IONTO Peeling & Brushing Machine
IONTO lce and Heat Devcice
Certified Beauty Filament bristles of IONTO Comed peeling brushes remove excess of skin cells and hornification quickly, thoroughly without any need of further acid peeling. The blood circulation is stimulated here in a natural way, perfectly preparing the skin for the subsequent skincare products.
Cooling and stimulating with alternate warm-cold action (vascular training) is a unique lonto function, as it works in parallel sequence. This reciprocal action stimulates the skin metabolism and causes a better absorption of active ingredients. !n addition, it makes skin tissues and muscles strengthened and toned.
IONTO Vacuum & Spray Machine
IONTO Galvano
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Cleansing and Massage Machine providing gentle skin cleansing with pulsating vacuum and spray function to remove sebum and deep-seated impurities. AIso, it's a first choice device to remove comedones and black heads. The Spray Bottle is used in the second part of the treatment to evenly apply lotion or tonic.
Galvanic lontophoresis device is used for deep skin regeneration and stimulation. lt's an extremely effective method due to its ability to conduct active agents into the deep skin layers. Delivers simultaneous skin stimulation with long-lasting effect since infused active ingredients supply the skin from the inside out over extensive period of time.
*IONTO High Frequency Device
IONTO Skin Regulator
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Excellence in beauty instruments dedicated for beauty professionals has always been the main goal for IONTO Comed. Since 1979 the legendary German company is setting new standards in development and production of beauty equipment unreachable to competition. Today, based on strong connections with research institutions in Germany, IONTO Comed is a leading company in the beauty technology sector offering two categories of beauty devices: Basic Line - is an indispensable range of beauty devices for every-day use. Exclusive Line - comprising achievements in the latest professional treatment methods and technologies, sUch as skin resurfacing, microneedling, ultrasound, Iifting and anti-wrinkle. IONTO Comed- Effectiveness Scientifically Proven. Made in Germany
A reliable and compact device designed to perform classic cosmetology procedures. High frequency treatment promotes the blood micro-circulation, disinfects the skin and carries an astringent action on skin pores. The produced gas ozone has a very gentle purifying action preventing skin's inflammation and
Detox & Lymphatic Drainage Massage is a unique technique of therapeutic micro-massage for face and body, which is performed by the hands of a cosmetologist moving in the direction of the lymph flow with the help of a low frequency ( 5-50 Hz) electrostatic field. The client feels a pleasant vibration at the hands of
Distributed in Australia by Globex Beauty Solutions Phone. (oz) gt aa 3499 E-Mail: contact@glxbs. com . au
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IONTO Microneedling
It's a proven method for elimination of wrinkles, facelifting and tightening of sagging skin. 3 Models: IONTO Meso SL - Microneedling only IONTO Meso Sono - Microneedling + Ultrasound IONTO Meso Lift-Microneedling + Electroporation + Face Lifting Muscle Stimulation
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An extremely safe and effective ultrasoundphonophoresis technology with LDM (Local Dynamic Micro Massage) function and combination of 3 frequencies: 1 MHz, 3 MHz, 10 MHz carrying out a triple effect - thermal, mechanical and biochemical - for total skin rejuvenation and increasing cellular receptivity for active ingredients. 3 Models: Impression | !ntense I LDM Effect
Radio Frequency Technology is reach in electromagnetic energy specifically used to treat sagged skin, wrinkles, body contouring and cellulite conditions. Offers 2 hand pieces to use separately for facial and body areas. Ergonomically compact design with easy controlled functions for face and body treatments.
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IONTO Abrasion
An effective and electronically controlled microdermabrasion technology with use of high-purity, micro-crystals jet-moving under pressure, gently removing the top layer of stratum corneum for total skin renewal and making penetration of the following active ingredients at much higher rate.
2 Models: IONTO Skin Abrasion Comfort Microdermabrasion IONTO Skin Abrasion Sono Microdermabraion +
*IONTO Aquasonic . 2 functions
*IONTO Lift Effect
. Peeling - with specific NF-ultrasonic vibrations
A deep-acting, effective treatment with use of 2 medium-frequency pulse electric currents in the overlaid treatment area, so in this way a low-frequency interference occurs, that leads to the muscles contraction creating bio-stimulation of tissues. Offers a wide selection of pre-installed programs for face and body with a variety of electrodes for static or dynamic treatments such us tightening the skin, ffiuscle tone
thoroughly removing dead cells, hornificatons, blackheads and traces of makeup. . lnfusion - the Sonic Repau and Sonic Lifting treatments can be performed with ampoules, waterbased serums to infuse active ingredients into deeper layers of the skin where needed. The treatment creates bio-stimulation of skin cells, increases metabolism and nutrients supply deep into the skin layers.
enhancement and strengthening of connective tissues