Bucks New University After Bucks: Creative Careers in Dance 2019

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After Bucks Creative careers in dance

Our dance courses are designed to develop professional skills and techniques across a range of dance forms as well as a knowledge of dance science. Equipped with a broad understanding of the dance industry and career development, our graduates have the ability to manage a successful career in this exciting field. They find employment in education, choreography or dance development, as well as working with arts organisations. Graduates have also explored a number of opportunities in the dance and fitness industry, working as a performing dancer, teaching dance and fitness classes, or pursuing a career as a personal trainer. At Bucks we teach skills in entrepreneurship and enterprise, so some choose to become self-employed, and others have launched their own dance-related business ventures.

Daniel Browne

Studied BSc (Hons) Dance and Fitness Currently founder/managing director at Groove Aerobics Ltd. When I graduated in 2015, I started working at Bannatyne Gym in my town. This is where I trialled my first Groove Aerobics class, and really got to see if it was something that would work in the market. Being at Bucks certainly helped me, as I was allowed by the gym to teach my class, which got me the experience and confidence I needed to go out into the world, as well as the qualifications to get me the job in the first place. Since I began my business venture, I have created a small team and have recruited instructors to meet the demand for Groove Aerobics at fitness clubs, dance schools and in the community. We are now operating in more that 10 different areas, running more than 30 Groove Aerobics classes a week. We are looking forward to appearing at some more fitness festivals throughout the year.

We are also collaborating with brands such as Lululemon, Soho and various other well known companies, which is exciting for me and beneficial for the brand. From the end of my first year at uni, I knew I wanted to start a business. There were lecturers who advised me on certain things that I needed to consider if I was to pursue a career in the fitness business, which gave me the support I needed. I would say the most important thing I learned on the course is how to work independently and how to deal and communicate with many different types of people. Whilst studying at Bucks I benefited from various opportunities, such as visiting different fitness facilities and concepts as well as the opportunity to perform at Move It. The best part of my university experience was being Chair of the Dance Club. This is where I grew as a leader and learned a lot about overcoming challenges. I also learnt about the management of time and people, which is imperative to what I do now.

Emilee Platts

Studied BA (Hons) Dance and Performance Currently a graduate intern for Dance Projects and programme support at Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance.

I’d had so many options offered to me I was able to really think about what I wanted to do, which clarified my aspirations for the future.

For my internship, I have been using so many of the skills that I acquired from Bucks. In particular, I have used the knowledge from the second year module ‘Staging a Performance’ to organise filming, lighting and sound for performances here at Laban. I had to have a degree in dance to be in this role as I work closely with the dance programmes at the conservatoire.

The most valuable thing I learnt on the course was to make the most of all classes and lectures offered, so that I could be at my best to go out into the world. From attending masterclasses each week, I was provided with numerous contacts within the industry for the future. Additionally, our teachers regularly sent out job opportunities via email, and this is how I found and applied for my role at Laban!

I have developed organisational skills by coordinating the third year tour, where the dancers from Laban visit venues across London to perform their Commission Works. I will be a part of their Degree Show later on in the year.

For me, the best part of the dance course at Bucks were our practical technique classes that we took twice a week. Most of us improved so much in that time, and we experienced this together in our groups over the three years. I also enjoyed the additional ballet and conditioning workshops in our third year, which really helped us physically as dancers.

I was challenged in many ways at Bucks. At the beginning, I wasn’t really sure what I wanted to do after graduating. However, by the end,

Luke Johnson

Studied BSc (Hons) Dance and Fitness Currently a professional self-employed dancer. I was introduced to new skills within my dance course, particularly in different movement and dance styles. I also learned different teaching styles, which was a great stepping stone for me to explore while in university and also once leaving. On the fitness side of the course, I continue to use the knowledge I learned and try to apply it to help prevent injuries and any other maintenance to do with my body. I was also taught about professionalism within the field, which has helped me conduct myself in the correct manner in any work situation I’ve been in. Whilst I did not graduate (I left the course in my second year for family reasons) the course set me in good stead to develop my training further. I’m continually training in studios around London and also travelling abroad to LA and other parts of the world, seeking some of the best teachers and dancers to learn from. This has improved my ability as a dancer, and also opened doors for me into the commercial world of dance, allowing me to meet and also work with some of the best choreographers and creative directors in the world.

Recently I have worked with Janet Jackson, Nicki Minaj, X Factor, Cheryl Fernandez (Cole), Adidas and also on the new Disney film Aladdin starring Will Smith and more. Bucks definitely challenged my way of thinking. When starting the course I was heavily into fitness, and dance was just a hobby, but since leaving I have changed my career path and have been a professional dancer for the last four to five years. The most valuable thing I learned from the course was how to look after your body. Since becoming a dancer I see so many people suffering with injuries but my knowledge of anatomy has helped me to prevent this from happening. Being the first boy to do the course and also the only boy of my year, I never felt invisible to the tutors which was amazing. As I’m not very strong academically, I struggled with the theory side, but tutors were always willing to help. Bucks has a great community feel within the dance courses.

Rhia Smyth

Studied BSc (Hons) Dance and Fitness Currently working part-time as a fitness instructor and personal trainer at BetterGym, and part-time as an affiliated member at the RAD teaching ballet to children throughout the West Midlands. I went to Bucks with an initial focus on maintaining my dance training, but also to expand my knowledge about exercise and fitness. I previously attended a vocational dance college with an intention to pursue a professional dance career, however unfortunately due to a hip impingement injury which set me back, I decided to re-educate myself about anatomy; physiology and nutrition. Bucks, through theory and practical modules, covered everything I could have asked for - and more. This, in turn, led to me taking a greater interest in fitness, offering REPS Level Two Exercise to Music, Level Two Gym Instructor and Level Three Personal Training. All of which is a requirement of my job that I use daily.

I have applied for a Trainee Manager Scheme within the company I work with, to begin to work my way up to gain managerial experience within a gym environment. My freelance ballet teaching demonstrates selfdiscipline and the ability to market yourself, do the books, stick to deadlines and provide a good quality service to children wishing to pursue their own career in dance. All of which were skills taught at Bucks! I am keeping involved with both dance and fitness, as they are both great passions of mine. My third year had an emphasis on being in charge of your own learning, which is essential for equipping you for life after Bucks. You grow up a lot and get prompted to question what you learn rather than just accept it. Through your own research and utilising the facilities throughout the university, you carve your own path - whether it be practical or through written work.

Critical thinking gives you an edge after leaving university, as you are able to explore other options, and question and challenge others, rather than just accept.

In the meantime I am putting all the skills learnt at university to practical use, until I feel the time is right to naturally progress to the next stage of my professional development.

I went to Bucks solely looking to continue my development as a dancer. I have graduated with a degree and an opened mind. Not only did I develop practically in my dancing, but I have gained three fitness qualifications which equipped me with knowledge that I never thought I needed - all of which are crucial for my current job role.

Naturally the fitness qualifications had a very practical approach to completing. We had an array of guest lecturers and industry professionals deliver these sessions. The breadth and wealth of knowledge we were exposed to was all the more insightful and useful to learn from and perhaps even question.

Going forward I would like to specialise in developing fitness methods in young dancers, as what I have learned throughout my time at Bucks is the worrying injury rates amongst dancers. That is something that has stuck with me throughout my time and is something I am passionate about pursuing. So much so, that I am looking to eventually pursue a Master’s qualification in Strength and Conditioning specialising in dance.

The best part of my course had to be the holistic experience, from all you learn to the friendships you make. Both course mates and house mates are for life. Bucks Students’ Union offered solid support for my needs and welfare. Finally, there are a huge array of opportunities that are on offer from societies to volunteering. These are skills that quite literally equip you for life.

Rachel Goulding

Studied BSc (Hons) Dance and Fitness Currently runs her own personal training and group exercise business and is also a dance and fitness presenter. The Dance and Fitness course taught me everything I needed to know, and gave me huge confidence when I went out into the world. For the first couple of years, I put my learning into practice by working at local gyms, establishing confidence and a following in my area. Now I run my own business with the knowledge of fitness I learnt on this course. I was accepted onto a Dance and Fitness Presenter Mentoring Programme, which gave me the opportunity to present a dance class at the biggest International Fitness Showcase in 2016. This was an incredible first step in my presenting career.

The second big opportunity was being accepted into a presenter search competition at Fitcamps. I managed to get to the final, and this has led to many opportunities. The biggest is my first solo teaching slot at an event coming up in a few months; hopefully the first of many. I have also set up my own personal training business and online training programme. My personal training business went from one client a week to more than 15 in just six months. My online business is in its first month and I’m looking forward to see it grow this year. My course at Bucks challenged me, and made me think about all the different ways of training in both fitness and dance. The course taught me how to train safely as a dancer, how to listen to my body and most importantly how to prevent injury.

The module on business helped me to understand how to create a business that could be successful. I have since created my own version of the online business we did as a group in that module.

For me the best part of Bucks was the course and the people. I have the best memories of the people on my course, and the fun we had in lectures as well as in the Dance Society.

In my third year we received our first real client whilst we were training to become personal trainers. This helped me massively with my confidence for when I started on my own, it was an invaluable part of the course.

The course was an incredible experience where I got to learn everything I needed to know. It gave me every opportunity to put what I learn into practice, and teach me every area possible ready for when I graduated.

We also went to Fitcamps which led me to make some great networks within the industry I want to get into. The course also provided us with industry panels so we could ask professionals in the areas of dance and fitness the questions we needed, to support our own success.

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bucks.ac.uk This publication was produced by Buckinghamshire New University in February 2019, and is accurate at the time of going to press. We reserve the right to amend information without prior notice. Š Buckinghamshire New University 2019

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