Motorcyclists & Crash Barriers Project
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Final report of the Motorcyclists & Crash Barriers Project A project to develop recommendations to Road Traffic Authorities for reducing injuries to motorcyclists in collision with crash barriers. reviews existing research looks at barriers types proposes measures to increase safety
With the support of the Directorate General for Energy and Transport of the European Commission
Motorcyclists & Crash Barriers Project Report Index Introduction a. Initial proposal b. Acknowledgments 1. Consider existing homologation procedures for crash barriers 2. Review of existing papers & research 3. Consultations with appropriate authorities & intermediate reports 4. Existing measures to reduce risk Presentation & evaluation of existing approaches Homologation procedures of existing motorcyclist friendly crash barriers 5. Black spots: where are motorcycle accidents likely to occur? 6. Recommendations for making crash barriers safer for riders 7. Recommendations: areas for further research Index of abreviations Annexe List & details of some motorcycle friendly devices identified
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14/01/2010 10:48