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briannaashleyTRAMONTANO keithWILEY fall2014

C a l i f o r n i P o l y t e c h n i U n i v e r s i t S a n L u i O b i s p

a c y s o


briannaashleyTRAMONTANO keithWILEY fall2014

C a l i f o r n i P o l y t e c h n i U n i v e r s i t S a n L u i O b i s p

a c y s o

t h a n k y o u to my parents, my brother, charles, my roommates + the brothers of alpha rho chi for your continued support

briannaashleyTRAMONTANO born and raised in so-cal (corona to be exact), 4-time national figure skating competitor, frequents disneyland, resonantes deeply with haruki murakami + wally lamb, lover of tea and macarons, self-proclaimed world traveler, admirer of all things artistic (notably the opera), guardian of succulents, coffee shop observer, seasoned concert goer, obsessive baker been telling people i’ve wanted to be an architect since age six after obsessively watching extreme makeover + playing with my legos found a love for graphic design because of my marketing guru dad

04 05 00

interpolated void

03 operation totem

Wal k t he line

02 pier

video game space


U. F. O.

c o n t e n t s


v i d e og a m es p a c e

d i a g r a m m i n g

the video game’s cube-like structure was something straight out of an m.c. escher drawing. the center piece allowed for movement on the upper and lower levels to reach the top destination. for each diagram, i attempted to highlight the main aspects + goals of the video game in relation to its space. for my final model, i wanted to try and display the movement of the center piece, which was the focal point of all movement within the game. to do so i placed the piece on a push-pin to allow the piece to move from side-to-side, as well as to be remove all together.


w a l kt h el i n e












Initial path ideas: I first worked with an entire word map, highlighting how the climate, terrain, and other aspects were. From there, I developed a rough system for a symbolic map of the same aspects. I then further developed the symbol system using inspiration from the graphic notation of dance and music.

for my path, i first developed a symbol system based upon graphic notation for music and movement to show different aspects of observation that i encountered while walking the line. i decided to form the paper in the same way that the path looked if it was being viewed from above. i then hand-stitched the gaps using different thicknesses of thread to display changes in terrain or literal gaps.

o i d interpolatedv 3 0

d e-o b j e c t i f i e d o b j e c t s


u . f . o .


p i e r


initial thoughts + ideas for added program to our section of the pier. taken from the idea of people conversing on the pier and the conversation traveling to people across the pier. as density changes, the considerations of space adjust; ie. stagnant (all interact) to conversational (dealing with other people’s space to considerational (even more considerate of space) to dense (no consideration of space). brought us to the final idea of a structure to bring people together to converse while keeping the considerations of space.

p r o g r a m m i n g initial programming ideas for our section of the pier on the very strict ways in which people can walk in the walkways along with the cars + the more fluid way that people and fish can move within the fish market

//movement 01//

//movement 03//

//fish market 02//

//movement 02//

//fish market 01//

//fish market 03//

initial study model exploring the idea of traveling converstaion + a place to house it. experimenting with hexagonal shapes and size to create a free-standing structure that can serve as a large space, as well as an intimate space with plenty of room to converse.

further exploration with the hexagonal shapes, this time going smaller to achieve the shape we wanted with ease, replaciement of the rectangular second story to a hexagonal one that is attached to the overhead structure allowing for better coherence

l a s e r c u t t i n g we decided to venture into the wonderful world of digital fabrication to achieve the perfect hexagons that we were searching for. the problem was, how could we connect them and make them look absolutely clean? later emerged the idea of the circles to serve as a cap for the sides that came to a point. learning how to use rhino was certainly an adventure, but i am glad that we tried to venture into something a little more difficult and although it may have cut our time in half for making the hexagons, it still required many hours of assembly.


r i s r e

a n n h i y c g i

a T r a m o n t a n t a G u p t e G a g n e n a l d L a t

o a r a


o p e r a t i o nt o t e m


p e r s o n a lw o r k

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