Buddha to Buddha magazine

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Founder Batul Loomans pictured with his first silversmith contacts - Varanassi, India, 1992.





























Pe n d a n t E d g a r S m a l l S t o n e J a s p i s



E V E RY T R I P H A S I T S M O M E N T. . . . T h i s m a g a z i n e o f B u d d h a t o B u d d h a h a s T R AV E L a s i t s m a i n t h e m e . I a m o n e o f t h o s e p e o p l e w h o l ov e t h e s m e l l o f k e r o s e n e w h e n I p a s s S c h i p h o l A i r p o r t . M y p a r e n t s w e r e p a s s i o n a t e t r a v e l l e r s , s o t h a t g i f t w a s p a s s e d o n t o m e f r o m t h e m . O n e o f t h e fi r s t l i t t l e t r i p s I m a d e w a s a t a g r e a t c a m p s i t e m y o l d s c h o o l b u d d y R o y R o n d k n ew s o m ew h e r e i n t h e s o u t h o f t h e Netherlands in Brabant. It turned out the week we chose was washed out with rain and we ended up floating around in our lousy little tent. After 3 days of this we retreated and stood i n s t e a d r e l i ev e d u n d e r o u r o w n s h o w e r s a t h o m e , a l m o s t f r o z e n i n D u t c h s u m m e r t i m e . W h e n I t u r n e d 1 5 I m a d e m y fi r s t t r i p t o A m e r i c a to see my family in Bethesda, Maryland. My uncle u s e d t o w o r k fo r t h e Wo r l d B a n k i n Wa s h i n g t o n a n d h e k n e w w h a t t r av e l l i n g w a s . W i t h m y c o u s i n s P i m , Mark and Eric we camped our way across m an y American st ates and Can ada; setting up camp, d r i n k i n g s t r a i g h t f r o m t h e r i v e r s , m a k i n g b o n fi r e s a n d r o a s t i n g m a r s h m a l l ow s . Fi s h i n g fo r t r o u t i n a m a z i n g r i v e r s , s e a r c h i n g fo r e l u s i v e g r i z z l y b e a r s t h a t w e n e v e r fo u n d … I w a s l u c k y a f t e r m y s t u d i e s t o g e t m y fi r s t a s s i s t a n t d e s i g n e r j o b a n d w a s s e n t o f f t o w o r k i n t h e Fa r E a s t fo r 6 m o n t h s . R e i n i e r, m y c o l l e a g u e , p i c k e d m e u p f r o m t h e a i r p o r t o n m y a r r i v a l a n d I w i l l n e v e r fo rg e t t h e fi r s t v i e w I g o t f r o m t h e c i t y o f H o n g - K o n g . H e r e w a s a n e w c u l t u r e o f p e o p l e w i t h t h e i r ow n traditions that I could learn from, with ever y street h o s t i n g i t s ow n a t m o s p h e r e a n d s c e n t s . M y n e v e r- e n d i n g t r i p s t o I n d i a a r e t h e o n e s I treasure the most; endless days on the beaches of Goa, playing racketball with our feet in the o c e a n , m e e t i n g m y f r i e n d s w h o c a m e f r o m a l l ov e r t h e p l a n e t e v e r y s e a s o n , t h e m e d i t a t i o n r e s o r t i n Po o n a w h e r e I l e a r n e d t o g o i n s i d e a n d fi n d m y ow n i n n e r treasure step by step… |6

I made trips with my buddy Nirja to Africa, A u s t r a l i a a n d N e w Z e a l a n d . We ’d p l a n t o u r c a m p e r i n t h e m i d d l e o f n ow h e r e , l i s t i n g t o t h e s o u n d s o f t h e fo r e s t , n o t k n ow i n g w h a t t o e x p e c t . A n d o f c o u r s e t h e r e ’s t h e c o n n e c t i o n w i t h I n d o n e s i a , especially Bali… The people on this Hindu island are a gift thems e l v e s . Wa t c h i n g a b l e s s i n g o f a t e m p l e w i t h s u c h grace m akes m y western mind fall into stilln ess. K n ow i n g t h a t p e o p l e w e a r i n g B u d d h a t o B u d d h a a r e t r av e l l e r s t h e m s e l v e s , w e a r e v e r y c u r i o u s w h e r e y o u ’v e v e n t u r e d a n d w h a t p l a c e s a r e s p e c i a l t o y o u . So please send us a picture or shor t stor y if you have the time. Speaking of time: Buddha to Buddha watches are well on the way… Embrace life and t ake a hike. B a t u l L o o m a n s - Fo u n d e r B u d d h a t o B u d d h a .


VERA K r i s t e l S m a l l Pe n d a n t B e n Pe a r l S h e l l R i n g G r e e n B e n Pe a r l S h e l l R i n g B l a c k N a t h a l i e Pe a r l S h e l l R i n g G r e e n N a t h a l i e Pe a r l S h e l l R i n g B l a c k L i v y A r a n d Wo o d E a r r i n g s Philip Blue Bracelet Philip Pink Bracelet Cheron Clutch Orange

For the summer of 2013 we connected Amsterdam, Bali and Ibiza to create a playful collection full of fresh colours and innovative designs. Amsterdam takes centre stage as it’s the birthplace of our beloved brand. Bali is vital for us as it’s the place where the magic happens - in other words, where our collections are created. Last but not least, Ibiza is one of our favourite islands to relax, clear our minds and to find fresh inspiration that will last throughout the year.



VERA Batul 2cm Shell Bracelet Embrace Ring Bulat Medium Earring Cera Bag Green Cardigan Coldy Pink Short Cher White JELMER Philip Orange Leather Bracelet Ellen Beads Onyx Bracelet Edgar Jaspis Ring Pe n d a n t R o a n S p e c i a l & Leather Necklace Roan Special Black Leather Bracelet Philip Black Leather Bracelet Hakim Ring Te e D a j o W h i t e



VERA Bulat Small Earring N a t h a l i e Pe a r l S h e l l R i n g W h i t e Suzanne Bracelet Chain Special XS Bracelet Marjolein XS Bracelet Nathalie Mix Chain Necklace Batul 1cm Full Star Michelle Ring B e n Pe a r l S h e l l R i n g G r e e n Bag Clairy Green



VERA Claire Bracelet B e n Pe a r l S h e l l R i n g G r e e n N a t h a l i e Pe a r l S h e l l R i n g G r e e n A l e y n a Pe n d a n t Pe a r l S h e l l G r e e n Te e C h a r t y P i n k


C L A I R E B R A C E L E T | PA R T O F T H E B U D D H A T O B U D D H A J E W E L L E RY C O L L E C T I O N Shop our collection at store.budd hatobudd ha.com


JELMER K a t j a N e c k l a c e M i x B r ow n Ve r a S m a l l B l a c k B r a c e l e t K a t j a M i x S i l v e r / L e a t h e r B r ow n B r a c e l e t Ben Bracelet Te e D i m a s O r a n g e Short Douke Green


VERA L i v y P a l m Wo o d R i n g B r o w n Suzanne Bracelet L i v y P a l m Wo o d S m a l l B r o w n B r a c e l e t Ben XS Bracelet Te e C e l i a O r a n g e Bag Coca Blue


JELMER Kadek XL Bracelet L i v y P a l m Wo o d B i g B r ow n B r a c e l e t Edwin XL Bracelet Hakim Ring Te e D av e B l u e Bag Dyon Olive



JELMER Pe t r a R i n g Philip Blue Leather Bracelet Lorca Leather Black Bracelet Bag Dean Black


L O R C A B I G B R A C E L E T | PA R T O F T H E B U D D H A T O B U D D H A J E W E L L E RY C O L L E C T I O N Shop our collection at store.budd hatobudd ha.com


|22 23|

L i v y A r a n g Wo o d E a r r i n g s , K r i s t e l S m a l l Pe n d a n t , B a g C a m e G r e e n , S i n g l e t C a j a W h i t e

L i v y A r a n g Wo o d E a r r i n g s , K r i s t e l S m a l l Pe n d a n t , B e n Pe a r l S h e l l R i n g B l a c k , N a t h a l i e Pe a r l S h e l l R i n g G r e e n & Black, Philip Pink Leather Bracelet, Philip Blue Leather Bracelet, Bag Came Black, Singlet Caja White

Burningman: not your average festival a story by Batul Loomans | founder Buddha to Buddha

O n c e a y e a r, t e n s o f t h o u s a n d s o f p a r t i c i p a n t s g a t h e r i n N e v a d a ’ s B l a c k R o c k D e s e r t t o c r e a t e B l a c k R ock C it y. Dedicated to communit y, ar t, sel f -ex pression, and sel f -reliance. B ur nin g Man isn’t your usual festival where big acts are booked to play on massive sta ges. In fact, it’s more of a cit y than a festival, w h e r e i n a l m o s t e v e r y t h i n g t h a t h a p p e n s i s c r e a t e d e n t i r e l y b y i t s c i t i z e n s , t h e y d e p a r t o n e w e e k l a t e r, h a v i n g l e f t n o t r a c e w h a t s o e v e r.

Ve r a B i g B r o w n B r a c e l e t




s f e e r fo t o



Some trips you postpone; they ’re t o o f a r a w a y, t o o c o m p l i c a t e d or too desirable to ever begin. Burning Men was on the list of dreams yet to explore. It was no coincidence when I ran into Amsterdam ar tist K amiel Proost at an opening of a funny exhibition at the old Shell building in Amsterdam Nor th. He sought an experienced trucker specialised in driving in the desert. My application for the job was swift and luckily I made it through the strict selection process. If you have never been to “the Burn” you quickly find out there are a number of house rules not to be messed with. ‘ The outfit ‘ is a big deal in the Nevada desert, as the creative guild also has its own set of r ules. Here people want to |28

shock , inspire and amaze each other, something I like a lot .

all not afraid to cook for each other and bare their souls at the table.

Against the tough wind and cold of the evenings, Kamiel went looking for two second-hand fake fur coats. In a jolly mood he fabricated a hat incor porating amongst other things a 70s doll. On the way to San Francisco we scored two second-hand, hail fresh wedding dresses for 16 dollars that were the instigators of a fun filled day out.

A dear friend of mine had told me two months before I left “Burning Man does not give you what you e x p e c t , i t g i v e s y o u w h a t y o u n e e d .”

Just arriving at Burning Men made the entire trip wor thwhile. We w e r e g r e e t e d b y a l o n g t r a i l o f campers carrying beautiful characters that were ready for a week of biting down dust and a r t i n t h e m i d d l e o f n o w h e r e . We set up base-camp with 20 other Amsterdam hard-hitters who were

I t ’s a g a t h e r i n g o f a b u n c h o f wonderful people in whom we discovered ever ything. But especially the creative genius of all these people from all over the world, made this one of my most i n s p i r i n g t r i p s . F o r n o w.

The Burn is about the encounter, the sur pr ise, the silence, the c r e a t i v i t y, t h e e n d l e s s n i g h t s filled with fire and light and the surrender to what is unfolding around you.


E a s y Pe n d a n t B i g L e a t h e r



Shop our collection at store.budd hatobudd ha.com

|32 E s t h e r X S B r a c e l e t , Ve r a S m a l l B l a c k B r a c e l e t , P h i l i p B l a c k B r a c e l e t , I s a b e l S m a l l B r a c e l e t , E l l e n B e a d s O n y x B r a c e l e t , E d g a r E a r r i n g s , Te e C a m



|34 35|

M a r j o l e i n X S B r a c e l e t , B a t u l A r a n g Wo o d B l a c k B r a c e l e t , N a t h a l i e B r a c e l e t B a g C a l l a s B l a c k

Ve r a S m a l l O l i v e , K a t j a M i x S i l v e r / L e a t h e r B l a c k B r a c e l e t , E a s y Pe n d a n t L e a t h e r B i g , C h a i n X L B r a c e l e t , B a g C y t a B l a c k , Te e D y a n W h i t e

Bondi Tales of a city

When I came driving down Bondi Road more than 20 years

It looked like so much fun, and even today I still think that

ago on a picture perfect summers’ day, I fell in love with Bondi

Bondi one of the most unique beaches in the world. Located in

Beach straight away.

Sydney’s east, it’s right smack in the middle of everything, like a beach in the city. But Bondi is not alone, as Greater Sydney has

At the time, I was just a relatively new immigrant to

more than 80 Beaches - all world-class.

Australia and was happily living in another beautiful beach

“Bondi is one of the most unique beaches in the world. Located in Sydney’s east, it’s right smack in the middle of everything, like a beach in the city.” a story by Dutchman Martin van der Horst | distributor Buddha to Buddha Australia


suburb in Melbourne, called St. Kilda. The moment I set eyes

When I became an official Bondi resident in the early 90s, it

on Bondi Beach, it was immediately clear to me I had to live

wasn’t as hip as it is now, with celebrities, movie stars, TV

here. I wanted to immerse myself in this great and weird place

hosts, models, surfers, backpackers and anybody else who loves

that I came to know. I was fascinated with all the cool-looking

the quintessential Aussie beach lifestyle calling Bondi home.

surfers, joggers, beach lovers and other indescribably eccentric

Many Buddha to Buddha wearing celebs (Snoop Dog, Paris Hil-

and wonderful characters that were cruising up and down the

ton, Afrojack, Sven Vath and many more) have stayed or visited


Australia’s most famous beach on their visits down-under.


The beach is never empty. In Summer it

Bondi residents are very proud of their

can get crowds of up to 40,000+ people,

beach and love talking about it to anybo-

on a 1 km wide beach and in a city only

dy who wants to listen, me included! And

populated by 4 million residents. Most

talk we do, usually at one of the many

readers will have watched one of the many

cafes or bars with visitors always asking

reality television shows set in or around

the same question: “Does anybody work

Bondi, such as Bondi Rescue and what

here?” My answer: “I’m sure they do, just

happens on those very busy days on the

not on sunny days!”

beach - crazy stuff, but never boring. Despite how it may appear, those TV shows are very realistic. In Bondi, anything and everything happens on a daily basis. |38


Roan Special Leather Bracelet



BLUE MARLIN IBIZA This year for the fourth season running Buddha to Buddha is collaborating with Ibiza’s most stylish beach club ‘Blue Marlin’, located in the beautiful Cala Jondal Bay in the southwest of the island and it’s sister venue ‘Blue Marlin Ibiza Marina’; the latest hotspot on Ibiza’s restaurant scene, situated in the heart of the luxurious port of Marina Nueva. From April 1st to the middle of October they offer you the best comfort, service and entertainment.


Featured in ‘Hola’magazine



TEUN Kadek XL bracelet Cal tee VIVIANE H e r m i n e S t o n e Tu r q u o i s e r i n g Michelle Small ring Nathalie Small bracelet Ben Leather Black XS bracelets Sebastian Black LeatN h eart hXaSl i eb rP a ce ea lrel t S h e l l R i n g W h i t e , E d y B r a c e l e t , P h i l i p P i n k L e a t h e r B r a c e l e t , B a g C a r o P i n k


Bag Chance Pink


Premium pieces handmade by the finest craftsmen in sterling silver since 1997.

Michelle Rings



T R AV E L L I N G A RO U N D THE WORLD a story by Lotte van Tongeren| Jewellery designer Buddha to Buddha

“Travel has a special meaning for me in my life. It gives me the feeling of freedom, looking for new stimuli and adventures.�



“Travel has a special meaning for me in my life. It gives me the feeling of freedom, looking for new stimuli and adventures. Meeting new people who look at the world from a different perspective. Finding new textures, colors, materials and combinations that help me rediscover all these possibilities within my own designs. When I was 17 I wanted to see more of





Australia was the plan. A year later I was packed up and ready for 5 months of discovering the land of kangaroos. The encounters with new people from all over the world, enjoying the overwhelming landscapes,




work to earn some extra money, all these memories are very dear to me.”

“After this experience I knew for sure

breathe it all in and breathe it out when I


that travelling would be a returning fea-

get back home behind my designing table.”

paradise! The vibrancy of Hong Kong in

ture, something I would like to continue

Lotte van Tongeren (30) studied product design at the Academy of Art and Design, specialising in jewellery and fashion accessories. After she put all her knowhow into practice during two internships at Alexander van Slobbe and Fransisco van Benthem, she started working at Diesel HQ in Breganze, Italy. Here she was responsible for designing the accessories of the Diesel female and Diesel black gold collections. After four years she missed the Netherlands and found a new challenge designing Buddha to Buddha jewellery.






conjunction with Asian influences was

doing the rest of my life; discover the

“My first trip to Hong Kong gave me the

a major source of inspiration for new

world! Within my work in the creative

world of new ideas which enabled me to

opportunities. Through my recurring

industries travel has luckily been a red

develop my creative skills even more.

trips to Hong Kong, this city is starting



Sham Po Sham, the stock market of

to feel a little bit like home.”


Hong Kong, is what captured me most.

architecture, shops and flea markets.

Wandering through streets full of small

“Last time in Hong Kong a few months

The factories and workshops where I

showrooms of manufacturers offering

ago I was with Marjolein, product mana-

learn new techniques and the possibilities

tapes, fabrics, trims and semi-precious

ger Buddha to Buddha based on Bali. We

of leather and other durable materials. I


visited the trade show (fair) for precious


searching cities,

for each

inspiration with



Jewellery designers Marjolein and Lotte visiting silversmiths at our Buddha to Buddha atelier on Bali. and semi-precious stones. After six months of skyping, chatting

wood- and wax carvers got me very enthusiastic. In our studios,

and loads of emails about the new collection in the morning

they showed me such delicate, precise carving techniques, it was

(because of the time difference), we finally met in real life, spen-

mind-blowing. The craftsmanship of our silversmiths combined

ding our days scouring the fair, eating and drinking together

with that of the traditional woodcarvers can be seen in new

we had a chance to bond. Exhibition halls full of brilliance from

designs such as the Batul wood and the Livy series.”

around the world: tiger eye, jasper, meteorite and diamonds, everything is to be found there.”

“New travels make sure my perception of jewellery continues to innovate and with renewed vision of textures, techniques and

“My last trip was to Bali to work on the jewellery collection of

forms I came back behind the designing table once more to start

Buddha to Buddha. For me this was the first time I could take

the process all over again.”

a look behind the scenes of the brand. Amazing to see that the

Esther Big Bracelet

magical island offers so much craftsmanship. Our silversmiths, |52


N a t h a l i e Pe a r l S h e l l R i n g G r e e n , B e n Pe a r l S h e l l R i n g B l a c k , C h a i n Pe a r l S h e l l R i n g W h i t e



BEF ORE I F OUND HOME ON BALI a story by Mary Lee| production manager Buddha to Buddha

“After finishing my studies at the AMFI (Amsterdam Fashion Institute) and a few years working in the fashion industry I realised that I wanted to see more of the world before I would completely dedicate myself to pursuing a career.” “It seemed a great adventure to go backpacking on my own; that way you’re more open to meeting new people. The fun of backpacking is that you meet so many interesting people from all over the world with whom you share these experiences, go on excursions with and sometimes end up traveling together with for a while. The fun is to travel as cheapily as possible so you can stay away for as long as possible with the pennies you’d saved. I decided that my destination would be South East Asia. I’d already been there before and was curious to see more of it.” “My journey began in Thailand, where I decided to first travel from the capital Bangkok to the south to spend some time on several bounty islands such as Koh Samui, Koh Pha Ngan, Koh Tao and Koh Phi Phi, just doing absolutely nothing and coming back to my senses. It’s so wonderful to wake up every day with the sun shining on your face, jumping straight from your bed with your feet in the sand and having a dive in the ocean.” “After two months I decided to go to the north of Thailand to learn more about the culture. After a stop at the Kao San Road, the famous backpacker district of Bangkok, I traveled on to Chiang Mai, along with some other backpackers who I had met in Bangkok. The north of Thailand is very green and there’s a lot of Thai culture to see and learn.” “What impressed me most was an encounter with a taxi driver who, following my search for a hostel that was not to be found, offered to take me to his house so that I could stay there for a night’s sleep. He lived with his wife and children in a small place next to a lake. They slept in tree houses and had no electricity. Despite having so little, they offered me the children’s’ room and gave me an oil lamp so I had some light in the evening. The children did not go to school,


because there was no money so they had to help out at home. This family did not own much, but was so welcoming and made sure I felt so very at home that I ended up staying for 5 days with them.” “From the north of Thailand I traveled to Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam. These countries are very beautiful and still relatively unspoiled. Bali was not on my list, but because I still had some budget left I decided to take a look at the island that so many people were raving about. It would be a trip of 2 weeks.... On arrival it took me some time to get used to the island. Backpacking (especially getting around) was not as easy as in other countries and island life was a lot busier than what I’d become used to. The first few days I felt completely out of place, I was in a hostel in the centre of Kuta (the Lloret de Mar of Bali) and I was awakened every night by loud, noisy, drunk youngsters.” “This was not how I had imagined Bali at all, but I decided to give it a chance anyway. I was contacted by a friend of an acquaintance from Bali who showed me around the island. Outside the bustling nightlife of Kuta, there luckily was so much more to discover! That was the moment I fell in love with Bali and thought “I want to live here!” 57|

So why? To me it’s about the wonderful climate, beautiful beaches,

Now over 3 years later I still live here with my two dogs, cat and boy-

the ‘outdoorsy’ living, the relaxed atmosphere, the breathtaking

friend Lorca. We live in the lively district of Seminyak, in a cute little

scenery, the culture, the delicious food, and yes it was also an

house, just outside the hustle and bustle. Lorca loves surfing in the

advantage that I already spoke the language.”

weekends he even has his own surfer magazine called ´LINES´. So we are always on the beach, surfing or walking the dogs. In Bali you

“After those first two weeks I decided I wanted to stay longer on this

have big waves all year round, so we are always chasing the waves.

beautiful island, so I went looking for a suitable job that would al-

I myself am still a beginner, but with Lorca as a teacher, I hope next

low me to do so. I responded to an add from Surfer Girl, a renowned

year I’ll be ready to face those big ones on my own.”

company in the surf culture of Bali. They were looking for a production & brand manager for the clothing department. This was exactly

“What I miss most from The Netherlands are of course my family and

the job that suited my training, so I decided to apply and was invited

friends. And also the little things like typical European food such as

for an initial interview and after a second call I got the job.”

cheese, herring, French fries and stews. I miss drinking wine with my girlfriends, because alcohol is very expensive in Indonesia. Also long

“It was a great but also fun challenge for about three years, but after

summer evenings when it’s still light outside till ten o’clock, the

that I all of a sudden got terribly homesick and decided to quit my

summer outdoor music festivals the Netherlands is famous for and

job and go back to the Netherlands. Back home, I was asked to join

finally: high-speed Internet.” LOL

the team of Buddha to Buddha at their Amsterdam Headquarters but after again 3 years I got the itch again and this time I knew I wanted to go back to Bali. Thankfully with a few adjustments I could continue working for Buddha to Buddha, this time at the Bali office.



U P C O M I N G T R A D E FA I R S BREAD & BUTTER 15 - 17 Januar y, B erlin | G er many

BISUTEX 16 - 20 Januar y, Madr id | S pain

M O D E FA B R I E K 20 & 21 Januar i, A msterdam | T he Netherlands

I N T E R N AT I O N A L S P R I N G FA I R 3 - 7 Febr uar y, B ir min g ham | United Kin g dom

LIFE INSTYLE 21 - 23 Febr uar y, Sydne y | A ustralia

I N H O R G E N TA 22 - 25 Febr uar y, M 端nchen | G er many

S P R I N G FA I R J E W E L S & WAT C H E S 3 - 5 March, Utrecht | T he Netherlands

JA A A U S T R A L I A N J E W E L L E RY FA I R 17 - 18 March, Brisbane | A ustralia E l l e n B e a d s Ti g e r E y e B r a c e l e t



“It was circumstance that led me to drive in a snow white Audi A4 through the Spanish highland. It wasn’t actually until a few days later when I realised the machine I was driving possesed six rather than five gears.” “Ordinarily, motorists in an Audi A4 are usually despised by me; they have the nasty habit to suddenly pop up behind you and by signaling make it very clear that the lane you are in is their’s rather than yours. Now I found myself on their side of the spectrum and I suddenly realised why; it says 280 on the meter but it’s impossible to stick to the permitted speed limit in an Audi A4. It then became my perogative to know if she really could. . . “On the highway between Toledo and Madrid - a psychedelic void of a landscape beneath a steel sun, with not another car in sight - I pushed on the accelerator. The car jumped forward. I never drove faster. At two hundred kilometers an hour it was not the car that started to shake, it was me. The car was not concerned. It lay like a stray dog on the hot asphalt and sighed with pleasure. I took my foot off the gas and dropped back to 160.

‘LA MANCHA’ N i g h t w r i t e r s - To m m y W i e r i n g a To m m y W i e r i n g a i s a D u t c h a w a r d w i n n i n g a u t h o r o f b o o k s such as ´Joe Speedboat´, ´Ceasarion´ and his latest book ´Dit zijn de namen´. w w w. t o m m y w i e r i n g a . n l


In the region of La Mancha I took my time, I wanted to have a look around, jot a note at some point with a book on my lap. The scenery was slow; the type that should be crossed on a skinny horse in order for one to experience a long-lasting feeling for it, emitting a strong sensation you could recollect once you were somewhere else. The dust, the yellow golden corn, and the scorching earth would play a part in that memory, and also the shadows in which you slept during the hottest midday hour.

In Turleque I left the freeway behind. I drove up a gravel road and went towards the area with much sand bailing. The road branched out a few times as I drove along disused wells and adobe ruins that appeared to be melted. Left was ruby red, fallow land, to the right a freshly cut wheat field. A large dust devil came my way; I opened the windows to take pictures from the moving car. When the tornado crossed the dirt road, I just glimpsed the wild whirling at its base, after that I lost sight in a storm of dust, chaff and spines. The tornado went straight through the car, I screamed in excitement. Across the road, above the cornfield, he suddenly changed color, and continued his foolish dance in bright yellow.”

The air conditioning kept the temperature in the car at a pleasant 21 degrees. Outside it was twenty degrees warmer. I saw, towering above everything else, pink red swirls of dust on the plains. Perhaps they had always been there but to me they seemed a premonition of the desert that Spain will one day be.


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JELMER Pe n d a n t E d g a r S m a l l S t o n e J a s p i s B aw o n X L B r a c e l e t Edgar Stone Jaspis Ring E l l e n B e a d s Ti g e r E y e B r a c e l e t Katja Mix Silver / Leather Bracelet Black Edwin Small Bracelet Short Douke Orange


NICKY ROMERO Hailing from Amerongen, Nicky Romero took the world by storm in 2012. Having worked with some of the biggest names in dance music including Tiësto, David Guetta and Calvin Harris, Nicky stormed into the DJ Mag Top 100 DJs chart as the joint highest new entrant of all-time (alongside Skrillex). A global spotlight creates global demand and the 24 year old is a firm fixture in club’s across the world; the perfect person’s brains to pick about travel.



Who are your favourite people to travel with?

What advice do you have for fellow travelers?

“My tourmanager, Hatim el Khatib, my manager, Sander Land-

“Make sure you carry enough water with you and some good

saat, and ofcourse my bookings agent, Nathalie Link. I think we

music to listen the time away!”

really have a good team and workflow, also we recently have a new label manager, Jorik van de Pol, who takes care of the

And as a seasoned traveller, the age old question…..which

Protocol Recordings part. Its really important to have a team

country has the most beautiful women?

you can trust.”

“It depends what your taste is, but I would say Brazil or Singapore.”

What’s your worst travelling experience? “Probably when I left Singapore, last year. My flight was delayed with 4 hours, and after that another 4 hours added cause of engine problems. We got a hotel from the airline and we had to be back like 8 hours later, by the time we wanted Your 2012 release ‘Toulouse’ obviously took its name from the city in France. What inspired the naming of the track? “Its funny, the name Toulouse came up from a text ‘To lose’ but I thought it sounded to negative, so I decided to change it to the name of a city, I love Toulouse though. I remember when I played the song ‘Toulouse’ in ‘Toulouse’ and I’ve never seen a club going SO wild.” Has your travel influenced your music in any other way? If so, how? “Yes for sure, you get inspired in many different ways when you see places all over the world . Im really lucky to be able seeing the world for my job!” How do your travels as a DJ differ from those of a tourist? You were exposed to travel from an early age when you relocated to Canada as a child. How do you think this affected your view of travel in later life? “To be really honest I never realized that I already traveled that young, but as my parents really took me all over the place I saw a lot of the world before I even touched a piano.” |68

“Tourists go see a city, do sightseeing and enjoy all aspects of a city. I usually fly in, go to my hotel, work on some music and play my show, fly out right after the gig or the day after which means most of the times I don’t have time to go sight seeing at all. I have to admit some days when we are lucky we have a few hours left to go see some cool places.”

to board again the plane’s other engine started showing some issues. I didn’t take off for more than 14 hours.” If you could sum up travel in a sense or emotion what would it be? “Sleepy, inspiring, boring, funny” With your professional career you probably experience degrees of luxury when you travel. How does this differ from some of your less glamorous trips? “The luxury just showed up recently, I started out with nothing which ment I had to stay at the most cheap hotels around sometimes even without a proper driver. Now we are lucky to have good car services, great hotels and service. Also its really important now if you travel this much, you really need your rest in order to perform well.” What’s the best memento you’ve picked up from your travels? “Lots, you meet so many new people and its great to make new friends at the other side of the world.”


Edgar Earrings



JELMER Pe t r a R i n g Lorca Leather Black Bracelet Esther Big Bracelet Philip Blue Bracelet Sweater Dante Orange






Buddha to Buddha watches will launch in 2013 |76


A BIG THANK YOU TEAM BUDDHA TO BUDDHA WORLDWIDE SHOOT AMSTERDAM Photography: Justine Leenarts Assistent: Michèle van Vliet Styling: Kik Scheele Clothing: Hair and Make-Up: Kathinka Gernant Location: Pilot Studio Models: Vera by Touche Models Jelmer by De Boekers Clothing and accessories: Virginie, Castaway, American Vintage, Guess, Scapa, Zipper, Benneton, Filippa K, Giuseppe Zannoti JEWELLERY PHOTOGRAPHY: Batul Loomans PRODUCTION / IMAGING: Njoy Media Steve Mclay Edwin Smulders Hanne van der Woude SPECIAL CONTRIBUTIONS BY: Martin van der Horst Lotte van Tongeren Hanne van der Woude Mary Lee Steve McLay Tommy Wieringa, with thanks to Miranda Bruinzeel - Nightwriters Johan Jacobs Nicky Romero




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E.: alexandra-btb@hotmail.com |78




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