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Multi-Genre Research Project
"A multi-genre paper arises from research, experience, and imagination. ...Each piece is self-contained, making a point of its own, yet connected by theme or topic and sometimes by language, images, and content. The trick is to make such a paper hang together" (Romano, Blending Genre, Altering Style i-xi)
When 8th Grade English Teacher Kara Shaw assigned the multigenre research project, she knew she was asking the students to bring their A-game. A multi-genre research paper is a nontraditional paper using different genres and mediums to explore topics by presenting different perspectives. This particulate project is focused on policies, programs, and institutional practices and their effect on equality and equity among different groups of people. Says Shaw, "This is a high school level project. I don't do it every year, but I knew this class could rise to the occasion." And right she was! With topics ranging from maternal mortality, police brutality, urban housing segregation, the impact of income tax rates on varying economic brackets, and the Black Lives Matter movement, the final paper will contain four parts: an expository essay on their topic of choice and three multi-genre pieces that will be narrative, argumentative, and informative. Some examples of the multi-genre pieces are infographics, another essay with a different angle on the topic, or even a public service announcement video. The 8th Graders are now at the mid-way point in their project and will spend the next few weeks finishing their projects before presenting them to the class. Says Shaw, "I love this project because it challenges students to think, create, and be heard! I'm so proud of how they've all grown as writers already."