Monday, 8th August 2022 at 5 p.m I get the call I had been waiting for. “Get ready, you’ll cover the elections starting tomorrow. Please be in my office by 5 a.m.” 5 minutes later and I was still pinching myself to confirm that I wasn’t dreaming. Long story short, I managed to cover the whole process and it was an eye opening experience.
Getting to see Kenyans exercising their civic duty and coming out to vote, aah! You just had to be there. I promise you, touring various places around the capital Nairobi and seeing how much voting meant to the people would make you proud of your country and fellow country men.
In this issue I try to give you a glimpse of the whole process. I hope this issue ignites the desire in you to always yearn to exercise your democratic right, irregardless of whichever part of the world you are reading this from.

Voters brave the early chilly weather to exercise their democratic right and cast their vote at the Kenya Techni cal Trainers College polling station in Gigiri.

Nairobi gubernatorial aspirant Poly carp Igathe gets his finger marked after casting his vote at the Kenya Technical Trainers College polling station in Gigiri.
A voter in Kangemi casts his vote at the Kangemi social hall.
A voter casting her vote at the Farasi lane Primary school polling centre in Wstlands, Nairobi.
An NYS officer reassures a voter of getting his chance to vote. The voter was complaining of having spent a lot of hours lining up waiting to vote.

IEBC officials wait patiently in line to present their ballot boxes from the various polling cen tres in Starehe constituency at the Jamuhuri High school tallying centre.
Voters line up at the Kangemi Social hall polling centre, braving the scorching sun waiting for their turn to vote.

A party agent takes a nap at the Jamuhuri High School tallying centre in Starehe constituency as he waited for the returning officer to finish tallying the results.

IEBC clerks carry ballot boxes into the Kenya Technical Train ers College tallying centre in Gi giri in readiness for the tallying process.
An IEBC official unloads a bal lot box from a bus at the Kenya Technical Trainers College tally ing centre in Gigiri.

17 a woman braves the cold weather to prepare and sell tea for party agents, IEBC officials and media personnel at Jamu huri High School.

A staff at Jamuhuri High school removes a list of voter names that had been stuck on the wall to guide voters on the specific rooms they would go to to cast their vote. The names had been arranged in alphabetical order.

Azimio la Umoja flagbearer Raila Odinga during a church service at AIC Kibera where he condemned the IEBC for the manner in which they conducted the elections.
Azimio la Umoja supporters dance aong Harambee Avenue in an ticipation for their presidential candidate Raila Odinga being announced as the 5th president of Kenya.
Staff at Aquinas High school load ing chairs onto a cart, transporting them to the classrooms in readi ness for school re-opening. Class es in various schools around the country had been used as polling stations.