Buffalo Bayou Partnership 2021 Annual Report

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A Timely Message

As you will read in this annual report, 2021 was devoted to moving many of Buffalo Bayou Partnership’s initiatives forward. We laid the groundwork for a major resiliency project in Buffalo Bayou Park, a new cleanup boat, and important policies focusing on diversity, equity, and inclusion, as well as public art. Most importantly, we spent considerable time planning and designing a variety of major capital projects that are part of our Buffalo Bayou East Master Plan which was unveiled in 2019. This visionary plan, which focuses on the area from US 59 to the Port of Houston Turning Basin, builds upon BBP’s legacy of creating vibrant, safe, and inclusive urban green spaces.

In September 2022, after years of planning and engaging the community, BBP announced a historic public-private partnership to realize the Buffalo Bayou East Master Plan. Anchored by a transformational $100 million gift from the Kinder Foundation which leveraged significant support from the City of Houston and Harris County, BBP will deliver key parks, trail connections, cultural destinations, infrastructure improvements, and affordable housing to the Greater East End and Fifth Ward communities over the next 10 years.

With the groundwork we have laid, BBP will soon begin to break ground on catalytic projects along Houston’s most significant natural waterway for the benefit of all citizens.



Letter from the President and Board Chair

Laying the Groundwork for Buffalo Bayou Park Resiliency

Laying the Groundwork for a Cleaner Buffalo Bayou

Laying the Groundwork for Connectivity

Laying the Groundwork for Park Equity

Laying the Groundwork for a More Engaged Community

Laying the Groundwork for Future Arts and Culture

Laying the Groundwork for a More Diverse, Equitable, Inclusive, and Accessible Organization

Signature Programs and Events Donors Financials Board of Directors Staff 4 6 7 8 9 10 12 14-15 16-19 20-21 22 23

Dear Friends:

Bold and ambitious projects don’t happen overnight. Sometimes they take years and require a great deal of groundwork. This past year, Buffalo Bayou Partnership (BBP) worked tirelessly planning and designing a multitude of projects included in our visionary Buffalo Bayou East Master Plan. Whether it was parks, trails, or affordable housing, BBP staff moved projects ahead with focus and purpose. As staff and designers put pen to paper, we actively engaged community residents to ensure their voices continue to be heard as we move forward.

While events, programming, and public art enlivened Buffalo Bayou Park, plans and reports were produced to make the park more beautiful and resilient in the future. It is exciting to think what lies ahead for the 160-acre green space!

We also worked behind the scenes to strengthen and expand our on-water cleanup efforts. Our goal is to continually remove more trash and debris from the waterway and make members of the public more aware of what they can do to assist us with this very challenging work.

BBP has always believed in the value of collaborating with a broad range of Houston partners and stakeholders, and this past year saw many collaborations. We are also fortunate to be part of the High Line Network, a national coalition of park groups that are transforming neglected and abandoned infrastructure into dynamic and inclusive public spaces.

While our organization always has been committed to equity, diversity, and inclusion, in 2021 we worked purposefully on integrating these values into the DNA of BBP. In the coming year, we are certain that the plans we have laid will result in embedding this work more deeply.

Our staff and board are confident that all of this groundwork will lead to a stronger and more resilient organization as we move forward to implement future projects and initiatives. We invite you to join us as we continue to transform Buffalo Bayou!

BAYOU PARTNERSHIP 2021 Annual Report
Sincerely, Shawn W. Cloonan Anne Olson 2021 Board Chair President BUFFALO

Laying the Groundwork for Buffalo Bayou Park Resiliency

Whether it’s the wildflower meadows, rolling hills, or colorful perennial gardens, Buffalo Bayou Park’s beauty is something to behold. BBP works diligently to meticulously maintain the 160-acre green space for all Houstonians and visitors. On any given day, you’ll find our 25-member staff pruning plants, removing trash, and trimming trees.

In 2021, we also worked behind the scenes on plans and projects to maintain the park’s beauty and resiliency in the years ahead. Following on the heels of a $9 million erosion and sediment removal project spearheaded by Harris County Flood Control District, BBP continued to work with the agency to develop a plan for a major vegetation planting project to take place in 2022. Plans call for live willow stakes and a mix of native hardwood trees and grasses to be planted along 11 acres of the park’s edge. As the plants and trees grow, the roots and vegetative cover will help reduce erosion, build streambank stability, and contribute to valuable habitat for wildlife. This vegetation project will be overseen by BBP’s newly established conservation team.

In 2021, BBP welcomed our new Conservation Manager and technicians who are responsible for the restoration and enhancement of Buffalo Bayou Park’s natural landscapes, including woodlands, prairie and wildflower meadows, and riparian areas. (l-r: Kevin Muraira, Dr. Gabriela Sosa, Adam Lawrence, and Christina Brown.)

BBP relies heavily on volunteers to supplement the work of our hardworking park crew. In 2021, we had more than 1,600 volunteers who contributed 4,300 hours to maintaining and beautifying Buffalo Bayou Park and downtown green spaces. Generously sponsored by Enbridge, our volunteer program welcomed corporate, school, and civic groups as well as individual volunteers throughout the year.

Laying the Groundwork for a Cleaner Buffalo


Each year BBP’s Clean & Green team removes over 2,000 cubic yards of trash and debris from the waterway. Integral to the cleanup program is the Bio-Vac, an industrial-strength vessel that vacuums plastic bottles, Styrofoam cups, beer bottles, and a variety of untold other items. This year our Field Operations Manager Robby Robinson and BBP Chair Emeritus Mike Garver designed a new boat that will allow more trash to be removed with greater efficiency in the coming years. Generously supported by Sis and Hasty Johnson and the Kinder Foundation, the new boat will be manufactured and launched in the coming year.

BUFFALO BAYOU PARTNERSHIP 2021 Annual Report 7 buffalobayou.org

Laying the Groundwork for Connectivity

In downtown, BBP worked in collaboration with the Houston Parks Board and Houston Parks & Recreation Department to continue construction of an $8 million hike and bike trail. The unique trail segment incorporates existing infrastructure as it winds its way through the basement of several historic Harris County buildings along Commerce Street. The project also includes a plaza and green space at Austin Street. This important trail, which will connect Buffalo Bayou Park and downtown bayou sites to points east, was generously supported by Barbara and the late Gerald Hines, Wendy and Jeff Hines, Sis and Hasty Johnson, the Kinder Foundation through the Bayou Greenways Program, and the Downtown Redevelopment Authority.

The Greater East End and Fifth Ward neighborhoods have long been physically cut off from Buffalo Bayou and have had very limited access to each other. The Buffalo Bayou East Master Plan calls for an extensive network of trails, on-street bikeways, “green fingers,” and multi-modal transportation to provide vital linkages. In 2021, BBP brought together numerous public and private stakeholders to develop a comprehensive transportation plan, Connecting Buffalo Bayou East. Working with consultants from The Goodman Corporation, the group identified synergistic projects and strategic funding approaches. BBP and its partners are using the plan to apply for federal and state transportation funding.

Laying the Groundwork for Park Equity

Since launching the Buffalo Bayou East Master Plan in 2019, BBP has been hard at work implementing this visionary project. Thanks to the early support of Houston Endowment, The Brown Foundation, and several other Houston foundations, we completed schematic design plans for major sites in the Greater East End and Fifth Ward.

Architecture and planning firms Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates and Natalye Appel Architects worked on the plans to expand Tony Marron Park from 19 to 40 acres, while Houston-based landscape architecture firm Asakura Robinson focused on the future transformation of Japhet Creek, a small natural tributary that will connect the Fifth Ward neighborhood to Buffalo Bayou. In addition, Reed Hilderbrand and NADAAA developed restoration plans for Turkey Bend, a BBP property that includes a massive wharf and a 50,000 sq. ft. warehouse along Navigation Boulevard that will house Houston Public Library’s Hispanic History Research Center (HHRC) and Archives.

Throughout the Buffalo Bayou East Master Plan’s community engagement process, residents voiced the need for more

affordable housing to enable existing families to remain in their neighborhoods after improvements are made. Responding to this need, BBP is devoting 13 acres of its property to mixed-income housing. Located on the bayou’s south bank along Lockwood Drive, the development will include multi-family apartments and single-family residences. In collaboration with Brinshore, a Chicago-based affordable housing developer, BBP was awarded $24 million federal nine percent tax credits and City of Houston Community Development Block Grant funds for the project’s first phase which consists of 80 multi-family units. Once fully developed, the site will have more than 300 units of affordable housing, over six acres of green space, trails linking to nearby Tony Marron Park, a children’s play area, and public art.

9 buffalobayou.org

Laying the Groundwork for a More Engaged Community

With the hiring of our organization’s first-ever Community Engagement Manager in 2021, Juan Antonio Sorto, BBP was able to strengthen its outreach efforts and plan for new initiatives in neighborhoods bordering Buffalo Bayou. Whether it was regularly attending civic association meetings, scheduling volunteer events, or convening groups of small business owners, health providers and other community stakeholders, BBP kept abreast of neighborhood needs and concerns while securing valuable input on our plans and projects.

After relying on virtual meetings in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this past spring BBP was able to host major, in-person gatherings at Tony Marron Park and Turkey Bend to update the public on the designs for these important Buffalo Bayou East destinations.

On May 15, along a one-mile route at Tony Marron Park, attendees stopped at five stations providing their input on what types of activities they would like to see at the site. Incorporating nature into the park’s design was an overwhelmingly cited recommendation.

BBP’s Turkey Bend property is one of the most unique sites along the bayou’s east sector. Throughout the day on June 12, the public had the opportunity to tour the historic warehouse and expansive wooden wharf. Performances, public art, and a variety of boating activities were envisioned for what is destined to be Buffalo Bayou’s most celebrated recreational and cultural destinations.


Laying the Groundwork for Future Arts and Culture

After nearly a year of quarantine, the public was able to gather again and enjoy an ever-expanding array of cultural, educational, and just plain fun activities on Buffalo Bayou.

As we closed out Estructuras Monumentales, an exhibition of massive geometric sculptures by the late Cuban artist Carmen Herrera, we launched Time No Longer, a visual and sound installation by internationally renowned multimedia artist Anri Sala. The work transformed the Buffalo Bayou Park Cistern into an other-worldly environment, incorporating an original film projected onto a massive translucent screen, reflecting on the glassy surface of the Cistern’s water. Time No Longer wove together themes including space exploration, Houston history, and music into a multi-sensory experience in 360 degrees. Several accompanying public programs including musical performances, talks, and film screenings were organized in conjunction with this dramatic artwork. Time No Longer received a prestigious international 2021 Collaboration

of Design + Art (CODA) Merit award which celebrates exemplary collaborations between art and design in the built environment.

As we looked to the future of public art along the waterway, especially in Buffalo Bayou East, we recognized that a more structured and deliberate process for selecting art was in order. As a result, the BBP Public Art Committee, along with staff, began to develop a public art plan that designates roles for board, staff, local stakeholders, and professional curators to weigh in on the selection of artworks. Permanent commissions, temporary exhibitions, installations in the Cistern, and residencies for local artists to develop and showcase works are all part of this strategic document.

Laying the Groundwork for a More Diverse, Equitable, Inclusive, and Accessible Organization

BBP has long been committed to the principles of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility in everything we do. Over the past two years, we articulated and deepened our dedication to these principles in our work.

BBP’s efforts to embed diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) into all facets of the organization are spearheaded by a board committee. Co-chaired by Rev. Harvey Clemons, Jr., Anne Whitlock, and Gloria Zenteno, the committee organized Lunch and Learn sessions where small groups of board members became familiar with the concepts of DEIA and shared their own personal stories and experiences related to parks and public space. These meetings were followed by a full board and staff retreat facilitated by the consultant team WeCollab. All of this work has laid the groundwork for the development of a BBP Equity Plan.


Time No Longer

BioArt Bayou-torium

Jazzy Sundays Regatta

While Time No Longer was experienced in the underground Cistern, other public art and programming was enjoyed in Buffalo Bayou’s parks, along its trails, and even on the water itself!


The bayou’s flora and fauna took center stage at several family-friendly events. Bugstock, a fall evening event at Yolanda Black Navarro Buffalo Bend Nature Park, featured nature hikes, plant giveaways, and bug-inspired art activities. One of the biggest attractions – for bugs and people alike – was artist/biologist Brandon Ballengée’s Love Motel for Insects, a butterfly sculpture that allowed nature lovers of all ages to observe nocturnal arthropods like moths and beetles by attracting them to an ultra-violet canvas.

Magnolia Park-based artist Henry Sanchez’s BioArt Bayou-torium offered another creative way for Bugstock attendees to experience and learn about Buffalo Bayou’s ecosystem. Housed in a retooled shipping container, the science lab and art studio provided children with microscopes, laptops, and color printers that they used to sketch the bayou’s landscape and wildlife. Sanchez created the project to specifically foster the stewardship of Buffalo Bayou with Spanish-speaking communities in Houston’s East End.

Summer Species

BBP kicked off its inaugural Summer Species series with bats! Throughout July and August, special tours and talks were presented to educate the public about the 200,000 Mexican free-tailed bats that call Buffalo Bayou home.

Every Sunday in November, bayou visitors grooved at Jazzy Sundays in the Park at The Water Works. The free concerts celebrated the legacy and evolution of jazz in Houston. The series was made possible by a grant from the Kinder Foundation and presented in partnership with Discovery Green Conservancy and Emancipation Park Conservancy.

As a result of the pandemic, our 49th annual BBP Regatta, always held in the spring, was postponed until October. Despite the rain, more than 500 paddlers made the 15-mile journey down the waterway to Allen’s Landing where participants enjoyed a post-race celebration. For the eighth consecutive year, Gillman Subaru was the event’s presenting sponsor.

Gala Kids Day

More than 3,000 children and families attended BBP’s 14th annual Kids Day presented by KBR. The new location, Tony Marron Park in Houston’s Second Ward, provided BBP the opportunity to expand the event’s activities which included performances on the H-E-B stage, a birds of prey show, reptile and bee exhibits, Dia de Los Muertos face painters and much, much more!

Our annual gala, held on the Sabine Street Bridge, paid tribute to BBP board members Rev. Harvey Clemons, Jr, Anne Whitlock, and Gloria Zenteno, powerful voices in our efforts to become a more inclusive, diverse, and equitable organization. Chaired by Bonner and George Ball, the event was attended by more than 350 guests who helped us raise nearly $600,000 for BBP’s work to create and steward transformative parks and trails.





Ann Blankinship

The Brown Foundation, Inc./ Ralph Abendshein

The Brown Foundation, Inc./ Herman L. Stude

Carol Butler

The Gordon A. Cain Foundation

Janet F. Clark


Andrew Delaney Foundation

ExxonMobil Foundation

Ray C. Fish Foundation

Harriet and Joe Foster Foundation

Garver/Black/Hilyard Family Foundation

George and Mary Josephine

Hamman Foundation

The Hanover Company

Houston Downtown Management District Neste US, Inc.

The Powell Foundation

Strake Foundation

The Tapeats Fund Tini Lulu Fund


Susan Vaughan Foundation


The Brown Foundation, Inc./ Gillian Stude Sarofim

The Crain Foundation

The Crain Foundation in honor of Helen Gardner Crain and Peter Lacy Crain

Kathryn and Leon de Sousa

Jamil Driscoll

Sarah and Michael Elliott Gena and David Helm

Houck Family Foundation

Estate of Wayne D. Johnson

Katz Coffee

Harris and Eliza Kempner Fund

Knobloch Family Foundation


Robert J. Lorio

Gretchen and Andrew R. McFarland

Sarah G. Candler and Ted McKenna

Scurlock Foundation

Anne Whitlock and Michael Skelly

Nancy P. Thompson

Keri and Christopher R. Wagner

Williams Companies



Claire P. Caudill

Chevron Matching Employee Funds Constellation an Exelon Company

Jerry Davis

Richard P. Dawson

Heather and Giles Dunn

Angeline Eddleman

Gayle and Robert M. Eury

Marie Fay Evnochides

Nanette Finger

Ruth and Dan H. Flournoy

Joshua P. Galvan

Jean and Ashley Guy Hewlett Packard

Janet and Fred J. Heyne III

Lee Huber

Amy and Zachary S. Huie

Wendy and Mavis Kelsey, Jr.

Ann and Thomas R. Kelsey

Jan-Claire Phillips and Jerry Kendall

Kensinger Donnelly, LLC

Le Colonial Texas, LLC


LESCO Architectural Lighting

Olivia Djibo and Olivier Lhommet

The Lindley Family Foundation in honor of Nancy Abendshein

Susan and David Lummis

Steve Luppino

Martha Turner Sotheby’s International Realty

Jennifer and Ben McClure

Lindsey and Clint McGee

Anne Mendelsohn

Marguerite and Steve Morrell

Chandler Morris

Kimberly Nettles

Anne and Tom Olson

The Oshman Foundation

Cindy and B. Kelley Parker III

Randall Petrick

Kristen and Carlo Pippolo

Susan and Bob Pohl

Robertson-Finley Foundation

Karen and Arthur Rogers

Kelly and David Rose

Carolyn and Jake Sabat in honor of Karen Farber

Ellen C.L. Simmons

Sarah Smith

Janet and John Springer

Keith & Mattie Stevenson Foundation

Tellepsen in honor of Ian Rosenberg

Laurie and Ralph Tullier

Two Sigma Investments LP

Waco Chamber of Commerce in memory of Lionel Jude Clifton

John E. Walsh, Jr.

The Wonderful Company Foundation Inc

Teresa and Jimmy Wong Family Foundation

Lorraine Wulfe in honor of Anne Olson and Trudi Smith Sarah and Peter Zuckerman


Natalie and Rishad Alikhan

Lori S. Atkins

Bank of America Charitable Foundation

Dr. Marcia Levetown and Dr. Philip Blum

Betty T. Chapman

Betty Jo and Andy Currie in honor of Sis Johnson

EOG Resources, Inc. Nicole and Fareed Elhaj

Jackie and Robert Gates Melissa Gerhold

Richard T. Gilbane

Maarit and W. Russell Harp Karen and Dallas Ives

Kristin and Jay Janger in honor of Chris Paschke

Rodney Kellems

Kendra Scott LLC

Samir Khushalani

Carey Kirkpatrick/CKP

Colin Latham

Anne Lynn

Laura Devitt and Stephen Massad

Sonja and Steve McKinnon

Dawna and Tom Menges

Patricia Hunt and Joseph Milton

Kevin Morano

Mark Andrew Morris

Blaine Morris

Karen and Mark Newell

Virginia G. Hodge and Bruce F. Nichols

Cathy and Dan Pleitz in memory of Lionel Jude Clifton

Esther and Gary Polland

Susan Rudolph

Jamie Alexander and Scott Somerville in memory of Lionel Jude Clifton

Erin Mincberg Spiegel

Colorado Stanton Family in memory of Lionel Jude Clifton

Sarah Stiff

TC Energy Bill Bob Tallent

Prem K. Vuthandam

Jennifer Wittman and L. Fabian Worthing


Bernardo Abrams

Natalye Appel

BioE Buddies, Barbara, Lisa, Miel, Quique in memory of Lionel Jude Clifton

Vivian Ho and Richard Boylan

Debbie and Mike Breazeale

Camille Bryan Burns and McDonnell Foundation

Andy Canales

Common Bond

Ken Council

Sharon R. Cunningham Dee Dee Dochen, DDD Marketing


Anne S. Doughty

Linda Shead and Tom Douglas Helen and Gary Dowling Dress For Success Houston

Winn Dubois

Emily Feasey

Jenny Fitzpatrick

Rachel and Edward Folse Dave Franken Brandi Fruge Getty Images Google

Rita and Mike Grogan

Jace Heuring in memory of Lionel Jude Clifton

Eleanor Hobaugh

Kate and Joe Hood

Lonnie Hoogeboom

Austin Jadloski

William B. Johnson

Christian Kelleher

Cindee and Curtis Klement


Jeremy Kubicek

Virginia Lew Meredith and Will Lewis in honor of Ken and Edie Purgason

Karl Long Kelsey and Colin McCulley

Michael McGinity

Yvonne Meyer in honor of Our Health Care Workers

Sandra M. Lue and Mark R. Moncman in honor of Georgia Nell Bishop Anne and Jack Moriniere in honor of Richard P. Dawson Darryl Morrison

Heath Naquin in memory of Lionel Jude Clifton William McDowell Hoak and Fred Perkins

Lisa and Greg Pettigrew

Linda Powers

Margaret C. Preston in honor of Dr. Alex Rosas Cherie Ray

Drs. Alex and Lynn Rosas Mark B. Ryan

The Sam Schubert Foundation in honor of Zane and Brady Carruth Sarah Fort Sholklapper and Ariel Sholklapper

Nicholas Stillman

Ruan and Sam Swanepoel David Swenson

ThermoFisher Scientific Kelley and David Tobin

Emily L. Todd

Mary Anne Piacentini and Drexel Turner

Sherri and Hulse Wagner in honor of Carol Gibson Wagner

Trey Wales Jo Ann Williams

Dr. Geri Wood



OCTOBER 2, 2021

$15,000-24,000 Gillman Subaru Subaru of America, Inc. Share the Love Campaign

$1,000-5,000 Academy Sports + Outdoors BKO Services CenterPoint Energy Wendy and Shawn W. Cloonan East River The Fay School Fountain Works, LLC Mike Garver

IDS Engineering Group Marie Louise and David Kinder Millis Development & Construction The Morgan Group Winifred and Carleton Riser SWCA Environmental Consultants

$100-999 Bennie Flores Ansell Guinevere Green Basnight Costello, Inc. Kimberly and Bradley Dennison Tamela and Jim Hamilton Page Kathleen Shelton

Angela Wilcox

Elizabeth D. Williams

In-Kind 106.9 and 107.5 Houston’s Eagle 365 Things to do in Houston Downtown District ESPN 97.5 Harris County Flood Control District Henderson & Kane General Store Katz Coffee Northwest Amateur Radio Society Raising Cane’s Saint Arnold Brewing Company Snooze an A.M. Eatery SportsMap US Army Corps of Engineers


OCTOBER 23, 2021

$15,000-36,000 H-E-B KBR $2,500-5,000 Conely Foundation Legacy Community Health McDonald’s Houston Morales Memorial Foundation $500-1,000 Barrio Dogs The Center for Pursuit HomeLight

In-Kind 365 Things to Do in Houston Houston Family Magazine Houston Parks & Recreation Department



$10,000-25,000 Laura and John Arnold Bonner and George Ball The Brown Foundation, Inc./ Nancy Abendshein

CenterPoint Energy Wendy and Shawn W. Cloonan Claudia and Roberto Contreras Sylvie and Gary Crum Virginia Hoops and Lee Doggett Electra and Doug Elliott

Mike Garver

Hanover Company

H-E-B Hines

John P. McGovern Foundation

Margaret and Ben Morris Sanders Morris Harris Anat Kelman Shaw and Chad A. Shaw PhD

Leigh and Reggie Smith Sheridan and John Eddie Williams, Jr.


Chinhui Juhn and Edward R. Allen

Susan and Ron Blankenship Brinshore Development LLC

The Brown Foundation, Inc./ Ralph Abendshein

Maureen and Ric Campo

Zane and Brady Carruth

Central Houston, Inc.

Concept Neighborhood

Susie and Sanford Criner

Carolyn and Chris Dorros

Jenny Elkins

Clayton and Shel Erikson

Cece and Mack Fowler

Cullen Geiselman

Ann Lents and David Heaney Janet and Paul Hobby

Ismaili Council for the Southwestern USA

JP Morgan Chase Bank

Sis and Hasty Johnson

Wendy and Mavis Kelsey

Marie Louise and David Kinder

Guy Hagstette and Doug Lawing

Michele and Paul Marvin

Midway/East River

Millis Development & Construction

Lainie Gordon and David Mincberg

Alisha Nathoo

Ott Charitable Foundation

Tennie and David Ott, Jr.

Kathy Flanagan Payton

Winifred and Carleton Riser

Beth Robertson

Laura Moore and Don Sanders

Leslie and Shannon Sasser

Millette and Haag Sherman

in honor of Bonner and George Ball

Anne Whitlock and Michael Skelly

Johnny Steele

Judy and Charles Tate in honor of Bonner and George Ball

UTHealth Houston

Meg and Dick Weekley

Julie and Don Weir

Geraldina Interiano Wise and Scott W. Wise Sallie and Bob Wright Lizzie and Andrew Ziccardi


Francey Pengra and Ed Allday Barbara J. Amelio

Sandy and Mike Ballases

Jo May and Doug Beagle

Drs. Nancy Glass and John Belmont Melina McCarty Bishop and John Bishop

Ann Blankinship

Minnette and Peter Boesel Bracewell LLP

Bill Butzner

Gayl and Chuck Carlberg Virginia and Jack Chandler

Julie Briley Chaugule and Saurabh Chaugule

Chevron Matching Employee Funds Clark Condon

Jacquelyn and Collin Cox Richard P. Dawson

Gaynell Floyd Drexler Jessica Eskew

Sidney and Ab Fay Kathy O’Neil and Philip Ferguson Shari and Tom Fish

Forney Construction Debby Francis Natalie and Bill Fulton Gensler

HR&A Advisors, Inc.

J Squared Family Foundation

Jill and Dunham Jewett

Lynn and Ty Kelly

Ann and Tom Kelsey

Kathleen and Randall Lake

Candyce Rylander and Andrew Lear in honor of Rev. Harvey Clemons, Jr.

Lisa Marshall

Gretchen and Andrew McFarland

Robert Mease/Page

Marisa Janusz and Joe Meppelink

Ginni and Richard Mithoff

State Representative Christina Morales/ Morales Memorial Foundation

Audrey and Robb Moses

Louise and Gary Moss

Roxann and Tim Neumann

Judy and Scott Nyquist

Anne and Tom Olson

Marsha and Charlie Parker George Peterkin

DONORS BUFFALO BAYOU PARTNERSHIP 2021 Annual Report 17 buffalobayou.org


Port Houston

SWA Group

Carson and Arthur Seeligson

Jennifer Segal

Barbara and Louis Sklar

José Solis

Barbara and Tom Solis

Anne A. Symonds

Lisa and Jeff Taylor

Tadd Tellepsen

Lisa and Saul Valentin

John E. Walsh, Jr.

Leslye and David Weaver

Lea Weingarten

Andrea and Bill White Gloria Zenteno


Emily Abeln

Nory Angel

Frances and Tim Arnoult in honor of Bonner and George Ball

Asakura Robinson

Ben S. Brown

Claire Caudill

Cathy Chapman

Laura Conely

Margaret Culbertson

Susie and Joe Dilg in honor of Bonner and George Ball Marsha Dodson

Zion Escobar

Karen Farber

Bolivar M. Fraga

Morgan Garvey Stacey Gillman

Allison Hay

in honor of Rev. Harvey Clemons, Jr. and Anne Whitlock

Joy Horak-Brown

Stacy and Scott Humphries

Harriet and Truett Latimer

Cathy C. Malone

Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates Inc.

Morgan and M. Bradford Moody


Miki Lusk Norton

Erin and Adrian Patterson

Mary and Larry Peterson

Pamela and William Wallace

Jane Wood


A Fare Extraordinaire

Bergner & Johnson Design

City of Houston

CORE Design Studio

Frankly Organic Vodka H-E-B

Houston First Houston Parks & Recreation Department

LD Systems Total Wine & More



Raquel Cedillo

Michele Clements

Kimberly and Bradley Dennison C.C. and Duke Ensell

Shirley Bludau and Mike Grimes

Catherine Heider

Laura Lopez

Teresa J. McCanlies

Bridgette and Neel Naik

Cliff and Carol Pearson Erik Georg Peterson Jill Talisman

Keri and Christopher R. Wagner


Andra and Patrick Abbott

Sonal Sudhir Bhagia

Robert G. Bonagurio

Emilie D. Booth

Ted L. Caryl

Elizabeth and Mitch Cheney

Christy and Tom Compson

Laura Conely

Frank and Jeanine Cusimano

David Dargie

Pamela Dwyer

Shelly R. Fegter

Stephen Fo

Anne Glover

Kenneth Harder

Tracy Hatz

Janet D. Hinners

Rose Cullivan Hock and Carl Hock

Stella Camille Brice and David Hornburg

Michael Huebener

Patty Kleinknecht

Cody Ledvina

Ingalill Leon

Edward Main

Carolie Martin

Sandra McCoy

Julia Morgan

Melissa G. Morse

Sarah Newbery

Laura Oren

Loretta Denise Petitt

Jim Powers

John Reynolds

Margaret Rochs

Rebecca Estrada and Craig Schofer

Liz and Rob Shoss

Ellias D. Stabinsky

Tonja Poorman Strahan

Cynthia Diane Weil



Obi Alfred Shadia Al-Shafei

Jean-Paul Antoine

Farah Anwar

Arlinda Arriaga

Nafiah Kimberly Aziz

Patrick Bailey

John Barrett

Liana M. Boop

Natalie Jane Bro

Sierra Brown Matt S. Buckles

Sarah Abare and Chris Carlberg

Amanda Carrico

Lucy Cevallos

Julie Briley Chaugule and Saurabh Chaugule

Katherine and Kevin Clegg

Jahmal Clemons

Jessica Ashley Correll

Gabe Cuadra

Janine Jakubauskas and Kurt Davidson

Jeffrey Davis

Fatima De Leon

Lauren Dick

Amin Esmaily

Monica Anne Esqueda

Abby Fernandez

Vincent Florentine

Lauren Morris and Casey Foote

Eva L. Francavilla

Stephanie Gobea

Alexandria Gabriele Gonzales

Kyle Graper Alina Slavik and Philip Grimaldi

Anna Gryska

Marc Anthony Guerrero

Zack Hamburg

Michelle Hart

Margaret and Patrick Healy

Mariela Arely Hernandez

Annelise Moore Herr and Joshua Herr

Darryl Herzik

Liza Naomi Hirsch

Richard Albert Huang

Grant Huber

Rachel Elizabeth Iwicki

Janelle Marie Jagnanan

Caitlin Rose Jancuska

Carolyn Karr

Moriah Kearney

Maire Kelley

Caroline Engerrand and William Kost

Rose Kreditor

Breanna Kuenstler

Devin Allen Lewis

Frances Nguyen and Luke Lewis

Olivia Djibo and Olivier Lhommet

Katie Maassen

Joshua Mabasa

Kristen and Robert Malecki

Trisha Mantri

Tristin Byrd and Joshua McClendon

Claudia V. and Christopher Mejia

Emily A. Jaschke and Paul Middendorf

Emily Miller

Damian Moncada

Gerardo (Gerry) S. Montalvo

Stephanie Weber and Paul Muri

Maryam Nasizadeh

Michael Newhouse

Paul Norris

Lauren Nowak

Jennifer Ontaneda

Erik Ostlind

Ed Page

Ashish C. Patel

Varsha Podduturi

Richard Precious

Jill Jahns and Andrew Probasco

Girijaa Ramlakhan

Kori and Darren Randle

Jessica J. Rattani

Lorraine Reid

Kelley Stair and Charles Reynolds

Ronda Ross

Sandra Saenz

Kyle Ryan Sahni

Lauren Rachel Schwartz

David Senter

Apoorva Sharma

Kari Shearer

Beth Shook

Christian Siboldi

Thomas Simpson

Yetunde Sokunbi

Isis Taveras

Zara Tickner

Samuel Todd

Kristen Torrez

Kelley Katherine Trier

John David Vasquez

Cristina Garcia Viesca

Ashley Webb

Ariel Williams

Daniel Williamson

Whitney Bosworth and David Wishnow James Woodard

Sarah and Peter Zuckerman



Frankly Organic Vodka Joyful Vintage Photography Ouzo Bay Raising Cane’s

Rebecca Creek Distillery Saint Arnold Brewing Company Sticky’s Chicken

Tiff’s Treats Topo Chico


$2,500,000 Downtown Redevelopment Authority/ TIRZ #3

$25,000-175,000 Enbridge Ray C. Fish Foundation

Harris County Flood Control District The Wortham Foundation, Inc.

$1,500-10,000 Bill.Com

Enterprise Holdings Foundation Ernst & Young U.S. LLP The Garden Club of Houston Neste US, Inc. River Network Dena and Harry Sokolow Sandy and David Strong Von Voigtlander Family Foundation

$100-1,000 Allied Universal The Awty International School Barbara Cooney

Kathryn and Gary Dudley Friends of Todd F. Shockley Genesis Energy, LP Cheryl and Jim Lerdal Cassie B. Stinson Bill Bob Tallent


Michele and Paul Marvin


$10,000-29,000 Jereann and Holland Chaney Houston Arts Alliance Franci Neely Radoff Family Foundation Vivian L. Smith Foundation


The Anchorage Foundation of Texas The Brown Foundation, Inc./ Ralph Abendshein Alfred C. Glassell III Hobby Family Foundation The Cynthia and George Mitchell Foundation

Scott and Judy Nyquist Winifred and Carleton Riser Jerome Schultz Phoebe and Bobby Tudor Weingarten Art Group Geraldina Interiano Wise and Scott W. Wise Nina and Michael Zilkha $100-1,500 Chinhui and Eddie Allen Friends of the High Line Linda and Barry Hunsaker The Long Drink Company Lillie Robertson J.A. Robins in honor of Leslie Field and Morris Weiner Vicky and Gordon Wight

In-Kind Hotel Icon Houston Public Media Marian Goodman Gallery [N.A!] Project Scott and Judy Nyquist Weingarten Art Group


$140,000-377,400 Harris County Flood Control District Sis and Hasty Johnson Kinder Foundation

$20,000-30,000 Molson Coors Beverage Company Port Houston

$100-2,500 Barbara Cooney Christopher Foyt GSSJC Girl Scout Troop 21721 Insperity Lisa Lee Lindsey Newton in memory of Lionel Jude Clifton Principle|Brand Agency Sempra LNG


$100-1,000 Carlton Ahrens Naomi Hoffmeyer Cliffton Kalibjian Dr. Brendan and Maria Lee Catherine and Matt Matthews OJB

Shirley and Greg Rosin Tyndale Company Bess Wilhelms

NORTH CANAL $12,000 Kinder Foundation


$1,500,000 The Cullen Foundation

$250,000-400,000 Art Blocks Inc. Garver/Black/Hilyard Family Foundation

$10,000-30,000 BBVA

Sandy and Mike Ballases

Bank of America Charitable Foundation Union Pacific Foundation

$400-3,500 Yvonne Meyer in memory of Dr. LeRoy and Adelle Shaw Rice University

In-Kind Amandes PLLC Henderson & Kane General Store Pinto East End LLC Tellepsen

Please know every effort was made to ensure that the information published is accurate and reflects the requests of individual donors. If any inadvertent errors or omissions have occurred, please notify Buffalo Bayou Partnership’s Chief Development Officer.


Lawrence Elizabeth Knox, Amanda Joy Schroder, Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates, Henry G. Sanchez, Christof Spieler, Anthony Rathbun, and Jenny Antill All other images courtesy of Buffalo Bayou Partnership.

BUFFALO BAYOU PARTNERSHIP 2021 Annual Report 19 buffalobayou.org



as of December 31, 2021 and 2020


Cash and cash equivalents Prepaid expenses and other receivables Investments Contributions receivable Property, net Total assets


Liabilities: Accounts payable and accrued expenses Deferred revenue Paycheck Protection Program refundable advance Advanced contributions Notes payable Total liabilities Net assets: Without donor restrictions With donor restrictions Total net assets Total liabilities and net assets

2021 $ 21,125,823 294,612 1,019,500 23,155,008 $ 45,594,943 $ 1,991,014 295,107 255,000 2,444,151 4,985,272 23,612,118 16,997,553 40,609,671 $ 45,594,943


$ 1,976,161 475,701 15,597,331 6,572,139 20,252,613 $ 44,873,945 $ 319,563 247,981 396,100 755,000 2,693,946 4,412,590 22,266,294 18,195,061 40,461,355 $ 44,873,945



for the year ended December 31, 2021


Fees and program revenues: Contract service fees Park rentals and fees Contributions: Land donation Paycheck Protection Program Other Special events Cost of direct donor benefits Other income Total revenue Net assets released from restrictions Total EXPENSES

Buffalo Bayou development, maintenance and park programming Management and general Fundraising Total expenses


Net assets, beginning of year Net assets, end of year




$ 3,464,490 712,838 437,556 667,395 (136,458) 165,404 5,311,225 7,283,898 12,595,123 10,163,776 680,418 405,105 11,249,299 1,345,824 22,266,294 $ 23,612,118

$ 2,000,000 396,100 3,690,290 6,086,390 (7,283,898) (1,197,508) (1,197,508) 18,195,061 $ 16,997,553

TOTAL $ 3,464,490 712,838 2,000,000 396,100 4,127,846 667,395 (136,458) 165,404 11,397,615 11,397,615 10,163,776 680,418 405,105 11,249,299 148,316 40,461,355 $ 40,609,671

21 buffalobayou.org 2021 Annual Report BUFFALO BAYOU PARTNERSHIP





Bolivar M. Fraga


Andrea Alexander

Veronica Avila

Bonner S. Ball

Andy Canales

Harvey Clemons, Jr. Roberto Contreras Jerry Davis

Richard P. Dawson

Carolyn W. Dorros

Zion Escobar

Michael D. Fertitta

Stacey Gillman

Guy Hagstette

Lisa Helfman

Janet Hobby

Samir Khushalani

Marie Louise Kinder

Lisa Marshall Erin Mincberg

Alisha N. Nathoo

David Ott Erin Patterson

Winifred Riser

Shannon B. Sasser

Carson Trapnell Seeligson

Christof Spieler

Anne Whitlock

Geraldina Interiano Wise Gloria Zenteno


Toni Beauchamp*

Chuck Carlberg Brady F. Carruth Collin J. Cox

Thomas Fish Mike Garver Dennis Greer

Artie Lee Hinds* Sis Johnson

Susan Keeton Dr. Manuel Pacheco

Bob Phillips F. Max Schuette* Raymond Snokhous Georgia Wilson *deceased


Mayor Sylvester Turner

City of Houston

Judge Lina Hidalgo Harris County

Kenneth Allen

Houston Parks & Recreation Department

Loren J. Blanchard, Ph.D. University of Houston Downtown

Commissioner Rodney Ellis Harris County Precinct One

Erik Eriksson

Port Houston

Robert M. Eury Central Houston Inc.

Commissioner Adrian Garcia Harris County Precinct Two

Roksan Okan-Vick Houston First

Jennifer Ostlind

City of Houston Planning and Development Department

Russell A. Poppe Harris County Flood Control District

Commissioner Tom S. Ramsey, P.E. Harris County Precinct Three


Anne Olson


Karen Farber Vice President of External Affairs

Rebecca Leija Database and Office Coordinator

Simone Leonard Communications Manager

Michele Marvin Director of Finance and Administration

Leigh McBurnett Chief Development Officer

Jessica McFall Marketing Manager Trudi Smith Director of Programming

Juan Antonio Sorto Community Engagement Manager

Amy Vargas Bookkeeper

CLEAN & GREEN Robby Robinson Field Operations Manager

Trey Dennis Field Operations Technician

Brett Farley Field Operations Mechanic

Ned McQuarn Field Operations Technician

David Rivers Field Operations Foreman

Robert Ruiz Field Operations Technician


Joe Rodriguez Park Director

Jose Armas Weekend Operations Supervisor

Alison Duran Venue and Visitor Services Supervisor

Toni Estrada Office Manager

Lenore Gordon Visitor Services Assistant

Mariel Guenther Venue Coordinator

Donna Irwin Horticulturist

Dwendol Nelson Visitor Services Coordinator


Dr. Gabriela Sosa Conservation Manager

Christina Brown Adam Lawrence Kevin Muraira


Daniel Campa Charles Chatman

Isaias Guerrero-Ramirez Matthew Guerrero Juan Hernandez Silvestre Lopez Martin Manzo David Mayberry Frank Moreno Genaro Salcedo Alberto Sanchez Ezequiel Sandoval Jose Sandoval-Medina Lester Charles Thomas


Steve Parker Volunteer Coordinator

Jeff Parkinson Zone Supervisor

Alvaro Rangel Zone Supervisor

Florensio Tijerina Zone Supervisor

Rosemarie Croll Senior Cistern Attendant

Kathleen Healy Disha Khakheria Monica Sanchez


Ian M. Rosenberg José Solis

as of December 31, 2021

23 buffalobayou.org

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