What’s happening today?
Welcome to your Applicant Visit Day, this is your chance to make sure that BNU is right for you and we want to make sure you have everything you need. Between 12.30pm to 1.30pm register and pick up your BNU bag and water bottle, and then join us for a complimentary lunch in our fantastic new Beeches Restaurant and discover the amazing food from our caterers Gather & Gather. We have something for everyone with a Poke bowl, Middle Eastern or Pasta option all free for our applicants and guests.
Check in - have your barcode ready
Lunch - Join us for complimentary lunch in Beeches Restaurant.
Course presentation - check the timetable to find out when and where this is for your chosen course. This session will give you a greater insight into the course and a chance to ask all your questions.
View course facilities - whether it is the art studios, our flight simulator or our psychology labs, make sure you get to see the equipment and facilities available to you on your course.
Parents and carers’ talk - everything you need to know about the next steps, how we support our students, student finance and how to get your young person ready for starting uni.
Accommodation tour - book your tour with us when you get here and choose which accommodation you would like to see.
Campus tour - visit the library, The Gym, the cafés and get a feel for the whole campus on a guided tour with our Student Ambassadors. (Please note, you do not need to book on to a campus tour)
Students’ Union - don’t forget the social side, what societies can you join, what is on the menu in the bar, what events do the Students’ Union run and what is THE BIG DEAL?
Student support - our support staff are on hand to talk to you about any additional needs, student finance, applications and admissions.
‘Join our BNU Applicants Community’
‘Please scan the QR code to join our Unibuddy community and chat with your fellow students’
Our accommodation
Brook Street
Brook Street is our budget option halls of residence. It is arranged in flats of 6 to 8 rooms with a shared kitchen diner, two shared toilets and two shared shower rooms. The rooms have single beds, desk, chair, wardrobe and chest of drawers plus a sink in each room with mirror, light and under sink storage. It is a 5 minutes walk from campus.
Hughenden Park Student Village
Hughenden Park Student Village is our largest halls of residence and is arranged in flats of 6 rooms with a shared kitchen diner. All rooms have a small double bed and are en suite. It is approx 15 minutes walk from campus. We have coaches running to this accommodation throughout our Applicant Visit Day.
Windsor House
Windsor House is right in the middle of High Wycombe, around 5 minutes walk from the campus. It is arranged in flats of 6 rooms with a shared kitchen diner. All rooms have a small double bed and are en suite.

Join us on an accommodation tour
Tours depart every 30 minutes from 2pm.
Book your accommodation tour to our Brook Street or Hughenden Park Student Village at the accommodation stand in the main Events Hall or through the QR codes below.
Numbers are limited per tour so booking is essential.
To book on to a tour for Brook Street
To book on to a tour for Hughenden Student Village
To check out our accommodation online
SCAN ME SCAN ME SCAN ME SCAN ME SCAN MEOur student support services
Our fees and funding team are on hand for all questions on student finance and funding.
Want to know more about scholarships and bursaries?
Chat to the team on the stand or email students@bnu.ac.uk
If you need advice on your personal statement or how to apply to university, chat to our admissions team or email advice@bnu.ac.uk
Find out what support we can offer you during your application and when you start university with our Inclusion, Diversity and Disability team within the Student Success Directorate.
You can also email advice@bnu.ac.uk or call 0330 123 2023
See what our Student Support services can offer you

Your timetable for today
You can plan your own timetable and attend the sessions that most apply to you. We would suggest you check the time of your course session on the next few pages and then build your day around that. We have lots of campus and accommodation tours going throughout the event so you should be able to fit everything in.
Welcome refreshments 12.30pm - 1.30pm Beeches cafe
Accommodation tours
From 2.30pm
From outside main reception
Complimentary lunch will be available for you to enjoy.
Please book onto your tour via the QR code, or at the accommodation stand in the Atrium.
Walking tours to Brook Street last 45 minutes
Coach tours to Hughenden last approx. one hour
Admissions 12.30pm - 5pm Atrium
Accommodation 12.30pm - 5pm Atrium
Questions about your application or need advice with writing your personal statement? Come and talk to our admissions team!
Talk to the accommodation team about your options and book a tour!
Fees and Funding 12.30pm - 5pm Atrium
Well-being 12.30pm - 5pm Atrium
Find out about fees and funding, scholarships and bursaries
Need extra help, support, or counselling services? The team is here for you.
Campus tours
From 2.30pm
Depart every half an hour from ‘The Room’
Campus tours last approx. 40 minutes (please note, you do not need to book on to a campus tour)
Students’ Union 12.30pm - 5pm Atrium
Interested in joining our Students’ Union, rated Number 1 in the UK? Fancy joining a society or starting a new hobby? Speak to our SU team and find out more about The Big Deal!
3D Game Art
- 3pm
Acting (Film, TV and Stage) 1.30pm - 3pm
Acting for Stage and Screen 1.30pm - 3pm
Adult nursing
Gateway 1st Floor, Room 13 (Animation VFX)
Then move to Gateway, Ground Floor, Video Studio 2
West Wing, Ground Floor, Dance Studio 2
West Wing, Ground Floor, Dance Studio 2
- 1.30pm (At the Uxbridge Campus)
- 3pm
Animatronics Design
- 3pm
At 9:45am, meet at the Nursing stand to take the bus to the Uxbridge campus. The bus will leave promptly at 10am.
Gateway 1st Floor, Room 13 (Animation VFX)
Then move to Gateway, Ground Floor, Video Studio 2
Timberlake Building, 1st Floor, Room 12
Aviation Management with Commercial Pilot Training in Aeroplanes
Aviation Management with Commercial Pilot Training in
Aviation Management with Private Pilot Training in Aeroplanes
Aviation Management with Private Pilot Training in Helicopters
Ground Floor, Gateway Lecture Theatre
- 2pm Business and Law welcome talk in: North Wing 2nd Floor Room 6 2pm - 3pm course session in: North Wing, 2nd Floor, Room 10 Child nursing
- 1.30pm (At the Uxbridge Campus)
At 9:45am, meet at the Nursing stand to take the bus to the Uxbridge campus. The bus will leave promptly at 10am.
- 2pm Business and Law welcome talk in:
North Wing 2nd Floor Room 6
- 3pm course session in:
North Wing, 2nd Floor, Room 10 International
Wing, 3rd Floor, Room 11 International
North Wing, 2nd Floor, Room 9
- 2pm Business and Law welcome talk in:
North Wing 2nd Floor Room 6
- 3pm course session in: North Wing, 2nd Floor, Room 12
Sport and Exercise Science
1.30pm - 2pm - Welcome to Sport talk
2pm - 3pm - Course Talk
1.30pm - 2pm Welcome to Sport talk in:
South Wing, 3rd Floor, Room 2 a + b
2pm - 3pm course talk in: South Wing, 1st Floor, Room 1
1.30pm - 2pm Welcome to Sport talk in:
South Wing, 3rd Floor, Room 2 a + b
Sport and Exercise Science with Strength and Conditioning
1.30pm - 2pm - Welcome to Sport talk
2pm - 3pm - Course Talk
Sport Exercise Psychology
1.30pm - 2pm - Welcome to Sport talk
2pm - 3pm - Course Talk
Sports Coaching
1.30pm - 2pm - Welcome to Sport talk
2pm - 3pm - Course Talk
2pm - 3pm course talk in:
South Wing, 1st Floor, Room 1
1.30pm - 2pm Welcome to Sport talk in: South Wing, 3rd Floor, Room 2 a + b
2pm - 3pm course talk in:
South Wing, 1st Floor, Room 1
Welcome to sport talk and course talk in:
South Wing, 3rd Floor, Room 2 a + b
Sports Coaching with Community Health and Physical Activity
1.30pm - 2pm - Welcome to Sport talk
2pm - 3pm - Course Talk
1.30pm - 2pm - Welcome to Sport talk
2pm - 3pm - Course Talk
Sports Coaching with Performance Sport
1.30pm - 2pm - Welcome to Sport talk
2pm - 3pm - Course Talk
Sports Therapy
1.30pm - 2pm - Welcome to Sport talk 2pm - 3pm - Course Talk
1.30pm - 2pm - Welcome to Sport talk 2pm - 3pm - Course Talk
Welcome to sport talk and course talk in:
South Wing, 3rd Floor, Room 2 a + b
Welcome to sport talk and course talk in:
South Wing, 3rd Floor, Room 2 a + b
Welcome to sport talk and course talk in: South Wing, 3rd Floor, Room 2 a + b
Welcome to sport talk and course talk in:
South Wing, 3rd Floor, Room 2 a + b
1.30pm - 2pm Welcome to sport talk in:
South Wing, 3rd Floor, Room 2 a + b
2pm - 3pm Course talk in:
South Wing, 1st Floor, Room 4
Gateway 1st Floor, Room 13 (Animation VFX)
Then move to Gateway, Ground Floor, Video Studio 2 Welcome to Sport
- 2pm
South Wing, 3rd Floor, Room 2 a + b
Applicant Visit Day checklist
Here are a few questions to help you find out everything you need to know about our university –feel free to ask our staff and students any questions during the day or via our website chat bnu.ac.uk
Where is the university in relation to the town?
Are the public transport links good?
Is the university on one campus, or spread out?
Is there transport between the campuses?
Is accommodation in university halls guaranteed for first years?
Can you walk to the halls of residence?
How much does accommodation cost?
Is there a choice of options – en suite/studio etc.?
What support is available to me?
I have a disability – what additional support is available to me?
What clubs and societies can I join?
Are there any scholarships or bursaries I can apply for?
When is the library open?
Will I feel safe here?
Are there any additional fees?
Will I be taught face to face on campus?
What is the timetable like?
How many hours will I be taught?
How much teaching is practical?
How will I be assessed – practical/exams/coursework?
What are the entry requirements?
Is there an interview, audition or portfolio review?
How do I apply?
What are the facilities for teaching?
What industry/business experience will I get?
What do your graduates go on to do?
Thank you for coming to our Applicant Visit Day!
We’d love to hear your thoughts and feedback on our events. Use the


High Wycombe Campus
Queen Alexandra Road
High Wycombe
HP11 2JZ
Aylesbury Campus
59 Walton Street
HP21 7QG
Uxbridge Campus
106 Oxford Road
Telephone: 01494 522 141
Email: advice@bnu.ac.uk
BNU based at Pinewood Studios
Pinewood Studios
Pinewood Road
Iver Heath
Buckinghamshire SL0 0NH
Missenden Abbey London Road
Great Missenden
HP16 0BD