-0.45; ¦JYalce — 0.37:' Waterford +0.13: You o&a! + 0.05; Keamerc (as Cobb).

Workers In sit-in- at WUI office A' NUMBER of health workers employed at an old peoples' htane in Dublin yesterday staged a sit-in at the offices of their union — the Workers' Union of Ireland. The workers entered .'the union headquarters at Parnel i Square, in Dublin, shortly after 11 o'clock to highlight what-they say cas been lack of service and support 1 from the union. They also claimed that the WUI had refused to accept their resignations. The workers, have been . on strike at the Eru uno fficial Ohaoimhin home for geriatrics -,n 24th since November Street Cork in protest at the dismissal of a coileague , for alleged bad timekeeping.

HAVE ATTEMPTED They s'ay they are urJiappy with the way the WUI have handled their case and for this reason have attempted to resign from the union. They also say . that ' Ih e union,has c« rain; s.. snow: t», tisander refused to accept their resignations;, h.. fcaze. in previous efforts to highlight their case , the group has staged sit-ins at St James's Hospital and the Department of Health. ' GAJ.WAY Last night however, a spokesman A deep depression over the north cloudy with scattered showers of for the union , , denied. -flie . .men's MrtP. Evq.* ¦ 09.03 of Franc e is giving a north, to sl eet or snow , mainly in the eastern claims anil said that it had actually .. - ; - : 21.36 Ha lf o f . the country. Very cold' with Tidal differences on Galway : ' Kltlbegs north-east airflow over Ireland. out a compromise with , the + 0.44;, Itaierick -1-1.20: Hathmulloi ¦ FORECAST for the period from moderate or f resh north or north- worSced Health Board over the disEastern + 1.JO: Sirgo +4.09; Wcstport + 0.32, 6 to tnidnight: Frost early east winds, strong ana gusty in the missed man , but this had been B ELFAST and late , -widespread and severe in south-east. Mnq . turned dowir by the'group'6h strike.. Evg. places after dark. OUTLOOK: Very cold and frosty As * 02.52 15.11 regards the resignations, th e TJdat difference 1! on Belfast . Anoalcna A few bright spells but genera lly with wintry showers. spokesman said that these would be + 0.35: Kllkce + 0.25: Larnc +0.04, the normal I processed through


Today's tides

The conference is a small One , with only 30 delegates, ten of them from Ireland. It was described by Dr Charles Mollan, - science of ficer of the RDS, as a cpnference for youth leaders , who ; would discuss how to inform young people in their various countries about energy issues. The RDS is hostirig the conference, and jointly organising it with a Brussels and a Paris-based organisation. It is funded by a grant from the European Youth Foundation.


Mng. Etg. — 12.12 Tidal differen ces on Derry . BaJlycastlo —0.34 : Portrush —0.40; Movj lle —0.527 Rises OS.4008.39 SMs ¦ 16.20 16 21 Lighting up 16.50 16.5 1


Dublin City weather yesterday

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Altogether II workers are on , 12.00 ' 09.00. 15.00 1S.0C strike. wSiile a further SO have continued to work. The strike Iws not 1011.4 Pressure (MBS ) 1014.1 , , 100S.1 " affected _ 1008.9 services at the home and ' s-3 Temperature <deg. C ) 4-2 4.8 4.3 ' the picket is allowing food and Maximum temperature 5.5; Minimum temperature 4.C; Rainfall 0.22mm. through supplies .

-' '*' ' Aer Gngus telephone services



Dublin Airport are returning to normal j; • h fol lowing the recent difficulties " caused by flooding of the telephone ' . . .cables. ' We regret any inconvenience caused to our passengers and shippers by these ¦ disruptions to our normal customer ;. services. ' You can now contact Aer Lingus Reservations at any of the following numbers : . AER LSNOUS RES ERVATIONS ¦: i 1« Dubli n: ' IrelandrU .K. routes ' 'i Other Routes Cargo Exports ....... '. • ,....1 Cargo I mpo rts ,' Belfast:


Limerie k :





37 77 77 37 77 47 37 379 1 _ 37 01 61


4 5 1 51

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: CarRo . (Shannon Airport}. . .......

2 43 31 2 53 41 4 55 56 61666


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If you do not receive a reply within one ¦•,.' mi nute from any of the above phone numbers, please hang lip and dial again as some of our lines may still be~ out of order. •


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