Issue 13

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下雨天的 3 Hideout Cafés in London



免費贈閱 // FREE Bubble Tea Magazine

推薦遊戲 Must try games! Dobble 是練習英文很有用的遊戲,玩法很簡 單大家手上都有同等數量的圓牌,每當其中一人 翻開紙牌,所有人就要看自己手上的牌有沒有一 樣的圖案,如果有的話就要立刻把顏色或圖案用 英文叫出來。

簡單但非常考驗你反應的遊戲 Jungle Speed, 當大家翻牌時有相同圖案的人就要比快去抓住桌 上中間的木頭把手。

A simple pattern recognition game – Dobble is perfect for a quick and easy warm up game to start of the day at Draughts.

When players shows card that matches the same symbol, they must duel to grab the totem in the centre as quickly as possible. An excellent ice breaking game for those who haven't switched on their board-gamemode.

美食糾察隊 評語 WHAT OUR FOOD HUNTERS SAY 育珵 Yu-Cheng 在這裏看到許多台灣少見的遊戲,同時也提供優秀的食物。 如果在倫敦想玩桌遊又不想花大錢買一套,最適合約幾個 朋友來這兒交流感情,悠閒的假日來玩桌遊吧! It's really exciting to see Draughts opening here in London. I think Draughts is a perfect place to spend a Sunday afternoon with friends especially when it's a rainy weekend in London it'll be sure to motivate us to get out and dash to Draughts.

雅方 Ya Fang & 惟方 Judy 在東倫敦的這間桌遊店,除了有很多類型的桌上遊戲可供 選擇外,磚牆的復古裝潢讓人可以悠閒的享受輕鬆的遊戲 時間。其中的一款遊戲 Jungle speed 的規則單易懂,是新 手玩家的首選。 Draughts is an interesting board game cafe in East London. Providing different types of games to choose from, which in rainy days an attractive for people to enjoying a cheerful leisure time. The game "Jungle speed" is recommended for first time players to try because it is fun and easy to master.

志遠 Evan Draughts 由橋下的隧道改建 , 空間廣闊 , 很適合來這裡來玩 玩遊戲喝喝咖啡。餐點主要是一些簡單的三明治料理 以及 火腿類的餐點 , 不適合來此用餐約會,但是很適合想在下雨 天也跟朋友聚會打發時間的大家。 Whether you're a big board game fan or not, Draughts will be the best hang out spot for your gloomy London weekends. The game gurus here are amazing and friendly which encouraged me to learn and try new games. However the food menu is not as exciting as the games, so I would consider this a hang out spot rather than a cafe or restaurant.

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