Every journey
Founder B atul L oomans on his first tr ip to India . Mumbai fruitmarket. |2
has a new beginning. Every new beginning offers the chance of new friendships.
B A W O N B R A C E L E T | PA R T O F T H E B U D D H A T O B U D D H A J E W E L L E RY C O L L E C T I O N F i n d o u r e n t i r e c o l l e c t i o n o v e r v i e w o n h t t p : / / w w w. b u d d h a t o b u d d h a . c o m |4
FALL / WINTER ‘12 - ‘13
feelings is open and we inspire each other to look at l i f e e v e n d e e p e r a n d m o r e p l e a s a n t l y.
D e a r r e a d e r, Even though it was I myself that decided on the t h e m e o f t h i s e d i t i o n b e i n g f r i e n d s h i p , I s t i l l fi n d i t hard to put my feelings truly into writing. To b e h o n e s t I ’ m n o t r e a l l y t h a t c o m fo r t a b l e w i t h t h e word friendship; it brings me right back to my childh o o d i n t h e s m a l l t ow n o f A b c o u d e , a s t o n e ’s t h r o w f r o m A m s t e r d a m , w h e r e I fi r s t d i s c ov e r e d w h a t i t ’s all about. Back then I split m y time between hanging out a t t h e l o c a l fo o t b a l l c l u b F C A b c o u d e a n d t h e tennis clu b there. It wasn’t the norm al thing to be a m e m b e r o f o n e a n d a l s o o f t h e o t h e r, b u t I w a s always in between; n ever fully committed to either - something I actually still prefer to do. Some call it fear of commitment; I call it tasting different e nv i r o n m e n t s . B e h i n d e v e r y c l o s e d d o o r t h e r e ’s a surprise just waiting to happen, a n ew world to dive into. Later the protected village feel t h e B i j l m e r, A m s t e r d a m , w h e r e o c c a s i o n a l l y c l e n c h e d fi s t s w e r e day within this mixed comm unity
w a s s w a p p e d fo r h e av y s l a n g a n d the order of the of global origins.
Fr i e n d s , a r e t h e y n o t t h e p e o p l e t h a t g e t y o u f r o m d a y o n e ? T h e y ’r e t h e o n e s w h o y o u t h i n k s m e l l g o o d and whose words t aste of more. Their actions and t o u c h m a k e y o u f e e l w a r m . T h e y ’r e t h e o n e s w h o d a r e to be a little more honest with you than sometimes y o u ’d l i k e . To m e , a f r i e n d i s n o t s o m e o n e w h o i s a l w a y s t h e r e fo r m e ; I fi n d t h a t a b i t t o o c l i c h é . M a n y o f m y c l o s e f r i e n d s s p e n d t h e i r t i m e t r av e l l i n g o r a r e j u s t b u s y l i v i n g t h e i r ow n l i v e s , b u t a t t h e s i g h t o f e a c h o t h e r, I a l m o s t i m m e d i a t e l y o p e n u p a n d I w a n t to hear and know ever y thing and share w h a t I ’ m going through at that time. The t ap of thoughts and |6
Within our organisation friendship is something that excites us. The friendships we build in Indon esia is one of our priorities this year and behind the scene we are working on ways to give back to the comm u n i t y, b y r a i s i n g f u n d s fo r d i s a d v a n t a g e d c h i l d r e n on Bali with a limited edition collection (released e a r l y 2 0 1 3 ) . We ’ l l t e l l y o u m o r e a b o u t t h a t i n o u r n ext issue. New friends too are always welcome. Our c ol l aboration with photographer Bas Andries amazed us and m a d e u s l o o k a t o u r o w n p r o d u c t i n a n e w w a y. Inspired by the pioneering work of Jamie Beck, B u d d h a t o B u d d h a c o l l a b o r a t e d w i t h i n n ov a t o r s C i r c u s Fa m i l y t o b r i n g o u r p h o t o s h o o t a n d p r o d u c t s truly to life on our n ew website. The results of which are mesmerising, disturbing and spook y all at once. I n t h i s i s s u e y o u ’ l l a l s o fi n d C a n d y D u l f e r sharing her views on friendship, Dutch writer Kluun telling us about ‘lads’ friendships and our talented colleague Ido delivers a mouth-watering friendly recipe. The team that has created this m agazin e is ever yon e w h o i s c o n n e c t e d w i t h B u d d h a t o B u d d h a . We a r e proud of that and we hope you enjoy it as m uch as we do. Embrace life.
Batul Loomans Fo u n d e r B u d d h a t o B u d d h a .
Av r i l l e B a g c o b a l t b l u e , O l i v i a Wa l l e t c o b a l t b l u e
WE LOVE CITY ADVENTURES Inspired by our hometown of Amsterdam and the never-ending grace and mystique of the city’s canal houses, we married the history of the city with our handcrafted silver pieces and leather bags. This is our ‘timeless’ Dutch masterpiece.
TEUN Pe t r a R i n g Batul 2cm Shell bracelet Aleyn a Brown Large bracelet VIVIANE Ben XS bracelet Esther XS bracelet Janneke XS bracelet Edwin XS bracelet Marjolein XS bracelet Katja XS bracelet Michelle Small ring D e s i r e e Wa l l e t B r o w n
TEUN Joost XL bracelet E v e r t Tw i n B l a c k l e a t h e r b r a c e l e t Rani Big Black leather bracelet Classic Laptop Bag
VIVIANE Ti l a p i a W h i t e b r a c e l e t Pe t e r r i n g Aleyna Medium Black bracelet Pe t e r r i n g Av r i l l e B a g c o b a l t b l u e
TEUN Edwin Small bracelet Pe t r a b r a c e l e t Pe t r a r i n g VIVIANE H e r m i n e A g a a t Pe n d a n t Marieke bracelet Arice Clutch cobalt blue
TEUN Edwin bracelet E v e r t Tw i n B l a c k l e a t h e r b r a c e l e t Pe t r a b r a c e l e t Ben bracelet Michelle ring Bitar tee Z i p Po c k e t b a g
VIVIANE Michelle earrings Michelle ring Chain Small bracelet Esther XS bracelet
B l i s s Po u c h B a g s
VIVIANE Bulat Large earrings Chris bracelet Pe t r a X S b r a c e l e t Isabel Big bracelet Esther ring Rika ring twice Michelle bracelet Eva bracelet
TEUN R i k a Pe n d a n t Pe t r a b r a c e l e t Isabel Big bracelet Pe t r a b r a c e l e t Edwin Small bracelet Cole tee
VIVIANE Rika earrings Esther ring Edwin ring Edwin bracelet Spijkers ring Katja XS bracelet Caroline XS bracelet Edwin XS bracelet Janneke XSbracelet Esther XS bracelet Ben XS bracelet
VIVIANE Hermine Agaat earrings Hermine Onyx ring J a c k Tu r q u o i s e b r a c e l e t Jack Orange bracleet Jack Purple bracelet Marieke bracelet TEUN Pe t r a r i n g Edwin Small bracelet
T O G E T H E R W E C R E AT E Buddha to Buddha since ‘97
1994 FIRST SKETCH Staying in the meditation centre of Osho, Batul sketched his first bracelet on the beaches of Goa, India. On his arrival there he spoke with another person meditating there for a long time. The conversation was called ‘Buddha to Buddha’. He was touched by the good energy that person was carrying with her and named his first pieces Buddha to Buddha.
1999 TV DEBUT. With innovators across The Netherlands picking up on the brand, the first celebrities are seen wearing them on TV. Ruud the Wild – a good hearted radio DJ – wears a piece on the TV show Barend and Van Dorp. Batul and his partner Nirja are overjoyed.
1997 THE BEGINNING. It took 3 years until suitably skilled craftsmen were found to make the first pieces into a small collection.
2000 - 2001 JEWELZ AGENCIES. Jewelz Agencies became involved with the sales and marketing of the brand. Professional staff are hired to build a good foundation for the future. The jewellery market slowly starts to understand that handmade, chunky bracelets are timeless pieces for the rest of your life. Big players such as famous Dutch department store ‘De Bijenkorf’ believe in the brand and take up the entire collection.
1998 FIRST STOCKIST. The first bracelet called Batul was taken to a Reflections, a high-end fashion store owned by Bob Pochter on the P.C. Hooftstraat in Amsterdam. The owner called Batul after a week that the reaction of this chunky piece of silver were amazing and he wanted to see more.
1998 BUDDHA TO BUDDHA. Buddha goes from strength to strength, with strong branding and DNA, but always staying true to the product. The company introduces a logo, packaging and catalogues.
1999 NEW MODELS. After the initial Batul bracelet design, new models are being launched. Amazingly, these are still bestsellers today, proving that the brand has a knack for creating timeless pieces. All bracelets acquire names of family and friends around the brand with e.g. bracelet ‘Chris’ taking it’s name from Batul’s mother, an inspiring supporter of Buddha to Buddha.
2002 WWW.BUDDHATOBUDDHA.COM. The Buddha to Buddha website is launched and .com is added to the pieces to reflect the innovative nature of the brand and the internet.
2003 GOING INTERNATIONAL. Steadily, other countries start to get interested in the handmade jewellery from Amsterdam. Belgium becomes the first country to adopt the brand. Buddha to Buddha make debuts with small stands at global respected tradeshows such as Bread & Butter. 31|
JUNIORS. Buddha to Buddha launches its ‘junior’ line with a strong campaign. The bracelets are miniature versions of the existing designs and children, teens and grownups are all falling for them.
EASY FIT. Buddha to Buddha starts with its first small Easy Fit clothing line for men and women. The first international magazines begin to acknowledge the brand from Holland and phone calls come in from all over the world. At the international jewellery fair in Paris, Buddha to Buddha is chosen as ‘Newcomer of the year’.
2010 SNOOP DOGG. Rapper Snoop Dogg wears Buddha to Buddha during the opening ceremony of the Superbowl.
2010 BEACH COLLABORATION. Back in 2010 Buddha to Buddha first started collaborating with the renowned Ibiza beach bar ‘Blue Marlin’. A few years on the partnership has bloomed and expanded into a popular clothing range, including a complete summer collection consisting of tops, poloshirts, shorts and hoodies. All items are available soon at Blue Marlin Ibiza, Blue Marlin Dubai and through official Buddha to Buddha dealers. |32
2009 LEATHER BAGS. Leather bags and belts are introduced to the portfolio, designed with the same idea of comfort and luxury.
2010 12.5 YEAR ANNIVERSARY. To mark 12,5 years of hard work but mostly fun, Buddha to Buddha made a book with stories and images of everyone close and important to the brand and topped it off with a big, crazy party that still puts smiles on our faces.
2012 GONE GLOBAL. The brand is now sold in more than 15 countries around the globe. In Singapore and Hong Kong the first shops begin to share our love for designs in silver.
2011 SENSATION WHITE Buddha to Buddha has always had a strong link with the music scene with established DJ’s as Sven Vath and Roger Sanchez wearing pieces. The cooperation with Sensation White came into existence quite naturally with Buddha to Buddha designing two spectacular handmade pieces to mark the union. Upcoming DJ Hardwell is one of the latest to show support for the brand by wearing them at gigs around the globe. 33|
Rika bracelet
VIVIANE Rika earrings Chain XS necklace Anastasia bracelet Esther XS bracelet Alexander Leather bracelet Ben bracelet Roan Special bracelet Wa t i X S b r a c e l e t
Our pet model is brought to you by the Piggywellranch run by Margalith, who is very passionate about her pigs and animals in general. The main objective for her is to breed healthy, small, friendly pigs, so small even we call them ‘micropigs’.
ME AND MY PICASSO. A travel journal through the different landscapes of Sweden. W r i t t e n a n d p h o t o g r a p h e d by o u r d e a r f r i e n d a n d s a l e s a g e n t fo r S c a n d i n a v i a , J a ko b K r i s t o f f e r s e n .
“A real human being And a real hero”
COPENHAGEN - VESTERAS - ØREBRO 783 KM. TOTAL - CONCLUSION: One new potential client My Picasso has safely taken me around 196.000 kilometres. I never
tune is the second thing I do after morning coffee (If I was smoking
check the oil. I never check the water level. I never check the tyre
it’d be the third) and the last thing before being swallowed by the
pressure. But everyday I make sure to press my engine hard. If red
pitch black of night and sleep. Today and for the next tree days, ‘A
light appears on the gauge, it’s time to take it to the doctor.
Real Hero’ by College featuring Electric Youth is my lifesaver and inspiration.
I have no bad things to say about my Picasso. Perhaps, in a perfect world, after 4 days of driving and talking fashion with a loud engine roaring you kind of wish you were Van Gogh and could cut off one
“Back against the wall and ours
ear and cut away all that fashion bullshit and engine talk. With one
With the strength of a willing to cause
ear left, you’d be able to focus on new ideas and search for the
A pursuit some called outstanding
perfect road trip soundtrack.
Or emotionally complex Against a grain
Every road trip needs a soundtrack! On the first day, I try to figure
Left to stop at claims
it out, and when time for bed I always find my tune. Listening to the
Of all the thoughts your actions entertaining”
ØREBRO - LINKÖPING 160 KM. TOTAL - CONCLUSION: One new potential client Linköping has two city centres in one town. The old town centre
This town is like the Brazilian samba, it shakes and has sex appeal;
functions like a museum, here you calm down. I calm down. Opposite
always keeping a straight body and bending one knee at the same
you have the new city centre, it is always packed with people and
time. But when they bend a knee, they make sure to use their en-
shops are thriving.
trepreneurship…they make it happen. I love it, and this particular
night I sleep very well.
This town manufactures jetfighters and cars, has a race track, and what is most fascinating, you can almost sail your boat from Amsterdam to here - with a bit of a helping hand from some floodgates.
“A real human being
And a real hero…”
more Buddha To Buddha stores in one day. Sweden I love you! Arrival Copenhagen 11.30 p.m. And with only few reflections left
Change in routine today, but need to get a good start. It is going to be a long day. I took a photo of my hotel bed last night. You can find
Like art, I see fashion as a product of humans seeking their
a piece of art in this photo. Or pieces of art, depending on who is
authenticity. We want to be real humans and real heroes. We want to
looking. Art galleries are my nocturnal passion. They’re a substitute
show it! And we need that stamp of authenticity!
for an after work drink for me. And sometimes, when I am lucky, they serve champagne….probably paid for by a hard-working artist
I am happy to represent Buddha to Buddha. It makes me feel like a
with the skill to paint a money note but relying on others for the
real human and a real hero. Tonight I feel like Dali. I create my own
stamp of authenticity. An exception was Salvador Dalí. He made his
money. And I do not need that stamp from others
own money. Before I can print out any cash today I would need to do well – and, after many conversations and kilometres, that is what happened. Skipping to the conclusion of the day; we have now two |42
Jakob Kristoffersen
RO B I N B RO W N C L U T C H | PA R T O F T H E B U D D H A T O B U D D H A B A G S C O L L E C T I O N F i n d o u r e n t i r e c o l l e c t i o n o v e r v i e w o n h t t p : / / w w w. b u d d h a t o b u d d h a . c o m 43|
TEUN L o g o Pe n d a n t + s i l v e r n e c k l a c e E v e r t Tw i n l e a t h e r b r o w n b r a c e l e t Ben bracelet Pe t r a b r a c e l e t Eric ring Michelle Small ring B i t a r Te e Edwin bracelet VIVIANE H e r m i n e S t o n e Tu r q u o i s e n e c k l a c e L o t u s X S Pe n d a n t B u d d h a X S Pe n d a n t Chris Small bracelet Joost small bracelet B a t u l 1 c m Tu r q u o i s e b r a c e l e t
DEWA PU TU JUANA Some of the graphics we use on our Buddha to Buddha T-shirts spring from the imaginative mind of Dewa Puto Juan, a 24-year-old graphic designer from Sukuwato, Gianyar, Bali Indonesia. Inspired equally by his family and his girlfriend Devi, he began drawing from a very early age. On joining high school his father bought him a computer on which he was able to fine-tune his photoshop skills. Very quickly Dewa began to design t-shirts; first worn by himself and then soon after by his friends and classmates. “It’d been my dream to become a famous graphic designer and one day establish my own clothing label ‘NothingCloth’ internationally. Buddha to Buddha opened doors for me by giving me a chance to do what I like most and allowing me to think big. Buddha to Buddha is an established brand with a aspirational concept, they gave me the freedom to create graphics in my own way and prepared me for entering the European market.”
When asked about everyday life on Bali, Dewa beams a full, radiant smile “I have a great life because I can do what I enjoy most and that in turns feeds my imagination. I studied graphic design at Art School at Yogyakarta, Java, Indonesia and all my free time I spend drawing, DJing, listening to music, having drinks with friends and this joy and energy hopefully radiates in my prints. Coming from a traditional Balinese family enriched in the performing arts and music, creativity was a direct inheritance. My ideas are mostly inspired by a mix of retro surfing, old school music and a vintage lifestyle and are expressed through clothing and graphic design.� Peace, passion, prayer!
TEUN Kadek XL bracelet Cal tee VIVIANE H e r m i n e S t o n e Tu r q u o i s e r i n g Michelle Small ring Nathalie Small bracelet Ben Leather Black XS bracelets Sebastian Black Leather XS bracelet
“GIRLFRIENDS” Nightwriters - Kluun
K l u u n ( R a y m o n d v a n d e r K l u n d e r t ) i s a D u t c h w r i t e r. In 2006 he created the ‘Nightwriters ’ collective that aims at offering literar y enter tainment to the people. T he piece ‘g irlfriends ’ was written and published for this s ocie t y. h t t p : / / w w w. n i g h t w r i t e r s . n l /
In Sex and the City Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda struggle with their boyfriends, their lovers, their lost keys, their periods, the handyman, their hair…well it seems they discuss the entire evil outside world with each other, and that makes funny TV. Name one similar series about a men’s group. Indeed, there are none for the simple reason that men in groups don’t wish to discuss everything together and that’s not so exciting for a TV series. Men play football together, they go massacring Indians together, they go to Amsterdam’s notorious Banana ‘titty’ bar together. Do they talk like the women in Sex and the City do? No way in hell! If I’m in a pub with a group of old friends, on entering we talk for about five minutes about how we are doing; ‘get it out of the way’, so to speak, and then we proceed with the order of the day. “Everything all right with the little one?” (Men are damned to mention a gender, let alone the name of a child chances are you get it wrong.) “Yeah, fine. With you? “ “Also. And ... eh Miriam? “ “Miranda, yeah she’s fine. Hey, what a goal, eh, the second of Huntelaar’s on Sunday. “ ..then the night can truly begin. And that is ALWAYS fun when a bunch of men are together. For women groups that is not a definite. The best example of this is hen parties. Usually, the best friend of the bride organised it as a response to the groom and his friends, because the bride deserves a bit of fun too on a nice single day out in Amsterdam. She retrieves the email addresses of that friendly colleague of the bride, that old college friend and that girl that works out with the bride every Monday. Every Saturday I see these colonies of women. In the worst case, the bride is wearing a T-shirt from which men should eat marshmallows. That’s nice for the photo album. And yes, men hoist the groom as if he is an actor in Disneyland, but at least they look sort of happy with it. Female bachelorettes groups usually consist of miserable-looking, barely acquainted women who wander aimlessly about on
Rembrandtsplein without any conversation, waiting for the right time to decently excuse themselves and go home because it’s “an early day tomorrow…the children, you know…”. Meanwhile the male bachelor group is probably having their sixteenth beer in the Banana Bar, slapping each other amicably on the shoulders whilst singing: they-will-not-yet-go-home-yet-not-yet-long-long-not. Girlfriends do not understand the art of not-talking. Men do and that’s why friendships between men last for so long. Women do not get away with that one. Women want to empathize with each other, sympathize, be kept in the loop, and show interest. Even if, deep inside, they know they have grown apart because one had children, and the others didn’t. Because one made a career and the other one is a stay at home mom. All of which is then discussed. And there is where the trouble starts. Too much interest in each other is disastrous for the duration of friend groups. Men don’t give a rat’s arse how and why we are different from our friends. We level from our similarities, not our differences. To be able to be friends over a long length of time and be in unison in a group, we only need similarity, one common interest, that bonds us and we can lavish on together, whether that be the closing parties on Ibiza, Holland at the European Championships, Pearl Jam at the Ahoy in Rotterdam. Or the Banana Bar. And after that we don’t have to see or call each other for a year or so. We wouldn’t know what to talk about.
M a ar te n Sm all B rown bracelet
U P C O M I N G T R A D E FA I R S BREAD & BUTTER 4 - 6 July, B erlin | G er many
M O D E FA B R I E K 22 & 23 July, A msterdam | T he Ne therland s
LIFE INSTYLE 2 - 5 A ug ust, Melbourne | A ustralia
JA A S Y D N E Y I N T E R N AT I O N A L J E W E L L E RY FA I R 2 - 4 S e p t e m b e r, S y d n e y | A u s t r a l i a
I N T E R N AT I O N A L J E W E L L E RY FA I R 2 - 5 S e p t e m b e r, L o n d o n | U n i t e d K i n g d o m
J E W E L S A N D WAT C H E S 2 - 4 S e p t e m b e r, U t r e c h t | T h e N e t h e r l a n d s
BISUTEX 1 2 - 1 6 S e p t e m b e r, M a d r i d | S p a i n
P r e m i u m p i e c e s h a n d m a d e by t h e fi n e s t craftsmen in sterling silver since 1997.
Esther ring
JUANJO SUAREZ Ben XL bracelet Ben ring
JUANJO SUAREZ Esther Small bracelet Jack Multi bracelet Lina ring Bas ring
F U S I N G FA S H I O N & F O O D By Ido E ssed, production mana ger Budd ha to Budd ha clothing
Following high school I hesitated between fashion-related or hotel and catering industry related studies. Finally I decided to follow a full-time study at the AMFI Amsterdam while learning to cook during evenings and weekends. I soon started cooking in a classic French bistro, where I’d previously been working as a waiter. Luckily they allowed me to work in the kitchen and with this initial experience I got the opportunity to work in various restaurants and ultimately on the highest level with an internship in a three-star restaurant. In the last year of the fashion program at AMFI I had a half years full-time internship at Buddha to Buddha on the fledgling Easy Fit clothing department. After I’d finished my studies I was able to work for Buddha to Buddha as a Junior Production Manager, which by that time had grown considerably. The first eighteen months I worked at Buddha to Buddha, I also cooked two evenings a week in a seafood restaurant in Amsterdam and twice a month as a volunteer in a community centre. This way I could continue my hobby of cooking and combine this with social involvement. Each Sunday the community centre holds an open house for people who want to increase their social circle and enjoy a three course meal for a mere 5 euro prepared by myself and a team consisting of people with the most diverse social challenges, including burn-outs and manic depression. The one thing they had in common was that they all had trouble finding their place in society and this project helped and hopefully still helps them. We always tried to make something special that would help people bond, like a piece of meat that should be shared. This made people communicate with each other and created a warm, happy atmosphere. It shows that eating has a unifying function and knowing this has given me much satisfaction. It was a fulfilling experience that also taught me a lot |70
about getting to know people. I also try to recreate this atmosphere when I am cooking for friends or family. The dish that I’ve made especially for this magazine is perfect for the holidays, when you’re all together. It’s a creative, tasteful and colourful dish which helps to loosen tongues. Why bavette? Bavette is a beautiful piece of meat that is served a lot in French restaurants, but is much undervalued in the Netherlands, where they use a lot more tenderloin. To me Bavette is much more beautiful because it has a much stronger and deeper flavour than tenderloin - it’s a steak with character. In the Netherlands we only really barbeque during the summer, but the smoky, dark taste, in my opinion, fits much better in the winter season. If you don’t have the equipment to barbecue, the grill is a suitable alternative. I chose to combine Bavette with wintery, earthy flavours such as turnips, beetroot, carrots and various roots like parsnips. By processing the carrots and roots in different ways you create a nice combination of structures; the softness of the cream combined with the crunchiness of beetroot for instance is total bliss for your taste buds. Enjoy making the dish, but especially enjoy the cosiness and warmth of friends with whom you’ll share this dish.
N I R JA Bola ring Chain ring
CANDY DULFER Grammy-nominated Candy Dulfer first found fame at the age of 18, when her collaboration with the Eurythmics’ Dave Stewart hit the number one spot across Europe. Since then the Amsterdam-born saxophonist has released 11 albums (including two live albums), collaborated with the likes of Prince, Chaka Khan, Beyonce and Pink Floyd. In 2011 Candy performed live and presented our founder Batul with a special celebratory book to mark our anniversary and in doing so another friendship was formed. Here Candy shares her thoughts on friendship.
As a musician is it harder to maintain friendships inside or outside of music? “I would say both are not easy; in music you tend to lose touch with each other when you're done touring, although I have some of my closest friends in the band. And the friends that are not in the music business have to accept that you're gone a lot and can't always be there for their birthdays, births of their children etc. But having said that I have a ton of amazing friends that seem to accept me as I am, and never complain and always let me come back to them. I'm truly blessed and everyday I learn from their warmth, acceptance and wisdom and always worry I can't give enough back.”
What's the biggest influence a friend has ever had on your music? “Ulco Bed is my best male friend and I would not be the musician I am today if it wasn't for him. He helped shape my musical aestatic, and sometimes it feels like we're actually the only ones in the world sharing the same aestatic haha.”
"Good friends are like stars; you can't always see them but you know they're there." Who is your biggest friend in music? “I can't choose between Maceo Parker and Dave Stewart, they have helped me throughout my career, taught me the most valuable lessons in life and music, and I have a feeling I can really lean on them when I'm in any kind of trouble.”
How do you get over a fight with your best friend? “I come from the school of non confrontationalism ;-) so it's always by their grace that we start the dialogue again, but I have to say fortunately, it hasn't happened a lot to me.”
What's the hardest thing you've had to do for a friend? “I can't remember anything profound, they never seem to put me on the spot, but have to say cleaning up one friends house after her angry ex painted everything black, walls, floor, paintings etc. was the most strenious.” What's the best present you've ever received or given to a friend? “I can name a few things, I have a mean garden set I got from Nada van Nie, my best friend, but actually I think the biggest present is their acceptance of the fact that some of my friends still have to receive their presents from the past years from me, (sorry Trijntje!!!!)”
Who is your most unlikely friend and why? “My drycleaner Westmaas from Amsterdam (actually the best drycleaner in the Western hemisphere) and his family are always on my team, he puts up any new articles about me in the drycleaning store, comes to my shows , twitters me and signs of with: "Love, your Steamer".”
What should people expect from others? “Ooh that's a hard one, I always hope for loyalty, but realistically, you should expect nothing. I think you have to be prepared to get dissapointed by everyone, even by your closest friends and family, at least once in your lifetime, because you can bet your life you will also dissapoint them bigtime somewhere sometime. It's after that fact that you have to get up and love each other again, and then you know you have a real bond.“ What can a friend expect from you? “A lot of unasked for advice, forgetfulness and whining, but apparantly I must make people happy someway or another otherwise I wouldn't have so many amazing friends. I think I can be funny, loyal and I love to help, preferably in the practical sense, like helping moving house or threatening to beat up their enemies, anything I can actually do, ecause listening and patience are sadly not in my DNA.” 77|
Embrace Life. Embrace Time. Buddha to Buddha watches coming soon...
A BIG THANK YOU. TEAM BUDDHA TO BUDDHA WORLDWIDE: Batul Loomans Christel Staal Dennis Rugebregt Edwin Krijgsman Isabel Figlarek Ido Essed Mary Lee Nadia Huffmeyer Sanne Spijkers
SHOOT AMSTERDAM Photography: Bas Andries Film: Maurits Venekamp for Circus Family B.V. Styling: Kik Scheele Assistant: Sandra de Kuiper Assistant: Ogenda ten Haar Clothing: So PR, Spice PR, Press Only Hair and Make-Up: Anita jolles @ HOO for Bobbi Brown & kevin Murphy Assistant: Betsie Kohlen Location: Jelle Nauta Models: Teun by Ulla Models Viviane by Touche Models Real miniature pig by Piggywellranch Location: Jelle Nauta SHOOT BALI: Photohraphy: Alljan Moehamad Styling: Kim Herben Model: Juanjo Suarez FOOD PHOTOGRAPHY: Marleen Sahetapy-Sapulette JEWELLERY PHOTOGRAPHY: John Spijkers |82
PRODUCTION / IMAGING: Njoy Media Jefta for Pineapple Imaging JamJam Marketing Steve Mclay Editing SPECIAL CONTRIBUTIONS BY: Candy Dulfer Jakob Kristoffersen Dewa Putu Juana Kluun with thanks to Miranda Bruinzeel - Nightwriters
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