BTFL December Issue with Icon of the Year Tamara Ivey

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Co v e rMo d e l s

When Br i an and Ideci ded t ost ar tBTFLMagazi newemadeal i stofpossi bl e CoverModel sf ort he year .I ’ m so pr oud t o sayt hatwe wer e abl et o publ i sh ever yoneon ourl i stwi t ht heexcept i on ofCar diB,buthey,t her e’ sst i l lnext yearr i ght ?Wewer ecar ef ult osel ecti ndi vi dual swhoaccur at el yr epr esent ed ourmi ssi on t odi sr uptt hest at usquo.

W e st ar t ed t he yearof fwi t h Bal t i mor e’ sown Li r i sCr osse,notknowi ng she had j ustwon Pr oj ectRunway.Li r i swascapt ur ed wi t h ourbr and’ smascot , t he but t er fly.I f you know anyt hi ng about Li r i s’r i se t hen you know i t ’ s r eflect i veoft hebeaut i f ull i f ecycl eoft hebut t er fly.Next ,weconnect ed wi t h anot herhomet ownsuper st ar ,Hal l eDeneen,t odepi ctt hebeaut i f ulst r uggl es ofbl ack and br own peopl e ar ound t he wor l df orBl ack Hi st or yMont h.Then wet r avel l edt oLA t ocapt ur et heal l ur i ngAudr eyLi t t l east heMi l l enni alBoss, conduct i ng busi ness whi l ej etset t i ng.Wr apped i n measur i ng t ape,Tazah Ri char dson pr ovi ded agl i mpseoft hepr essur et hataccompani est hedr eam ofhavi ng a car eeri nt he pl usi ndust r y. We al so awar ded Li t t l e Mi ssAmor a McNei la coveras par tofherpr i ze package f orwi nni ng our#Li l MsBTFLy cont est .I n May,model sMi ndy,Mal i k,Mear aand Ti nagaveussever alscoops ofBr assyBr a’ snew i cecr eam i nspi r ed boob t ape.Wewentr ound f orr ound wi t h Fr anki e Tavar es and Dar nel lGhr amm t o convey t he i mpor t ance of st r ongpar t ner shi psi nbusi ness.Formybi r t hdaymont h,Br i anchoset oshow t hewor l d myt r uebl uecol or s.Hest r i pped mebar et oexpr esshow vi t ali ti s t o beaut hent i cand sel fassur ed,even when you don’ tfiti n wi t ht hecr owd. Next ,weflew t oATLt ogetabehi nd t hescenesl ookatt heMompr eneurwi t h Devor ah St or y.Rae Ni col e st epped outofherbubbl et o show usa cul t ur ed l ook at t he i ndust r y.And f or Nat i onalCur ves Day,we capt ur ed ANTM’ s Khr yst yana Kazakova t o t al k about t he hust l e needed t o be a vi abl e cont enderi n an over sat ur at ed i ndust r y.Af t ert he cont r over sy spar ked by Vi ct or i a’ s Secr et i n November ,we t eamed up wi t h pl us posi t i ve l i nger i e br and,Kel l y’ s Kl oset ,and Ger man br and Gl amor y Hosi er yf ort he Fant asy i ssue f eat ur i ng cont estwi nner s,Ebony,Jenesi a,Heat her ,Gol di e,Rae,Ri t a, Jessi ca,Johnna and Mar i .We wr apped ouryearwi t h Ashl ey St ewar t ’ sown Tamar aI veyasourI conoft heYear .Cont i nuer eadi ngt ofind addi t i onalshot s f r om t hei rshoot s, We hope you have enj oyed t hi sj our ney wi t h us and we l ook f or war dt o del i ver i ng mor ehot nessi nt henew year .

-Ki s s i

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