Road safety management needs to be strengthened with vision, direction, coordination, management, funding, interventions, advocacy, monitoring and evaluation. Many countries need to be strengthened with sustainable, cost effective and scientific policies. The five pillars of the Decade of Action on Road Safety 20112020 including safe roads, safe vehicles, people, post-crash care and efficient management need to be implemented in all Member States. Information through good research is an important building block for all these activities with strong, robust and quality data that can drive activities in future. The report provides an overview of the road safety information systems in the South-East Asia Region, the current knowledge scenario on road safety in the region, priorities for research, research methods and recommendations.
Child development and
motorcycle safety
ISBN 978-92-9022-486-0
World Health House Indraprastha Estate, Mahatma Gandhi Marg, New Delhi-110002, India Email:
9 789290 224860